boosted recovery

Wade recovering from the shock instructed Charles"activate recovery mode"

As Wade finished instructing Charles

"ding command accepted"

self recovery mode activated

Wade's body started to recover at rate visible to eye and all his wounds recovered similar to that of wolverine in X-Men

As Wade finished his full recovery he stared to make plans for his future and went off his room and instructed servants to bring the herbs from most common to most rarest ones.

Williamson household was very rich in resources but they didn't had any means to protect the previous owner of his body was a trash who always indulged himself in lust which resulted in his weak Constitution.

after some time the servant returned with all the herbs and gave it to Wade

Wade started to analyse the herbs using Charles

Charles"All herbs have been scanned and the data has been copied"

information after analysis

1.Blood lotus-increases strength and vitality but cannot be consumed by normal means

2.Dragon grass-rejuvenates the body and brings tranquility to host

3.dark vine-contains high yin energy cannot be consumed at 100% leading to wastage of energy

4. Venus flower-yang fruit improves Constitution of the body

as he was expecting he saw small fruit like cherry and wanted to examine it but the servant immediately responded

"master I'm extremely sorry this fruit is nothing but trash normal fruit which could be found at outskirts it may have mistakenly put with all this herbs"

"hmmm"Wade snorted and started to examine the fruit

Charles"wild berry-extemely rare species in world earth it has ability to increase efficieny of the body so that he could intake all the herbs at 100% efficiency"

As soon as Charles said this Wade was stunned because he too knew that value of wild berries in his previous world as it was monopolised by all major pharmaceutical and superpowers supporting them.

"haha ha the most rarest and expensive fruit is considered as trash"as he said this he started laughing by holding his stomach

The servant who was standing beside Wade started to get nervous and thought that his young master has gone mad due to the injuries

Wade then stopped laughing and said"bring me all the wild berries as much as you can and all this herbs in bulk i need to use them"

As Wade said servant was confused but still resigned to his young master and said"don't worry master I'll get the work done immediately"and left the room

Wade wanted to know more about the world so he decided to look for more information so went to his father's room

As soon as he entered the room his father was stunned and shocked because he knew his injuries were severe and cannot be recovered so easily"Son how did recover so happened to you who helped you?

Wade " i don't know Dad after resting for a while i got better,i think my body is quite tough hehe"

his father Andrew was so shocked but decided not pry on his son who doesn't seem to want to disclose the truth

Andrew"son don't worry i won't let anyone to bully you again i will make sure that Claudia household will regret this"

Wade after hearing this was touched because he was an orphan in his previous life and never had this feeling

Wade "Dad you don't have to do that it was me who got hurt and i will take care of this matter .

dad"can i borrow our library for some days i want to read some books"

As he said that Andrew was shocked but his expression brightened as he knew that his was good for nothing who always fooled around with girls but today something seems to have change within him today

"yes son you can borrow the library it's all yours and no one could stop you ohk"