
"Yo yo yo, Melly~ looks like you're in trouble~!" Ruby gloated.

Merlin's cold sweat intensified.

Shirou kept his gaze fixed on his sword, not looking at Merlin, and spoke without lifting his head. "Merlin, we had an agreement. After I defeated Vortigern and united Britain, you would tell me how to return to Avalon. Now, fulfill your end of the bargain and tell me."

Artoria hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "My king, if you wish to return to Avalon, Guinevere may have a way to help you."

Shirou glanced at Artoria and replied, "The Avalon I seek is not the same as this Avalon. Please don't interrupt me."

"Yes, my king," she responded, closing her mouth.

Merlin was sweating profusely as he spoke up. "My king, didn't you say you must defeat Crimson Moon before returning to Avalon?"

"Crimson Moon is like a fish on a chopping board to me. Right now, I want to know how to go home. Come on, tell me."

Merlin hesitated before speaking up. "Well..."

"You're not going to tell me that I can't return to Avalon and that you've been lying to me all along, are you?" Shirou interrupted.

Merlin trembled and forced a pale smile. "My king, you are truly wise."

Shirou laughed at first, but then his expression turned cold. "Gawain, Kay, hold him down."

"Yes, my king,"

Gawain and Kay approached Merlin, gripping his shoulders tightly. Merlin panicked and shouted, "What are you doing? What are you doing?!"

Shirou spoke in a chillingly cold tone. "Agravain, remove Merlin's pants."

Without hesitation, Agravain stepped forward like a great demon, causing Merlin to cry out in fear. "No, my king, please! What are you doing?"

Shirou picked up his sword and continued in the same cold tone. "You claim to like women, don't you? Well then, I'll let you experience the joy of becoming one! Artoria, turn away. You don't need to watch this."

"No... no, please don't do this!" Merlin sobbed.

Artoria spoke sternly. "Merlin, this matter is of utmost importance to the king. Stop playing around and tell us what you know."

"I know... I know... there is a way!"

Shirou ordered the others to release Merlin, who continued to sob uncontrollably. "That was too scary, too scary!"

"Hehehe... Melly~ you're such a good actor. This is just your clone, so it doesn't matter if it's castrated. Why are you so nervous? And isn't it exciting to become a real magical girl? I, Ruby, really like you~!" Ruby teased, laughing.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter if it's castrated? Although this body is a clone, my consciousness is still here! I don't want to experience what it's like to be castrated! And you said you liked me, but you were obviously lying!" Merlin complained.

Shirou furrowed his brow and questioned, "Isn't your main body here?"

With a joyful exclamation, Ruby responded, "I reveal! I reveal! This guy's true body has gone to Avalon!"

Shirou's expression turned grim as he pressed, "Are you avoiding me, Merlin?"

"No way! I'm there to help you solve your problem, Your Majesty! Why does everyone think of me, Merlin, that way? Even though, in the end, I'm the only one who's truly a good person."

Merlin grumbled for a while before holding up two fingers to him. "There are two ways for you to go back."

"What are the two ways?"

"One of them is the same as what I told you before -- suicide!"

Artoria cut in, "Merlin, please refrain from making tasteless jokes."

Merlin retorted, "I'm not joking!"

Shirou silenced Artoria with a hand gesture, signaled to Gawain and the others with his eyes, and then turned his attention back to Merlin. "Please continue."

"Have you met that gem-playing bastard yet? Do you understand your unusual condition? There's no record of you in the 'Root,' and your life has been split into two records. If you commit suicide now, you'll become a Heroic Spirit and be recorded in the Throne of Heroes, along with your body. The Throne of Heroes is a record that transcends time. I can give you the ability to 'appear separately' as a Heroic Spirit, allowing you to appear in your era directly from the Throne of Heroes, but the cost is your life. And once you're there, you'll never grow again!"

"That does sound like a good option, but what's the second way?" He had no intention of sacrificing himself.

"The second way can only be discussed in private," Merlin replied cryptically.

Shirou nodded and dismissed Artoria and the others. He turned to Merlin and said, "You may speak now."

Merlin cleared his throat and began, "The second method involves Avalon, Lily's scabbard, and myself. Avalon is a sacred place that is unaffected by time, and Lily's scabbard has the ability to connect with Avalon. The plan is to bury Lily's scabbard in a specific location. Then, I will enter Avalon and stop aging, which will allow me to travel back to your time directly. Afterward, I'll retrieve the scabbard and use Avalon's timelessness to open the way through time."

Shirou frowned, voicing his concern. "Is this even possible?"

"Absolutely," replied Merlin. "But keep in mind that this method is specific to you. Your existence is akin to that of the enlightened ones, who possess the ability to manipulate records. Even though you are not one of them, you share a similar existence, which allows you to interfere with records. Think of it as an illusion that allows the enlightened ones to travel through time records based on his form of existence. However, this method only works for individuals who have records on both ends. So, people from your future cannot cross over, but someone like Arcueid, who has records in the future, can."

"I see," he rubbed his chin in contemplation. He trusted Merlin's judgement, and this method sounded reliable as well.

Merlin leaned in, explaining the plan in detail. "Simply ask Lily to borrow her scabbard, and I'm sure she'll gladly lend it to you. Once you have it, choose a location to hide the scabbard, and make sure to never change it. Then instruct Lily to bury the scabbard in that same location. All that's left is to tell me the specific length of time, location, and calendar calculation you wish to return to. I'll keep track of the days with my fingers, ensuring your safe return."

"There is one thing, though," Merlin's expression turned serious. "With the abundance of time and uncertainty about what I may be thinking in the future, there's a chance that my future self may not want you to go back. In that case, this method may not work. But please trust me when I say that I will do everything in my power to ensure that you return, as it is my promise to you as a fellow human being."

Shirou listened intently before asking, "Understood. So what should I do now?"

"Begin by requesting Lily's scabbard and holding onto it. If all goes according to plan and no unexpected changes occur, future information will be transmitted to the scabbard through Avalon. However, the most crucial question is, what year are you planning to travel back to in the future?"

"Let's set the date for April 16th, 1994," Shirou spoke decisively. "You have Clairvoyance, so you can check the future calendar and ensure it's 1994, April 16th. I recall arriving here around April 15th, so it shouldn't contradict the record. The location we need is Fuyuki City, Japan, specifically No. 11, 3rd Street in Shinto. The family members are Fujimaru Narita, Fujimaru Chiyo, and Fujimaru Sakura," he continued, relaying the necessary details to Merlin.

Merlin nodded in understanding. "I see. I'll make sure to keep track of all the details."

Shirou couldn't help but express his doubts. "Do you really think this will work?"

Merlin gave him an encouraging smile. "Yes, it should work, as long as my future self doesn't change his mind."


It was Thursday, April 15th, 2002. Sakura slept soundly, enjoying the most peaceful rest she'd had in years. Outside her window, cherry blossom petals fluttered onto her forehead.

In her dream, Sakura found herself in a magnificent flower garden. There, she encountered a beautiful magus who greeted her with a warm smile. "556.010 days."

Confused, Sakura asked, "Excuse me, who are you?"

The magus introduced himself with a smile. "My name is Merlin. I was asked by a certain nasty bastard to help him find his way home."

Sakura was intrigued. "And who is this nasty bastard you're referring to?"

The magus smile grew wider. "Your brother, the Eternal King, Fujimaru Shirou."


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