
A multitude of highly skilled magi, possessing formidable combat abilities rivaling those of the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors, activated their spells in perfect synchronization.

"Clatter, clatter, clatter..."

In a cascade of shattered space, the overlapping Mirror World fragmented into countless pieces.

Within the fragmented cracks, a raging whip of green lightning shot out, sweeping through the surroundings.

Its devastating power scorched the earth, leaving nothing but smoldering ruins in its wake.

Lorelei's magi swiftly constructed defensive spells, forming a barrier to withstand the onslaught of lightning.

"Thud, thud, thud..."

Amidst the rumble of wheels and the echoes of thunder, a thundering Chariot burst forth from the shattered Mirror World, soaring high into the sky.

Atop the chariot stood the unmistakable figure of the red-haired warrior.

"The Conqueror King... Iskandar!" His gaze tightened.

Diarmuid, Hassan, Spartacus... and now Iskandar. It was as if he had been transported back to the Fourth Holy Grail War.

However, there was a crucial difference. In the Fourth Holy Grail War that took place nine years ago, the Servants possessed their own consciousness, distinct personalities. Yet, in this current situation, the Servants emerged as mere empty vessels summoned from their Class Cards, devoid of self-awareness.

Could it be that the one responsible for the attack on Arcueid, Altrouge, and the others was none other than Rider?

Mounted upon his mighty chariot, King Iskandar unleashed thunderous whips of lightning, wreaking havoc upon the land, obliterating trees and reducing sculptures to rubble.

Everything was in chaos.

But after the chaos subsided, a sudden restoration occurred. The castle appeared to be indestructible. It seemed as though nothing within its walls could be permanently damaged or obliterated.

Altrouge rose from the pool, her frustration evident as she locked her intense gaze on Rider. "So, it was you who attacked me, huh? You better realize who I am—"

Before she could finish her admonishment, another powerful thud sent her hurtling through the air, crashing against the wall with a sickening impact. Her head shattered upon contact, scattering blood and brain matter across the ground.

Fortunately, while her immortality didn't quite match Arcueid's, it was still quite formidable. She swiftly regenerated, though her complexion paled as she gingerly cradled her head.

With a vigilant gaze, she surveyed her surroundings, a hint of fear flickering in her eyes. She remained on edge, fully aware that her head could meet another devastating blow at any given moment.

Shirou frowned, a crease forming on his forehead. It was becoming apparent that the entity responsible for attacking Arcueid and Altrouge wasn't Iskandar from the Mirror World.

But then, who or what could it possibly be?

Shirou contemplated entering his dream, using the power of his Second Noble Phantasm to gain clarity. Yet, he couldn't shake off the fear of dozing off defenseless, vulnerable to an attack from this unfamiliar being.

Although All the World's Evil boasted impressive regenerative capabilities, it didn't grant him immortality.

Setting aside all other concerns, if his head were to be shattered, his brain matter scattered like Altrouge's, he wouldn't be able to come back to life. The Throne of Heroes would welcome yet another Heroic Spirit named "Fujimaru Shirou".

Therefore, he decided not to sleep and took immediate action. He covered himself in a dark layer of malevolent black mud, creating a sinister black armor. Furthermore, he projected his set of Azure Silver Eternal King's Armor, projecting it onto his body.

The King's Armor in his possession was a remarkable creation, crafted from a secret alloy and embellished with the blessings of Morgan and Merlin. It also boasted defensive spells woven by magi from the Age of Gods and had received the blessings of fairies and the islands.

When it came to resistance against magic or providing defense, this armor was exceptionally formidable. It was definitely not weaker than Gilgamesh's golden armor, rendering most magecraft powerless against the might of the Eternal King's Armor.

Although the authentic Eternal King's Armor, a true historical artifact, was safely stored in Shirou's family warehouse, the projected version, despite not being the original, remained potent due to his possession of the authentic armor.

Remaining on high alert, Shirou surveyed his surroundings. Strangely, the entity responsible for attacking Arcueid and Altrouge showed no inclination to target him.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom—"

Iskandar's thunderous assaults persisted, unleashing chaos and devastation all around.

The magi of Lorelei unleashed their spells, launching an assault against Iskandar.

These magi possessed combat abilities that rivaled the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors. In terms of sheer fighting prowess, they could even hold their own against lower-tier Heroic Spirits.

Individually, they were outmatched in a one-on-one confrontation, as evidenced by their earlier encounter with Assassin. Nevertheless, among the modern magi, they stood as the cream of the crop, the elite among the elites.

Yet, their valiant efforts proved futile against the might of the Conqueror King.

While the magi of Lorelei possessed considerable combat skills, the disparity between their abilities and Iskandar's was glaringly apparent. The contrast between the two was akin to night and day.

Iskandar, despite being nothing more than an empty vessel, a mere remnant of his former self, surpassed them as opponents. He existed on a level that was beyond their grasp.

Iskandar effortlessly evaded their spell attacks, and their attempts at binding him with magecraft crumbled beneath the relentless thunder of his charging chariot.

They were utterly powerless in the face of the Conqueror King!

However, they couldn't allow Iskandar to continue his rampage unchecked.

Shirou took a step forward, projecting Rhongomyniad with determination in his eyes. He was prepared to strike down Iskandar, all the while keeping a watchful eye out for any unexpected assaults from the unidentified entity.

But just as he was about to act, a series of explosive sounds shattered the wall leading to the backyard.

And then, in the blink of an eye, a magnificent golden boat soared into the air.

It was none other than Vimana, the throne of the Heaven-soaring King!

Shirou's eyes narrowed as he caught sight of the Golden Boat.

With the dramatic appearance of the Golden Boat from the castle, a shower of shredded flesh descended from it.

The torn remnants of magus uniforms were unmistakable. They belonged to the magi of Lorelei, with their standardized attire.

In the next instant, a battered figure tumbled out of the Golden Boat.

Covered in blood, she landed with a painful thud and immediately coughed up more blood. Multiple swords protruded from her body, rendering her in a pitiful state. It was none other than Barthomeloi Lorelei.

Perched atop the Golden Boat - Vimana stood the figure of the Golden King.

Shirou stared at the figure before him.

There was no need to utter his name. It was the person he used to despise the most, yet now engaged in daily banter with as his reliable trolling buddy.

Gilgamesh—the King of Heroes!

Standing on the Golden Boat opposite Gilgamesh, another figure caught his attention.

Using Heroic Mortal, he activated Clairvoyance C to gain a clear view of the person's identity. It turned out to be a girl, dressed in a gray cloak. However, the hood that usually concealed her face had slipped off, revealing a cascade of dull silver hair. And in her hands, she firmly grasped a sword.

It was Gray!


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