
The principle remained the same: if you could solve everything by carpet bombing, was there really a need for one-on-one combat with weapons?

However, Shirou resisted the temptation to fall into this train of thought.

The Eternal King was undoubtedly powerful, but his weaknesses were also quite evident.

One of them being his enormous mana consumption.

The only person who could sustain the Eternal King at maximum power was probably Shirou himself during the Fourth Holy Grail War when he absorbed the magical energy from Fuyuki City, which accumulated over 240 years.

But now, he couldn't generate mana on such a grand scale anymore.

In reality, thanks to his possession of the "Evil Flower," he absorbed the negativity and malice of the citizens of Fuyuki City. The magical energy he amassed over a period of ten days or even half a month was like an ocean compared to the average magus. However, when he used the account of the Eternal King, that energy was barely sufficient to last a few moments.

To put it simply, it was like charging for two hours only to have power for three seconds.

This flaw could be considered a significant drawback of the Eternal King.

And the reason for this flaw wasn't because he was weak, but rather because he was too strong!

Because of its tremendous power, the Eternal King had an exceptionally high magical energy consumption rate.

Once his magical energy was depleted, he became vulnerable to close-range attacks.

Furthermore, in reality, he couldn't even utilize the persona of the Eternal King due to the lack of the innate skill "Independent Manifestation."

That's why training in spear techniques became especially crucial.

When it comes to sword techniques... Shirou has actually given up on them.

After spending so much time practicing with spears, transitioning to swords has proven to be quite challenging for him.

Of course, if it's about shooting beam cannons from the sword, then there's no problem.

While training in spear techniques, Shirou stumbled upon another application for his second Noble Phantasm—the ability to see through all things.

To his surprise, this power manifested as a heightened predictive and time perception skill.

In simple terms, it allowed him to visualize the enemy's future attacks as virtual images his brain could comprehend. It granted him the ability to operate in a sort of "bullet time," where his consciousness could react accordingly.

However, this newfound ability came at a significant cost of mental energy. Nevertheless, it proved invaluable in his daily practice and skill development.

Thanks to this ability, Shirou had ample time to analyze Scathach's technique, taking into account its trajectory and reaction time. It allowed him to avoid finding himself in a situation where he gained nothing but a swift demise, while also honing his own techniques.

Now, in a critical moment--

As Shirou's gaze locked on the crimson spear slicing through the sky, piercing through his defenses like a shooting star and aiming directly for his chest, his mind sprang into action.

With a resounding "click," the unstoppable crimson spear abruptly came to a halt.

Scathach glared at him in annoyance, "We agreed you wouldn't use your control skill!"

"I never made such a promise."

Scathach: "..."

With a deliberate release, he let go of her spear, deactivating his Noble Phantasm. He continued his training while she wore a disgruntled expression.

After all, now that he knew her true identity, he couldn't simply allow her to casually stab him to death while riding on his head. As a king, he possessed certain privileges, and it would be disrespectful to his royal status and position to let such a thing continue.

Moreover, as Scathach's king, how could he bear the thought of her carrying the stigma of killing her own king? It simply wasn't right.

This was for her own good, so he accepted it with gratitude.

As the daily two-hour training session came to an end, Shirou wrapped up his practice, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Reluctantly, Scathach set down her spear, acknowledging his progress.

Over the past year, using his insight ability, he had made remarkable strides in spear techniques. If he refrained from activating his Noble Phantasm, he could hold his ground against Scathach for more than ten exchanges in a simple duel of spear techniques.

Of course, the ultimate outcome always remained the same **.

After all, she was the one who had reached the pinnacle of the realm of gods in her mastery of spear techniques. In a direct comparison of their skills, he naturally fell short. However, the progress he had made compared to his previous self was undeniably impressive.

Shirou tried to comfort Scathach and tried to make her feel a little happier even though their relationship couldn't return to the same level of respect they had in his childhood. He acknowledged her assistance in training him in spear techniques, which made some level of appeasement necessary.

His feelings towards the current Scathach were quite complicated. He respected her as a teacher, treated her as a subordinate, felt at ease as friends, but also held a sense of vengeance towards her as an "enemy." It was a complex blend of emotions that shaped his unique attitude towards Scathach.

Despite wearing a resentful expression, Scathach didn't voice her complaints. She occasionally grumbled about not having been tough enough on him in the past, but overall, she kept her grievances to herself.

Shirou had made up his mind to leave the Shadow Lands and take some time to rest and rejuvenate. However, just as he was about to depart, Scathach called out to him, catching his attention.

"What's the matter?"

"Shirou, I've noticed some unusual fluctuations in the nearby cities recently. It would be wise for you to stay vigilant."

"Unusual fluctuations?" he furrowed his brow, coming to a halt and giving Scathach his full attention.

He understood that the smallest details could have a significant impact, and disregarding seemingly insignificant matters could lead to unforeseen consequences. With this in mind, he took her warning seriously and asked, "What kind of unusual fluctuations are you sensing?"

"I'm not entirely sure. As I observe your surroundings from the outside of the world, I've detected some strange fluctuations. Regardless, exercise caution," she advised, her tone filled with concern.

"I got it." he nodded and then settled into a cross-legged position.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking puzzled.

"Well, since you mentioned those strange fluctuations around me, it's only natural that I look into it."

"Look into it... I see. You're planning to use Merlin's Clairvoyance and your Noble Phantasm to directly investigate the anomalies in Fuyuki City."

He grinned and said, "Congratulations, looks like you've finally understood the art of independent thinking."

She shot him a glare, a mix of embarrassment and anger evident on her face.

That scoundrel was mocking her again!

The innocent and gentle child seemed to have vanished completely, replaced by this scoundrel!

"Alright, don't disturb me. I want to focus."

Shirou opened his eyes, and a peculiar light emitted from his gaze. He had activated Merlin's Clairvoyance EX!