
Inside Ritsuka's room, a gust of cold wind swept in through the open window, causing the curtains by the bedside to flutter and make a soft rustling sound.

The evening breeze carried a chill, though it paled in comparison to the icy glare in Shirou's eyes.

Artoria, who had been by his side for eight long years, had become well acquainted with his temperaments. The King seldom let anger consume him, but when he did, it left a lasting impact on her.

Her deep understanding of his anger stemmed not only from her constant observation of the King she held in such high regard but also from recognizing that, more often than not, his wrath was not directed at others but at himself.

This held true when she had to depart Cornwall, when she clashed with Vortigern, and even when she witnessed the tragic loss of countless soldiers in battle.

And now, it was the same.

The King she admired only truly revealed his anger when he was angry at himself.

Whether in the past or present, what truly angered the King were not formidable enemies, but rather his own incompetence or mistakes. It all boiled down to that. And now, the King was furious.

"My king..," she called out, breaking the tense silence.

"It's nothing, Artie," he sighed deeply, a sneer forming on his face. "Just a bunch of mongrels who took advantage of my absence and led my sister astray. How troublesome it is to have such foolish creatures around, and to think my sister actually fell for their schemes. I must educate them both properly..."

He turned his head and glanced at her. "I'm sorry. It was sudden, but for now, let's cancel tonight's operation."

"No need to apologize, my king. I... I can't really accept your 'apology' anyway..."

"Do you remember the first thing I told you when we were at Ector's Estate?"

"To... to acknowledge our mistakes and make amends."

He nodded and said, "In this world, there isn't a single person who hasn't made mistakes. It's just a part of being human. What really matters is learning from those mistakes and not repeating them. As for what happened in the Fourth Holy Grail War, I've let it go. So, it's time for you to forgive yourself too."

A surge of black mud enveloped his body, giving birth to two ominous black wings behind him—a manifestation of the "Evil" within. With a graceful motion, he took flight, gently placing his hand on Artoria's head. "That's it then. You should go back and get some rest."

Without looking back, he soared towards the vast expanse of the distant sky.

She gazed after him as he disappeared into the distance, her head hanging low. She whispered with a heavy heart, "I'm sorry, my king... I can't forgive myself. And it's difficult to make amends for my mistakes."

As she turned around, she was startled to find Miyu standing at the door, silently observing Shirou's retreating figure from afar.

She collected herself, her expression softening ever so slightly, and she asked, "Can't you sleep, Miyu?"

Miyu paused for a moment before asking, "You... aren't Gray?"

"No, I am not. I am a spiritual entity residing within her."

"I see..."

"Go back and rest. Children shouldn't be involved in these matters."

"Okay..." she nodded.


In an elementary school, Ritsuka and Illya, both transformed using Ruby and Sapphire, stood confidently, prepared to cast their spell.

"You ready, Illya?" Ritsuka asked.

"Ah... um, yeah, I'm ready!"

Illya nodded anxiously, then awkwardly tugged at her clothes and murmured softly, "I really feel more and more like an exhibitionist... It's... so embarrassing!"

Ruby laughed, "Kuhahaha—, adorable Illya, you have strong magical girl power. Don't worry, I can assure you that there's nothing to be embarrassed about! On the contrary, it's extremely cute~! For magical girls, cuteness is justice!"

Sapphire said, "Although she's a pervert, she didn't say anything wrong this time, Illya. You've already shown your graceful figure, so there's no need to feel ashamed."

"Yes, yes!" Ritsuka happily laughed and said, "As for me, I think I'm cute, and Illya is cute too!"

"Is that so..." Illya hesitated and nodded, then couldn't help but complain, "But do you think that by saying all these things, my sense of shame will decrease? And why does Sapphire, who seems to be the less perverted one, have more revealing outfit?!"

"Kuhahaha—" Ruby laughed, "Because, Sapphire..."

"Sis!" Sapphire looked at Ruby and asked, "What were you going to say?"

"N-nothing." Ruby shrunk back.

"Alright," Ruby continued, "let's cast the spell and enter the Mirror World!"

Illya hesitated, "Ritsuka... maybe we should just forget about it? Last time was really dangerous..."

"Hehehe... No need to be scared, Illya! I'll keep you safe!" Ritsuka comforted Illya with a gentle pat on her back.

"Even if you say that, I still don't feel safe at all!"

Why did she board this ship in the first place?

In that moment, with Ruby at the center, the spell to open the gateway to the Mirror World was set into motion.

They found themselves inside an elementary school in the Mirror World, where their most formidable foe awaited them—Rider, Medusa!

It was already the fifth encounter between Illya, Ritsuka, and Medusa.

After five intense battles, they had become well-acquainted with the powers of Ruby and Sapphire. They synchronized their actions flawlessly and launched a coordinated assault on Medusa.

Ruby and Sapphire were extraordinary Mystic Codes known as Kaleidosticks, crafted by Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. These unique Mystic Code held the power of the Second Magic, granting them the ability to assume different forms and establish a connection with the user's magical circuits. This connection allowed them to draw upon abilities from parallel worlds, making them a formidable asset.

As top-grade Mystic Codes created through the utilization of the Second Magic, Ruby and Sapphire possessed remarkable features. They were equipped with A-ranked barriers for protection, the ability to heal wounds, and enhance the user's physical capabilities, all of which came as standard features.

Perhaps that was precisely the reason why Ruby and Sapphire chose young girls to become magical girls. It seemed that Zelretch had a fondness for magical girls to such an extent that he even targeted someone as infamous as Merlin.

After five arduous battles, Illya and Ritsuka had finally managed to subdue Medusa, thanks to their strong teamwork and collaboration.

"We can win!" Ritsuka laughed.

And right at that moment—

"Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—!!!"

A tremendous surge of magical energy burst forth from Medusa, and a jet-black Pegasus materialized in the far-off sky. Medusa mounted the steed, her entire being emanating with intense and boiling mana.

"Aaahhhhh—!!!" Medusa let out a resounding roar.

Ruby's voice filled with panic, "Oh no! It's her Noble Phantasm!"

Ritsuka curiously asked, "What's a Noble Phantasm?"

"Ritsuka, a Noble Phantasm is..." Sapphire began to explain, but Ruby swiftly interjected, "We don't have time for that now! We must retreat right now!"

"Ruby's right," Sapphire concurred.

However, even as they spoke, the jet-black Pegasus had ascended to the highest point in the sky, prepared to swoop down on them.

"We're running out of time! Quick, activate the magical barrier!" Ruby exclaimed, her voice laced with anxiety.

The situation was far beyond what Ruby had anticipated. In theory, these counterfeit Heroic Spirits, lacking their own will, shouldn't have been capable of unleashing their Noble Phantasms. Yet, to her astonishment, Medusa was on the verge of using her Noble Phantasm!

"Hurry!" Ruby shouted.

Ritsuka and Illya immediately understood the gravity of the situation upon hearing Ruby's frantic tone.

In truth, even before Ruby's urgent reminder, they had already sensed the imminent danger. The pitch-black mist enveloping Medusa, akin to a harbinger of despair, sent shivers down their spines.

Without wasting a moment, both of them swiftly wielded their Kaleidosticks to activate the magical barrier. But could it really withstand the upcoming attack?

"Bellerophon!" Medusa's voice boomed from the skies as she mounted her jet-black Pegasus. She transformed into a dark comet of despair, charging towards Ritsuka and Illya.

The magical power was utterly terrifying, akin to an overwhelming mountain, causing trembles to ripple through their bodies.

Could they really withstand this?

Doubt gnawed at the hearts of Illya and Ritsuka.



Illya's heart quivered, and within her, it seemed as if a lock deep inside was being prodded by the hand of despair.

And right at that very moment—

"The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World—Rhongomyniad!"

A voice brimming with both anger and innocence resonated through the air, accompanied by a deafening roar. Illya and Ritsuka witnessed an infinite beam of light hurtling from behind, crashing headlong into the charging Medusa!

Atop her jet-black Pegasus, Medusa was instantly obliterated by the boundless light.

Not only that, but the Class Card of Medusa was also consumed by the all-encompassing light.

"She... she's gone!" Illya gasped in astonishment.

Ruby and Sapphire, equally astounded, were frozen in shock.

Only Ritsuka, who hadn't sensed the impending danger, grumbled in annoyance, "Who? Who dared to steal my target?"

"Your target! Hehehe... joining such a dangerous game shows quite the audacity. You certainly have some nerve."

A young, sweet, yet angry voice was heard near them, capturing their attention. They both turned their heads to locate the source of the voice.

Against the jet-black backdrop of the Mirror World's sky stood a petite figure.

Adorning his back were two black wings, and in his hand gleamed a holy lance radiating with a divine light.

Illya couldn't help but murmur, "An angel?"

"What angel!" Ritsuka grumbled discontentedly. "Clearly, he's the culprit who snatched away our target!"

"Hurry... hurry, Ritsuka!" Ruby suddenly panicked, her voice brimming with anxiety.

"What's wrong, Ruby?"

Sapphire also asked curiously, "Yeah, sis, what's wrong?"

"Quick... run! That person... he's our enemy! The arch-nemesis of magical girls!"

"The arch-nemesis of magical girls?" 

Everyone was puzzled.

Although they didn't understand why Ruby was so panicked, they trusted that Ruby had her own reasons. So, they obeyed Ruby's instructions and began constructing the ritual to leave the Mirror World.

"Still trying to run!?"

A frustrated voice sounded, and the petite figure in the sky lifted the holy lance Rhongomyniad and waved his hand, firing a beam of light towards them.

Ruby and Sapphire scrambled to construct a protective magical barrier, desperately hoping it would be enough to withstand the immense power of Rhongomyniad. However, the force emanating from the lance proved to be overwhelming, shattering their barrier and triggering a devastating explosion that rocked the area.

With a loud rumble, the ground cracked, and the violent wind threw them out of the magic circle.

"He's our enemy! The arch-nemesis of magical girls!" Ritsuka shouted.

Down from the skies emerged a black-haired boy, who appeared to be no older than six. His eyes blazed with an intense brightness, akin to dancing flames. Adorned in a striking silver armor embellished with dragon markings, he wielded a pure white lance that emanated an undeniable sense of purity.

As he descended, the radiant light he brought along seemed to push back the oppressive darkness that shrouded the Mirror World. Despite the jet-black wings sprouting from his back, which might have seemed ominous in comparison, they harmonized with his overall presence, emitting a gentle and divine aura.

This boy's presence was a blend of contradictions, evoking a strange mix of awe and uncertainty in Ruby and her friends.

It truly reminded them of an angel.

As Illya looked at the boy, her expression became even more stunned. In her mind, there was a strange feeling of familiarity.

It was as if... as if she had seen him somewhere before!

Illya's mind felt somewhat disoriented.

"Illya? Illya?" Sapphire's voice was filled with concern as she called out.

"Ah... I'm fine, Sapphire," Illya responded, attempting to reassure her friend. However, even as she uttered those words, her mind remained somewhat disoriented.

Within that fleeting moment of confusion, a curious thing happened. She saw a fragment of memory that didn't belong to her, like a puzzle piece from a different picture.

One afternoon, within that fragmentary memory, she saw a person—a big brother-like figure with wings—soaring up into the sky. In this beautiful scene, she was held in his arms like a princess.

"Big brother, are you an angel?"

"Do you think I am?"

The fragment abruptly stopped, and the face remained blurry.

Illya was certain that she had never experienced these memories.

But why did this memory fragment suddenly appear in her mind?

And on top of that, there was also a faint sense of sadness...

But why?

Illya was completely confused.

Most importantly, who was this boy standing right in front of her?


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