What is death? Different people give their own meanings to that fundamental law that plagues all. For some it is the natural continuation of life. The ultimate end to the journey.
For others it is an injustice that can happen anytime and to anyone unexpectedly, no matter one's circumstances. Without a sign the reaper can come to reap its due.
For many it remains an unanswerable question.
It is commonly accepted that such a morbid subject lead to no easy answer, least ones delve into philosophy to find a more descriptive response to describe the mortality that concerns people. In any case Death is when the body stops its functions for any number of reasons and the sweet breath of life leaves.
"What happens after death?"
Another example of a quarry whose solution eludes the confines of our mind. But its answers can be far more interesting.
While the unavoidable truth all humans face is commonly accepted as a fact, its continuation is the cause of concern for many. Since we are unable to prevent the body for succumbing to their impermanence, humans focus on what happens after.
Of course, as is the case with many questions that plague human mind, there exist many answers. However these answers usually can be categorized to three variations.
The religious answer about the existence of heaven and hell in any kind. Deciding factor being one's life. Where those who have honest lives and were abiding by some requirements such as helping their fellow man, being filial to their family and spouse shall enjoy Elysium or Paradise. A reward for their way of life and the virtues they carry. On the other hand those deemed evil, heinous and "bad" people only wait for punishment in the Depths of Hell, where Demons will see to their penance.
Another more scientific solution is that there is nothing to await after our demise. By our body giving, we simply cease to exist. Similar to closing any kind of machine after its intended function is completed. The brain stops working and the body becomes an empty shell that shall receive the appropriate treatment and honors.
Lastly reincarnation, where the karma a person amasses determines his next life. Their actions gaining a numerical values in either positive or negative spectrum of a scale. Like the first answer the man who has accomplished a better result more inclined to the positive side will gain a better life with added perks such as wealth, talent and luck. On the other side is naturally misery.
Now one might question the significance of anyone thinking about such things.
When you wake up in a place that can only be names as space with myriads planetary systems around you and you remember how you lost your life right before..
Such questions do come up to your mind~
Though at least I can move my limb, with the reason escaping my grasp. Additionally I am able to think about different subjects and retain my memories of my life. Suffice to say that my cognitive functions are more than well considering the circumstance.
'So I am sure nothing is going to go wrong~'
There is common rule that all sentient being are bound.
Never tempt fate for she shall surprise you.
Few times would be in a pleasant manner.
Arrived what can only can described as an unbelievable powerful voice.
How can I know?
I do believe that a clear indication is when the whole space around you trembles, ripples are spread as if space is naught but a pond do appear through that simple sentence of whatever being can create those terrifying effects with their mere voice.
And then it happened.
A bright light that sends goosebumps to my spine materialized out of nowhere. It managed not only to illuminate the whole of this never-ending void, but also enchant the eyes of any beholder. Yet surprisingly my own eyes did not simply evaporate by simply gazing at its brilliance.
Anyone who would have the privilege to take a simple look would probably bow in reverence to the thing capable of producing such a phenomenon!
Yet I could not care.
Living in a world where megacorporacions and every human who amasses little power are capable of controlling the lives of those that do not possess the same privileges.
The loss of the only parent that I have ever cared, following multiple years of slaving at a company for a meager outcome so I would be able to provide at the very least the necessities to my little brother.
Only for that little brother to disappear suddenly...…
Yet I never stopped living thinking it would only make them sad to know I gave up.....
No matter I had lost everything
So by observing the light in front of me, making out a silhouette, my mind doesn't fall into distress or pain thinking about all the possible alternatives. An action I am far too used when alive and the sole perpetrator for various headaches over the elementary complications.
Instead, serenity engulfed my entire being. An invisible weight that was on my shoulders for years, slowly crashing me under its ever-developing pressure disappeared. Any kind of discomfort faded into the wind.
My gaze was focusing on the figure that slowly made its appearance during my musings.
'Who knows? Maybe I will see them again.....'
With that thought a small smile made its way to my lips...
Though in the future ,thinking back to this moment I couldn't help but chuckle at myself for thinking that my experiences would end so simply~