
The Mage's Association, in simple terms, served as a support network for those devoted to the study of Magecraft. However, the reality was far messier than one might expect.

The Mage's Association consisted of three distinct organizations. First off, there was the Atlas Academy, situated in the majestic Atlas Mountains of Egypt. It stood as a holy ground for alchemists, and back in the days, the Atlas Academy boasted an exceptional alchemist, who later became known as Night of Wallachia.

The second organization was the Wandering Sea, a vast and sprawling mountain range that drifted across the North Sea, its whereabouts ever-changing.

And lastly, there was the renowned Clock Tower in London, serving as the third pillar of the Mage's Association.

The three departments within the Mage's Association maintained a semblance of equality in terms of size and collaborative efforts.

However, this was merely a facade put up for outsiders.

In truth, these three departments had limited interaction with one another for quite some time. While they didn't harbor hostility towards each other, their differing ideologies created substantial barriers, making their relationship more akin to an alliance with similar stances.

Given that the Wandering Sea and the Atlas Academy had minimal connections with the outside world, the Clock Tower naturally evolved into the central hub of the modern Mage's Association.

So when people mentioned the "Mage's Association" nowadays, they usually referred to the Clock Tower itself.

In the Western European magical community, over 90% of magi chose the Clock Tower, devoting themselves day and night to the study of Magecraft. At the same time, they strove to undermine other factions, compete for power, and obtain budgets.

The organization's structure was complex and strange, with intense factional struggles. It could not be described as having a unified purpose.

Reines, a girl who appeared to be around fifteen years old, might have seemed like an elegant aristocratic young lady to others. However, from the moment Shirou laid eyes on her, he saw through the true nature of this girl.

She was an ambitious person.

Or it could be said that she was someone who disliked tranquility and pursued a grand and eventful life.

In simple terms, she was someone who enjoyed causing trouble.

So, Shirou wasn't surprised that she came to probe him. After all, he had a connection to Kenneth, who was the Lord El-Melloi nine years ago.

Shirou didn't mind when others came to probe him or try to win him over because he had done the same over 1,500 years ago. However, her intentions were too obvious compared to his methods.

Perhaps she thought she was hiding it well, and others couldn't see through her, but playing this game in front of him was like bringing coals to Newcastle.

(Bringing coals to Newcastle - to do something that is obviously superfluous; Newcastle is a city in northeast England where coal is mined: "Karen wanted to give Dad a magazine subscription for his birthday, but I said that would be like carrying coals to Newcastle, since he already has fifteen or twenty subscriptions.")

Because he had already mastered these tricks.

So, Shirou directly exposed her intentions. It would be a waste of breath to let her continue probing. He wasn't there at the Clock Tower to compete for power and gain advantages; there was no need to play games with others.

The Clock Tower stood within the British Museum, concealed by Bounded Fields. To normal people, it was just a normal museum.

As soon as they arrived at the British Museum, Gray hurriedly bid farewell to Reines as if escaping. Inside the car, her head almost touched the ground because the boy named Fujimaru Shirou kept looking at her face from time to time.

This made her very uncomfortable.

Most importantly, ever since she came into contact with this Fujimaru, she realized that her Add had started acting strange.

Not only did he no longer want to be verbally abusive, but he even quietly asked Gray to hide him in her pocket.

Reines thought it was odd, but she went along with Gray's suggestion of leaving early.

"Sorry," Gray apologized hurriedly, pulling up her hood and darting away.

Shirou silently observed as the girl departed, refraining from uttering any unnecessary words.

"Fujimaru-sama, this way please," Reines said.

He nodded slightly.

She led the way, introducing him to the artifacts in the British Museum.

He followed behind her, nodding occasionally.

Gray dashed to a corner, hiding her face and leaning against the wall, gasping for breath.

She took Add out of her pocket, her face filled with worry, and asked, "Add, is something wrong with you?"

She found Add to be very strange. Not only did he stop being verbally abusive in the car, but he even quietly begged her to hide him in her pocket. It made her feel like something was wrong with Add, who had always been snarky, dominant, and mischievous.

"That person... is very strange," Add paused for a moment and said very seriously, "It's best if you don't get involved with him, Gray."

She asked, "Why, Add?"

"I don't know... but whenever I come into contact with him, Rhongomyniad, the Holy Lance, involuntarily wants to break free from its seal and unleash its power."

Gray was taken aback and asked, "W-Why would that happen?"

Although Add's mouth was sharp, Gray knew he would never lie to her. That much was clear to her. But because of that, she couldn't understand. Shouldn't she, as the vessel for the revival of the King of Knights, be the only one able to wield the power of Rhongomyniad?

"That's why I said I don't know! Anyway, remember, don't get too close to that person. And if you have to, make sure to hide me well. Don't let him get his hands on me, and don't let him look at me," Add said very seriously.

"I... I understand," Gray nodded quickly. She had never seen Add so serious before.

Add fell silent.

In fact, there was one more thing it didn't say.

That was, why did it feel an overwhelming sense of shame and the impulse to self-destruct when it saw that person?

Wasn't that just too strange?

Add felt somewhat confused.

And now, Shirou also felt an overwhelming sense of shame.

But it was different from Add's feeling of shame.

It was a sense of embarrassment.

The reason being--

Reines pointed to a worn-out parchment notebook displayed in a frame and said, "This manual unearthed in Ireland is said to be a compilation of the eternal king's wisdom by a certain knight. It is not only a precious relic but also a witness to history, a highly valuable human historical asset... Huh? Fujimaru-sama, why does your expression look so strange?"

"No, please don't mind." he shook his head, then looked at the tattered parchment and couldn't help but ask, "Miss Reines, do you know what is transcribed in this notebook?"

"I don't know. This notebook is too worn out, and the language used is ancient Celtic, which is on the verge of disappearing. There is a legend that says, 'Those who obtain the wisdom of the king will reach the realm of truth.' So, not only in the magi community, but even in the outside world, there are many linguists who want to decipher its meaning. Unfortunately, even for this wisdom book, no one has been successful in deciphering it. However, it is certain that the term "óenachar" is mentioned multiple times in this notebook."

"I see..." He said calmly and then thought, 'So it was left behind by that shameful-waste, Scathach.'

"Fujimaru-sama, you don't happen to be interested in this wisdom book, do you?" She narrowed her eyes and suddenly asked.


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