
"Indeed, if we look at it from the perspective of resolution, we can consider this case solved. However..." Adashino Hishiri's gaze shifted towards Shirou as she questioned, "I'm curious, how did you, as a guest of Reines, come to know about this? There's no information about you in the Clock Tower. Moreover, as a magus affiliated with the Department of Policies, your quick grasp of the situation leads me to suspect that you've had some involvement in this case."

"Hold on, Adashino Hishiri! Fujimaru--" Waver interjected, frowning, but Shirou gently placed a hand on his shoulder and took a step forward.

"I'm not a magus, so there's no need to keep anything hidden," he stated. "I'll tell you the truth. Nothing can escape my sight. Just like you, the victim of the Spiritual Tomb of Albion."

Adashino's eyes suddenly contracted.

"And here's a piece of advice for you: you should leave that ritual immediately."

As his words hung in the air, the ritual set in motion by Adashino suddenly unleashed a torrent of thunderous energy, hurtling towards her like serpentine bolts of lightning.

Fortunately, thanks to his earlier warning, Adashino managed to dodge the onslaught.

Waver's eyes narrowed, and he exclaimed in astonishment, "The ritual... it went berserk?"

"It's actually a common occurrence," Shirou explained. "As I mentioned earlier, the rituals in this workshop have been influenced by the fluctuations in the leyline. The deceased had also noticed this, which is why the 50th ritual serves as a seal for the underground workshop rituals. However, he didn't anticipate that the deviation of the leyline from the rituals had reached such a severe level. In simpler terms, it was an underestimation on his part, leading to his own demise. That's the true conclusion of this unexpected incident."

Taking a brief pause, he turned to Waver and added, "Considering that Reines activated her Mystic Eyes and this member of the Department of Policies activated the ritual, it's not surprising that such a reaction occurred."

"When you mentioned solving my matter first, you don't mean..."

"Exactly," he nodded, adding, "If we keep talking a little longer, prolong the conversation, then this member of the Department of Policies will meet her end right here. I've calculated the timing perfectly."

"You're really underestimating me," she retorted. "Sure, I may be seen as a weak woman, but I won't be taken down by a simple thunderstrike."

Shirou glanced at her, "I hope you can hold onto that confidence once you witness the power of these rituals,"

And right after he spoke those words...


The ritual grew even more intense, as forty-nine thunderstrike rituals activated simultaneously. Thunderbolts crashed down, transforming the spot where Adashino had stood into a scorched wasteland.

Everyone's faces were drenched in cold sweat.

No doubt, if he hadn't given his warning, Adashino Hishiri would have been caught completely off guard and endured serious injuries, or worse, lost her life.

"It's incredibly dangerous," Reines remarked.

Shirou responded, "We're just getting started."

"What?" Everyone was puzzled.

Then, out of nowhere, Caules pointed at the area engulfed in rituals and exclaimed in astonishment, "Wait... What's that?"

All eyes turned towards the direction Caules had pointed, witnessing the peculiar particles streaming out from the shattered surface caused by the thunderstrikes.

"That's..." Waver's brow furrowed.

Shirou explained, "It's the real culprit behind the ritual's deviation—True Ether."

"The True Ether? Are you referring to the True Ether from the Age of Gods?" Waver glanced at him in astonishment.

He nodded and elaborated, "The deceased had established the rituals using the underground leyline as a foundation, intending to amplify their power. However, while the ritual relied on the modern environment, the True Ether is a particle from the Age of Gods. It reacted to the disturbance in the underground leyline, causing the rituals to deviate and leading to this tragic outcome. That's how things appear to be. And now... it has begun."

"What has begun?" Everyone was taken aback.

Then, to their astonishment, they witnessed the True Ether merging with the forty-nine thunderstrike rituals, forming an immense thunderstrike ritual.

"I see," Adashino turned her gaze towards him. "Do you have the Mystic Eyes of Future Sight?"

"No," he replied, shaking his head. "I don't possess Mystic Eyes. However, I have something even more practical than Mystic Eyes."

"Something more practical?" she looked perplexed.

The air filled with buzzing sounds that reverberated through the surroundings.

The colossal thunderstrike ritual crackled with lightning, emanating a menacing aura. In terms of sheer intensity, it could easily match the offensive rituals of small-scale modern organizations.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Caules exclaimed in disbelief.

"Keep your composure, Caules!" Waver urged.

Gray took out the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad and transformed it into a scythe, positioning herself protectively in front of everyone.

As the lightning flashed, it illuminated her face, casting an ethereal glow.

Shirou turned to Waver and noticed the composed expression on his face. Intrigued, he asked, "Aren't you afraid, Waver?"

"I'm no longer the same coward, Fujimaru Shirou," Waver replied, shaking his head. "Besides, you're still here, aren't you?"

"You place a great deal of trust in me, considering you're a subject of the Conqueror King."

"Well, I have fought alongside you in the past."

"Just hold on a moment, remember to treat me to a good meal," Shirou waved his hand and walked forward.

He reached out and placed his hand on Gray's shoulder.

Gray trembled all over and stammered, "W-Wait... Fujimaru-sama, please... please stand behind me. I'll protect all of you."

"But your expression tells a different story, as if you wish for someone else to protect you," he remarked.

"Huh?" Gray was taken aback, her face showing a troubled expression.

Shirou's gaze shifted towards the lance in Gray's hand, and he commented, "The Tower of Light isn't meant to be wielded like this... Well, for you, this usage should suffice."

"The Tower... Tower of Light?" Gray looked perplexed and asked, "What's that?"

"It's nothing. Since you're just a child, it's best for you to stay behind the adults."

He stepped forward, calmly locking his gaze at the massive thunderstrike ritual, and raised his palm.

Reines closely watched Shirou's palm and noticed a soft, pitch-black mud appearing in his hand.

"It's come out," Waver looked at the pitch-black mud, feeling a sense of nostalgia and emotion.

Reines asked, "What's that?"

Waver responded, "That's his Mystic Code."

"Boom boom boom boom boom!!"

Suddenly, a series of thunderous booms filled the air.

Columns of lightning arched towards Shirou.

Reacting swiftly, he hurled the black muds, and something incredible occurred.

The tiny clumps of black mud, no larger than fists, rapidly expanded against the wind, transforming into a massive curtain of swirling black mud that shielded them from the onslaught of thunderstrikes.

But that wasn't the end of it.

To everyone's astonishment, the thunderstrikes, which had instilled fear in their hearts, not only failed to penetrate the mud curtain but were effortlessly absorbed by the black mud itself.

With each deliberate step, the black mud surged forward, gradually enveloping the thunderstrike ritual.

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle—

The group found themselves staring in disbelief as they witnessed a sizzling sound accompanied by a billow of white smoke emanating from the ritual spot. The black mud receded back into Shirou's palm, leaving behind no trace of the ritual.

And not only that, but even the essence of True Ether had been entirely consumed!

What on earth...? What kind of Mystic Code was this?

Never before had the group encountered such an extraordinary Mystic Code.

"Tha... that is..." Add's voice quivered, barely audible.

Concerned, Gray asked, "Add, what's the matter? What's going on?"

Add continued to tremble, "I... I don't know! I can't explain it. All I feel is an overwhelming urge to flee, to find shelter! Gray, please, protect me! I don't want to face that person!"

Perplexed by Add's distress, Gray asked, "But why? What's happening?"

Reines shifted her gaze from Shirou's figure to Waver and asked, "Who exactly is that person?"

Waver paused for a moment before responding, "Reines, have you ever heard of Heracles?"

"Of course, I'm familiar with him. He was a renowned hero from ancient Greece."

"Well, if every era has its own great hero, then without a doubt, Fujimaru Shirou is the hero of this era!"

Reines was taken aback by his words.

Just then, Shirou turned his head and locked eyes with Waver, a smile playing on his lips, "Alright, Waver, it's time for you to treat me to a meal."