
"I can easily kill someone at will. Don't provoke someone who can effortlessly kill you."

Pausing for a moment, Shirou looked around and continued, "If you want to stay alive, hide yourself like a little mouse. As for the rest, I will handle it. You bunch of mongrels."

No one responded. Everyone was frightened by the blast of light.

Shirou waved his hand and gestured to Waver, saying, "Let's go, Waver."

"Ah... Oh, okay," Waver nodded and followed.

Arcueid also wanted to follow, but when Shirou glanced at her, he said, "Go to sleep."

Perplexed, she asked, "Why?"

"Gray isn't feeling well. Look after her."

"Alright... Fine," she reluctantly agreed.

Shirou departed alongside Waver, leaving the others to their own thoughts.

As they watched him fade into the distance, the onlookers began to stir, their voices filled with a mixture of relief and awe.

"Oh my God... I was terrified! I thought I was about to meet my end!"

"That person is absolutely terrifying!"

"What kind of magecraft was that? He projected a weapon in an instant, and then that incredible burst of magical energy... It was unbelievably powerful!"

"Such a level of magical energy blast would typically require a magical furnace or a group performing ritual magecraft!"

The people continued their hushed conversations, their voices mingling with whispers and speculation.

Lorelei's elite magi approached and asked, "My Lord, should we follow them? After all, so many lives have been lost."

These seasoned magi were unfazed by Shirou's powerful burst of light, as they were well-versed in performing collective rituals capable of generating similar levels of energy.

Lorelei, however, shook her head and replied, "Stay here and wait for him."

Confusion and disbelief swept through the ranks of the elite magi. This response was entirely at odds with their Lord's usual temperament.

Under normal circumstances, upon witnessing the loss of her subordinates, Lorelei would have sought immediate retribution. How could she remain so unnervingly calm?

Moreover, instructing them to wait only added to their bewilderment. But as loyal subjects, they had no choice but to follow their Lord's orders, despite their puzzlement.

Rizo-Waal Strout watched as Shirou and Waver gradually faded from view. His attention then shifted to Altrouge, who was huddled in a corner, her hands tightly gripping her head as she trembled uncontrollably. Unable to contain his concern, he gently spoke up, "Your Highness, that person has already left."

Altrouge's voice was fractured and broken as she muttered, her words filled with desperation. "I didn't take anyone's life... I didn't... I listened to you carefully. I still have worth... Please, don't imprison me... I don't want to be treated like a pet... I don't want to..."

A pang of sympathy washed over Rizo-Waal as he witnessed her distress.

"What's wrong, Merem... You look pale."

"Please... Please don't mind... Father Dawn."

Mr. Dawn, the priest, was taken aback, his face full of confusion.

"So, that's how it is, huh..." Caesarmund let out a sigh.

Luvia caught on to something and asked, "What do you mean, old man?"

"Ah, it's nothing. I'm just feeling a bit nostalgic. There are still various forms of 'Butterfly' magecraft in this world."

Luvia's frown deepened.


Shirou guided Waver to the backyard.

Waver wore a serious expression, his nerves evident as he asked, "Um... You... You're the Eternal King, aren't you?"

He was unsure how to confront the person standing before him.

In that fleeting moment, he recognized the same demeanor in this person that he had witnessed during the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Whether it was King Arthur, the Conqueror King Iskandar, or the King of Heroes Gilgamesh, they all possessed that commanding presence and an undeniable air of superiority.

It was a unique grace that belonged solely to the supreme rulers of ancient dynasties.

He was absolutely certain about this observation, and he had no doubts or reservations.

Whether it was his eyes that claimed to see through everything, the fear of Altrouge when she saw him, the presence of the True Ancestor Arcueid, or the recent reception of a rumored friend of the Magician of Second Magic, everything pointed towards the possibility of him being the Eternal King. This suspicion was only intensified with the concept of butterfly magecraft shared by Orlocke Caesarmund.

A bizarre and chilling speculation began to brew in his mind. It seemed highly likely that his friend, who had been missing for nine years, had become a vessel for the resurrection of the Eternal King!

If that were the case, everything would make sense. And it wasn't difficult to imagine who the rumored friend recently welcomed by Lord Zelretch might be.

Shirou glanced at Waver and spoke, "Yes, I am the Eternal King."

Waver asked, his voice trembling, "Then, my friend, where is Fujimaru Shirou?"

"I am indeed the King of Eternal, but more importantly, I am Fujimaru Shirou."

"Butterfly magecraft..." Waver's voice carried a touch of solemnity. "I never thought the Eternal King would stoop so low as to possess someone else's body."

"You're mistaken, Waver. I am Shirou, the same person who helped you in London and fought by your side in the Fourth Holy Grail War nine years ago."

After a brief pause, he added. "But let's not dwell on this matter for now. Our priority is to resolve this anomaly."

Waver stayed quiet for a moment before asking, "The Eternal King is believed to be omniscient and omnipotent. Shouldn't you have the answer to all of this?"

Shirou let out a sneer, "Omniscient and omnipotent? I can't believe you actually buy into that nonsense. Waver. Don't embarrass yourself further in front of me. You serve the Conqueror King, and I won't allow you to make me look down on him!"

Waver took a deep breath, fighting to regain his composure. "Then what is happening, Eternal King?"

"Hmm? Have you composed yourself now?" Shirou responded, "Good. You don't need to address me as the Eternal King. Yes, I am the Eternal King, but more importantly, I am Fujimaru Shirou. The era of the Eternal King has come to an end. What remains here is simply Shirou. Let's interact with that understanding in mind."

Waver couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh.

The Eternal King...

One of the most renowned kings in Western Europe...

How on earth was he supposed to maintain a calm demeanor while interacting with him?


Shirou and Waver stood before the entrance of an underground chamber tucked away in the backyard. They removed the wooden board concealing the entrance, unveiling a set of stairs that descended into the basement.

"This is..." Waver frowned.

"The workshop of the Ashborn Family, the Adra Castle's previous owners. It's here that those magi in the hall met their end."

Lost in thought, Waver muttered, "Omniscient and omnipotent, huh..."

Waver turned to him and began, "Eternal King, I have a question."

"Go ahead."

He hesitated, carefully choosing his words before asking, "You were the one who fought alongside me in the Fourth Holy Grail War, right? But... I mean, was it truly you? If it was, then why did the King of Knights vow to kill you?"

Shirou's gaze softened as he responded, "Back then, I hadn't yet become the Eternal King. I didn't know Artoria, and she didn't recognize me either." He lowered his eyelids and continued, "But let's put a stop to the questioning here. We can get into it further later, not only as Fujimaru Shirou, but also as the Eternal King. For now, let's focus on the task at hand."

Waver looked at him and asked, "Are these matters of importance to the Eternal King?"

"In my eyes, human lives are important. And this matter... It not only involves interdimensional interference, but also the Age of Gods!"

"Interdimensional interference? The... The Age of Gods?"

Waver was taken aback.