Chapter 22: Purpose

Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Thinking of you, wherever you are.

We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.

Now I will step forward to realize this wish.

And who knows:

starting a new journey may not be so hard,

or maybe it has already begun.

There are many worlds, but they share the same sky —

one sky, one destiny."

Kairi (Kingdom Hearts 2)

Chapter 22: "Purpose"

(The musical theme of this chapter is: Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine)

(Friday-May 28, 2010)

The first order of business was to count the dead. It was a depressing job, but it had to be done. Dani was just glad that it wasn't her that had to do it.

The numbers were staggering, however. Dani didn't even want to think about it. Hundreds of ghosts were gone. So many purposes were lost. So many obsessions were never fulfilled.

Dani did not know what the final count was. She didn't want to know either. Thinking about such things…left a bad taste in her mouth. It was a terrible, numbing taste that caused Dani to remember things she wished had never happened.

The younger halfa knew it had happened though, and so had Danny. That was why the male halfa was in charge of checking the list of the deceased.

Apparently, his…revival had come because of the energy of the deceased ghosts. Because of this, Danny instantly knew who was gone and who wasn't. He seemed rather troubled by this. In a way, he felt them die.

Dani did not envy her brother at all in that aspect…

After everyone was accounted for and all the damage was assessed, the S-rank ghosts decided to construct a monument. Each name of the deceased ghosts were placed on the giant monument. The black stone stood tall and wide. Hundreds of names were written in white across the front of the monument.

Thus, why they were all here today.

What was left of the Ghost Zone populace was standing around the monument. It had been placed on a desolate island near the center of the Ghost Zone. It agreed by everyone that before the rebuilding process that there should be a time of mourning. Today was a day to reflect on what had occurred merely a few days ago.

Spirit stood by her father. He wasn't very injured, but he looked solemn and dismal. The older halfa knew how bad the circumstances had become in some Sectors. His encounter with the League had proven beneficial, but…

The majority of the other Sectors had not been as beneficial. No, the League had stood in the way. In the end, they might have let the ghosts leave, but everyone knew. Everyone was aware.

The Justice League stood against the ghosts.

Spirit didn't blame the ghosts for being uneasy. Almost every Justice League member could take on an S-rank ghost under normal circumstances. Not only that, the League outnumbered the number of S-rank ghosts. If they ever attacked or turned against the ghosts…

No. Now was not the time to think about that.

Spirit looked around. Very few ghosts got through the battle without some kind of injury. Each S-rank ghost had his or her share of injuries, but they got off lightly. The weaker ghosts received the worst of the injuries. Almost everyone would be scared both physically and mentally.

From the crowd, Spirit saw many familiar faces. Technus would have several scars on his torso. Johnny 13 would be in a wheelchair for a while. The Box Ghost…the Box Ghost, who was standing by the Lunch Lady, had…lost his right hand.

Spirit looked away. She considered herself fortunate. At least no one would be able to see her scars…

"…And to finish this memorial…" Vision stood in front of the sea of ghosts. Instead of her normal purple clothing, she was now glad completely in black like the rest of the ghosts. "Danny Phantom would like to speak."

Phantom walked in front of the large sea of ghosts. Spirit was surprised by how he looked. She expected him to appear passionate, angry, sad…or at least something. No, he was the opposite really. He appeared almost numb. Phantom showed no emotion at all.

Spirit could see Phantom's eyes scan the crowd. His eyes landed on a few notable ghosts, but did not stop. He even looked at her, but that didn't last long. There was a lot to take in.

"Going into this war…this hell," Phantom began. "I knew that it wouldn't be easy. We prepared. We planned. We did everything possible to ensure that the many would live even if the few perished. Usually at this time, I would quote someone famous, but I think it would be best to speak from the heart."

Phantom took a deep breath. "In life and even after it, we all have regrets. Things we did, and things we didn't do. I can't help feeling regret. I keep wondering if I could have done something different. Is there anything that could have been done to prevent it? I really don't think so, but that doesn't stop the regrets.

"Regret isn't something that can be reasoned or argued. It is a feeling. As ghosts, we all have regrets. We all have things we wish we did before we died. And now…now we all have more regrets. After this war, we all have things that we wished we said to the people lost…Things we wish we did with the people who were dear to us.

"Despite what anyone says, that regret won't fade immediately, and it shouldn't. We need to remember what we've lost, what we forgot to do, what our dreams our…what our obsessions really mean." Phantom turned and looked at the giant memorial for a moment. Then he turned again.

"Nothing good has come from this war. We all know that it was necessary, but that doesn't change anything. We all have our regrets. I'm here today to tell you not to forsake these regrets. Embrace them. Follow them. They will tell you what you really want. They will show you where your happiness lies, and how to obtain it.

"During the fight, I…almost died." Phantom spoke. "I heard what the ghosts we lost were thinking. There were so many things they wanted to do. So much left to live for. This memorial will forever tell of their sacrifice. We should always remember that they sacrificed their obsession for the greater good."

Phantom took a long look across the crowd. "Don't let that sacrifice go to waste. Remember what your obsessions really are. Remember why you refused to move on, because this is our last chance. And I, for one, don't want any more lost obsessions…."

No one spoke. No one clapped. There was complete silence as Phantom walked away.

Then the dam broke.

The crowd roared. People cheered. Ghosts cried. Vows were made. Proposals were asked. Suddenly, everyone had the urge to live their afterlife to its fullest.

The Great Change had begun…

(Monday-May 31, 2010)

"Everyone else has already left, you know…" Ember noted.

"I know." Danny nodded.

After dealing with the immediate problems in the Ghost Zone, the halfas had to return to the human world. Fortunately, the humans all thought that they had been in Wisconsin. No one questioned their return after the Justice League had arrested all the GIW agents in Amity Park.

The city was still recovering from the GIW's takeover. People were still paranoid and fearful. They had lost their freedom for some time. In the eyes of the people of Amity Park, they were alone. They were separate from the rest of the world. No one had tried to help them in the time of need except for the heroes of Amity Park.

Danny was thankful for that continued trust. He didn't want to go back to square one. The halfa had went through a lot of trouble building up his reputation in Amity Park. Of course, that was only for his ghost half. Danny was completely unaware how the people would react to their disappearance. But considering that the GIW completely occupied their house, Danny didn't think there would be too much hostilities.

Luckily, not much of the mansion was destroyed. The lab was completely gone, but Danny had done that personally. Everything else was still intact, messy, but intact. It didn't take much to get the important things cleaned up.

Despite having the monument and memorial service to all the ghosts, the halfas decided to have a personal service to personal friends and rivals that had passed because of this conflict.

In what used to be an unused room, there were now three stones. Three simple words were on each stone. Vortex, Skulker, and Klemper. Vlad was surprised to see that Danny had the two stones made for enemies in the same room as Klemper's stone, but Danny said it was about respect, not to mention that Vortex's grave in the yard had been destroyed by the GIW's vehicles.

Thus, the halfas and their close friends came to show their respects. It was a short service. Not much was said. It was merely a few minutes of quiet reflection. They all just stood and watched the stones.

Vortex: The perfect storm

Skulker: The Ghost Zone's greatest hunter

Klemper: A true friend

Eventually, the others had begun to leave. Wulf returned to the Ghost Zone. Dani went to bed with Cujo. Vlad had work to do. Even Valerie, who looked like she wanted to say something, left without a word. That left only Danny and Ember.

"So…there's one for Skulker too?" Ember questioned. It was rather weird seeing Danny mourn the loss of his most tenacious enemy.

"Yeah." Danny nodded. "Say what you want about him, but Skulker deserved some respect. He could have easily taken hostages from the city to kill me, but he didn't. He was usually careful about that. The fight was between us, not the civilians."

"When we first fought…I was just prey. Later it changed." Danny sighed. "We grew to respect each other. We pushed each other. We made each other stronger."

"He was always coming up with new ways to capture you." Ember smiled a little.

"He almost succeeded too…" Danny smiled for a brief moment. "It may seem weird, but I'm going to miss him. He was not an enemy. He was a rival."

"He was trying to kill you." Ember noted.

"Who hasn't tried to kill me?" Danny chuckled. "I remember a time when you were trying to roast me alive."

"Fair point." Ember conceded. "And…what about…."

Danny knew who she was talking about. "Klemper is one of the few ghosts that moved on willingly. But he did die because of this war. He was the second casualty after Vortex. I'm sad that he's gone, but…"

Danny knelt by the stone with Klemper's name. "He completed his obsession. That is a lot more than can be said for the others. I will always miss him, but I know that he's in a better place now. He's happy and content, and that's enough for me."

"Big sap…" Ember smirked.

"I guess I am." Danny stood.

Ember stared at Danny for a moment. "You won't be leaving for a while will you?"

"No." Danny shook his head. "I'm going to stay a while longer."

"Then…" Ember stood by Danny. "I'll be here to, Babypop. Just don't get too teary-eyed, alright?"

"Don't worry." Danny noted. "That faze has passed."

"Yeah…" Ember leaned against Danny. "You do realize that we are dating now."

"Figured as much." Danny stated. He gently took her hand in his.

"Good. Once things calm down, I expect you to take me some place classy." Ember ordered. "We already had sex, but that doesn't mean you can get away with not treating me like a lady."

"I've seen you eat." Danny commented. "That is not how a fancy lady eats."

"Shut up, Babypop," Ember glared.

"Yes ma'am."

(Saturday-June 5, 2010)

"Phantom…" Batman approached the halfa in the halls of the UN building.

"Batman." Phantom nodded towards the Dark Knight.

"I heard about this meeting." Batman noted. "I thought you would be in the chamber discussing terms."

"Not a politician." Phantom explained. "My presence is more of a calming factor than anything else. I will make sure that there isn't too much friction."

"Then the leaders of the Ghost Zone are inside right now." Batman deduced.

"Yeah…" Phantom looked towards the door. "I don't need to be in there for this. Vision and Scribe can handle the written work and details."

Batman made a mental note of the name Scribe. "I assume that they are talking about any further incidents."

"Yeah." Phantom nodded. "But I doubt there will be any more worldwide attacks for a while. Not many like Nocturne or Vortex left out there anymore…"

"A while, huh?" Batman questioned.

"I can't give any promises." Phantom sighed. "In fact…there are some things I need to tell you."

"Is it about Red X?" Batman whispered.

Phantom snorted. "If you want to know where he is, you're barking up the wrong tree. That was a onetime thing. Hopefully, at least. Anything else, you probably know more than I do."

"Then what is it?" Batman asked.

Phantom pulled a piece of paper out of his coat. "This is a list of all unaccounted ghosts."

Batman looked at the list. "This isn't good…"

"No, it's not." Phantom noted. "We don't know where they are, but they aren't dead. That much I know."

"Six ghosts…" Batman sighed.

"We're looking as well." Phantom explained. "Vision has both the Ghost Zone and the Human world covered. If they make any kind of move to hurt anyone, she will know."

"And this Vision…" Batman frowned. "Green Arrow and Black Canary told me that she's dangerous."

"That she is, but I would trust her with my life." Phantom stated. "But I doubt you do…"

"Did she tell you?" Batman glared.

"She says that she knows. She even offered to tell me everything. I declined." Phantom looked the Dark Knight right in his eyes. "I respect the League's privacy."

Batman examined him for a moment. Phantom wasn't lying. "Alright then, but what about her? What will stop her from revealing the League's secrets?"

"You will." Phantom smiled. "If you don't attack, she won't say a word. Vision's crafty like that."

"Blackmail…" Batman sighed.

"She called it leverage, but yeah." Phantom nodded. "If you want full details, talk to her. I'm sure she'd be happy to come up with a deal."

"You ghosts keep becoming more and more dangerous." Batman stated. "I consider the war to be a loss. The League cannot beat the S-rank ghosts."

"I'm sure you'll come up with a plan just in case." Phantom noted. "You do have data on all our powers after all."

Batman nodded. "Yes, I have footage on the whole war. I have watched everything multiple times. Especially your fight."

"Ah…" Phantom leaned against the wall and looked up. "That. I can easily explain the power jump."

"I already know how you did that." Batman explained. "I read the power readings during the world. I know you absorbed the power released by the dying ghosts."

"Then there shouldn't be any questions." Phantom frowned.

"No, there is one thing I wanted to know." Batman's voice was completely neutral. "How did you do it? How did you just let it go?"

Phantom raised an eyebrow. That was a rather personal question. "How did I forgive him? Well…I didn't do it for him. I did it for me. He didn't deserve forgiveness, but I wasn't going to carry that burden. Not anymore. I just wanted peace in the matter."

For a second, Phantom thought that he saw a bit of a smile on the face of the Batman, but it was gone in an instant. The Batman began to walk to the chambers. "I see…and here I thought ghosts don't let anything go…"

"Usually, they don't." Phantom smirked. "But I'm far from an ordinary ghost."

(Sunday-June 6, 2010)

"The terms of the agreement have been set." Vision stated to the council of the elite who were all in the meeting hall of her home. "There will no longer be any conflict. We just need to be careful about how we interact with the human world."

"Interact how?" Spectre questioned. "Some of us live there."

"As long as you don't make your presence known too much, there won't be a problem." The Ghost Writer noted.

"So, we're just separating ourselves?" Frostbite asked.

"Yes…" Vision sighed.

"Psh! That means no more fighting the humans, right?" Colossus frowned. "That's no fun!"

"Sounds fair enough to me." Fright Knight commented. "I tire of the humans."

"What about us?" Plasmius asked. "Amity Park is our home. And my wards are rather…liberal with their use of powers."

"It won't be completely isolation and separation." Phantom explained. "It's not like we have to stay in the Ghost Zone. We just aren't allowed to cause chaos and destruction if we do, we'll be tried as regular humans would be."

"That seems fair." Pandora noted. She seemed to be deep in thought.

"Torch has no need to go to the human world…" Torch mumbled. "This does not matter to Torch…"

"Yes, after what has happened, not many ghosts want to return to the human world, but these six…" Images of the six different ghosts appeared above their heads thanks to Vision's birds. "They will be a problem."

Plasmius frowned at the images. "Penelope Spectra, Bertrand, Aragon, Walker, Nocturne, and Undergrowth."

"These six have disappeared." Vision noted.

"How do we know they're not dead?" Pandora questioned.

"Trust me, I would know if they're dead." Phantom stated.

"They could all cause problems." The Ghost Writer mentioned.

"Yes…" Frostbite growled a little. "Nocturne and Undergrowth could prove to be great nuisances. Their work can be devastating."

"Torch guesses that Undergrowth is off the council?" Torch questioned.

"Yes." Vision nodded.

"What of the others?" Spectre questioned.

"Yes, the dragon and misery ghosts can't possibly be a large threat." Colossus mentioned. "They're not strong enough to cause too much damage."

"Any damage at all could be catastrophic." Pandora noted. "Relations with the humans is uneasy as it is."

"I informed the Justice League about them." Phantom caught everyone's attention. "They're actions won't be a reflection on us. I made sure they know that these ghosts are a nuisance."

"There is also the issue of the one known as…Freakshow?" Scribe mentioned. "He apparently escaped from GIW custody with a dangerous item during the war."

"A human? Is he really our problem?" Fright Knight questioned.

"His actions won't reflect us directly, but he is an expert on ghosts." Plasmius commented. "He might prove to be a problem to us. Especially if he finds a new way to control ghosts."

"Um…" Dora who had been quite for some time spoke up. She appeared uncomfortable being in this meeting because she wasn't an S-rank ghost. "May I point something out?"

"Of course, child!" Frostbite smiled at the queen. "You are now a part of this council as well."

Yes, it was agreed that Dora should be part of the council. She might not have the strength, but her leadership skills were great and well respected. Everyone agreed to let her join, but she didn't appear confident in her placement. She was the only one to lose to a Justice League member after all. Considering that her opponent was a magic user, no one said anything, but the problem still hung in the air.

"It should be noted that each of these ghosts and human have a large grudge against Danny Phantom." Dora stated. "There is a good chance that they will attack Amity Park."

"Fair point." Plasmius nodded. "Daniel and I will be there, though. If any one of them attacks, we'll be prepared. Especially if it's Nocturne. We've made sure that he won't be able to get into our town unnoticed."

"What if they work together?" Scribe questioned.

"Undergrowth? Cooperating with these ghosts?" Torch snorted. "Torch don't believes that would happen."

"My brother isn't a people person…" Dora commented.

"Exactly, beautiful!" Torch grinned at Dora.

"Nocturne won't work with Spectra and Bertrand either." Plasmius explained. "They draw their powers from completely different sources. Misery in dreams would cause nightmares, and that wouldn't be beneficial to Nocturne."

"The wild card is Walker." Pandora noted. "After our takeover of his prison, predicting what he will do is impossible."

"Not to mention Freakshow." The Ghost Writer stated. "He could be anywhere in the human world."

"Both the Ghost Zone and the human world are watching for them. When they show up, they'll be captured." Vision explained. "But the problem now lies in our lack of a justice system. Walker brought some order to the Ghost Zone, now…"

"Actually," Phantom spoke up. "I had an idea about that…"

(Tuesday-June 8, 2010)

"Torch loves this plan!" Torch yelled as he stood on the roof of the prison.

"It is hard to believe that you want Torch to run this prison." Pandora noted as she and Phantom walked through the courtyard.

"Truth be told, I think it will help keep his mind off his lost people." Phantom noted.

"Ah, you care for him." Pandora smiled.

"Meh…" Phantom shrugged. "I don't like seeing Torch be all mopey."

"That's your job, right?" Pandora chuckled.

"I am not mopey." Phantom frowned.

"Are to." Pandora eyed the halfa.

"…Just a little bit…"

A column of fire appeared several meters in front of them. Out of the flames stood Torch. With a wave of his hands, the fire disappeared. "Torch can't wait to redecorate this place! It shall fit the magnificence of Torch!"

"Don't go overboard." Phantom mentioned. "This is supposed to hold those who break the new rules."

"Ones that I, my servants, and some of Walkers guards will enforce." Pandora seemed pleased by this. "I will make our police force just."

"Good." Phantom looked around at Torch's minions as they worked on the prison. "Do you…have enough people?"

Torch paused then said. "The…rest of Torch's old minions and new minions will be enough. Some of Walker's guards have taken a liking to Torch's ways. Torch's forces will be enough. Hopefully, they won't be that necessary."

"We still have time before anything happens." Pandora noted. "The wounds of the people are still great. It is best to be prepared, though."

"Yeah…" Phantom nodded. "Any news from the Observants? They always seem to want a say after the war."

"They appear pleased with the plan so far." Pandora noted. "It will be good to have supervisors. They will keep everyone honest."

"Supervisors…" Torch laughed. "Torch believes that the Observants will enjoy that role."

After an hour of examining the prison, Phantom left. He had other things to do and people to help. There was a construction project that needed to be started soon.

"Phantom!" Pandora stopped Phantom as he was leaving. "I wish to speak with you."

"What about?" Phantom questioned.

"I have a favor." Pandora explained. "Something that you can help with."

"Sure. what is it?"

"It's about Nyx…"

(Thursday-June 10, 2010)

"Why are you here?" Dani frowned as she watched her rival approach her and Rachel.

Nyx smiled. "My mom said that I could come out to play."

"And play means…What?" Dani's eyes narrowed.

"I can't go nuts if that's what you're asking." Nyx rolled her eyes.

"And you are…" Rachel eyed the girl in front of her.

Nyx was wearing a disguise belt. Her skin was deeply tanned instead of blue. Her purple hair and eyes now appeared brown. Her normal armor was replaced by a simple white blouse. "Nyx. I'm sure the Girlscout told you all about me."

"Never heard of you." Rachel deadpanned.

"What!?" Nyx was furious. "How could you not talk about me?!"

"I try to forget about you." Dani explained. "But you're making it hard by being here and looking like…"

"A human?" Rachel suggested.

"Er…" Dani deflated.

"I thought you never talk about me?" Nyx questioned.

"I don't, but Rachel is rather…observant." Dani shrugged.

"I know everything." Rachel stated.

"Oh?" Nyx raised an eyebrow. "So you know that I could destroy you."

"You could try, but you would fail." Rachel mentioned. "I am no normal human."

"Hmm…" Nyx smiled. "I like you, Grumpy!"

"Grumpy?" Rachel did not like being compared to a dwarf.

"Why are you here, Nyx?" Dani questioned.

"Mom says I can come to Amity Park now, as long as I don't break stuff. She has servants watching me, but besides that, I'm free." Nyx smugly explained. "She said that Amity Park would be a safe place."

"Alright…" Dani frowned. "Why do I get the feeling that there's more?"

"There is." Nyx smiled devilishly. "I'm going to school here in the fall!"

"What!?" Dani felt lightheaded and pale.

Nyx pulled out a camera and took a picture. "I knew you would make that face! Ha! This is a keeper!"

"How is you going to human school going to work?" Rachel questioned.

"Mom has friends that helped." Nyx explained. "Now! Where we going?"

"Dani was dragging me to the mall to hand out." Rachel sighed.

"Sounds great! Dani's loaded, so she can buy us stuff, and he can carry it all for us!" Nyx smiled.


"That would be me." A boy approached them. He had a similar belt to Nyx. His hair was blond and his eyes were blue. He was dressed completely in a tuxedo. "Names Blood. Youngblood. And I prefer my drinks shaken, not twirled."

"Stirred. You mean stirred." A voice from Youngblood's watch called out. It appeared to be made of bones and had a skeleton on the front. The mouth moved when the voice called out.

"Oh? Ok!" Youngblood smiled.

"Come on!" Nyx rushed ahead of everyone else. "I'm getting bored standing around."

"Now wait a minute!" Dani rushed towards her rival. "I'm the one leading here!"

"Are not!"

"Am too!"

"Are not!"

"Am too times infinity!"


Rachel sighed as she followed her friend and new companions. She turned to Youngblood and noted. "It's always going to be like this from now on, isn't it?"

"Oh, completely."

(Wednesday-June 16, 2010)

For the first time in weeks, Spirit had received a bit of really good news. She and Phantom were going to make the official heroes of Amity Park. They were even having an event.

Spirit had to practically drag Phantom to the ceremony, though. Her brother didn't particularly want to be up in front of everyone, but Spirit wouldn't have it. They…Danny deserved a little recognition after everything that happened.

The ceremony was in front of city hall. Spirit and Phantom stood on a stage as the mayor spoke to the crowd. Everyone seemed really excited. After everything that happened, the city of Amity Park needed some good news, and declaring Phantom and Spirit their protectors seemed to be it.

Earlier, Dani's brother explained that this ceremony didn't matter. He would protect his home no matter what. He had been considered a villain once and that didn't stop him. But…he did note that the acceptance was nice, so he decided showing up and cheering up the people of Amity Park wouldn't hurt.

"…And now I will open the floor to the official protectors of Amity Park, Danny Phantom and Spirit!" The mayor announced.

Spirit decided to go first and floated up to the podium. She spoke into the microphone. "People of Amity Park! As your official protector, I will work to uphold the honor of the hero's creed!...What?"

Phantom whispered in her ear.

"There's no hero's creed? What about the Green Lantern thing?"

Another round of whispering.

"Oh, right. Don't have the ring…Then I will now promise that I will not only create a hero's creed, and I will always uphold it!" Spirit grinned as the crowd cheered.

"No matter what the circumstances, we will be here to protect the city! As long as we are here, you will be safe from all threats! We are the heroes of Amity Park, and we will not rest until everyone here is safe…" Spirit began to look through her coat for a piece of paper. "That's good. I need to write that down…"

Phantom whispered in her ear.

"Ah…I've been informed that I don't carry around any paper… I'll make a mental note then." Spirit waved to the crowd.

"But in all seriousness," Spirit's eyes became serious. "I want to thank you for the trust you put in us. We won't let you down."

Phantom quickly took her spot. "Spirit basically covered it all, but I will add this. You all stood by us in our time of need. We won't forget that. No matter what happens, my family and I will protect this city. Nothing will stop us."

The crowd went wild.

Spirit quickly interjected. "Side note! A statue would be nice!"

Phantom whacked her on the side of the head.


"No statue."

"Kill joy…"

(Friday-June 18, 2010)

Today was a really weird day. That was what Dani decided. It was a really, really weird day.

"…Why is Technus here?" Dani asked earlier today.

"Because he's now part of Fenton Works." Danny answered as he showed the technology ghost his current projects in the newly rebuilt lab.

"…Why?" Dani questioned.

"With me being the peacekeeper between our worlds, I'll be busy. But with Fenton Works product being out, I need to keep developing." Danny explained. "Vlad even mentioned that he might use his ownership of Axion Labs to move major operations over there."

"Uh…" Dani muttered.

"Until then we shall be working here!" Technus smiled. "Much work needs to be done!"

"Yeah." Danny frowned. "I had to destroy a lot of my old projects when the GIW took over the lab."


"What are guys doing here?" Dani watched as Wulf and Ember carried bags into the mansion.

"(Friend offered to let us set up spare rooms in case of emergency)" Wulf answered.

"What?" Dani questioned.

"We're moving in, Squirt." Ember smiled.

"I…um…aren't you and Danny…you know?" Dani was confused.

"Yes." Ember smirked.

"Does Dad know about this?' Dani asked weakly.

"He said he didn't care. I'm setting up my room at the furthest room away from Danny's room anyway. Nothing will happen." Ember waved her off. "Besides, my room is just in case of emergencies. Most of the time, I'll stay in the Ghost Zone."

"(Until you sneak into his room in the middle of the night)" Wulf snorted.

Despite not completely understanding, Ember knew the mischievous look on Wulf's face. "Don't judge me, furball!"

"(I'm not judging)" Wulf laughed. "(Just pointing out all the hormones around you two. All you ever do is…)…Suck face!"

"Suck face?" Ember glared at the wolf ghost. "Well…fair enough."

Dani watched them go. "Okay…"


"Dad," Dani approached her father. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure!" Vlad smiled. He was in the living room. For some reason, he was fixing his tie. In fact…he looked both nervous and excited. "What is it, Little Badger?"

"Ember and Wulf kind of moved in." Dani mentioned. "I understand Wulf. He stays here a lot anyway, but Ember is Danny's girlfriend."

"Yes, Danny discussed it with me." Vlad was trying to remove imaginary wrinkles from his suit. "If he wants her closer, that's fine. After Klemper's death and the war, he just wants to keep his loved ones close. Besides, she won't be staying in the mansion unless of an emergency."

"Aren't you worried that they', what's the best word for it…" Dani stated. "Go at it like wild animals?"

"Dani!" Vlad's eyes widened. "Where did you here that?"

"Please, it's 2010. The internet, television, and movies have totally cleared up the babies thing." Dani nodded.

"Er…Well, for ghosts, having babies is a bit different…" Vlad was obviously uncomfortable with this. "This is especially true with half-ghosts…You see, our genetic distinction-"

"Okay! Okay! I get it!" Dani blanched. "It's different for halfa's. I get that. But they are teenagers. Doesn't this arrangement bother you?"

"Danny can make his own choices." Vlad shrugged. "Ember will most likely sneak in the house anyway."

"Okay, but when I'm older…" Dani mentioned.

"I'll kill the boy and ground you for the rest of your life." Vlad noted seriously.

"Wow, nice double standard." Dani muttered.

"The difference is that you're my child and he's not." Vlad explained.

"Well…It doesn't matter now," Dani shrugged. "But the sexism here is insulting."

"Forgive him, child," Vision's voice caught Dani's attention. "A father is meant to protect his daughter. He does not mean offense."

"Yeah, I get…that…" Dani was shocked by Vision's appearance. She was dressed in an elegant purple dress. The dress showed off her soft curves and amble assets, yet at the same was fairly conservative by covering her chest and most of her legs. Her long blond hair fell down her tanned shoulders and back. "Um…why are you…"

"We are going out, Danielle." Vlad patted her on the head. "We'll be back later tonight."

"…huh?" Dani raised an eyebrow.

"I heard that Phantom and the siren ghost were going out as well. Are you leaving Spirit alone?" Vision questioned.

"No, Wulf said that he would babysit." Vlad explained.

"Babysit!?" Dani shouted.

"That's good." Vision and Vlad began to walk out the front door.

"…" Dani watched them go.

"Hey…" Wulf waved as he entered the room. He plopped down on the couch. Cujo quickly joined him. "Play? TV? Sleep?"

"…What…" Dani stared at the door. "What just happened?"

It was a weird day indeed.

(Monday-June 21, 2010)

"Ah!" Colossus smiled. "Home sweet home!"

In order to get Colossus out of the wa-…er…help Colossus, it had been decided that his home should be rebuilt. In fact, it was almost a unanimous decision by everyone. Colossus couldn't just wander the human world anymore. He caused a little bit too much attention and destruction. Neither of which they needed right now.

"It looks just like it was too!" Colossus grinned.

The building was surrounded by giant pillars with engravings. A giant stone roof was held up by the pillars. Inside the building were simple furniture. Several engravings were spread across the room. Phantom didn't know what they meant, by he was sure they were important.

"It should be…" The Ghost Writer sighed. "I used the Tomb of the Ancients as the plans for the building."

"Yeah!" Colossus cheered as he went up to examine the building.

"Tome of the Ancients?" Phantom questioned Scribe.

"I originally created it to archive all the history of our world." Scribe explained. "Since then, it has updated itself. If there is a bit of history you want to know, all you need to do is look in the book."

"It's quiet fascinating!" Poindexter exclaimed as he read the text. "This has the exact details of Colossus' home!"

"Yes, it is indeed." Scribe smiled at his new apprentice.

"I'm glad the project is over." Frostbite sighed. "My people and I were getting quite exhausted of rebuilding this under your perfectionist ways."

"Best to get this done right." The Ghost Writer frowned. "If not, then Colossus' snoring would sent the building crashing…"

"You two really want Colossus to go back to sleep, huh?" Phantom smirked.

"He is our friend, but he can be so…" Frostbite began.

"Annoying." Scribe finished.


"Hahahahahahahaha!" Colossus flew back to them. "This will do! After all the fighting of the war and work in the Ghost Zone, I could use a nap!"

"Goodnight, Colossus," The Ghost Writer stated. "And with that, off to the next job."

"Have a nice sleep, my friend." Frostbite grinned.

With that, the Ghost Writer, Frostbite, and the rest of the ghost left. Phantom, however, stayed. "So, that's it, huh? You're going back to sleep?"

"Yes." Colossus nodded. "Without conflict, I have no need to be awake. Besides, I'm old. I can't use too much power before I need rest."

"Old?" Phantom was amused.

"Yes." Colossus nodded. "I'm almost older than any other ghost in existence. Remember, time influences even ghost. Eventually, I will just fade. Using my full powers shortens the time I have left, while sleeping lengthens it."

"Then…shouldn't you use the rest of the time you have to complete your obsession?" Phantom questioned.

"I will need to wait a few years, then the circumstances will be right." Colossus smiled and placed his large hand on the halfa's shoulder. "My greatest battle will happen soon, but until then, I will wait."

"…Okay…" Phantom nodded.

"And with that, time for my nap!" Colossus turned and yawned.

"Colossus…" Phantom called to the leaving giant.

"Huh?" Colossus stopped and turned his head.

Phantom struggled with what to say. Colossus was the one to push him past his limits. If that one fight hadn't happened at the beginning of the year, then Phantom might not have made it this far. He wouldn't have trained as hard. He wouldn't have fought as hard.

The halfa wanted to say thank you. He wanted to say that Colossus was his rival and friend. Phantom wanted the giant to know how much he appreciated Colossus' help over the months. So, he summarized it all in eight words.

"When I get stronger, I want a rematch."

Colossus laughed. "Well said, my friend! Well said!"

(Tuesday-June 22, 2010)

"Valerie!" Dani knocked on the door of her role model. "Are you home!?"

The door opened to reveal Valerie's father. "Miss Masters? What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to Valerie please." Dani looked up at the large man.

"Come in, come in." Damien ushered the girl into the house. He had to be respectful to his boss's daughter. "Valerie's in her room. The door's open. Do you want a drink or some snacks?"

"Naw, it's fine. I just want to talk to her. It will only take a second." Dani waved him off.

"Oh, ok…" Damien watched her go.

Despite the door being open, Dani knocked. "Val?"

"Dani?" Valerie looked up from her desk. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you." Dani entered her room. "You haven't been by since the ceremony for Klemper and the others. I'm a little concerned."

"It's just odd with Ember being there." Valerie gained a sad smile. "I'm not mad at you or anything."

"I wasn't worried about that." Dani shook her head. "I would know if I did something to make you mad. You're pretty vocal about that stuff."

"Then why are you here?" Valerie inquired.

"You haven't been by to pick up your equipment." Dani explained. "Danny's keeping it for you. Why don't you put the suit back on and help us again?"

"I…" Valerie sighed. "I don't think I should."

"What?" Dani was surprised.

"Danny came to me before the war. He wanted me to give him my equipment…" Valerie frowned.

"Yeah, I heard about that." Dani nodded.

"I…I just gave the equipment to him. I didn't fight when things get tough." Valerie gained a sad look. "I wasn't willing to risk it all to be a hero. In the end, my resolution wasn't strong enough…"

"But you're the Red Huntress!" Dani exclaimed. "You have our backs!"

"But I didn't." Valerie noted. "I didn't have your backs when it mattered most."

"We don't hold that against you." Dani frowned. "Anyone who had a real way out wouldn't have fought."

"You, Danny, and Mr. Masters all had a way out. You didn't have to save the Ghost Zone, but you did." Valerie explained. "You deserve to be called heroes. Me? I'm just the girl who quit when the goings got tough."

"That's not true! You fought with us during a lot of tough times!" Dani cried.

"Dani…" Valerie sighed. "I'm sorry, but I'm done for now. I need some time to think about who I am, and what I want."

"But…" Dani trailed off.

"Don't worry, I don't think I'll be done forever." Valerie tried to comfort the girl who looked up to her.

"…Tell me this. Is this about Danny and Ember? I know you liked my brother. I'm not clueless like him." Dani eyed the older girl.

"I would be lying if I said that wasn't at least a small part of it." Valerie admitted. "But I had my chance. I let it pass, and that's my fault. I don't blame them."

Dani sighed. "Being a teenager sounds complicated."

"It is." Valerie smiled.

"Alright!" Dani turned. "I'll respect your decision. Although I think it's stupid…"

"Thank you, Dani." Valerie smiled.

"But you better still help with training." Dani demanded.

"Wouldn't miss it."

(Wednesday-June 23, 2010)

"Well…" Danny began as he eyed the guest in the living room. "This is unexpected."

"I guess it would be." The Fright Knight acknowledged.

For the past month, the Fright Knight had more an observer of all the change rather than a participant. Danny didn't think too much of it. The Fright Knight didn't appear to like change all that much, even if the change was necessary.

For a while, Danny just assumed that the Fright Knight would leave and travel. Perhaps, he would try to live a normal life like the Spectre was in L.A. Yet, the Fright Knight did not leave. He was out of the way, but he did nothing. He just stood, observed, and thought. No one really knew what he was thinking about. Even Vision wasn't sure what the knight ghost was going to do.

"Take a seat, then." Danny gestured to a nearby chair.

"Thank you." Fright Knight nodded and sat down.

Danny sat down on the couch. "I'd offer some refreshments or some crap, but I don't think this is a social call."

"It's not." Fright Knight acknowledged.

"Hmm…" Danny eyed his enemy turned temporary ally.

"Where is Plasmius and the child?" Fright Knight questioned.

"Everyone's gone right now. Vlad had business to take care of. Dani's out with friends. Wulf and Cujo like to wander. And Ember does whatever she wants." Danny explained.

"So…you are alone." Fright Knight noted.

Danny tensed. "I am. Does that matter?"

"No." The Fright Knight shook his head. "I would have done this entire Ghost Zone if I had to."

"Oh…" Danny was ready to go ghost in an instant. "And what is that."

The Fright Knight stood. He unsheathed his sword. Danny quickly went ghost. Phantom was sure that he was going to attack, but the older ghost did not attack. No, he did the exact opposite. He knelt down unto one knee.

The Fright Knight knelt before Phantom. He gently lifted his sword above his head. "I am here to pledge my allegiance to you, Danny Phantom."


"I have watched you, Phantom." The Fright Knight stated. "I've watched as you defeated foes who outmatched you. I've watched as you overcame the odds. I've watched as you inspired and lead the entire Ghost Zone under your flag. These are tasks that I have only seen one other person do."

"Pariah Dark…" Phantom muttered. He knew that there were many similarities between him and the Ghost King. The halfa didn't like to think about it all that much, though.

"Indeed. You hold a presence that can be compared to my master…before he went mad." Fright Knight sighed.

"What exactly happened? Did the power corrupt him?" Phantom questioned.

"I suppose. He just slowly started to become more cruel…more ruthless…At one time, he was a very caring king. That was why I was loyal to him for so long." Fright Knight explained.

"And now you want to be loyal to me in a similar way…." Phantom sighed.

"Yes. You are a worthy master. It is my purpose to serve. But I will only serve the greatest, the most honorable, and the best." Fright Knight stated. "That's you."

"Why not Vision or Colossus, though?" Phantom questioned. "They're far stronger and more experience than me."

"They do not possess the qualities of a king. They can't make foes into allies. They can't inspire people to be all they can be. You can. You are king material." Fright Knight humbly stated.

Phantom sighed. "I do not want to be king of anything. I rule over myself and that's it."

"And that will be the difference between you and Pariah Dark." Fright Knight held up his sword. "That is why I will be your servant."

Phantom stared at him for a moment. "No."

The Fright Knight deflated in depression as he lowered the sword. "I thought as much. I have fought you before. I ruined your preparations for Halloween. I caused much destruction in your home. I do not deserve to serve you."

"That's not it." Phantom chuckled. "It's just that I don't need a servant."

"What?" Fright Knight looked up in confusion.

"I don't need a servant, but I could always use a friend." Phantom extended his hand to help the Fright Knight up.

Fright Knight examined the hand curiously. Those he had served had never offered something like this. Pariah Dark had given orders, and he had followed them. There were never any exceptions…until now.

Fright Knight took the hand. "There is another difference after all…"

(Saturday-June 26, 2010)

Harriet Chin had immediately been released after the GIW War. All the bogus charges were dropped after the UN learned of the corruption of the GIW. Despite this, Harriet spent the next month trying to get everything in order and helping with the investigation of the GIW.

As soon as she was available, Danny flew her to Amity Park. Harriet had proven herself to be a valuable ally and friend. It was time to cross off something on his to-do list, but first he had to tell her. Danny had to explain everything about his dual life in order for this offer to work.

So, Danny spent two hours telling Harriet the entire story. He explained his transformation, his attempts to be a hero, his foes, his failures, and his involvement in the GIW War. Not only that, he (with Vlad's and Dani's permission) had explained the involvement of his family in all of it. To say that Harriet was shocked would be an understatement.

"I…I don't…what the…how…" Harriet stuttered.

"It is a lot to take in…" Vlad mentioned.

"Yeah, but, it had to be done." Danny shrugged.

"I…uh…You don't have to kill me now, do you?" Harriet paled.

"That depends on you." Vlad smirked.

Harriet was at a loss for words.

"We told you this, because you proved yourself to be loyal." Danny explained. "You stood up for us, got caught with the weapon I gave you, and was arrested. That's a real friend, and you deserve to know our secret."

"…T-thank you…" Harriet gave a ghost of a smile. She was still in shock.

"There is more, though." Vlad stated.

"What?!" Harriet asked nervously.

"We would like to offer you a job." Danny explained. "We need the press on our side, and you working for Godfrey won't help us."

"Yeah, well I quit that job with that jackass." Harriet huffed. "Turned on me first chance he got."

"A cutthroat world…" Vlad muttered.

"We know you quit, that's why we want you to work fo us." Danny smiled.


"How would you like being our personal publicist?"

(Monday-June 28, 2010)

Danny stared at the building in front of him. He had no idea that Vlad was going to build it. Danny had been a little too preoccupied lately to notice its construction. The halfa was extremely grateful. It was exactly as he remember.

Danny extended his hand. He felt the solid brick. The new door was the same. Even the concrete steps were exactly the same. Stepping back, Danny looked up. There was a giant neon on the front of the building. Above it was the giant operations center.

Fenton Works.

Danny's old home was back and better than ever. The halfa felt like crying tears of joy. His family's home would live on in this new form. But there was still the problem of the old version's destroyer.

"I know you're there." Danny looked into a nearby ally.

Jenifer stepped forward. "Hey…"

"Hey." Danny nodded.

"So, Mr. Masters had it rebuilt, huh?" Jenifer looked up at the building.

"That he did." Danny nodded. "He's a real softy sometimes."

"I bet…" Jenifer smiled softly at the joke. "It's been a while, Danny."

"That it has, Jen." Danny stated.

"It's Jen again?" Jenifer looked hopeful.

"It is." Danny nodded. "I'm glad to see you, Jen. It will allow both of us some closure. But I have to say, I didn't think you would come back."

"I had to see you one more time." Jenifer stated. "I figured you'd be here eventually. So I waited."

"Hmm…" Danny looked up at the building.

Jenifer eyed Danny. "What happened, anyway? After the attack on the mansion, you disappeared. The only thing they found was the destroyed lab."

"Yeah." Danny laughed to himself. "Let's just say I have my own ways out of that lab. But I had to make sure the GIW didn't get any more of my equipment."

"Makes sense…" Jenifer decided not to question that anymore.

"You didn't tell anyone about Red X, did you?" Danny questioned.

"No. That would cost me my own skin." Jenifer stated. "No one knows who he is."

"Good." Danny nodded.

"You…you said you wanted closure?" Jenifer questioned carefully. "That could mean many things. For all I know, you could want to kill me."

"No, I don't want that." Danny face the girl. "There was just something I had to tell you."

"Oh?" Jenifer tilted her head. "And that is?"

"I have done a lot of soul searching lately." Danny explained. "I realized that I get nothing from holding old grudges against people. What's done is done, and it can't be changed. I can only change my attitude about the people."

"What does that mean?" Jenifer questioned.

"Jen, I forgive you." Danny smiled at his friend turned enemy turned acquaintance.

"…Huh?" Jenifer was shocked.

"You didn't want to do what you did." Danny explained. "You did it because of your father. I may not know who that is, but I do know that I would have done the exact same thing if I was in your situation."

"Danny…" Jenifer looked at him desperately. "Nobody would forgive me for what I've done. Please, don't play with me like this."

"Didn't we cover this the first time we met?" Danny hugged his friend. "I am nobody."

Jenifer began to cry into his shoulder. "Thank you, Danny…"

For a few minutes, the two stood there. Both were content where they were. Unfortunately, it couldn't last forever. They eventually had to part.

"I…I have to go now…" Jenifer smiled. "Thank you, Danny. You are a good friend."

"Stay safe, Jen." Danny stepped away from Jenifer. "I'd like to see you visit, but don't come back as Jinx. Phantom and Spirit will be on the lookout for you…and stay away from Fenton Works, alright?"

"That's my plan…and Danny?"


"Don't change, alright? You're perfect the way you are, even if you are nobody."

(Wednesday-June 30, 2010)

"Hello, Daniel." Clockwork greeted the halfa. "What a surprise to see you."

"You knew I was coming." Phantom snorted. "You know everything, right?"

"With you, things are different." Clockwork shifted from an adult into an old man. "They always have."

"Like with Death?" Phantom questioned.

"Exactly." Clockwork smiled. "You're starting to see the big picture."

"Yeah, big picture." Phantom sighed. "You knew all this was going to happen, didn't you?"

"Yes." Clockwork shifted into his child form. "I knew that eventually a war would happen between the Ghost Zone and the human world, and I knew you had to be there to resolve it."

"And if I wasn't there?" Phantom questioned.

"Long term war. The death of hundreds of millions. Destruction of resources. The weakening of both worlds to the point where neither side could defend itself." Clockwork stated. "Hell on Earth."

"I see…" Phantom nodded. "Then you know what will happen?"

"No." Clockwork shook his head. "That is the problem with you. I can now only see what could possibly happen. There is an uncountable number of outcomes. I have done my part. It is now up to you, my young friend."

"What about my…current problems." Phantom held up a glowing green hand of ectoplasm. It was far dimmer than it had ever been before.

"Ah, that and the…other thing." Clockwork sighed. "Like I said, I don't know how things will end up, and telling you what to do might just destroy the time stream. It is all very complicated, Daniel."

"That I know." Phantom nodded. "But it was worth a shot. Getting advice would always help."

"My advice would be to trust yourself." Clockwork turned into an adult. "I believe that it will all work out in the end."

"Yeah…I…I'll try that…and one more thing." Phantom approached the time ghost.

"Yes?" Clockwork raised an eyebrow.

"You've done so much for me. You saved my life. You saved my future. You stopped me from committing murder. Yet all this time, I haven't even thanked you." Phantom extended his hand. "Thank you, Clockwork."

Clockwork laughed and took the hand. "You're welcome, Danny Phantom."

"I may not know why you did everything you did." Phantom stepped back. "I may not like it, either, but I will trust you."

"You still blame yourself." That was a statement, not a question.

"You know I do, and I always will…for everything." Phantom gave him a sad smile.

"Perhaps. Perhaps, not." Clockwork turned back into an old man. "I know nothing I can say will change it now. You will need to find your own answer."

"That I will…" Phantom turned and began to leave. "I'll see you around, Clockwork!"

"Goodbye, Danny Phantom." Clockwork turned to one of his time windows. A picture of a large mountain appeared. In the mountain were a group of teenagers preparing for a mission. "And good luck…"

(Thursday-July 1, 2010)

It was hard to believe that it had been almost a year since the accident that gave him powers. Soon, the anniversary would come and pass. So much had happened since last year. There had been so much change, both good and bad, and it looked like things would keep changing.

The past year had been one of constant fights and constant challenges. A year ago, Danny didn't think he would be able to handle such stress, but now he was stronger and smarter. He truly had changed over the year.

Not to mention the last seven months. At New Years, he was at this exact spot thinking about his own suffering and how he wanted it to end no matter what. Now, he knew that his pain didn't matter. He now knew what his obsession was, and that was what Danny would live for.

Phantom floated above Fenton Works. He was watching his city. All was at peace right now. Phantom enjoyed the time before the next conflict.

"But that might be a while…" Phantom noted to himself.

Because of the war, most ghosts didn't want to enter the human world. That meant there won't be any ghost attacks. Amity Park wasn't that big compared to other cities, either. There probably wouldn't be near as much danger in Amity Park as before. Despite swearing to protect the city, Phantom knew that his services weren't going to be required near as much.

He'd have to find something else to do…

"Excuse me, Danny?" Superman's voice caught Phantom's attention.

The halfa turned. "Superman? What are you doing here?"

"Well you see, the League wanted me to ask you something in person." Superman smiled.

"What is it?" Phantom listened carefully. Yes, it was the start of a new adventure…of a new story.

"What are you doing on Independence Day?"

But that story would have to wait for another day.