Chapter 23: Behind Obsession

Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius

Behind Obsession

(Thursday-November 5, 2009)

"Tragedy strikes Amity Park today, as six perish in what is being called the 'Nasty Burger Incident'." Spring Whitiker explained from her spot in front of the destroyed building. "In the explosion, the world's leading experts on ghosts, Jack and Maddie Fenton perished along with their daughter Jasmine, two teenagers Sam Manson and Tucker Foley, and local teacher Mr. Lancer.

"The explosion was apparently caused by a mystery ghost that impersonated the only survivor. Luckily, Danny Phantom held off and captured the ghost before he could kill any more victims.

"The only known survivor of the tragedy, Danny Fenton, has been taken to the hospital to treat his…" The video was paused.

"What was the point of this?" Queen Bee asked over the screen. "The death of these people should not concern us."

"Patience, Queen Bee." Ra's Al Ghul reminded his comrade. "Remember that we have discussed the prospect of using ectoplasmic weaponry before. This will greatly hinder any efforts."

"Surely these people were not the only way to obtain such weapons?" The Brain suggested. "If I had a schematic, then I could easily manufacture some."

"That's the problem." Lex Luthor explained. "The only producers of such schematics have passed away. I have tried to look into other means, but all the known ghost hunters have recently retired and destroyed their weapons after being defeated by this Danny Phantom. There is a government program, but it might take a few years to get something out of these…Guys in White."

"Right you are, old friend." Vandal Savage nodded. "These Fenton's were the world's last open producers of such technology, we will need to find another way…"

"Kukukukukuku…" Klarion chuckled insanely.

"What is it, Klarion?" Ra's asked.

"Oh, nothing." Klarion smiled. "Just been a while since I've met up with a ghost, and for one to go and kill people we need. I doubt that this is a coincidence."

"What are you suggesting?" Luthor inquired.

"I sensed some of good old Clockwork's energy for the past couple of days. He has interfered. It's rare for him to do that…" Klarion explained.

"Hmm…" Queen Bee frowned. "And this Clockwork is powerful?"

"Extremely." Klarion nodded. "He can see how things are going to turn out. He's the 'master of time'."

"So he might have interfered to stop us…" The Brain suggested.

"Maybe…" Klarion stroked his chin. "I'd have to ask him…but we're not exactly on speaking terms…"

"He killed off these people, but he spared one…" Vandal glared at the picture of Daniel Fenton. "Why? Who is he?"

"Well…" Luthor seemed to be focused on a computer. "Technically, he's a nobody. Average grades and athletics. Skips and sleeps in class. Seems to have been in a few awkward situations, but besides being related to Jack and Maddie Fenton, he doesn't especially stick out…"

"If Clockwork made sure to keep him alive, then he's not a nobody." Klarion grinned. "He's important to the time stream."

"Then we should keep an eye on this Danny Fenton."

(Wednesday-November 11, 2009)

Vlad took a shaky breath as he stood outside Daniel's room. He had been having a terrible time dealing with…all this. In a short blaze, he had lost everything.

Maddie was gone. She had crossed the abyss, and there was no way to get her back. His love was now completely out of reach.

A part of him died at that thought…but not all hope was lost. There was still Daniel. He could still groom Jack's son into his own.

Hope was not lost.

(Saturday-November 14, 2009)

Dani gasped as she fell out of the tube. For once, the pain was gone. She didn't feel like she was going to fall apart.

Before she could hit the floor, she felt a strong pair of arms grab her. The arms of her father held her closely. Protecting her…

"Is she alright?" Dani heard a voice ask from behind her. A boy stood there. He shared a very close resemblance to her. She recognized him instantly. He was Danny Fenton.

"She is now…" Vlad nodded. "Her genetic structure has stabilized. I should run more tests, but…"

Dani didn't hear the rest. She was keener on looking at Fenton. He looked tired and sad…like he needed a hug.

Their eyes met. His eyes showed so much concern. He cared about her. He…helped fix her.

Dani felt relief as she looked at her father and Danny…her brother. It was all going to be okay now. She was going to be fine. She was with her family now.

(Saturday-December 19, 2009)

Klemper felt tears run down his face as he looked up to Phantom's face. He had never heard those words before. "I'll be your friend." It was amazing.

Complete joy overcame the ice ghost. For once, something had gone right in his life, and he wouldn't let it go easily.

He would be the best friend ever. Even if it meant risking his life…

(Sunday-December 20, 2009)

"Why did you approach Phantom?" Ra's questioned. "He is now aware of you."

"I couldn't resist!" Klarion chuckled. "He's just so much fun!"

"It doesn't matter if a child is aware of Klarion." Queen Bee noted. "Especially if this ghost boy is a loner. He's just a boy trying to play hero."

"I wouldn't rule him out just yet." Klarion smirked. "He's an S-rank ghost after all…or border line or something like that."

"You've explained this to us." The Brain noted. "These ghosts are extremely powerful, but will never ally with humans. No use to us."

"You're right, but this ghost is different!" Klarion insisted. "He appeared what? Four months ago? And he's already made a name for himself and is already pretty strong. I mean, he took down the Ghost King! It took all of the Ancient Six to do that! There is something unnatural about him."

"I agree with Klarion." Vandal nodded. "This Phantom should be watched closely. If he gets out of hand, we will have to eliminate him."

"Now I wouldn't go that far." Luthor noted. "He could be a powerful asset. As Queen Bee stated, he's just a boy trying to play hero."

"Yes…these ghosts as a whole could be very useful…" Savage grinned. "They have fascinating powers."

"And dangerous ones at that." Ra's pointed out. "We need to arm ourselves against them in case they attack."

"Agreed." Savage nodded. "We need to get, Mr. Fenton to cooperate. Tell me, Lex, isn't he coming to your Holiday Party?"

"Ah, yes." Luthor smiled. "That would be a good chance to speak with, Mr. Fenton. I'm sure I can persuade him to work with Lex Corp."

"And if not?" Queen Bee asked.

"I don't think forcing him will be necessary at this point. Even if he does reject my offer, I just think he needs a little bit of publicity and spot light. It will put the pressure on him…" Luthor suggested.

"Yes," Savage agreed. "But for extra measure, I think it is about time to send in some help. Queen Bee, have you been working on that perfume we talked about before?"

"I have."


(Tuesday, December 22, 2009)

Ra's Al Ghul answered his phone. "Hello? Is that you Luthor?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Did your plan work?"

"I tried to reason with him, but he said no."

"Then I suppose I should alert Sportsmaster."

"Yes, plan B it is then."

"I told him that he would get in easily. I'll trust that you'll see to that."

"I'll make sure they get in without any trouble."

"Sportsmaster was told to try to capture Fenton, but he might underestimate the boy."

"Oh, don't worry. The whole point is publicity not success."

"Getting a scan of one of his weapons will speed along our plans… and you're sure he'll be prepared?"

"He just went through a tragic accident, of course he has a weapon on him."

"And Superman won't interfere, correct?"

"Yes, the big blue boy scout will be out of the way."

"Very good. I'll tell Sportsmaster to move when you give the signal."

"Make sure to tell them not to kill anyone important, we might need them for the future."

"I will. Speak with you soon, Mr. Luthor."

"Yes, goodbye."

And with that, Ra's hung up the phone.

(Wednesday-December 23, 2009)

"Quite the performance, eh Bruce?" Clark Kent as he watched the video of Danny Fenton take down the armed guards.

"It was…" Bruce glared at the screen. "I had no idea that these weapons were so powerful. Anything I got from Fenton before wasn't anywhere near that destructive."

"I know you worry about that kid." Clark smiled at his friend. "But he's got a good heart. I can tell."

"He's still young. He can easily be corrupted." Bruce noted. "We need to keep a close eye on him."

Clark sighed. "From what I saw, he's pretty defensive. I suppose he has the right, but I don't think he'll let just anyone get close and use him."

"You forget the weaknesses every teenage boy has…"

(Friday-January 15, 2010)

"I've made contact." Jenifer spoke into her cell phone as she entered her apartment.

"Very good. And did he take the bait?"

"He did. He believes that I am awestruck by him and want to be his friend. He'll call me in a few days."

"Excellent. Make him fall in love with you, and use him to get to his weapons. Queen Bee's perfume will make it easy for you. Stay safe, Jenifer."

"Thank you, Father."

(Friday-January 15, 2010)

Colossus woke up as he felt something pressing down on him. Opening his eyes, the giant realized that he was under ruble. That wouldn't do…

Boom! The ruble was sent flying off the ghost.

Yawning, Colossus stood and looked around. His home was in ruin…oh, well! He had been sleeping too much anyway.

It was time to get up and stretch his legs.

(Friday-January 15, 2010)

"Why did you want me to wake Colossus up?" Klarion asked. "He'll just go around spouting crap about honor and occasionally pick a fight and wipe the floor with his opponent."

"I agree with Klarion." Luthor added in. "If he is as powerful as Klarion says, then we will have a problem with him if he becomes our enemy. We don't need another Superman."

"He does seem like a loose cannon." Queen Bee mentioned.

"Colossus will show the people just how dangerous ghosts really are. If we want our plan to succeed, the people need to be completely terrified of ghosts." Savage explained.

"Savage is correct. Panic will be our ally as the masses scream for protection from the dead." Ra's agreed with Savage. "This first step will help. Just look at Colossus' fight with Phantom. Eventually the people of Earth will begin to panic and our true plan can begin."

"I concede that you have a point." Luthor acknowledged. "It seems like a risky move, though."

"Big risk means big reward." Vandal grinned. "Speaking of risks…Brain, how is your newest project going?"

"Luthor's scan of Monsieur Fenton's weapon was a huge help. The weapons are being produced." The Brain explained. "I am having trouble making a permanent portal to the Ghost Zone though. The hole keeps closing. Don't worry, though. I'm sure everything will be fine."

(Saturday-January 16, 2010)

Agent Z scowled at his men. "So Fenton refused our offer?"

Agent K gulped. "Yes, sir. I don't believe that we will be able to get what you want from him."

Agent O quickly intervened. "But there is still a chance. We will just have to wait until Fenton makes a mistake."

"Please!" Agent Z snapped. "As long as Fenton is under Masters' protection we won't be able to touch him! We'll never get the secret schematics from Fenton Works now…"

"Forgive us, sir!" Both Agent K and O quickly apologized.

"Nothing can be done about it now…" Agent Z sighed. "For now, let's focus on Phantom. He's too much of a liability to be allowed to go free. Set up a trap and capture the freak of nature."

(Saturday-January 16, 2010)

Valerie sat in the silence of her room. Her dad asked if she was okay several times already. She said she was fine, but she wasn't.

Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom.

The though shocked her. The sweet boy she grew so close to was her worst enemy. It was like one of those old cliché stories.

Valerie shuddered as she remembered the power Phantom possessed… far power than she had. The only thing she had was raw skill and combat experience. She ideally wondered what would happen if Danny was to use all his strength against her…

The thought scared her…

Despite this, though…Valerie remembered the kind eyes of Danny Fenton. The way he smiled and listened to what she had to say was so endearing. He was by far the nicest guy she ever met. Yet he was also the most dangerous.

In truth, Valerie didn't know how to feel. She was angry that he lied. She was sad that he was dead. She was worried what would happen. And…she was happy that he was safe.

Danny had been through a lot of fights over the past few months. More than a few were with her. He could have been badly hurt, but now…He was hurt, but he was still alive…sort of.

Sighing, Valerie thought of what she should do. This was a hard decision. How would she deal with Danny?

Luckily, she still had time to figure it out.

(Monday-January 18, 2010)

Something was wrong. He didn't call her. Why didn't he call her? He should be obsessed with her by now.

Jenifer looked up at the clock in the classroom. Damn this school. She understood that it was necessary for her cover, but she hated it. Dash kept making eyes at her…Shudder.

Soon class would get out. He would call by the end of the night. Jenifer was certain.

And if he didn't…she would have to pay the stupid boy a visit.

(Tuesday-January 19, 2010)

"I'm sorry," Jenifer bowed her head instead of looking at the screens in front of her. "He's resisting me…"

"Impossible. My perfume would make you irresistible to any teenage boy." Queen Bee simply stated.

"But he resisted even my suggestion about changing a small part of his wardrobe!" Jenifer exclaimed.

"You can't even get a boy to change his appearance for you?" Queen Bee sneered.

"Now don't be too hard on the girl." Luthor smiled. "Mr. Fenton has a lot on his mind. With everything that has happened…the requests from so many companies are just distracting him."

"Yes, these things take time." Ra's insisted. "Just keep near the boy as much as possible. He will become infatuated soon enough."

"Thank you, Great One." Jenifer smiled.

"Is there any other news we should know?" The Brain asked.

"Yes…er…I, uh, saw the Flash and Kid Flash in town earlier." Jenifer stated. "They helped Phantom. I don't know why they were here, though."


"Uh…" Jenifer shifted uncomfortably under their gaze. It was like being looked at by gods…

"Thank you, Daughter. That was most informative. It appears that Mr. Fenton is helping the Justice League. Perhaps we should rethink our no kidnapping policy on Mr. Fenton…"

Jenifer looked startled at that. She didn't want Dan… Fenton hurt. "I thought we were just going to trick him into giving you weapons?"

"Things change…"

(Thursday-February 4, 2010)

"I interacted with Phantom as instructed." Jinx explained over the screen. "In a direct fight, I might lose. If I use stealth tactics, though, I would win easily."

"Good to know his weakness." Luthor mentioned.

"And your powers will work on him?" Ra's asked.

"Yes." Jinx answered.

"Seems that you're good for something." Queen Bee mumbled. "You haven't even gotten a tour of Fenton's mansion, yet."

Jinx just nodded her head in shame.

"How is progress going with Fenton, Jinx?" Savage asked.

"Slow. He's defensive around me…and other girls in general. I'll get him to open up, though, I swear." Jinx insisted.

"See that you do." The Brain instructed. "If you keep failing, we might need to pull you out."

"If you didn't have me do an assignment every weekend…" Jinx began.

"Fine, take this weekend off." Savage nodded. "Get close to him."

(Friday-February 5, 2010)

"The Ghost Zone was amazing." Jinx spoke to her masters. "I only saw a small part of it, but it's so different than our own world."

"Yes, it is very unique…"The Brain drawled. "From what I have seen through the portal, I'm creating…It is quite the sight."

"Meh…" Klarion shrugged. "You see one alternated dimension, you've seen them all."

"Indeed, not all of us have had the privilege, though." Luthor noted. "However…one of us now has seen the inside of Fenton Works…"

"Quite right, Lex." Savage grinned. "Did you manage to scope out the place while you were there?"

"The portal we came out of was in the lab." Jenifer nodded. "It was dusty in there, but I saw all kinds of tech in there. I couldn't grab any of it, though. There were too many eyes watching me."

"It's alright, child." Ra's stated. "One step at a time."

"I did learn of the defense system, though." Jenifer explained. "It seems…very extreme. I don't know all the details, but Danny is the only one who can safely disarm it."

"Danny?" Queen Bee raised an eyebrow. "You seem awfully familiar with Fenton. Could you possibly be straying from the mission?"

"My apologies," Jenifer bowed her head. "A mere slip of the tongue. It is difficult to change the name association too quickly."

"Very true." Luthor nodded. "It is a skill that takes time to master. Don't be so harsh, Queen Bee."

"Hmm…"Queen Bee didn't seem happy, but nodded nevertheless.

"So, only Fenton can disarm the security?" Savage questioned. "No one else?"

"Well…the Masters girl might be able to do it." Jenifer noted. "Danny talks about her a lot. He adores her. There is a possibility that she's tuned into the security for emergencies."

"She is protected by Mr. Masters, though." Luthor mention. "Vlad is not a forgiving man. Doing anything to his daughter would prove counterproductive."

"Very true. He has much power and influence. We should focus on Fenton then…"

(Friday-February 5, 2010)

"You filthy peasants!" Aragon screamed. He was now trapped in the dungeon. Without his amulet…he was powerless. "Damn you all! I am king!"

He was the king! How dare they treat him like this?! Had he not protected them from the corruption of the modern world?

He had…until this day. Aragon had to have a bride from the human world. The ghost sent his sister into the human world in an attempt to find a bride that was fit for only the greatest. The failed king wanted a woman that was suitable only for the best. A bride that even the rare halfa would desire.

That had been his fall…No! It was that Phantom! He was the cause of all this!

Aragon's plan was perfect. He was king, so he deserved the best. It was Phantom that stole what was his. They were probably crowning the halfa king at this very moment.

"Danny Phantom…" Aragon growled as he gripped the metal bars. "I will kill you Danny Phantom!"

(Friday-February 12, 2010)

"Master Torch!" Smo cried as he flew into the throne room. "I think the last attempts to destroy the drill have proven fruitless!"

Torch frowned from his spot on the throne. "Torch believes that this is becoming a problem…perhaps Torch should search for help against this threat…"

"I mostly definitely don't know about that, Master Torch." Bi commented. "That might make you appear weak before the other ghosts."

"Torch agrees with your point…" Torch frowned. "But Torch will not put Torch's minions in danger. The hole is growing each day despite the efforts to destroy the drill. Help might be necessary…But asking the other S-ranks ghosts for help would hurt Torch's reputation."

"I think that we need to go to the other side of the drill." Smo suggested.

"Torch believes that would work. To do so, Torch would need someone who can travel between the human world and the Ghost Zone at will…Do you know anything about such a ghost?"

"There is most definitely that Wulf ghost…" Bi stated. "I heard that Danny Phantom is working to get him out of Walker's prison."

"Helping out a friend huh?" Torch grinned. "Torch can respect that…Maybe when he's out, Torch can ask that Wulf for a favor…"

(Sunday-February 14, 2010)

The Brain was practically seething in anger. Those damn ghosts! How dare they do that to his laboratory!

Everything was either broken or burned. It all started because of that random portal appearing above the drill. The fire rained in, and everything went to hell.

This Torch and Danny Phantom would pay for what they did. He had lost months of research. There were no backups either…

Brain looked over at his destroyed lab. While he was furious about what happened to his lab, there was still a bright side.

While that portal was open, Brain managed to scan it. What he found was amazing. A small concentrated rip in reality appeared because of such a simple cut. It maintained itself, too.

With any luck…Brain would be able to duplicate the effects.

(Sunday-February 14, 2010)

Nocturne smiled at the sight before him. Two S-rank ghosts were suspended in the energy drainage tubes. The sleep ghost could feel himself becoming stronger. He could easily create armies was Sleep walkers now.

There was one more battery he could acquire right now, though. Plasmius was in Amity Park. Using him as a power source would make Nocturne a force to be feared.

After that was done, he take over the human world. They wouldn't know what hit them. No one was prepared for an all-powerful army of sleep ghosts to attack. Defeating the humans would be easy.

There was the problem of Colossus. He was awake and roaming the human world. If he managed to track Nocturne down…

He'd just have to make sure Colossus fell asleep too. Not too much of a problem. Wait till the giant rests, then make sure he stayed that way.

Once that was done, no one would be able to stop Nocturne. He would attack the Ghost Zone and capture all the other S-ranked ghosts. With that, he would obtain godhood.

Yes, the god of sleep…that had a nice ring to it.

(Wednesday-February 17, 2010)

Colossus grabbed the last sleep walker before it could run. There had been hundreds of the little pests, but Colossus had merely swiped them away like flies. Now there was only one left.

"Who are you and why did you attack me?" Colossus growled.

The pest merely moaned. That appeared to be all it could say.

"Psh!" Colossus crushed the pest in his giant fist. Looking around, Colossus realized that he might have gone overboard. Trees were blown over. Craters were spread across the area.

The human in the nearby town would be mad…Wait…They are all asleep.

Oh well, now they won't be mad!

Huh? The humans were sleeping across the ground. Didn't they usually sleep in beds? And why were they sleeping in broad daylight…

Something was up, and Colossus was going to get to the bottom of it.

(Thursday-February 18, 2010)

"Where are we even going, Batman?" Red Tornado questioned.

They had decided to rest for the night. They remained hidden in a cave. Not the best place to rest, but it would do.

"Amity Park." Batman explained. "My sensors told me that the source of the ghosts are coming from there."

"Was there any doubt?" Robin questioned. "That's the only place where ghosts appear. It makes sense that this army would come from there."

"Indeed." Red Tornado nodded. "But how are we supposed to stop this army? They outnumber us 364,095 to one."

"We find Danny Fenton. He may be asleep, but we can use his equipment to destroy the source of the ghosts." Batman noted.

"That doesn't sound like much of a plan…" Robin noted sadly.

"It's the best we got, though."

(Tuesday-February 23, 2010)

Nocturne didn't know there was such a pain in the world. His bones were smashed, his body was bruised, and his pride and dreams were utterly destroyed. How did it happen? He had already won? These were the kinds of questions running through the sleep ghost's mind as he was led to his jail cell in Walker's prison.

Colossus and Torch had made sure to capture the sleeping ghost so he couldn't do anymore harm. It was humiliating. To be defeated even though he had obtained such an absolute power…

Perhaps he underestimated the humans… No, it was not the humans. It wasn't even the ghosts. It was the halfas.

The ghost girl was the first one to wake. Then she caused shockwaves. Phantom and Plasmius woke up after that. Yes, it was the halfas' fault.

Luckily, all was not lost. He was still alive thanks to that foolish boy. Phantom should have finished Nocturne while he could. Now, the sleep ghost could make plans for the future.

He would be god one day, but to that, he would have to accomplish one goal first…

He needed to kill every halfa alive.

(Wednesday, March 3, 2010)

"I want her back! I want her back! I want her back!" Klarion raged.

"Old friend, calm yourself." Savage instructed.

"Gah! She was right there!" Klarion exclaimed. "I should have grabbed her! If only Phantom and Pandora wasn't there!"

"That would have accomplished little." Ra's commented. "If she is your daughter, she can't be contained by normal means. Trying to do so would merely make her resent you."

"He's correct." Luthor smirked. "You need to divide her from her mother, and she will flock to you for comfort."

"But I want her back now!" Klarion shouted. "She's my weapon!"

"Do not worry, Klarion." Queen Bee smiled. "When our plan works, Pandora will be no more. We shall make sure the Guys in White leave your spawn alone. That way you can have her back."

"How are those dimension claws coming along?" Savage questioned the Brain.

"They are almost finished. Soon, our GIW will be able to enter the Ghost Zone at will." Brain noted.

"Excellent, now all we need is the weaponry." Queen Bee noted.

"That's why we took action against Mr. Master." Luthor frowned at that. "It is dangerous to attack a potential ally like that, though. I don't like it."

"Injecting Mr. Masters with ectoplasm contaminate is the only way." Savage sighed. "We need to get Fenton out of Amity Park and distract the heroes. That way no one will notice Jinx completing her mission."

(Wednesday, March 3, 2010)

"I can't believe you disobeyed me!" Pandora seethed as she guided her daughter into their home.

"Really? That sounds exactly like something I would do…"

"This is serious!" Pandora exclaimed. "You were in danger."

"From who?" Nyx frowned. "The Girl Scout?"

"No. Not her, and not Phantom." Pandora knelt down to her child's level. "From a very bad man. You're lucky he didn't take you."

Nyx grumbled. "But he didn't. You keep saying that, but I knew he wouldn't do anything in Amity Park. The Upstart is there. He would protect me."

"What makes you say that?" Pandora questioned.

"He's the Fate Changer." Nyx noted.

"What?" Pandora didn't understand.

"Never mind… just a nickname." Nyx sighed. It would be so hard to explain what she heard. The wind kept saying that… The Fate Changer…

Pandora hugged her child. "I'm sorry that I'm overprotective. But I just want you to be safe. I love you."

"I love you too, Mommy…" Nyx hugged her mother. "I always will…"

(Thursday-March 4, 2010)

"I talked with Daniel Fenton." Luthor noted. "He confirmed my suspicions. Giving humans ghost powers won't work."

"Told ya!" Klarion gloated.

"It is true that no man has survived such a process before. The human body does not react well to ectoplasmic radiation." Ra's noted.

"It was once thought that the world was flat, man was alone in the universe, and superpowers were witchcraft." Brain argued. "I do not believe in something being impossible. We can give a human ghost powers. It will take time, though."

"Not to mention a lot of ectoplasm and test subjects." Queen Bee stated.

"Hmm…" Savage hummed in thought. "Well, soon we will have the ability to find out if it is possible. Sportsmaster and Lady Shiva have been deployed. Soon, we will have all the ectoplasmic energy we will ever need. After that, the Ghoul Project can be begin, and we will see what the truth is."

(Thursday-March 4, 2010)

He could feel it…

A ghost had passed on wilingly…

So rare…

So much energy for the taking…


Her death had made him stronger…

(Saturday-March 6, 2010)

Jim Corrigan groaned as he walked into his apartment. He had a long day at the office. That was the biggest problem with being a detective. There was always so much stress.

Not to mention his…problem…

"Food, shower, sleep…" Corrigan muttered as he walked through his apartment.

"Hello, Spectre." A calm voice called through the darkness.

Corrigan froze.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice your return?" Vision questioned as she stepped forward.

Carrigan's form shifted into the Spectre. "Vision…What do you want?"

"We need to talk."

"What about?"


(Friday-March 12, 2010)

"I apologize. Neither my powers nor Psimon's have had enough influence on the boy." Queen Bee noted. "I will admit, that is a rare type of male."

"Indeed." Luthor seemed impressed. "He has a strong mind. I knew he had potential."

"His mind was never in question." Ra's noted. "That was force of will."

"Kukukukuku…" Klarion chuckled. "So you admit defeat, Queen Bee? After all the complaining we heard about Jinx failing?"

"Yes, I was mistaken." Queen Bee admitted. "His will is too strong for the perfume I developed to do anything other than cause immediate attraction."

"Should I inform Jenifer of your apology?"

"Yes, I was mistaken…" Queen Bee sighed. Her heart really wasn't in it, though.

"How goes Jinx's mission anyway?" Brain questioned.

"Slow, but the job will be done. She needs to do move everything slowly in order to remain under the radar."

(Saturday-March 13, 2010)

"I was wondering if you would come." Fright Knight noted as he stood on top of the mountain. The view was truly beautiful.

"You were expecting me?" Vision questioned.

"I knew you come to find me eventually, child." Fright Knight stated coolly. "The only questions were when and for what purpose."

"I see…" Vision nodded. "Then I shall put it bluntly…I want you to join the counsil of the elite."

"Oh?" Fright Knight chuckled. "So you can trap me again? I do quite enjoy my newly found freedom."

"No, to stop a war." Vision explained.

"And why would I care?" Fright Knight questioned.

"Because it involves the halfas, including Danny Phantom." Vision stated knowingly.

"…Alright then."

(Monday-March 22, 2010)

Jinx looked at Fenton Works. Over the past few weeks, she stole everything that could be stolen. It wasn't like she had a problem with stealing. The problem was who she was stealing from.

She didn't want to steal from Danny. He had been nothing but kind to her. No one had ever been that nice to her, not even her own father.

Even after she stopped using that perfume (not she told her bosses), Danny was still kind to her. He smiled and laughed with her, despite his terrible pain. Jinx didn't want to do this to him.

But…she had a commitment to her father. She had already stolen everything, though. Why did she have to destroy Fenton Works?

Was it a message? Was it to hide all the tracks? Was it to get Danny angry?

It was all those things and more.

She…didn't want to do this. For once, Jinx wanted to disobey her father. She wanted to disobey the man that saved her and gave her hope. All for a boy…

Tears streamed from her eyes. She made her choice. "I'm sorry, Danny."

(Wednesday-March 24, 2010)

Jinx bowed before her leaders. They all seemed pleased.

"Well done, child." Ra's complimented. "This data was exactly what we needed."

"Indeed. I shall begin constructing these Necromancer's immediately." The Brain stated.

"You honor me." Jinx humbly noted.

"You have brought about your own honor." Luthor smiled. "Because of you our plans can now be set in motion."

"Yes, we have all the pieces needed." Queen Bee noted. "Soon we will have all the energy we will ever need."

"Does this mean that I will be moved from Amity Park?" Jenifer questioned.

"Not yet." Savage ordered. "Queen Bee has learned some very interesting information from Mr. Fenton. Keep monitoring him. Make sure he behaves as we anticipated."

"Yes, sir." Jinx's image faded from the screen.

"Have you contacted our new partner?" Savage questioned Luthor.

"Yes," Luthor smiled. "He quickly agreed to accept the weapons necessary for the invasion. If everything goes as planned, the invasion will happen in two months."

(Friday-March 26, 2010)

Lady Shiva had told him. She told her master that this would happen. But no, her master was too stubborn to listen to listen to her.

If the Great One had listened to her…she wouldn't have lost to Fenton and Phantom.

Shiva growled as she punched the punching bag in front of her. She wasn't mad at her master. She was mad at herself.

Had she really become so soft that two teenagers could defeat her? Yes, one of the teenagers was a powerful ghost. And the human boy was armed to the tee, but she was still ashamed. She even had the help of Sportsmaster and she lost.

"Raw!" Shiva knocked the sand out of the punching bag.

"Mother?" A nine year old girl caught Shiva's attention. "What's the matter?'

"Nothing Casandra…" Shiva looked at her daughter. The girl was born and raised to be the perfect assassin. Shiva never had the chance to give her the love she needed…

"You were mumbling something about Phantom." Casandra noted.

"Huh?" Shiva questioned. "It nothing, just a workout mantra."

"…Okay…" Cassandra walked off. She knew it wasn't a mantra. Her calm calculating mother was angry at this…Phantom.

How interesting…She would need to look into this Phantom.

(Wednesday-April 7, 2010)

Nyx watched as the Box Ghost approached her home. Considering his obsession, figuring out what he wanted wasn't all that difficult.

He was here for the Box. Nyx's mother's Box…

"Mom will be mad if he takes it…" Nyx noted. "But…imagine the fun…"

To hell with the consequences, she would help him get the Box. Just for fun…

(Wednesday-April 7, 2010)

"You spoke to him!" Angela Roth yelled. "Why did you do that?!"

"I had to warn him." Rachel explained to her mother. "I had to play some kind of role in this. This is the First Prophecy we're talking about. He is the Fate Changer, and-"

"And nothing!" Angela collapsed onto her couch. "Do you realize what you've done? We came here to stay hidden. Now, you attracted the attention of the person who was supposed to unknowingly hide you."

"I don't want to stay hidden." Rachel looked away from her mother. "I want to live. I want to help. I want to..."

"To what? Be like him? Like Spirit?" Angela sighed. "Rachel, you're not like them. You have to stay hidden. If you don't, He will find us…"

"He will find us no matter what we do. You think we can hide here, but you're wrong." Rachel spoke. "I know that eventually the time will come, and only they can help us. So, I want to help them because there is no way they can do it alone."

(Wednesday-April 7, 2010)

"Pandora's Box, eh?" Queen Bee questioned.

"Yeah, she's been using it to fight me for centuries." Klarion whined. "That stupid Box Ghost managed to get his hands on it?"

"How? Wouldn't Pandora have incredible security to protect it?" Luthor questioned.

"Well…Pandora is scary enough to keep away almost all the possible thieves…" Klarion noted.

"An angry woman is a terrifying thing." Ra's smiled.

"But yeah, she has some decent security." Klarion explained. "Not that I care. Stealing it would be like a power plant wanting to use a Double A battery."

"Yes, this box isn't something we can use, but it could be a threat. How did this…Box Ghost get his hands on it?" Savage questioned.

"Nyx." Klarion smiled wickedly.

"Hahahaha! Like father like daughter. Perhaps we should keep an eye on her."

(Saturday-April 10, 2010)

"This is wonderful!" The Lunch Lady smiled as she looked at the picnic that was set up.

"Er...Um…Thank you!" Box Ghost smiled. "I set all of it up myself!"

That was a lie. He had help from Pandora. She allowed him to use a spot on her land for the picnic and told some servants to help him cook. The Controller of Chaos hadn't forgiven the Box Ghost, but was a helpless romantic at heart.

The Box Ghost knew he still had a lot of work ahead of him, though. Pandora would have him doing yard work for years…sigh.

"Apple pie! I love apple pie!" The Lunch Lady explained as she sat down.

"I'm glad…" Box Ghost smiled. He owed Phantom for helping him ask the lady of his dreams out.

When the time came, he would back up the halfa.

(Sunday-April 11, 2010)

Vision watched as the halfas and their friends leave with Technus. She knew they would be back soon. The war was inevitable.

"Are you still here?" Vision questioned to the giant behind her.

"I don't understand you." Colossus stood by Vision. "You despise war. Yet here you are promoting it. You even invited the Fright Knight and the Spectre to this meeting."

"It has to be done." Vision stated. "We may not like it, but it has to be done. If I didn't address this issue, then it would have been ignored, and we would have all died."

"Hmm…" Colossus sighed. "You always were the one to see and address the difficult aspects of life."

"Isn't that why I, a child at the time, was appointed as one of the King's Advisers?" Vision question. "I know what needs to be done. Even if I hate every second of it…"

"Too true, Little Vision." Colossus laughed.

"You haven't called me that in a long time, Uncle Col." Vision noted as she stared up to the closest thing she had to a relative. "Am…I doing the right thing? Am I setting us up for disaster?"

"Well…" Colossus pondered for a moment. "You are placing a lot of responsibility on the shoulders of Phantom."

"So you think I'm making the wrong choice?" Vision questioned.

"No actually. I believe the opposite."

(Sunday-April 25, 2010)

"Well done pushing the Anti-Ectoterrorist Act, Lex." Queen Bee complimented.

"Thank you, but I doubt that it will be passed without something to push them over the edge." Luthor sighed. "We need to find a way to get if passed quickly if we want the time necessary to get the Fenton Exoskeleton and completely prepare for the invasion."

"Indeed, but the ghosts seem rather…frugal in their endeavors as of late." Ra's noted.

"Perhaps staging a catastrophe could work." Brain suggested.

"OOOHHH! I know. I know!" Klarion cheered.

"What is it, old friend?" Savage questioned.

"I know just the ghost to use! You see, there's an execution happening soon for a really destructive ghost. His name is Vortex…"

(Monday-April 26, 2010)

"Not that…huff…I'm not grateful…huff…Witch Boy…" Vortex eyed the lord of chaos. "But why…huff…did you free me?"

"Kukukukukuku!" Klarion grinned. "Do I really need a reason? I just like to bring the chaos. You do like chaos, right, Vortex?"

"Of…huff…course!" Vortex grinned.

Klarion formed a portal. "Then why don't you show the humans what chaos really is?"

(Monday-April 26, 2010)

So much power was released…

Did an S-rank ghost die?...

Yes, but…

He didn't do so willingly…


So little useable energy was released from that…

Oh, well…

He would take what he could get…

(Monday-April 26, 2010)

Superman was not in a good mood. The fight had gone as he wanted. He had underestimated the power of ghosts, both the good and the bad.

That was not what Superman was mad about, though. No, he was glad to have a possible ally that had so much potential. Superman looked at Phantom and saw the future.

No, what really got to Superman was those…Guys in White.

They killed a defenseless being! Vortex was down and defenseless, and they shot him in the back. And why? Just because he wasn't human. Because he was a ghost.

Superman felt his blood boil. Yes, these Guys in White would not get away with this. They would be punished for this murder.

Superman would personally see that justice would be served.

(Monday-April 26, 2010)

"Rachel!" Angela Roth cried. "How could reveal yourself to the ghost girl!?"

"If I didn't, people would have died…" Rachel explained. "What was I supposed to do?"

"I-I don't know." Angela sighed. "Nothing can be done now, though."

"She won't tell anyone. I know she won't." Rachel noted.

"I hope you're right…" Angela kneelt down to her daughter's level. "But I need you to promise me that you won't interfere again."

"But Mom!"

"Promise me!"

"…I promise…"

(Tuesday-April 27, 2010)

"Told you it would work!" Klarion laughed.

"You were correct, Klarion." Luthor laughed. "The UN is in panic. A few well-placed maneuvers and bribes will set everything in motion."

"Excellent." Ra's smiled. "And with the Necromancers, weapons, and ghost portal claws ready, everything will go exactly as planned.

"Don't forget about Phantom. His meddling could destroy everything." Brain noted venomously.

"Do I detect bitterness, Brain?" Queen Bee was amused. "I don't believe that a child could stop a war."

"He won't matter anyway." Savage grinned. "Agent Z stated that he will kill Phantom as soon as the act is passed."

(Tuesday-May 4, 2010)

"How could Phantom get away!?" Agent Z snarled at his men.

"H-he destroyed the Necromancer…" One agent timidly explained.

"Destroyed!? I was told that ghosts couldn't possibly destroy a Necromancer!" Agent Z felt his blood pressure rise.

"I-I'm sorry sir!" The agent stuttered out. "But when the ice ghost died, Phantom went into a craze!"

"Damn it!" Agent Z growled. "Then we'll have to resort to plan B. Set the trap up in Gotham City! He'll go there looking for answers, I know it."

(Tuesday-May 4, 2010)

So much energy...

A ghost has ascended again...

So rare...

That last time was a few months ago...

Two ascensions had never occurred so close together...

Something must be causing this...

But he would not complain...

He was even stronger now...

It may not happen any time soon, but...

Eventually he will regain his full power...

(Wednesday-May 5, 2010)

Vlad sighed as he walked out to his car. It was time to go. He would miss his home in Amity Park. The millionaire was happier here than he had been in a long time…

"Dad!" Dani called from the car. "Were are we even going?"

"Out of town…" Vlad muttered.

"What?! But we have to keep the people safe! The Guys in White will go out of control." Dani argued.

"We need to worry about our own safety…" Vlad noted.

"Then what about Danny!?" Dani questioned. "He isn't here yet? Why are we leaving now?"

"He had business to take care of…" Vlad sighed.

"Without us? We need to help him! I'll go get-" Dani was interrupted.

"Danielle!" Vlad shouted. "Now is not the time! Be silent! We need to leave now!"



(Saturday-May 8, 2010)

"You want me to help you with self-defense?" Dick Grayson questioned.

"Yeah, you're pretty good right?" Barbra Gordon questioned.

"You could say that…" Richard smirked. "I'd be happy to help, but what's with the sudden request?"

"Don't know…" Barbra shrugged. "Just thought that I would need some ninja skills in the future."

(Saturday-May 8, 2010)

Artemis was laying down on the couch. Phantom had just left a little while ago. She was still in awe by what happened.

That was such a rush! Artemis knew that this stuff was in her blood, but wow! None her training exercises had been like that.

The real thing was awesome. Sniping down those agents was so thrilling. The blond wished she could do it again.

But Phantom was gone now. She would have to go back to her regular life. Eventually, her father would return, and she would be forced back into training.

Not to mention the ungodly amount of hints and pushes to join the life…

But…maybe she didn't. She enjoyed doing some good. Maybe she could done a mask in a different way.

Maybe…she could be a hero…

(Sunday-May 9, 2010)

Batman scowled as he peered down at the GIW base. Security was tight and right now, no one without GIW clearance could get into the base. Thus, Batman could only watch as the GIW scramble around the area checking for any further traps and problems.

Superman had been asking Batman to look into the Guys in White. Batman complied. These Guys in White were a special operations organization. They were created to capture and eradicate ghosts.

Yet they did not appear to be good at their jobs. Very few ghosts were reported to be captured by the GIW…Reported was the key word. Batman doubted that they gave the ghosts a chance to be captured.

Then there was that…Red X. The mercenary had literally appeared out of nowhere. He took Gotham by storm, then disappeared. Batman knew that the mercenary was most likely necessary connect to Danny Fenton/Phantom.

Fenton probably hired Red X to Gotham to discover the GIW's plans. Batman didn't blame the boy considering what happened only a few days ago. The Dark Knight did not know what to think of Red X.

The mercenary was cruel, cunning, and paranoid. Yet, he did not kill or injure to the point of permanent injury. In many ways, he was similar to the Dark Knight…except for some key points.

Red X seemed to enjoy hurting people. He would quickly resort to hurting innocents, and his main weapons seem to be guns…Ectoplasmic guns.

That was what confirmed the connection between Fenton and Red X. Not many people could provide weapons like that.

Batman did not know who this Red X was, and he doubted that Fenton would tell him anything about the mercenary. This mercenary needed to be investigated, but that would have to be on a later date.

Right now, Batman had to focus on the GIW…

"Batman!" Robin's voice called over his communicator. "Killer Croc is robbing a jewelry store!"

But that would have to wait as well…

"Copy that, Robin." Batman turned from his spot on the roof. "Where is the location?"

(Sunday-May 9, 2010)

Agent Z growled as he read the reports. The Gotham trap met a disastrous end. The mercenary Red X managed to make fools out of all his Gotham agents!

Red X arrived, tracked down the Scarecrow, single handedly defeat a platoon of GIW agents, and destroyed a Necromancer. All this was to find the base in Gotham. Then, he turned the base upside down. Distractions on all sides allowed the mercenary to sneak in and get all the data that was available.

Agent Z made a note to destroy any connection in the current data base that connected his more subtle partners. Luckily, the data at the Gotham base made it appear as if the Shadows, Brain, and Queen Bee were hired by him. If it was proved that they were directly involved, though, Agent Z would die. Luckily, the mercenary most likely wasn't hired by anyone on the side of the law.

No, he must be working for Phantom. Thus, Phantom would know the invasion plan and would try to stop it. He would try and play the hero. The ghost would go to the UN and try to stop the war.

That would be when he acted. He would personally kill Phantom. Now he just needed to get that damn Exoskeleton…

(Monday-May 10, 2010)

Jenifer watched as Danny went into the mansion. She had defied everything was raised to do and be to help the young man. Jinx has risked a lot to help Danny Fenton.

If anyone found out, she would be killed. Betrayal was unacceptable. Even she, who was the daughter of one of the world's most powerful and influential men, would not be forgiven.

It was depressing, but that was her life. She accepted it…

Until she met Danny. He was so different, so unique. Something about him made Jinx act more like Jenifer than a trained thief.

So did she regret helping Danny? Did she regret turning on her training? Did she regret betraying her father?

Hell no.

(Tuesday-May 25, 2010)

Savage smiled as he looked at the large energy storing machine in front of him. "It seems that our plan has finally come to pass."

"Woah!" Klarion danced around the warehouse they were in. "It's huge!"

"Yes, the size is necessary for the amount of energy we're about to drain." Brain noted.

Ra's questioned his comrade. "Are you sure this will work?"

"Of course, I calculated everything dozens of times." Brain noted. "As a ghost dies, it releases energy. This machine will collect the energy released from anywhere in the real world and the Ghost Zone."

"How much energy will we have after this?" Klarion interjected.

"Well, obviously not all the ghosts will die. The GIW aren't competent enough for that. But by my estimate, we will have enough to power the entire world's energy for two years, if all the ghosts I anticipated are killed." Brain noted.

"Fortunately, that won't be necessary." Savage laughed. "All we need is enough energy for the Ghoul Project."

"Are you sure this will work?" Ra's questioned. "This Ghoul Project…creating our own ghosts, giving humans ghost powers, making an uncountable amount of weapons…Even I find it farfetched, and I have lived a long time."

"Yep! I have to agree with the ninja!" Klarion frowned. "I'm all for the chaos of war, but killing all the ghosts seems a little extreme. Especially with the fact that we don't know how the ectoplasmic energy will react in such large quantities."

"I trust Brain's machine." Savage stated. "And even if we don't get as much energy as planned, we will still deal with the ghost threat. They can't be controlled or harnessed. Such a group of being will only hinder the growth of humanity. Their deaths will open new possibilities for humanity."

(Tuesday-May 25, 2010)

Death smiled as Danny disappeared. "I know you're watching, Destiny."

A man appeared behind Death. He was an elderly person wearing a brown cloak that covered most of his features. In his hands were a large old book that was chained to his right arm. "He's gone, I see."

"You can't see anything. You're blind." Death noted as she looked into her unfocussed eyes.

"No, I see everything. You know that." Destiny noted.

"I just like teasing you, older brother." Death smirked.

"You're humor is lacking, sister." Destiny stated.

"You're no fun…" Death sighed. "I guess this is it huh? Three times right? That's all you told me."

"Yes, this is the final time." Destiny explained. "He will not be able to deny you again."

"Then he must live, right?" Death questioned.

"I do not know…" Destiny sighed.

"You…don't know…" Death said these words slowly as if to taste them.

"Yes, his future is full of obscurity." Destiny explained. "Usually I know what will happen, but now I can only know what can happen."

"Is that why you gave him that nickname?" Death questioned. "Fate Changer?"

"I was not the one to give him that named. He earned it." Destiny stated. "It comes from the First Prophecy. I knew it was him when you first went to see him. My book changed to accommodate that miracle."

"I don't even want to know." Death laughed. "It would ruin the story…although, I have to question. How did those girls, Rachel and Nyx, know who he was in this 'prophecy'?"

"You've been watching him." That was a statement, not a question.

"Of course!" Death smiled. "He is so interesting!"

"If you are asking if I interfered, then no, I didn't." Destiny cracked a smile. "No, another being with the gift of sight interfered in that point."


"The master of time, of course. He knows Danny's role in their stories." Destiny explained. "Without him, they will die."

(Tuesday-May 25, 2010)

"That…" Ra's turned from the footage. "That should be impossible."

For once, Klarion was silent. He too was shocked.

Unlike his comrades, Savage seemed delighted. "That…was inspiring. In an instant, when faced with death, he evolved. He grew. He reached his full potential…"

"Vandal?" Brain questioned. He had never seen the immortal man look so…elated.

"Yes?" Savage turned to the Brain.

"Phantom's interference did alter the results." Brain explained. "Phantom absorbed most of the energy released by the war, but when let the energy leave, I managed to recover about half. I have no idea where the rest went."

"Half of what you estimated?" Savage was amused. "That is more than enough. Don't act like this was a failure. We gained more from this endeavor that I could have possibly anticipated."

"What do you mean?" Ra's questioned.

"We just witnessed the potential of humans at its fullest. A mortal became a god."

(Tuesday-May 25, 2010)

Frederich Isak Showenhower, also known as Freakshow, was currently enjoying his newly found freedom. The current chaos was exactly what he needed to escape. Luckily, Lydia was freed from the GIW just in time to break him out of prison. Not only that, he managed to retrieve a special little trinket.

"Muahahahhaaha!" Freakshow laughed as Lydia carried him away from the chaos. "I don't know what's going on, but I love it!"

Lydia was silent as always, but Freakshow could tell that she was pleased.

"There is so much to do! So much to plan!" Freakshow shouted. "But I suppose I should wait a while considering the mass ghost attack behind us. You simply must tell me what has happened!"

Lydia nodded.

"But none of that matters right now." Freakshow grinned. "Because with this, I'll be unstoppable..."

Lydia eyed the gauntlet.

"We, I meant we." Freakshow rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, my dear. Everything will work out. But for that to happen, I have to get the full powers of the Reality Gauntlet to work. Figuring out the order of the power sequence will take forever on my own. I will need to find a way to unlock the gauntlet's full power. Someone must know how to do it."

(Tuesday-May 25, 2010)

So much energy…

So much power…

He could feel his strength beginning to return…

In a single day, so many ghosts had died…

He only received half the energy, but it was enough…

His powers were beginning to return…

But it was not enough…

He needed more power…

Not just ectoplasmic energy…

No, he needed magic and demonic energy as well…

It would take time, but eventually the energy would be released…

But now, he could work to shorten that time…

He would need help, though…

Luckily, he found two ghosts that were filled with enough hate and anger that he could use them…

Yes, they would do…

Nocturne and Aragon floated in a space of black energy…

They were both unconscious…

With their help, he could recover enough energy…

Reaper would soon return…

(Tuesday-May 25, 2010)

There...there was so much pain. So much misery in the air! She could feel it! This was unlike anything she had ever experienced before! It was the misery of war and death!

Each ghost was giving her power beyond her dreams. Not only that, the humans were suffering as well. Yes, both sides were feeding her, making her stronger.

"AHAHEHEHAHEHAHEHAHEHA!" Spectra laughed insanely. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

With this energy, she would be young and beautiful forever!

(Wednesday-May 26, 2010)

Undergrowth growled as he tunneled through the ground. He had went a little overboard. There was no doubt that he was now unwelcome in the Ghost Zone. It would be likely that he would be handed over to the Observants for his crimes. That was unacceptable!

He had to stay hidden for a while. Making too much noise would draw attention to him. No, he would need to be quiet. He would need to listen and wait.

But how he hated waiting! There was so much work to do! The humans must suffer for their sins, but acting now would accomplish nothing.

"Damn them all..." Undergrowth growled. "I will destroy them all!"

Yes, the time would come. His chance would arrive, and then the world will suffer. Just wait...

Just wait...

(Wednesday-May 26, 2010)

"So what's going to happen now?" Kid Flash asked his mentor.

"I'm not sure even Batman knows." The Flash stated as they ran down the streets.

"But the Guys in White are being shut down, right?" Kid Flash questioned.

"That much is certain." Flash nodded. "But almost everything else is up in the air."

"Well…" Kid Flash noted in thought. "Phantom's pulled off the impossible before. Maybe he can talk it out at the UN?"

"That might just happen."

(Friday-May 28, 2010)

"We should totally become heroes!" Raquel Ervin looked up at the older man.

Augustus Freeman frowned. "I don't believe that would be a good idea."

"Come on! A couple of kids did it on their own!" Raquel pointed to the picture of Phantom on the TV screen. "Why can't we do it?!"

"I would prefer not to draw attention to myself…" August sighed.

"Just think about the people you can help!" Raquel exclaimed. "If you become a hero, you can help the people whom you can't help as a lawyer."


(Sunday-May 30, 2010)

Nine year old Cassandra Cain was scribbling in her diary. She had been paying close attention to the Phantom that annoyed her mother. The girl was surprised.

This Phantom was an actual ghost. A being that came back after death to haunt the living and fulfill an obsession. Cassandra didn't even know that such a creature to exist.

Not only that, Phantom was strong. Strong enough to lead an army. Strong enough to defy the Shadows' plans. Strong enough to annoy her mother…

Yes, the almighty, unbreakable, unfeeling Lady Shiva did not like Danny Phantom. Usually, her mother didn't let out an emotions. Lady Shiva didn't even show emotion to her own daughter.

Yet, this Phantom was able to bring out emotion. Even if the emotion was negative. In Cassandra's whole life, she never imagined that would be possible. She had always considered it impossible.

Cassandra looked at the picture of the teenage hero. She felt a blush rush to her face. Yes, the Phantom did the impossible.

Cassandra quite liked that…

(Tuesday-June 1, 2010)

"Mom! Mom! The package came!" Garfield Logan ran into their house.

"Gar!" Marie Logan laughed at her son's excitement. "Calm down, it's just a shirt!"

"Shirt!?" Garfield looked at her in disbelief. "No! It's a symbol!"

He held up the black shirt. It had a white logo on the front that many would recognize.


(Wednesday-June 9, 2010)

Cassie Sandmark played with her blond hair was she watched the videos on Youtube. She was watching a duo of heroes unlike any other. These heroes didn't rely on adults. No, they fought and won without the need of an older hero.

The young blond girl admired these heroes. Both Phantom and Spirit inspired her. With her mother gone on so many expedition, Cassie's mind filled itself with dreams of heroics and romance to fill the loneliness.

How she wanted to be like them! Cassie wanted to fight and save people like the ghost heroes. They could do it! Why couldn't she?

"I wish I could fly…" Cassie whispered to herself.

(Friday-June 11, 2010)

"Neptune's Beard!" La'gaan shouted as he looked up to his older classmates and role models. "Did that really happen?! He led an entire army to defend his people!"

"Yes," Kaldur nodded as he looked across the various students who were listing to his story. "It was quite amazing."

"But he's about our age!" Tula covered her mouth with her hands. "How could he do that?"

"That's the question I suppose." Garth noted. "I'm sure that's the question on everyone's minds."

"Indeed…" Kaldur had to agree with that. Even he had spent quite a bit of time pondering this puzzle. He would never had believed that someone his own age could accomplish so much.

It made him want to work harder to improve himself. Kaldur wanted to be that type of person as well…

(Saturday-June 12, 2010)

"I bet I could take him!" Jason Todd heard on of his roommates yell.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Phantom could shatter concrete. You'd never stand a chance."

"Says you!" Jason's fellow orphan glared. "You're just a coward!"

"No, I'm a realist you dumbass." Jason smirked. "I'd pay you to pick a fight with him. As long as I don't have to scrape you off the pavement when he's done beating the hell out of you."

"You trying to pick a fight, Jase?!" The boy shouted.

Jason smirked at him arrogantly. "Why would I pick a fight with such weakling? The difference between us is even greater than you and Phantom."

(Monday-June 14, 2010)

"So Amity Park is naming Phantom and Spirit their official guardians?" Karen Beecher questioned as her boyfriend picked up a bowling ball.

"Yep." Mal Duncan nodded. "Not that surprised, though. Phantom's put that city on the map."

"After that stunt he pulled in New York? I suppose so." Karen agreed. "But that's a lot of responsibility for a couple of kids."

"I think they can handle it."

(Tuesday-June 15, 2010)

"Hahahahaha!" Tyler laughed at his friend. "Dude, you suck!"

"Shut up!" Jaime blushed as he picked himself off the pavement. "It's not like you can ride a skateboard any better than I can!"

"Yeah, but I at least I have the decency to fall on my face in private." Tyler joked.

"Well, I thought that if I did it in front of a lot of people, I would get better like…" Jaime trailed off.

"Are you still on that?" Tyler snorted. "Okay, what Phantom did was pretty cool, but you're not a superhero, and he is."

"Yeah…" Jaime sighed in sadness. "I'm just a kid that can't even skate."

Tyler punched him in shoulder. "Can't skate yet, you mean, right?"

"Thanks, Ty…"

(Thursday-June 17, 2010)

"Dick!" Barbara gave the boy an annoyed look. "Would you quick looking at your phone? You said you would help me!"

"Right!" Richard put his phone to the side. "Sorry, just taking a short break."

Barbra snorted. "Short? You've been sitting most of the time. What have you been looking at, anyway?"

"Oh nothing…" Richard smiled.

"Bet you were looking at a video of Phantom…" Barbra sighed. "That's all everyone seems to do these days. Not that I blame them.."

"Right…" Richard smiled. "A video of Phantom…"

Actually, it was a text from Wally West. He seemed really excited about Independence Day…

(Friday-June 18, 2010)

"Tim!" Tim Drake's mother called up to her son. "Get off that computer and go out to play! You'll ruin your eyes staring into that thing.

"Okay, Mom!" Tim clicked out of his files.

Tim Drake was a bright child. His mind was sharp and curious. He loved finding problems and solving them. That's why he figured out that Bruce Wayne was Batman.

His newest puzzle was the ghost hero Phantom. Time couldn't figure out how he did it. How does someone die by losing their body, only to reform it seconds later? Phantom didin't just do that, he came back with a strength that Tim couldn't even comprehend.

"How did he do it…" Tim muttered.

(Sunday-June 20, 2010)

His mind was filled with information. A constant flow of information war being transferred through his mind. He didn't judge the information, because the definitions were simple.




Everything running through his mind was to better him. Each thought made him stronger and more knowledgeable. He understood that, so he didn't judge them. Each thought was important.

Some thoughts…some information was more important than the other information, though. One of those thoughts was his future fight with Superman. Like that, though, most of those thoughts and dreams involved killing.

Except for one. One single thought, one single dream was different. In fact, it showed him the opposite of what he usually saw. It wasn't the concept of killing. No… it was…

"All this time, I haven't let one thing go. I've always hated the people who have done me and my family wrong." Phantom spoke. "In the end, I've been bitter and hateful. But it all ends today because despite what anyone says or does, I…"

Phantom dropped Agent Z. For a moment Agent Z was sure he was going to die. He looked up in horror as Phantom's white eyes glared into his.

Then, the white energy surrounding Phantom slowly began to fade. The energy turned green then disappeared. The pure white eyes changed too. Phantom's neon green eyes appeared instead.

The power that Phantom had used to defeat the Exoskeleton was completely gone. He allowed the feelings of anger and vengeance leave. For the first time, Phantom just let it all go. He was no longer angry.

"…forgive you."




The Superboy enjoyed this set of images a lot more than the others.

(Monday-June 21, 2010)

Since her arrival on Earth, M'gann had watched a lot of television. That was her way of learning of the human culture. She didn't have a lot of experience with others.

White Martians did not socialize well. The constant hatred sent at the white Martians caused them to be withdrawn and antisocial. But M'gann didn't want to be like this anymore.

She now had a chance at a new life, and she did not want to waste it. So, she watched and learned. And what she learned was amazing.

This…Danny Phantom had been discriminated against. The world seemed to be against him despite his good intentions. Yet he fought on until the end. He did what no one thought he could do. He achieved the impossible each time.

M'gann watched again as the ghost boy forgave the man who wronged him so. The Martian was awed by this. She didn't know if she could be so forgiving. So many people had hurt her on her own planet.

At that moment, M'gann stopped and thought, "What would I do if I was in his spot…"

(Thursday-June 24, 2010)

"Dad…" Zatanna looked over at her father during her lesson.

"Yes?" Zatara smiled at his daughter.

"Are ghosts our enemies?" Zatanna questioned.

"What would make you think that?" Zatara frowned.

"Well…" Zatanna looked down at her book. "This says that magic can hurt ghosts, and that ghost's powers can deeply hurt any magic user."

"Hmm…" Zatara thought for a moment. "Yes, ghosts and magic users could be considered natural opposites. We can hurt eachother in ways that aren't possible for anyone else. But that does not mean we have to fight. The capacity to hurt does not mean that we are enemies. We are only enemies if we let that capacity for pain to allow us to hate each other."

"So we…can co-exist?" Zatanna questioned.

"Not only that," Zatara smiled. "I believe that we can be friends and comrades."

(Friday-June 25, 2010)

One month after the GIW, the world was still buzzing about the ghost's victory. Everyone had seen the footage and the data. The odds of the ghosts winning seemed to be impossible. Yet, they did it. They did the impossible, and survived.

Rachel Roth watched as her friends argue. She enjoyed being with them…sometimes. They could get annoying, but Rachel was glad to have them.

She needed to enjoy this time while she could. Eventually it will all come to an end, and she would be forced to face impossible odds.

Rachel could only hope that she could do the impossible as well.

(Friday-June 25, 2010)

Nyx sighed as she left her friends. The day had ended, and it was time to go home. The shadow girl wished she could stay in the human world more.

Her mother wanted her to get home by dark, though. Nyx knew better than to disobey that rule. But…

"Wish I could stay a bit longer…" Nyx noted to herself. "Gets so boring at home…"

She never noticed the eyes watching her. Now wasn't the time…Pandora had to be out of the way first. Then…then he would act.

(Saturday-June 26, 2010)

Virgil Hawkins frowned as his sister messed up his hair. "Sharen! Stop that!"

Sharen just laughed at her brother. "I just think it's cute. My little brother is playing hero."

Richard Foely glared at his friend's sister. "We're not playing hero…"

"Right!" Sharen smirked as she walked out of the living room. "And you haven't been acting like you can fly and shoot energy out of your hand either…"

"Come on, Rich!" Virgil stood. "Let's go outside. My sister stunk up the living room."

"Alright! Just let me grab my backpack."

(Sunday-June 27, 2010)

Artemis Crock smiled as she talked into her cellphone. "Hey, Danny! How's it going?"

"Better than last month…" Phantom noted. "Every things finally calming down. Glad to hear from a friend, though. What have you been up to?"

"Well…that job I did with you inspired me." Artemis looked at the green outfit on her bed. "I've been preparing."

"Oh no…" Phantom sighed.

"Yeah, I need a favor." Artemis stated. "You know Fenton right? Do you think you could get him to make me some special arrows?"

(Monday-June 28, 2010)

"But, Dad!" Victor complained to his father. "I don't want to move! All my friends are here. My life is here."

"I'm sorry, Victor." Silas Stone tried to calm his son down. "But this offer at Axion Labs can't be passed up. The pay, benefits, and opportunities provided by Mr. Masters will make our lives so much better."

"I never even heard of Axion Labs." Victor noted. "Where is it?"

"Amity Park." Silas smiled.

"You mean..." Victor lit up a bit. "The place where Danny Phantom lives?"


Victor paused. Well...maybe this move wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen...

(Wednesday-June 28, 2045)

Bart Allen looked around nervously. "Keep an eye out."

"Please!" The girl laughed. "They won't catch us."

"They will if you don't keep your voice down." Bart hissed. "Do you want to be moded?

"Says the most impulsive and loudest guy on the planet." Luna smiled as she she scratched her black messy hair.

"Shut up, Fenton." Bart glared. "Are going to help me spray-paint the Phantom logo or what?"

(Monday-June 28, 2010)

"Father..." Jinx bowed before the image of her father on the screen.

"Jinx...Jenifer..." The man looked at his daughter with affection. "Are you alright? I gave you this time off to clear your head. Did it help."

"It did, Father." Jinx smiled. She now had closure. "I am ready for my next assignment."

"Excellent. I will send for you immediately." The man smiled.

"I look forward to seeing you, Fath-...Daddy."

"And I you, Jenifer." Vandal Savage smiled down at his daughter.

(Wednesday-June 30, 2010)

"We are tired with your interfering, Clockwork!" One Observant exclaimed as they appeared behind the time ghost.

"You know that I did not interfere with the war. Doing so would mess up the time-line." Clockwork noted. "There are always consequences for interfering..."

"Then why did Phantom come to you?" The other Observant questioned.

"Because he has changed." Clockwork smiled. "And he will continue to change. How that change will end is anyone's mystery, though."

"Yet you've been trying to interfere with Phantom for years." The first Observant growled.

"Oh?" Clockwork seemed amused. "How so?"

"We've been researching. You were the one who informed the demon girl and magic ghost of Phantom's existence and influence." The second Observant stated.

"At least use their names..." Clockwork sighed. "And I wouldn't call that interfering. I merely left hints for them."

"You led the demon girl straight to the First Prophesy!" The first Observant yelled.

"Dropping a few bread crumbs didn't hurt anything." Clockwork chuckled.

"You literally told Pandora's daughter about the Phantom Family." The second Observant glared.

"You can't prove that. I have never met young Nyx before." Clockwork smiled.

"Do you understand what you're doing? All this manipulation could lead to disastrous consequences." The first Observant sighed. "You mock us for our vows of remaining neutral and never acting ourselves-"

"Yet you tried to execute Vortex..." Clockwork mentioned.

"And look where that ended!" The second Observant exclaimed. "We interfered too much and it led to disaster."

"That's because you only look at the straight line. My interference may have consequences, but I have faith that it will all end well." Clockwork explained.

"The timeline is now completely out of control. You can't possibly know how it will end." The first Observant noted.

"I can see the possibilities." Clockwork lowered his head. "It is now left up to-"

"Phantom? Yes, you've already told us of your idiotic faith in him." The second Observant rolled his eye.

"No, it is left up to him, his family, and his team." Clockwork turned away from the Observants. "It is they that will shape the future. I will no longer interfere, because it will no longer be necessary."

"You do realize that all this might not end well for you." The first Observant noted.

"Possibly." Clockwork looked over to a nearby thermos. "I very well might meet my end, but it won't be by his hands."

"Then who?"

"That, I cannot tell you."

(Thursday- July 1, 2010)

Joel sighed tiredly. He scratch the scar leading from his right eyebrow up to his black hair. His training always pushed him to his limits.

Joel was always talented in the art of combat. He could use any type of weapon almost perfectly. His talent was what made him valuable. It was why he was alive.

But eventually, his talent wouldn't be enough. Despite his talent, Joel despised violence and killing. The Shadows had no use for such a fighter…

Suddenly his door was opened. The master walked in. "Hello, Joel."

"Great One…" Joel looked over to the man who saved his life and tried to turn him into an assassin.

"I have a special assignment for you." Ra's Al Ghul smiled.

"I already said that I refuse to kill." Joel noted.

"That's why you're being assigned to the Ghoul Project…"

(Friday-July 2, 2010)

"So…Danny Phantom will be at the Hall of Justice in two days?" Speedy questioned his mentor.

Green Arrow mad sure to break the news gently. "Yes, Superman asked yesterday."

Speedy gained a pensive look. "Is the League doing this…because of the war?"

"That's part of the reason, yes." Green Arrow noted. "The truth is that Phantom has a lot of potential as either an ally or a threat. I think Batman just wants to keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't make the wrong choices."

Speedy couldn't argue with that. Phantom was dangerous. He would need to be monitored, but…that was the day. The partners of the heroes had worked years to get to this point. Phantom hadn't been in the game for even a year yet.

But he had accomplished a lot. Phantom had improved and fought. Speedy could respect that.

"Alright, fine," Speedy sighed. "Phantom's earned this like the rest of us."

(Saturday-July 3, 2010)

George Zempell, also known as Agent Z, gritted his teeth as he sat across form the Belle Reve Penitentiary's psychiatrist. "Look, Strange, I have no interest in talking to you about my feelings."

"I understand." Hugo Strange smiled at the prisoner before him. This Agent Z had been convicted of treason, several attempts of murder, murder, and arson. In all, the man was lucky not to get the death sentence. Strange wondered what the disgraced agent would do if he learned that the only reason he wasn't killed was because Danny Phantom had secretly pleaded for the man's life to be spared.

He probably wouldn't take it well.

"We don't have to talk about anything at all." Strange stated kindly. "Although, I do have an interest in hearing exactly what your plan was."

"You know what the plan was!" Agent Z glared. "I was going to erradicate the filthy ghosts."

"Ah, but what about after that?" Strange adjusted the circular classes on his face. "You tricked every government in the UN. You tried to murder an uncountable number of souls. Did you really believe that you would get away with it?"

"Yes." Agent Z grunted. "I have allies in high places."

"Yes, allies in high places..." Strange chuckled. "And I bet those allies would love to help you in here."


"I'm sure they would want to get you out of this dark prison and into...the light." Hugo Strange smiled.

"...You..." Agent Z eyed the psychiatrist.

"And I'm sure that if you were to receive a chance to get out of this prison, you'd quickly take it." Hugo Strange mentioned.

"And this chance would be..."

"Later, but it would happen." Strange answered simply.

"What do I have to do?" Agent Z questioned.

"How would you like to be part of the Ghoul Project?"

(Saturday-July 3, 2010)

Walker stood before several screens. It had take a lot of work to get up to this point, but noting his knowledge of the Ghost Zone and the beings in it had helped. "I appreciate you hearing me out."

"We are not ones to ignore such important assets." L-3 commented.

"That is, if you can help us like you said you can." L-4 stated.

"Well, it depends what you want." Walker noted.

"We want what's best for the world." L-2 seemed to smile.

"And my help is what's best, I suppose." Walker smirked.

"You were an influential person in the Ghost Zone, and an experienced ghost." L-6 mentioned. "And we're always on the lookout for some potential allies."

"Yes..." Walker nodded. "Allies."

Walker would not describe these humans as allies. They didn't even trust him with their faces and names. No, he would give them just enough to make himself useful. But he would not give them enough to hurt him or the Ghost Zone as a whole. No, doing so would break the rules.

In fact, he would save the most important bit of information for himself. The real facts about the halfas would remain secret. If only for Walker to have his personal revenge.

But in the end...he might have to break some rules. But that was okay. Sometimes you had to break the law to uphold it after all.

(Saturday-July 3, 2010)

Black Beetle was always on the lookout for future conquests. Planets to take over. Future allies to recruit. Foes to defeat. Threats to eliminate. The large armor-covered Reach member was alert to all of them.

Imagine his surprise when found them all in a single recording. "Soldier, where did this recording come from?"

The Reach soldier stuttered. "T-the p-planet c-called Earth, sir. It seemed to be sent by a group called...the Light."

Black Beetle examined the recording. The white haired boy was strong...incredibly strong. As a warrior and fighter, Black Beetle knew possible threats. He recognized the difference between the strong and the weak. He recognized the armor on the machines he destroyed. Ectoranium did not break easily through physical means. Yet the boy had ripped through them easily.

"How is translation going?" Black Beetle asked the soldier.

"We managed to translate about half so far." The soldier answered. "We did manage to get the child's name. He is called...Danny Phantom."

"Danny Phantom?" Black Beetle laughed. "Hahahahahahahahaha! How amusing. I think we should keep an eye on this Earth. If the people there have even a fraction of that power, they might be of some use."

(Sunday-July 4, 2010)

Gordon G. Godfrey bowed. "I apologize for not reporting it sooner, Master. I had to be 100% certain before I reported this."

Gordon was in a throne room. Fire was burning everywhere. Many people would call the room depressing. Chains hung from the ceiling. Red carpets and drapes gave the impression of the room being covered in blood. Windows overlooked a dying and suffering world of people.

"So…" A deep booming voice called out. "This occurred on the planet Earth?"

"Yes, Master." Godfrey nodded.

"To think, he would appear on such a backwater planet." The Master smiled widely. The various female slaves attending to him sighed in relief. Usually one of them died when the Master was upset. "And here I thought the only one worth anything on that planet was the Kryptonian."

"That's why you sent me to Earth, right?" Godrey noted. "To decide whether the planet had potential or not?"

"Yes, and I'm glad I did…" The Master stood and approached the image of Danny Phantom covered in white light. "And thus the First Prophecy has finally begun to occur."

"But no one remembers what the prophecy really is." Godfrey stated.

"There are many interpretations and translations, yes, but everyone agrees on the last two lines…"

He will deny death three times and ascend to absolute power.

Beware the Phantom that can change fate, for his decisions will bring great change.

The Master grinned. His grey, tombstone like head showed his anticipation. His massive arms crossed as he contemplated his next move. "The time is now approaching for my conquest. We have found my future partner."

"Master?" Godfrey questioned.

"Soon, the entire universe will kneel before me." Darkseid grinned evilly. "Beware the Phantom indeed…"