Williamson household

Wade finally saw a ray of light in darkness and tries to grab and open his eyes with great difficulty and pain he finally opened his eyes

Wade saw a blurry figure of an middle aged man and very beautiful women who was tending his wounds with tears in her eyes

after seeing the tears in the eyes of the women Wade felt a tinge of pain in his heart

and his started to hurt like hell and all the information related to the body to which he has transmigrated started to come to his brain and slowly the pain subsided His consciousness started to become clear

Wade looking at the women said "mom don't worry I'm fine it's just that I'm feeling bit sleepy"

Julia and Andrew who seems to have hear what wade said felt relieved and the tension with in them subsided

Andrew while looking at Wade said"take rest my child i won't let anything happen to you i will get justice for you "

As he said that he left with an angry face

while his mother was very worried

Wade looking towards his mom said"Mom I'm fine now you should take rest you look very tired,if i need anything i will call you mom"

after hearing her son said that she was relieved and said"son it's all our fault that we couldn't do anything for you " and starting shedding tears

Wade had general idea about how the previous owner died and what was the reason of conflict.The owner of this body shared the same name as him born in the declining Williamson household and he was engaged to

leila of Claudia household which is the the top powerhouse of the the great Xander country where he is currently residing.The engagement was set by the great ancestors of both families and because of the declining power of the Williamson the Claudia household wanted to break the engagement and humiliate Williamson household.The present condition was also result of their household's advanced knights beating him to break the engagement .

in this world knights are divided into

1.apprentice knight

2. intermediate knight

3.Advanced knight

which was the final threshold for knights ,similar to knights mages were also present but they are the major powerhouses

to them knights are just ants that could be crushed with just a single spell.

As he knew the general idea of the situation in this world and his present condition Wade secretly swore to himself that he reach the Apex of this world and make all of them regret who used to look down upon him

Wade seeing his mom said " Mom don't worry about me and rest I'm getting sleepy"

Julia seeing that Wade getting sleepy left the room silently

At this moment Wade was thinking about the his biochip Charlie if it was would have been easier for him in this world.Just at this moment he heard a voice inside his mind

"ding-charlie functions activated"

Current host-Wade Williamson




hearing the voice and the screen appeared inside his mind Wade got shocked and oddly excited because he never expected his biochip to be transmigrated with him to this world