
She didn't know who her dad was, not even what he looked like. But she knew someone very well—her amazing and powerful mom.

Her mom was known as the King of Knights, the best knight in the whole kingdom. Even though her mom had a big reputation, sometimes she did silly things and made mistakes, like accidentally cutting herself while slicing apples.

When her mom got mad and seemed like she was going to scold her, something magical happened—her mom somehow controlled her anger and spoke calmly instead. It was like watching a really cool trick, and she secretly loved it.

No matter what, their bond was super strong. She loved her mom with all her heart and loved seeing how strong and brave she was, even when she got angry.

Even though her mom was really mad, she seemed kind of helpless at the same time. It was strange, but it made her feel closer to her.

To be honest, she loved teasing her mom more than anything else. It was just so much fun to see her mom's cute expression when she got teased. It was like a secret signal that brought out a different side of her mom.

But even with all the teasing, her love for her mom was beyond measure. She thought her mom was the most amazing person in the world and treasured their special bond more than anything.

Now, when it came to her dad...

Well, honestly, she had never even seen him before and had no idea what he looked like. But she had a feeling deep down that he must have been a truly remarkable man. After all, he had captured her mom's heart, and that meant he must have been pretty special too.

Her dad, well, he might not have been as impressive as the Eternal King. The Eternal King was not only one of the founders of their kingdom, but he also had this really grand and noble look about him.

Whenever he smiled, it was like a magical feeling of greatness filled the air. She could still remember that feeling so clearly in her mind, even after all this time.

Before the King's big crowning ceremony, he actually came to their house. And guess what? She was the one who got to put the flower crown on his head!

At first, she didn't want to go because the King seemed a bit difficult to get along with. But then she made a bet with someone, and well, she didn't really have a choice after that.

Her mom being the King of Knights, it was hard to believe she could be weak. Later on, her mom became the Lord of Tintagel, and they lived happily together in a cozy little manor. It was just the two of them, but they were really, really happy.

Their days were filled with butterflies, apples, and her mom, who loved spoiling her and letting her tease her as much as she wanted.

But there was one thing her mom always said no to - a notebook. It seemed to hold some special meaning, like a secret that her mom kept safe and hidden.

Legend had it that the forbidden notebook held the incredible wisdom of the Eternal King, which made it even more tempting for her. She couldn't help but wonder what secrets and knowledge were locked inside.

She yearned to see what was inside, but her mom always gently patted her head and refused her request. "You're still young, Mordred. Some things written here aren't meant for children. I promise, one day I'll give it to you when you're older and wiser."

But those were just lies! Why shouldn't children see what was in there?

It had to be a trick, a way to deceive children!

Yet, her mom's behavior was strangely foolish. She kept the notebook close to her even when she slept, guarding it like a precious treasure.

One night, while her mom was fast asleep, she couldn't resist anymore. She quietly took the notebook out and used the light from the lamp to sneak a peek at a few pages.

As she delved into the pages of the forbidden notebook, she stumbled upon intriguing words. "Hmm... admit your mistakes and make amends? Hmm, 'if you have a clear goal, then endure in your actions, strike fiercely, and handle aftermaths calmly. Do not give the enemy a chance to react.'"

Lost in the wisdom before her, she managed to quickly skim through two pages before her mom suddenly woke up. With a serious expression, her mom swiftly grabbed the notebook, scolding her firmly, "Mordred! You're not allowed to take this book without permission, understood?"

The intensity in her mom's eyes felt unfamiliar, sending a shiver down her spine. In that moment, fear washed over her, leaving her with no choice but to nod silently in obedience.

Her mom's expression softened, and she gently stroked her head, saying, "It's just not the right time yet. When you grow older, I'll give you this book, and we'll explore the wisdom of the king together."

She nodded, pretending to agree with her mom's warning, but couldn't help muttering quietly, "Such a stingy person."

Time went by, and her mom's coronation finally arrived. As the new ruler, she led her daughter through the flourishing lands of their kingdom, showing her the prosperity that thrived under their rule.

Her mom beamed with pride and proudly announced, "Welcome to the kingdom of the Eternal King."

But her daughter's innocent voice interrupted, stating a simple fact, "But the Eternal King is already dead."

Her mom shook her head, refusing to accept the idea of the Eternal King's death. She pointed toward the magnificent statue that stood in honor of the Eternal King, enlightening her daughter, "The Eternal King lives on through his legacy. Whenever you feel alone or need guidance, just look at that statue, and you'll realize the King is always with you."

Curiosity sparked inside her, and she couldn't help but ask her mom, "What does it mean to be a king?"

Her mom pondered for a moment before answering, "Hmm... a king is someone who looks out for the well-being of everyone. They have a big responsibility and possess impressive qualities."

"Wow! So, a king is someone really amazing? Then I want to be a king too!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Her mother posed the question once again, seeking clarification, "To become a king?"

"Mhm! I want to be an incredibly powerful king! Even more powerful than my mom, even more powerful than the Eternal King! That way, mommy will have to listen to me and follow my every command," she said with a mischievous smile.

Amused, her mother played along and asked, "And what would be the first command young Mordred wants me to obey?"

"Hmm... let me think... Oh! I've got it! From now on, when I wet the bed, you're not allowed to scold me anymore! Hehehe..." she giggled.

Her mom lovingly patted her head, unable to resist her laughter, and they both shared a joyful moment together.

As time went on, her mom became more and more consumed with the affairs of the kingdom, tirelessly working to manage the troubled land. This meant that she had less and less time to spend with her daughter. To ensure her well-being, her mom entrusted her to the care of a peculiar woman.

This woman was undeniably strange. She had a resemblance to the statue of the king, but she was often plagued by coughing fits. Her bloodshot eyes made it seem like she was being choked by an unseen force. Sometimes, she even coughed up blood.

Despite her gentle nature, the young girl felt hesitant to get too close to her because of her oddities.

Her mom asked her to go back to Tintagel, but she didn't want to leave. She wanted to share her mom's burdens, but she couldn't.

Later on, a mighty villain appeared, and her mother had to put on her armor and grab her sword to defend the kingdom's borders.

Her mom entrusted her to the care of the strange aunt and instructed her to follow the aunt's guidance.

Even though she didn't really like the aunt who kept coughing up blood, she nodded in agreement.

As her mom set off, wielding a radiant lance obtained from the Tower of Light, the aunt's condition worsened, causing her to cough up even more blood. A peculiar white-haired uncle offered advice, suggesting that the aunt should leave, but she stubbornly refused.

She started to worry that one day the aunt might pass away right at the table.

Her mom cared a lot about this aunt. If something happened to her, her mom would be very sad.


As a well-behaved child who wanted to help her mom, she must find a way to ease the aunt's troubles and make her cough up blood somewhere else.

But how could she do it?

She didn't have any idea.

Just then, the gloomy uncle whom she had always kept her distance from appeared. He had a serious look on his face and quietly took her to a library. He insisted that she read all the books there.

Curious, she asked, "What kind of books are these?"

"They contain the wisdom of the King," the gloomy uncle replied with a solemn expression. "Your dad was a great and wise man. You carry his bloodline, so it's important for you to receive the seeds of wisdom. Read these books carefully, and you'll gain the King's wisdom."

"Will it really help me make my mother's troubles go away?" she asked eagerly.

"Certainly, although I must confess that these writings are a collection of wisdom gathered by Guinevere and transcribed by the knights. They might not be as extensive and concise as the knowledge your mother possesses. However, as someone who carries the lineage of that great man, you are destined to gain wisdom from them!"

She didn't understand what the uncle was talking about, but as long as she could ease her mother's troubles, she would read them carefully.

"To be a noble person, shine like the sun, so that darkness has no place to exist... Hmm, I don't understand. I should write it down first. Wait, this passage is actually written by Uncle Gawain?"

"To truly understand your enemy, acknowledge your own weaknesses. Conceal your weapon, preventing the enemy from detecting it, and deliver a decisive blow when they least expect it... Hmm, I think I get it to some extent. Let me write it down. Oh? This one is from Uncle Kay?"

"And... this passage is from Agravain... the same uncle with the constantly gloomy expression? Let me see... A banner of justice and a captivating slogan that captures the hearts of all. Even actions that may not be inherently just or unjust can be transformed into acts of justice... Hmm, it appears rather profound."

Unbeknownst to anyone, she continued reading the books in secret, as the library was under the watchful eye of the gloomy-faced uncle.

Over time, she grew determined to apply the techniques described in those books.

Her experimental subjects became the various uncles and aunties she encountered.

The results turned out to be quite impressive.

She learned the art of divide and conquer, uniting the majority against the minority.

Most importantly, she managed to have Uncle Lancelot take away the aunt who was suffering from bouts of coughing blood.

Hehehe, her mother would definitely be very happy when she found out.

After the aunt who coughed up blood left, the gloomy-faced uncle and a cheerful uncle took over the duties.

Then, her mother brought the cheerful uncle to the frontlines, leaving only the gloomy-faced uncle in charge of internal affairs.

That gloomy-faced uncle gave her all the books.

And she recorded everything and solved many complex matters using the methods in the books.

The wisdom of the King.


The Eternal King was truly formidable!

Unfortunately, she hadn't seen the King's wisdom that her mother held in her hands.

According to the gloomy-faced uncle, her mother's book was the most detailed, concise, and complete.

However, it didn't bother her.

As long as she grew up, her mother would definitely let her see it.

Then, she would become an exceptional king!


Her aspiration was to become a truly remarkable king!

Just like the Eternal King, loved and respected by countless people.

She wanted to become that kind of king.

And the most crucial quality for becoming such a king is, without a doubt, love!

She genuinely, deeply loved Camelot and everyone within the kingdom.

A place where everyone could experience joy and peace.

She looked forward to a future filled with happiness and harmony.

Eventually, her mother would willingly pass on the crown to her.


However, in the end, she stumbled upon the secret.

A secret that was meant to be kept hidden.

The greatest secret of a king.

A secret that betrayed this generation!


If only she could, she really didn't want to grow up.

She didn't want to see all that bullshit wisdom.

She wanted to go back to the manor, free from worries.


It was already too late.

It had already reached a point of no return.

"Mordred, please... surrender. I beg you, surrender. If you surrender, there may still be a chance for forgiveness." Her eyes were brimming with despair, and her face was etched with pleading.

"Shut up, Artoria! You, the executioner who seeks to kill countless people! Neither you nor the Eternal King deserve the title of king!" She swung her rebellious sword, striking at the executioner.

The ultimate Battle of Camlann left nothing but ruins, obliterating the final traces of life within the kingdom.