
The so-called title of "King of Dead Apostles and True Ancestors" was nothing but a deceitful fabrication. The demon had bestowed upon her that title, cunningly exploiting it to manipulate her and subject her soul to unimaginable anguish.

For what seemed like an eternity, the demon had trapped her within a gilded cage, treating her like a mere pet, mercilessly observing her for over three long months before finally granting her freedom.

"I bestow upon you the title of King of Dead Apostles and True Ancestors," the demon had sneered, his voice reverberating in her ears. "But remember, this kingship is merely at my whim. I can grant it to you, and I can snatch it away just as easily. Serve me faithfully, or forever be my plaything. Hehehehe..."

The haunting words of the demon lingered, relentlessly tormenting Altrouge.

Overwhelmed by fear and anguish, she crumbled, collapsing to the ground, consumed by uncontrollable sobs.

The scene left everyone in the Adra Castle hall dumbfounded. Could this truly be the fearsome King of the Dead Apostles?

No one could comprehend Altrouge's emotions, just as humans couldn't understand the emotions of Dead Apostles when they themselves were hunted by these beings.

Her body and soul had been utterly ravaged by that demon five centuries ago.

Even after the demon's demise, she had persisted in carrying out her assigned duties, all the while trembling with fear.

It was during that time that Rizo-Waal Strout had submitted to her and pledged his loyalty.

Even after the demon's passing, she had clung to the belief that it might be a deceptive ploy. So she still cautiously kept worshipping him at Camelot.

She finally felt some relief when she learned from the witch Morgan Le Fay that the demon had truly left the mortal realm. However, the demon's face, those haunting eyes, and the torment and destruction he had inflicted on her remained etched deeply in her soul, like a searing brand.

Over fifteen hundred years had passed, and she had believed it was merely a nightmare in her eternal existence, something she would soon forget. But when she once again came face to face with that demon, the buried fear within her soul resurfaced with an intensity she couldn't deny.

There was no doubt about it. Only that demon could evoke such paralyzing fear in her, torment her to such an extent, and leave such indelible imprints on her very being.

The nightmare had returned, and Altrouge couldn't help but clutch her head, trembling and sobbing, as if she were an ordinary girl frightened by someone.

It was a truly humiliating sight.

Rizo-Waal Strout couldn't fathom how his once elegant and noble princess had ended up in such a wretched state. He desperately tried to remind her, calling out, "Princess..."

"Don't... don't call me that... I'm not a princess anymore... I'm not Altrouge..." she interrupted, her voice choked with tears. "I just want to go home! Please, take me back! I don't want the Holy Grail! I don't want to stay here! I want to go home!"

Rizo-Waal Strout's disbelief swiftly turned into rage. He unsheathed his formidable demonic sword, True Demon Neardark, and aimed it menacingly at Shirou, his anger reaching its boiling point. He demanded, his voice filled with fury, "What have you done to the Princess, you insignificant human?"

All eyes immediately shifted to Shirou.

Ever since he had arrived, Altrouge's responses had been perplexing. Her sudden transformation, coupled with her assertion that he was the Eternal King, and now this mortifying outburst... It seemed as though she had been groomed to behave in such a manner.

Shirou: "..."

"So, this is the princess of Dead Apostles!" Lord Barthomeloi sneered, her voice dripping with contempt.

Rizo-Waal Strout's eyes widened in furious disbelief. Few things could be more degrading for a loyal servant than this.

Consumed by rage, he was prepared to take action. However, Altrouge's sudden scream halted him in his tracks.

"No—! I can't... I don't want to kill anyone anymore! I don't want the Holy Grail! I want to go home! I just want to go home!" Altrouge cried out, her eyes brimming with tears.

Arcueid turned to Shirou and couldn't help but ask, "Shirou, what have you done?"

Shirou: "..."

He was speechless, unsure of how to reply.

Altrouge had stormed in with all her might, only to leave like a defeated dog.

No, even worse than that. She ran away in tears, bawling, while her retainers hesitated for a moment before following right behind her, embarrassment on their faces.

People sighed, dismayed by the fickleness of the world.

But with the departure of the Princess of Dead Apostles and True Ancestors, at least their lives were no longer in immediate danger.


Just as Altrouge and her entourage exited through the door, they suddenly reappeared, emerging from a different room within the castle.

The onlookers were left utterly stunned, their jaws dropping in disbelief.

Altrouge's joyful smile froze in an instant. She had appeared so thrilled to escape this place, only to find herself back here the very next moment.

Her expression turned into something utterly comical.

"What... What's happening?" Altrouge exclaimed, dashing towards the exit, with her followers anxiously following suit, concerned for her well-being.

However, as they reached the doorway, they once again emerged from yet another room, leaving everyone baffled.

"This... What's going on?"

A moment of stunned silence passed before the expressions of everyone present transformed into sheer shock. Without hesitation, they rushed towards the doorway, one after another, only to reappear from a different room the very next moment.

Furrowing his brow, Shirou couldn't help but join in and test it for himself. Despite attempting to leave and glimpsing the scenery outside the door, he somehow found himself back in the hall in an instant.

"What in the world is going on?"

"Could it be some sort of looping ritual that's been activated?" someone guessed, their voice tinged with uncertainty.

The magi furrowed their brows, lost in thought.

However, Waver's expression grew serious as he spoke, "Looks like there's some sort of barrier in place."

"If it's just a Bounded Field, then we shouldn't worry too much." Shirou casually pulled out some black muds and wrapped himself in them, donning the ominous black armor.

Altrouge burst into tears at the sight, "You lied!"

Ignoring her, he continued walking towards the doorway.

If the current owner of the Castle had indeed established a Bounded Field, Shirou's black muds would devour it effortlessly. After all, his muds had the power to consume even Reality Marbles.

To his surprise, however, the black muds failed to devour anything, and he returned to the hall through a different room.

He furrowed his brow and said, "This isn't a Bounded Field or any form of ritual."

"Are you sure?" Waver asked.

"Of course. Let me assure you, even a Bounded Field would be devoured effortlessly by my skill, including those from the Age of Gods."

Waver furrowed his brow, "So, what exactly..."

"Let me sleep for five seconds, and then I'll tell you..."

However, before he could make a move, Altrouge was already crying out, "Let me out! Please, I don't want to stay with the Eternal King! Let me out!"

Shirou: "..."

His mouth twitched, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration washing over him. This person just couldn't seem to stop revealing his true identity, continuously trying to disrupt his carefully laid plans to remain concealed...

To be honest, it was starting to get on his nerves.

Staring at Altrouge's head, Shirou's eyes narrowed slightly, exuding a chilling aura.

And right at that moment—

A sharp "snap" cut through the air, followed by a piercing scream, shattering the scene with a tragic sound.

Shirou turned his head, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of Adashino Hishiri, who had been on the second floor, now lying lifeless on the ground. A sword-like angelic pillar had impaled her body, blood dripping from the wound, her face frozen in terror.

She was dead.