
Shirou reached Gray's place, a modest apartment.

With Miyu in tow, he arrived at the apartment and knocked on the door.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A gentle voice belonging to Gray came from within, "Who's there?"

"It's Fujimaru Shirou."

Inside, Gray's voice sounded like that of a distressed little bunny. Then, a flustered voice followed, and finally, with a creaking sound, the door opened, revealing Gray in her neat attire.

Gently gripping the doorknob, she cast a timid glance at him and asked, "Umm... Fujimaru-sama, do you need something from me?"

"Come with me to Fuyuki City."

"Huh?" she was momentarily stunned and didn't react.

He clicked his tongue, sounding a bit displeased, "Artoria, how long do you intend to possess someone else's body? I've never seen a knight so disgraceful!"

Artoria, who was hiding inside the room, peeked her head out and secretly watched Shirou. When she heard his words, she let out a whine and crouched in the corner, trembling.

"I want to die... I want to die...!" she muttered to herself.

Gray cast a quick glance at Artoria, then redirected her attention to him, mustering the courage to clarify, "Um... Fujimaru-sama, you've misunderstood. The one you are presently conversing with is indeed me, Gray. The King... the King of Knights has not taken control of my body."

Shirou, fully aware of the truth, had merely been testing them, and both of them had unwittingly fallen for it.

He pointed towards the spot where Gray had just glanced and asked, "Is she over there?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"Ask her to enter your body and come with me. I've already informed your guardian."

"Professor..." she was momentarily taken aback, then nodded, "Understood."

Artoria entered Gray's body and followed Shirou.

He led them back to the car, motioning for Miyu to take a seat in the back alongside Gray.

With the invasion from the parallel world looming ever closer, Shirou found himself drained of energy, unable to spare any to comfort the young girl and help her familiarize herself with the new world.

Deciding it might be a good idea, he had Gray and Miyu sit together in the back seat. Considering their relatively close ages of only five years apart, he hoped they would find some common ground to strike up a conversation.

To his surprise, however, the outcome was quite the opposite. The two of them remained in an almost eerie silence throughout the journey, not uttering a single word to each other.

Miyu possessed a naturally calm demeanor, still in the process of acclimating to the strange new world around her. She seemed to be in a constant state of observation, quietly taking in her surroundings and committing faces to memory.

On the other hand, Gray was quite different. This self-conscious young girl wasn't one to take the initiative in social interactions. Instead, she preferred to maintain a comfortable distance and silently observe the people around her.

They were both the introverted type, not exactly the outgoing kind. So, when they first met, it wasn't exactly a surprise that there were no intense sparks flying between them.

As for finding like-minded people and becoming close companions, that seemed more like a fantasy straight out of a light novel.

When two introverts come together, it's more about politely ignoring each other and keeping a comfortable distance.

Fortunately, he couldn't see Artoria; otherwise, he might not have been able to drive so calmly.

In fact, Gray couldn't help but lower her head to avoid looking at Artoria. She dared not lift her head to look again.

Because the woman in question, Artoria, was seated in the passenger seat, covering her face and staring at Shirou through the gap between her fingers.

The young king she had encountered in Adra City had left a strong impression on her, and she had genuinely liked him. However, the king standing before her now was someone she undeniably admired the most.

His composed demeanor, piercing gaze, and the sense of absolute control he exuded, as if he held the world in his hands, all resonated with her idea of what an Ideal King should be. It evoked memories of the chaotic era over fifteen hundred years ago.

In the past, she had no clue about emotions, let alone her own heart. But now, she has come to a clear understanding of her own feelings. So she boldly admits it. The king's seriousness and elegant composure, as if he has everything under control, have completely captivated her.

That's probably why, more than fifteen hundred years ago, when she finally allowed her repressed emotions to flow, she found herself overwhelmed by the surging emotions and made such a foolish decision.

And now, the situation inside the car was quite strange.

Shirou was driving seriously while Artoria looked at him with an enamored expression, like a teenage girl in the throes of love. The atmosphere seemed to be filled with pink bubbles, intoxicating everyone. In the backseat, Miyu and Gray, both introverts, one looked out the window, and the other kept her head down, occasionally stealing glances at Artoria.

The car was filled with an unsettling silence, as if a strange spell had enveloped it. But as soon as Arcueid stepped into the car, the silence was shattered.

"Hahahaha! How cute!" she plopped herself in the middle of the backseat, bursting into hearty laughter. With one hand on each of their heads, she warmly embraced Miyu and Gray.

Gray accepted it without much reaction, while Miyu attempted to resist, though it was futile against Arcueid's strength...

No need to say more. If he continued, Shirou might find himself on the verge of tears.

As Arcueid held Gray and Miyu tightly, both of them squirmed uncomfortably, wanting to break free. However, their feeble attempts were no match for her strength.

The eerie silence that had enveloped the car was instantly shattered by Arcueid's joyful and whimsical laughter. Her laughter had a magical quality that instantly lifted the moods.

Meanwhile, Artoria continued to gaze at Shirou's profile, unfazed by the strange and lively atmosphere around her.

Just like she had done over fifteen hundred years ago, serving as a knight to the king, Artoria remained faithfully by his side, observing him intently and captivated by his every expression.

"Hmm?! Hold on, Shirou! Stop the car!" Arcueid's sudden frown prompted her to swiftly call out.

He promptly pulled the car over to the side of the road.

She gently set the girls down and hastily exited the car. Her eyes scanned the street, a troubled expression evident on her face as if she were searching for something.

He stepped out of the car and looked at her, "What's wrong?"

She paused for a moment, seemingly hesitant, before finally speaking up. "I... I just sensed the presence of a True Ancestor."

"A True Ancestor?" He furrowed his brow.

It was believed that most of them met their end a thousand years ago. And now, she claimed to have sensed the presence of one?

"Could it be that you sensed Altrouge?"

"Perhaps..." she hesitated and nodded.

Altrouge is a half-blooded mix of a Dead Apostle and a True Ancestor, which means she possesses certain characteristics of a True Ancestor. So, it wouldn't be strange if Arcueid sensed those True Ancestor traits from her.

"Let's go back for now."


With a nod, she made her way back to the car, settling herself inside.

He followed suit, climbing into the car and taking his seat.

The engine roared to life, and the car resumed its journey, gliding along the road.

Within moments, Arcueid's troubled expression melted away, replaced by a renewed vitality. She cradled Miyu and Gray in her arms, a playful smile dancing on her lips, as if releasing the boundless energy and carefree spirit of a young girl.

'Help... help me!' Miyu and Gray called out in their hearts.

However, the two people in the car...

One was driving seriously, while the other, taking advantage of the fact that nobody could see her, had completely fallen into a lovesick state, staring without shame at the person she admired in her heart.