
It had been over seven years since Shirou had ascended to the throne, including the year he spent in the Ector estate and the three months of travel. The young child who had been just over seven years old at the time had grown into a handsome and dignified young man of fifteen.

Despite his youthful appearance, Shirou's calm and composed demeanor made it difficult for others to perceive him as anything other than a serious and responsible King.

Over the course of these seven years, the trio from the Ector estate had all undergone their own unique transformations.

Kay, once known for his sharp tongue, had become a calm and collected knight. He exuded a solemn and steady presence, but when confronted by Merlin, he would still draw his sword and chase after him in a fit of rage.

Artoria had also grown in height and stature, now standing at about 1.7 meters tall. Despite her youthful appearance, she had the regal bearing of a lion king. However, due to obtaining her sheath, her body had stopped growing. Though still somewhat stern and serious in her countenance, she had matured significantly since her time at the Ector estate. At times, she even displayed a gentle and serene smile.

Undoubtedly, the one who had undergone the most significant transformation was Shirou.

As the saying goes, "suffering is the best whetstone." When compared to himself seven years ago, Shirou was now a completely different person. The contrast was so stark that anyone who had known him back then would hardly believe that the boy from seven years ago was the same person as the poised and confident young man standing before them today. This was especially true when compared to his unrefined self during the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Shirou was preparing for what would be his final battle as the King of Men - a war against the Crimson Moon.

Having assembled all the necessary resources, he had spent the last three years restoring his kingdom's strength. He had even managed to raise a massive army of up to one hundred thousand soldiers.

He was well aware of the adage that "to prepare for war, one must first feed the army." Thus, he had taken great care to ensure that his soldiers were well-fed and properly equipped for the impending conflict.

Two years prior, Shirou had been stockpiling army rations in Gaul while also using the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad to adjust the True Ether in the air. This was all in preparation for the upcoming European war.

Shirou understood that without True Ether, the Britons would not be able to survive upon landing. That's why he had taken the initiative to make preparations well in advance.

With the necessary preparations now almost complete, Shirou's final task was to assemble his army. Once he had done so, he would lead them into battle. Together with other allied forces, they would lay siege to the Western Roman Empire and the Crimson Moon.

It seemed that Zelretch, who had been observing parallel worlds without ever revealing himself, had finally taken notice of the impending war. He emerged from the gaps between parallel worlds to meet with Shirou.

"I've always wanted to meet you, King Arthur," Zelretch said. "Of all the parallel worlds I've observed, you're the only one who has managed to unify not only Britain, but also Ireland and Gaul, creating a powerful and prosperous dynasty. But more importantly, you're the only one who has attempted to persuade the planet to confront Crimson Moon and eliminate this grave threat to humanity once and for all."

"I wouldn't say we've completely succeeded," Shirou replied. "There's still a spider in South America, and we also have invaders on the moon."

"Oh? So you're aware of that too?" Zelretch grinned.

"Didn't Merlin inform you of my true origins?"

"Of course he did, but what does that matter, King Arthur? You have already become a part of history," Zelretch remarked.

"I see. That's certainly an interesting perspective. By the way, Merlin mentioned that he would reveal to me how to return to my own time once I've successfully unified Britain. As a magus who travels through parallel worlds, it seems that you may be the key to making that happen."

"I'm afraid I can't send you back. My magic only allows for horizontal interference in parallel worlds, but your situation involves vertical interference with time. You hail from a period over 1,500 years ahead of this world, and as such, I'm unable to send you back," Zelretch said, shaking his head.

"So, what you're saying is that I didn't travel to a parallel world at all, but instead was sent back over 1,500 years into my own world?" Shirou asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"Indeed, that's precisely what happened," Zelretch replied, nodding in affirmation.

"Am I also a part of history then?"

"Yes, you certainly are."

"But wouldn't that disrupt causality?"

"Not necessarily," Zelretch replied, shaking his head. "Have you heard of the 'Root'?"

"It's the origin of everything."

"That's correct. The 'Root' is the origin of everything, and time, space, and causality cannot interfere with it. When you traveled here from the 'Root', you were effectively split into two separate entities from a human perspective. Every action you take during your time here will be recorded, forming another record of your life. When you eventually return to the future, you'll continue along your original life path. Do you follow me?" Zelretch explained.

"So, you're saying that I've been split into two different records of my life by the 'Root': one as King Arthur and the other as 'Fujimaru Shirou'?"

"Shirou Fujimaru... Is that your real name? Never mind, but you've grasped the concept quite well."

Shirou leaned forward, "But what would happen to me if I had never followed this historical process? What if I never entered the 'Root' and never came here?"

"You have already been recorded in Pan-Human History. If you did not enter the 'Root' in the past, the record would contradict itself, resulting in the birth of parallel worlds."

Shirou's frown deepened as he spoke. "This sounds like I'm really special! Where does the record start from? Is it focusing on me?"

Zelretch shook his head. "Of course not. The record encompasses all of Pan-Human History, not just your life. Anyone who takes an action that deviates from the recorded history will create a different parallel world. However, you are indeed special. If you do something different from the record, the record will collapse due to self-contradiction, thereby changing the course of Pan-Human History."

"Why?" Shirou couldn't help but ask.

"Have you not realized how unique you are? The 'Root' is the origin of everything, recording every being, entity, and event, but there is no record of you," Zelretch explained. "Even gods, planets, the moon, and even myself as a magician, are documented in the 'Root.' Only those who transcend everything and reach the ultimate truth, the enlightened ones, are not recorded. And you, as a mere human, defy this logic by interfering with the record in the way of the enlightened ones. By deviating from your destined path, the record changes, but nobody knows how. However, it doesn't matter. The only significant turning point in your life should be entering the Root... Huh? Why do you look like you have a stomachache?"

"I just thought of an answer that makes me feel uneasy," Shirou said, wincing as if he had a stomachache. He finally understood why Zelretch had said there was no record of him. As a transmigrator from another world, he did not belong in this world and, therefore, would not be recorded in the 'Root.'

Zelretch's words led Shirou to a troublesome realization. If this was the same world, he probably knew who the extremely bad and self-centered person Scathach had mentioned during the Fourth Holy Grail War was. And now, he understood why Scathach had kept stabbing him in the future without saying a word.

He couldn't help but sigh. It had dawned on him that women like Scathach could also grow up!

But... his stomach hurts so much!

Shirou raised his hand and asked, "If I want to go back, how do I do it?"

Zelretch scratched his chin and replied, "I'm not certain. I've traveled in and out of the 'Root' numerous times, but I've never encountered a situation like yours. As a magician, I'm restricted from interfering with the record. Only the enlightened ones have the power to do so. By the way, did Merlin give you any instructions on how to return? Or was he trying to deceive you?"

"Let's forget about that for now," Shirou said. "Our main focus should be dealing with Crimson Moon."

"I'll help you with that, but only with that," Zelretch replied. "For anything else, you'll have to become a magical girl!" His normally calm face couldn't help but show a hint of excitement. "Let me tell you, your slender figure and cold demeanor are perfect for the cool on the outside, warm on the inside type of magical girl! You understand, right? Cool outside, warm inside? You, who came from 1,500 years in the future, should understand that. You're the kind of girl who doesn't say much but cares deeply. You and I..."

Before Zelretch could finish speaking, Shirou cut him off by snapping his fingers. A small beam of light shot from the top of the palace towards Zelretch.

Zelretch quickly waved his hand, casting a defensive barrier around himself to block the beam. "If you're not interested, forget it. But if you are, please consider my proposal."

Shirou scowled. "Get lost!"

"Okay, I'll come over once you're in a direct confrontation with Crimson Moon. But I have to tell you, besides him, you're the third person I can't stand to look at. You have the same potential as Merlin. Why don't you want to become a magical girl? It's really a waste..." With that, Zelretch muttered to himself and disappeared.

Shirou rubbed his forehead, feeling annoyed. In every way, this guy was worse than Merlin.

"Shirou... Shirou...!"

Arcueid rushed in, her eyes wide with panic. She ran towards the throne and took refuge behind it, shivering.

"What happened?" he asked, concerned.

"It's Morgan," Arcueid said, her voice trembling. "She wants me to use my Mystic Eyes on her. You have to do something, Shirou!"

"If she wants you to use them, then just use them."

"But I don't want to!" she exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice. "Why do they always come to me like this? My Mystic Eyes are not meant for hurting friends."

Shirou raised an eyebrow and asked, "They all come to you? I remember you helped Artie once with your Mystic Eyes, right? How can you say they all come to you?"

She hesitated before admitting, "I've used them twice. The first time was with Merlin when he was leaving Camelot. He asked for my help, so I used my Mystic Eyes on him. He smiled at me, so I thought it was good. The second time was with Artoria, but she cried... I don't want to see my friends in tears. Anyway, you deal with it! And I don't want to have anything to do with Morgan."

"Why not?"

"I don't know," she replied, "but I don't really like her. You deal with her, don't let her bother me again. I don't want to use my Mystic Eyes to hurt anyone who doesn't have any ill will towards me."


Shirou nodded and she smiled.

His intervention in the matter left Morgan frustrated, but she knew she couldn't do anything about it.

However, Shirou couldn't shake off a heavy thought that weighed on his mind. He had already suspected that Merlin might be deceiving him.

With the looming battle against Crimson Moon, Shirou realized that he needed to find a way back home before it was too late. Merlin held the key to his return, and he knew he couldn't afford to waste any more time.


It was Thursday, April 15th, 2002, and the once black-haired girl had grown into a young lady. As she opened her drawer, she saw the black pearl that symbolized her feelings paired with another, but the intended recipient, her older brother, was no longer there.

Everyone else believed that her brother was gone forever, but the girl refused to believe it. She knew that he must be out there somewhere, just unable to find his way home.

But even if he couldn't find his way back, it didn't matter. She was determined to bring him back home no matter what it took. With this pure thought in mind, the girl worked hard for seven long years.

Despite the lack of clues and goals, the young lady persevered tirelessly for seven years. Though others saw her as a weirdo, she refused to give up on the search for her brother, even as her efforts rendered her an outsider in the eyes of those around her.

Even the mother who had granted her power was powerless to help in this matter. Her brother had fallen into the Root, and she had no idea if he was still alive or where he might be.

But she never lost faith.

The young lady held firm to the belief that her brother was still alive and searching for a way back home. It was her unwavering persistence that made her seem strange to others.

After returning home from the hospital, she was exhausted. She slumped down at the table, and the black pearl, its strange energy still palpable, rolled across the surface.

"Brother...where are you?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

As she drifted off to sleep, a pink petal floated in through the open window, landing softly on her forehead.


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