
It was an awe-inspiring dream, a tale of a girl brought into existence through a plan fueled by the late king's dissatisfaction. She had strived relentlessly, sacrificing countless sleepless nights, all in pursuit of becoming the "Ideal King." However, in her relentless pursuit of perfection, she lost touch with her true self and the ability to comprehend others' emotions like a regular human.

Bound by the late king's will, she would take on the mantle of leadership, guiding her loyal knights, and fiercely defending against external threats. Yet, tragically, destiny had already decided her end, and the same cruel fate awaited those she protected, leaving them with no hope for a brighter future. This unsettling future had been revealed to her by the magus, sealing her fate and that of her people.

But even in the face of this predetermined fate, she embraced it without hesitation and decided to draw the sword. It wasn't driven by any grand motives, but simply because it felt like the right thing to do.

However, fate had other plans in store. Before she could act, someone else, shining with unparalleled brilliance and wisdom, stepped forward and drew the sword. She couldn't help but believe that this person was more deserving to be the king, and so, she devoted her loyalty to him.

The new king, with his radiant presence, liberated her from the shackles of her past, shouldering the weight of the kingdom's burdens, and courageously facing numerous trials. His wisdom knew no bounds, and his influence spread far and wide, defying the expected ending that loomed over them all.

Under his rule, a dazzling dynasty emerged, and the people, once destined to be forgotten, were propelled into a promising future.

Yet, the king's heart yearned for his homeland, and he showed no interest in embracing that future alongside his people. All he desired was to return to where he belonged.

So, without hesitation, she devoted herself to fulfilling his wish.

Anyone or anything that dared to stand in the way of the king's return home became her enemy. The White Dragon, Crimson Moon, Sword Emperor Lucius, Attila... She was determined to eliminate anything hindering the king's journey back to his homeland.

For this noble cause, she drew the holy sword, Excalibur.

She stood by the king's side, facing the White Dragon and vanquishing the threat of Crimson Moon.

But as the day of their parting approached, the king's worries persisted, haunted by the future of the dynasty and the looming resurgence of the Roman Western Empire.

In response to his concerns, she took up her sword, equipped with ten cursed spears, mounted on a warhorse, and fearlessly charged into the heart of the Roman Western Empire's territory.

Sword Emperor Lucius proved to be a truly formidable enemy, and in swordsmanship, he was no less skilled than her mentor. Surrounded by soldiers, magi, and various suppression techniques, danger lurked at every turn.

Despite the odds stacked against her, she emerged victorious from the intense battle, thriving against all odds.

She stormed into the heart of the Western Roman Empire's capital, and as the fierce battle raged on, all ten cursed spears met their end, shattered in the heat of combat. In the end, she left the city with the severed heads of the Emperor and Sword Emperor as trophies of her victory.

But how did she manage to reach this point?

Both the White Dragon and Crimson Moon were beings far beyond her understanding, and the Sword Emperor Lucius' skill in swordsmanship was nothing short of astonishing.

Yet, despite the overwhelming odds, she continued to press forward, leaving a trail of defeated enemies in her wake.

The answer may lie in her deep admiration for the king. 

Perhaps she was once naive and innocent, but now she had a good understanding of her purpose. 

All she wanted was to see a genuine smile on the face of her beloved king again.

As long as she thinks of him, she becomes invincible!

With the king's heart finally at ease, he entrusted the future of the dynasty to those he left behind and bid his farewell.

However, after his departure, the situation grew increasingly complex.

The era of expansion had reached its end, giving way to a myriad of complex issues. Matters of the dynasty's interests, national affairs, economic problems stemming from the grain-based economy in the aftermath of the Little Ice Age, and the need to transition weaponry... all of these complications merged, sowing the seeds of potential destruction.

Internal troubles were present from the very beginning, and to make matters worse, the heir to the throne had mysteriously disappeared. The Hun Empire had already conquered most of the European continent, leaving only one dynasty standing against their dominance.

Caught between internal turmoil and external threats, the people turned to her for leadership. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and she, in accordance with the will of her people, accepted the burden and took the throne upon herself.

However, she came to know the greatest secret.

—The King was planning to bring destruction to this era, putting an end to the old age.

After knowing this secret, she understood the tragic fate that awaited her, but she still chose to inherit the throne.

No longer was her reason merely because it felt like the right thing to do, but rather, it was driven by a deep sense of responsibility and loyalty. This dynasty was the legacy of the king and his knights, and she couldn't allow their legacy to be destroyed.

With the knowledge she gained from the king's teachings in handling state affairs, she took on the heavy burden of leadership. However, the looming threat of Attila weighed heavily on her mind.

Within the dynasty, no one proved capable of standing up to Attila's might.

Driven to a state of desperation, she had no choice but to delegate state affairs to others and personally take up arms to protect the borders.

After personally clashing with Attila, she realized how terrifying Attila was.

Attila surpassed the ruthlessness of the White Dragon, displayed more cunning and strategic prowess than Crimson Moon, and possessed a destructive power that even outmatched Sword Emperor Lucius!

Her territory surpassed the boundaries of the dynasty, boasting abundant resources and a significantly larger population!

Her empire extended from the Caspian Sea in the east to the Western Roman Empire in the west, and from the Danube River in the south to the Baltic Sea in the north. It sprawled across the vast Eurasian continent, and she treated the Mediterranean Sea as her pond. Comparatively, it was over ten times larger than Camelot dynasty!

For five long years, she battled Attila in more than 650 encounters, yet the outcome remained uncertain.

Gradually, she came to a realization - Attila was undoubtedly the most formidable enemy she had ever met in her life!

Neither could she crush Attila, nor could Attila drive her away. The struggle seemed endless, and the war raged on.

However, the dynasty had already been weakened, and she understood that if they persisted in the fight, Attila would eventually wear them down, leading to an inevitable collapse.

Left with no other choice, she decided to take a daring gamble. Under a concealed identity, she secretly reached out to the Emperor of the Roman Eastern Empire and presented herself as a tribute from the Eastern Empire to Attila.

To undermine Camelot's strength, Attila accepted the tribute from the Eastern Empire, which helped mend their relationship.

However, she was a woman, and moreover, a woman interested only in destruction and devastation. Naturally, she couldn't enjoy the woman's company in that way; she could only use her as an attendant.

On the night of the tribute, as she sat on the bed, disguised under an alias, Attila attempted to engage in conversation with her. Unexpectedly, Excalibur appeared, drawn swiftly and piercing Attila's heart.

One would think that would be the end of it. However, what followed was the truly spine-chilling part.

Instead of perishing, the supposedly assassinated Attila underwent a nightmarish transformation, turning into a colossal white giant.

She became the very embodiment of destruction, unleashing havoc and devastation upon her own capital.

In that moment of chaos, Artoria finally understood the reason why Attila had become her ultimate archenemy.

It became evident that their fateful confrontation was destined from the very moment she acquired Excalibur.

The opponent she faced was none other than an incarnation of a giant from beyond this planet, a formidable force defeated by the holy sword over ten thousand years ago.

Now, as the bearer of the holy sword, she once again assumed the role of its wielder and triumphed over the mighty white giant.

Yet, Attila's retaliatory strike inflicted severe injuries upon her.

In her final moments, she uttered haunting words, "Bearer of the Holy Sword, you are the mightiest defense this planet has ever known, but also the most tragic soul. Witness it yourself; your fate is bound to be one of miserable destruction. Everything you hold dear, everything you have sworn to protect, will crumble before your eyes. Betrayal will come from those you trust, assassination from those you protect, and your life will ultimately meet a tragic end."

"No, it won't," she said. "I will keep the dynasty alive!"

Attila gazed at her for a prolonged moment before speaking, "Until now, my annihilation and devastation were mere instincts I couldn't control. But it is only you who stirred in me a genuine desire for destruction and chaos. Just you wait, Wielder of the Holy Sword... No, Artoria Pendragon, I have made my decision. The next time I descend, I will undoubtedly obliterate everything you hold dear and relish the sight of you crumbling and weeping in misery."

"If there is a next time, I will protect all that I cherish and defeat you again."

Attila reached out her hand to her and then died.

Bearing the weight of her injuries, she made her way back to the camp, her face worn and fatigued, leading her victorious army back to the dynasty after successfully eliminating the external threat.

However, upon her return, what awaited her was not the cheers of the people but the heart-wrenching betrayal of the person she had trusted the most.

The sky of the setting sun was blood-red. 

The land before her was also blood-red.

The lifeless bodies scattered on the ground were once loyal subjects who believed in and celebrated her as their king, singing her praises with devotion. However, under the influence of the traitors' provocations, they were torn apart into two factions, perceiving each other as enemies, and locked in a tragic cycle of mutual slaughter until they all met their end on this battlefield. 

All that remained was devastation and destruction.

Her king wanted to bring an end to the Age of Gods, allowing it to fade slowly and silently, much like a gradual passage of time. However, the traitors ignited a massive fire, swiftly burning everything to death.

In the wake of the swift destruction, the once glorious dynasty lay shattered, and the land was left in ruins. Everything had reached its end, leaving her as the sole survivor.

In agony and overwhelmed by the tragedy, tears streamed down her face. Was this the very expression Attila had always wanted to see? A visage of suffering and despair, drenched in tears of anguish?

However, the tale had not reached its conclusion just yet. With her strong desire to alter the course of history, she unwittingly attracted a sinister miracle.

The 'miracle' presented her with an opportunity to change everything, but it demanded a high price - her life and eternal servitude after her passing. 

Despite the cost, she accepted the deal.

Afterward, she was summoned by the Holy Grail and had participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War. Later, she fell into an eternal illusion woven by despair. In the end, she had to trouble her king to wake her up.

All the vows she had made and cherished were constantly broken...

In the end, she ended up with nothing, and could only seek that sinister miracle.

Looking back on her life, she had never enjoyed a moment of peace and happiness.


She did experience happiness.

Her greatest happiness was watching her king from afar.

Her most unforgettable memory was the night when he unified all of Britain.

And the sweetest memory was the first night of their journey when the king held her hand and gently taught her how to barbecue.

Her love for the king emerged from that very night, perhaps that's where it all began.

That's why she was determined to return to that day. She believed in letting the people choose a different king, while she focused solely on defeating Attila.

Therefore, no matter what, she had to obtain the Holy Grail.

In the end, the girl who once kept her heart closed found herself amidst mountains of corpses and seas of blood, her hand outstretched towards the gray sky, consumed by despair.

She pleaded for a miracle, even if it meant a sinister one that would bring eternal damnation.


On the sofa in the Fujimaru household, Gray slowly opened her eyes, finding tears already welling up in the corners of her eyes.

"Gray, what's wrong?" Artoria gazed at her with concern, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Gray shook her head, taking a moment to gather her thoughts, and then asked, "Your Highness, will you stay with me always?"

"Well..." she hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, offering a reassuring smile, "Of course, until I can return, I'll be right here with you."

Gray nodded and then glanced around the room, "Where are Illya and the others?"

"They're out on another field mission."

"I see... So, who are they up against this time?"

Three days ago, after Illya and the others dealt with Medea, the King led them to deal with Assassin.

"It's Saber, Artoria Pendragon."

After a pause, she pointed to herself and smiled, "It's me."

"You should go with them, Gray," she encouraged, "Getting to know Illya and the others better will help you become good friends."

Gray felt a hint of timidity creeping in, but thinking back on her dream, she gritted her teeth and nodded, "Okay!"

Stepping forward, Gray looked at her and spoke hesitantly, "Your Highness..."


"I want... I want to know more about you!"

Artoria was taken aback by the sudden request but nodded with a faint smile, "Sure."

Filled with excitement, Gray stepped outside the house, basking in the warm sunlight that illuminated her silver hair, shining brightly.

As Gray left, Artoria's smile gradually faded, replaced by a hint of bitterness. "Getting to know me, a woman with countless failures, might not be a good thing, Gray."

Memories of Attila's curse flooded her mind, and she heaved a deep sigh.