Chapter 27

Chris sat down in his office about to get off work when his secretary came in to give him a message from his mother to come over to a fancy restaurant a bit far from the house.

Chris dismiss his secretary after he delivered the message and send him out.

He closed his laptop and calls his mother to find out if something is going on but she didn't pick up her calls even his father's number was unreachable.

He is tired from working all week and the weekend is the only time he gets to take a break a little but his mum wants him to come to a restaurant which he is certain that its not just to have dinner together.

He stood up and left his office then instruct his secretary to leave after finishing some works then he left the company alone after asking the driver to go home for the week

He starts to drive towards the place with the help of the map and keeps driving for about an hour before getting there.

He parked the car at the parking lot and an attendant from the restaurant lead him in.

The place is very quiet and more like a very private restaurant which only the higher ups will come to have private meetings.

Chris knows for sure that his mother is up to something that might not sit well with him and he feels unease but still went in anyways and told them his mom's name then he is showed to a private room where she is supposed to be.

The attendant stopped just by the door and bow respectfully to Chris before turning away, Chris thanked him but not sure if he heard him and went into the room.

"Hey mom, why did you.." he stopped when he saw that not just his mother is in the room but also his father, Mira's parent and Mira herself

All of them turned to face him on hearing his voice and stopped talking, Mira was the first to stand and rush over to his side then she link hands with him and smiled at him broadly, Chris knew what is going on that instant but still asked

"What is going on here? Why are you also here?" he questioned referring to Mira

"Why did it take you so long to get here? We were about to start eating since you were running late" his mom nagged and Chris rolled his eyes at her words

"Chris, stop standing sit right beside me" Mira said and dragged him to a seat between the two parents

"You told me about this meeting just an hour ago and you want me to run over, besides you said this is a family dinner" Chris responded politely declining Mira's offer to drink some water

"Of course, Mira and her parent are our family" his mom responded and smiled at Mira's mother who is also her friend.

In the past, when his mother was rejected by her family every of her friends abandoned her and cut all ties with her except Laura's mother but now they are back because she is reconciled back to her family.

"Chris, how are you? Its been a while, I heard your company is taking a huge turn" Mira's father commented and placed a glass in front of him then fill his and Chris's glass

"thank you" Chris said and took the drink politely

"here, have some food first" his father also said and placed some food in front of him.

"thanks dad" he said and everyone start to eat quietly

After a few minutes, Chris stood up and excuse him then went to the restroom to ease himself.


Laura came back home and tried calling Clara to help her with some files at the office but her number is switched off, Laura thought about the strange things happening with Clara these days and it makes her wonder if something is going on with her

She seems to be distracted at work and even takes her instruction with total unseriousness. Throughout work today she didn't do anything right but keep yawning at the meetings that she had to sent her out.

Clara has been with her for a long time now and she knows how much she cares about her and the company but she won't open up to her and keep saying everything is alright. She is bothered with that but more bothered about Chris's behaviour.

Everything seems to be back to normal between them but things is actually cold and awkward, he didn't give an explanation for his action and just told her its part of their marriage contract and he start acting like nothing happened but Laura feels relieved that Mira is no longer in the house and it just them but she comes back late everyday and doesn't have the time to talk with him properly about their contract which will end in less than two weeks.

She stopped trying Clara's number and decide to go back to the office herself but just as she exit out of the house, she saw Clara's call and picked the call

"Am sorry ma'am, I was busy" Clara apologized at the other side of the line

"it's okay, can you get me the blue file I left on my table? Am at Chris's place"

"Okay ma'am, am on my way"

"Take your time okay" Laura said before ending the call and turned back into the house

She freshen up and changed into a simple wear then she quickly prepare some noodles for herself and decide relax over some movies with popcorn in her hand.

Just before the film start, she thought to call Chris to ask when he will be home and dialed his number

The phone ring for a couple of times before going off and Laura tried again, this time the phone didn't ring for long before someone pick the call

"Chris, when are.." she stopped when she heard Mira's voice instead

"Why are you calling? Chris is busy right now" Mira said and it took Laura a few seconds to respond

"Why are you answering his phone?" she questioned

"I asked you first and by the way, we are meeting with our family concerning our marriage. Am sure you remember your contract ends in a few days" Mira said and cut the call before Laura has a chance to say anything else

Laura stare at her phone screen after the call went off and could feel a cold water been poured all over her body, she doesn't need to discuss or hear anything from him to understand the situation.

He is already doing what he plans to do after those twelve days, meeting with her family and probably having dinner.

Laura focused her attention on the movie and munch on her popcorn slowly trying not to think about it at all


Mira looks satisfied after cutting the call and quickly delete the phone call details before heading back inside and is relieved to see that Chris is not yet back from the restroom. She sat down and place his phone back where she took it from then continue to eat

"Who was it that you had to pick it outside" her mother asked unexpectedly and Chris come in at the same time

"It's no one important" she answered and smiled nervously hoping that Chris wouldn't get to know or he will be really angry with her

"Are you done eating?" Chris's mother asked seeing that he is not touching any of the food

"Yes, my stomach doesn't sit well with the food" he answered

"Really? This is your favourite" Mira said but Chris's mom looked at her with her surprise

"Is something wrong mom?" she asked

"Chris is not really… its nothing" she said and smiled at her instead

"Am just happy that you know so much about my son"

"Of course, we will soon get married"

"That's right" she replied

"Mom!" Chris called to stop her from daydreaming what is Impossible. He knows that she is acting like this to be on good terms with Mira's family but she is stooping so low to do that

"Since everyone is almost done eating, why don't we discuss the reason why we are here?" Mira's father suddenly voiced and they all turned to him, he cleared his throat before he continued

"Chris, actually when I heard that you got married and my daughter is also living in your house I was angry and disappointed but then Mira explained things to me about the reason for your sudden marriage and I believe you are a very good businessman who will do everything to succeed at his business so am letting this go"

"Am lost, what are you…" Chris trailed off roughly guessing what he means

"I think there is a misunderstanding here" Chris said calmly. Mira's dad is a very influential man in the business world and it won't be good to get on his bad side

"There is no need for you to explain, I understand. I heard you will end everything with the other woman this week, I want the two family to make things official between the two families"

"of course, am very excited about our family finally becoming one" Chris's mother said and held Mira's hand with a lovely gaze and her mother also smiled happily but Chris was feeling upset and lost at the same time. He knows he has to stop this before they can continue

"Look, I have never had any discussion about marriage with Mira and I don't plan on getting marry to her" Chris said and interrupt their happy moment

"What do you think you are saying in front of your in-laws?" his mother yelled at him and quickly apologize to Mira's parents

"Wait a minute, let's hear him out" Mira's mother said and stopped smiling at once

"What does he have to say? Am sure he's just too happy that's why he is saying nonsense" his mom said to discard the issue

"No, I also want to hear from him. Tell me what is your stand?" Mira's father also respond

"I don't love Mira and am not going to marry her even if I get a divorce" he told them and silence ensue in the room.

Chris's mother looked at him with anger while Mira stare at him astonished and shocked with tears threatening to fall

"Chris, what.. how can you say that? In front of our parents, you told me you love me" Mira said bitterly and very close to tears

"And I also told you the whole thing was a dare to date you for a week, I apologize and we had nothing together" he replied and turned back to her parents

"Am so sorry about this but I already made things clear to my mom and Mira herself but they just won't listen" he apologized and stood up

"Sit down!" his mom commanded


"I asked you to sit!" she yelled again

"How dare you do this to me? Am your mother and whatever I want for you is the best choice you can ever have" she said getting emotional

"Mom please" Chris could only say that seeing his mother's mood

"You could saved me some face" she shouted at him

"And you will use that to force me into a relationship I don't want" he said raising his voice

"Excuse me please" he said and leave the room then there was another round of silence in the room for another fifty seconds, after that Mira's parents both stood up

"Meet me at home" her father said and also left

"I want us to get closer by marriage but I can't let my daughter go into a loveless marriage" her mother said to Chris's mother

"You are leaving to country A tomorrow" Mira's mother said and drag Mira up from her seat forcefully then pull her out of the room angrily despite her protest

"What are you waiting for? Let's leave" Chris father for the second time since they entered the room

"Aren't you going to say something? Look at the mess your son created"

"The mess you created, I've told you to stop your obsession on trying to control everything in his life but you wouldn't listen" her husband yelled at her annoyed

"Why are you yelling at me? Am trying to keep our son away from bad women"

"Laura is the only one you considered evil just because she disregard you in the past, listen am not going to let you have things your way anymore am out"

"Are you also leaving me?" she shouted after him but he already left and she hit the table in annoyance

The waiter comes in and hand her the bill noisily, she paid the money and leaves angrily but her husband already took the car so she had to get a taxi to get back home