The truth

I must admit when I first started this I had no plan when it came to writing. All I did was go off my own thoughts to create all of the chapters no drafts no proof reading none of that. Besides one chapter every single chapter only ever had on version which would be released almost immediately. Due to this fact the chapters were poor in quality and seem a little strange when reading them myself now. Back then I was proud of the chapters because I thought I had done a good job that my writing could be among the highest on the entire app on the entire internet. But I was just trying to make myself feel better I knew that I have no real talent for writing.

What I do have is a lot of time spent on reading real books and online books. I wouldn't say I have much experience with writing in its processes which is why the communist prince. Won't be getting dropped but it won't be releasing chapters anymore for now. I haven't released a chapter in months so I hope you understand actually why am I saying all this. It's not like anyone will care or take the time to read this.

For now I'll keep keep reading books and trying to learn. The next time the communist prince releases a chapter I promise to make it at least of decent quality. It'll be the best chapter I have ever made in my short and almost nonexistent history of writing.

Now that's all I must say I'm gonna go read some Manhwa.

From: The Author

To: My beloved readers