The assault

The sound of tanks running can be heard on the borders of the union of almost every country when suddenly the first tank shot echoes out into the night . First a large boom and then an explosion killing many as man in the fortresses of the borders sit scared ready for attack . As they ready up for volley fire as they all fire at one magic imbued in there arrows bouncing off the tanks armor .

When suddenly thousands of Soviet soldiers appear marching along with the tanks using the tanks as cover to approach . As artillery fires off from the very back of the assault hitting the fortresses and infantry killing thousands . As men scream out into the night the once silent night turns into chaos . As thousands of men are left dead or injured dying slowly as there left for dead as they watch there comrades die around them .

The Soviet soldiers who approach slowly bandage them up and let the knights take care of them . The tanks continue to roar throughout the night killing thousands with there shots .

In one single night most of the soon to be east bloc was taken over . 40,000 enemy soldiers lost there lives in the assault they were all sent in body bags to there families as the Union cemented it's power in the countries slowly but surely .

Transforming everything about it integrating it completely into the Union the Union culturally annexed these countries . The Union set up a garrison in the cities and the soldiers who fought went home . The one night assault ended quickly as the Soviets waited for there next assault as Dominick prepared his navy his bombs and his firearms .