
Shirou managed to secure a seat by the window, while Arcueid had a seat in a different section. However, a twist of fate occurred when she and the person sitting next to him decided to swap tickets, resulting in Shirou and Arcueid sitting together.

At first, the person next to Shirou seemed hesitant. "Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean I'll give up my seat for you. Your beauty has no impact on me." However, she pulled out a gold coin and, with the persuasive power of money, the person reluctantly surrendered the seat and left.

And so, Shirou's ordeal began...

"Shirou, check it out! Japan look so tiny from up here!"

"Wanna try some chocolate, Shirou? I've got some. We can split it!"

"Um... how about reading some manga, Shirou? I brought a few."

"Hey Shirou, pay attention to me!"


Shirou reclined in his seat, craving a quick nap, but Arcueid nudged his arm, pouting unhappily, desperate for his attention.

Honestly, this girl's got boundless energy!

Despite having lived for thousands of years, she behaves like a spirited young girl, constantly yearning for Shirou's attention.

Whenever he brushed her off, she'd sulk like a needy stray cat, asking for a gentle pat.

Shirou kept his eyes shut, calmly remarking, "Just relax and try to get some sleep."

"But that's so boring. Let's play cards."

"If you keep pestering me, I might have to call Kariya to come and catch you."

Her smirk grew more confident as she retorted, "I'm already overseas. He can't come chasing after me, can he?"

"You're underestimating him. Did you know? There was another naive soul like you who believed he could hide by fleeing abroad. But Kariya grabbed a knife and chased him all the way to Africa, dragging him back."

"You... You've got to be kidding me, right? Shirou, seriously? Please tell me you're joking,"

"If you don't calm down, I'll make the call as soon as we land."

"Okay... okay, I'll be quiet. Isn't that good enough?" she reluctantly sealed her lips, wearing an expression of clear annoyance.

Shirou closed his eyes. Kariya going abroad to catch people? Impossible! He was definitely just messing with her. What kind of editor has so much free time, anyway?

Children like her just don't calm down unless you trick them.

In 2003, commercial airplanes were still quite slow, so after enduring over ten long hours in the air, they finally landed at the bustling London city airport.

Passengers of various backgrounds disembarked from the plane.

Shirou cast a quick glance at his digital watch, noting the time as 12:37 in the morning.

However, due to the nearly nine-hour time difference between Fuyuki City and London, when they arrived, darkness had already blanketed the city.

"Huh? We're in Camelot, in the 21st century," Arcueid exclaimed, her excitement evident as she scanned her surroundings. She couldn't contain her thrill, knowing that she had fought for the people of this land more than 1,500 years ago.

"Let's keep moving. Stop gawking.".

"Got it!" she nodded and trailed behind him, her crimson eyes fixed on his profile.

He glanced at her and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing much. I'm just curious. As the king, don't you have any thoughts or feelings when you step foot in this land again, Shirou? Or should I say... Eternal King?" she asked mischievously, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

"I don't have any particular thoughts about this land," he replied calmly, keeping his gaze straight ahead. "History keeps progressing, and people move on. I don't hold any nostalgia or regrets for the past."

"Well, that's a bit underwhelming," she remarked, her voice tinged with disappointment.

He turned to her and asked, "Are you here simply to witness some amusing reactions from me?"

"Hehehe... You've caught me red-handed!"

He narrowed his eyes as he lunged forward to grab her hair, only to find that she had already dashed far ahead, out of his reach.

"Come on, Shirou, try and catch me!" she taunted playfully, her smile beaming as she waved at him from a distance.

"If I get my hands on you, you're in for it!"

London's streets teemed with towering buildings and a vibrant nightlife, a stark contrast to the atmosphere of Fuyuki City. Here, amidst the hustle and bustle, a touch of punk and gothic elements added a unique flavor.

The ancient churches dotted the cityscape, adorned with towering spires and pointed arches. These architectural marvels employed pointed rib vaults, flying buttresses, and slender columns, creating an impression of grace and lightness. Inside, one would be captivated by the intricate decorative carvings, soaring heights, and the mesmerizing kaleidoscope of stained glass windows. The exterior exuded sleekness and magnificence, while the interior offered a spacious and luminous sanctuary.

Every now and then, gentlemen dressed in suits, sporting tall top hats and wielding canes, could be spotted, seemingly transporting onlookers back to the 18th century, evoking a sense of timeless charm.

With Arcueid already gone, he made the decision to proceed and search for a hotel to spend the night.

After readjusting the time on his watch, he realized it was already well past 10 o'clock in the evening. Though he understood that magi tended to stay up late, he felt reluctant to disturb Kenneth at such a late hour.

After exploring a few hotels and comparing prices, he finally discovered one that offered a reasonable rate and promptly booked two rooms.

As Shirou settled into his room, he hadn't had much time to rest before Arcueid burst in, carrying a bunch of things in her arms.

"How did you find me?"

"Hehehe, never underestimate the legendary True Ancestor! Wherever moonlight shines, it becomes my domain!"

"Speak in human language."

"I sniffed you out." she pointed to her nose.

Shirou: "..."

"I've bought a bunch of things that look fun and delicious. Oh, and by the way, this is for you," she said as she handed him a painting.

He took a quick glance at it, observing an abstract portrait that vaguely depicted the silhouette of a muscular and robust figure, emanating an aura of wisdom.

To be honest, he found it rather repulsive.

"Why did you give me this?" he asked, perplexed.

"This is your portrait,"


"You, the Eternal King. This painting represents the Eternal King," she pointed at the artwork and clarified.

He was taken aback for a moment, then carefully examined the portrait of the figure. A wave of disbelief washed over him, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "What has become of my image?"

"There are various interpretations. For instance, the King of Hearts in playing cards symbolizes you, and this portrait represents you as well. Oh, I remember Kariya, my editor, mentioned that some people even have plans to feminize you, like portraying the Eternal King as a True Ancestor girl or something," she shared with a chuckle.

He stared coldly at her and said, "If you dare to write that, I'll squeeze your head."

"How... How do you know it was me who was going to write it?" she looked at him in shock.

"You mongrel, asking such a dumb question. I won't dignify it with an answer."


After finishing his luggage arrangements, he turned to Arcueid and asked her to leave, clearly preparing to go to sleep.

"Huh? Are you really going to bed this early? Come on, let's hang out!"

"Don't be a bother, Arcueid. I'm here for business, not for fun!"

"I'm telling you, I saw a fairy on the street! You have to come out and play with me!"

He casually unfastened his coat and replied, "Not interested."

She blinked her eyes and tried a different approach, saying, "Well... What if I tell you I saw Guinevere?"

Shirou's hand, in the midst of unbuttoning his coat, abruptly halted. He slightly turned his head, furrowing his brow as he looked at her, but then resumed unbuttoning his coat, "Still not interested."

"Why? She's our good friend! And she's your apprentice, the one you personally trained! Your own apprentice! Why won't you come out with me?" she asked, clearly puzzled.

He sighed and explained, "Because I can tell when you're lying."

"No, really! I'm not lying! I actually saw her! And caught sight of Artoria too! As the former Eternal King, stuff like that should interest you, right?" she insisted.

He sighed, "Listen closely, Arcueid. The era of Eternal King ended more than 1,500 years ago. I've moved on from that. So, you can't trick me."

Shirou removed his coat, climbed into bed, closed his eyes, and prepared to drift off to sleep.

"No, I'm not joking! I truly saw her! Please believe me, Shirou!... Hey, wake up and come out to play with me! Don't fall asleep so early! I'll be incredibly bored!" she hopped onto the bed, nudged him, and pleaded.

He chose to ignore her.

"Ugh... You're so annoying! This is so boring! Lala-la..." she stuck her tongue out, made silly faces at him, and then dashed out on her own.

Shirou's gaze drifted towards the window, peering into the darkness of the night.

"Eternal King," he murmured under his breath, his words barely audible, before closing his eyes once more.

And just like that, the sky unleashed a torrential downpour, accompanied by roaring thunder. In an instant, a bolt of blue lightning sliced through the darkness, casting an eerie glow upon his face.