Disclaimer: I own nothing
"Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold." Andre Maurois
Chapter 23: "Family"
(Thursday-November 25, 2010)
"Damn you, Phantom! You dare come to mock me in this prison!" Undergrowth yelled.
"Calm down, you imbecilic." Technus glared at the ghost that was in the cell across from him. "You know it is not in the halfa's nature to kick people while they're down."
"…No, he just beats us to the point that we can't even think straight…" Betrand mumbled from his cell. The green blob did not look up at the half ghost. Instead, he stared down at his green blobby hands.
After the ghosts' defeats, they had been moved to the Ghost Zone Prison. The League was not completely happy with it, especially with Undergrowth; but Dr. Fate's assurance that the prison was far more secure and ready to handle ghosts than Belle Reve, and the new inhibitor collars Torch acquired helped, that's for sure. But they all knew that if even one of the ghosts escaped, then there would be trouble with the League.
"That wasn't my fault, Bertrand. Spectra did that to herself." Phantom looked to the psychiatrist's assistant.
"…I suppose she did…" Bertrand sighed.
"Why are you here, child?" Technus questioned.
"It's Thanksgiving. I didn't think that this was the day to be alone." Phantom answered.
"Bah! A foolish human holiday! One which isn't even celebrated in most countries!" Undergrowth growled.
"Besides, what is there to be thankful for exactly?" Bertrand questioned.
"You're alive." Phantom answered.
"Says the ghost." Technus laughed.
"You know what I mean." Phantom stated.
"The only life I care for is that of Mother Earth!" Undergrowth proclaimed. "And that life is slowly dying! You humans are torturing and destroying this planet! That is why the human race must be extinguished."
"You were working with humans only a few months ago." Phantom retorted.
"I was using them! I was going to betray them when they finally got their money. If it wasn't for you, I was have destroyed the disgusting human threat." Undergrowth snapped.
"And why do you hate humans?" Phantom questioned.
"I just said why! They are ruining this planet! It cries for help! You can't hear it, but I can! All of you humans ignore the crying planet on which you live!" Undergrowth clenched his teeth. "I saw it as soon as I was formed! New York City…It disgusted me! I immediately knew that humanity was beyond saving."
"Huh…I wonder what would have happened if you formed somewhere else…" Phantom turned to Bertrand. "And what's your story?"
"What does it matter?" Bertrand mumbled.
"Because I need to know what made you my enemy." Phantom answered.
"Your enemy? I never considered you my enemy. You are Spectra's enemy. That's all I care about." Bertrand responded. "That's all I ever cared about. I don't remember too much, but I remember that. Even when we were alive. All I ever wanted to do was please her, but I was beneath her. It didn't matter to me, though. I loved her. So, when she died in an office shooting, I couldn't force myself to keep moving on. I needed to be with her again."
"It was all for Spectra, huh?" Phantom frowned.
"Yes…she…she wasn't always like she is now. She used to want to help people. That was why she became a psychiatrist. She wanted to make people's lives better…better than what she had. But when she died, she was consumed by her own misery and desired nothing more than to make others miserable." Bertrand sighed. "I went along with her because I loved her, but when she started feeding me some of the misery as payment…I became addicted to it as well."
"I see…" Phantom nodded slowly.
"Why all the questions, child?" Technus spoke up.
"Recently, I saw that there was more depth to an enemy than I ever cared to learn about." Phantom noted sadly. "It made me realize that some parts of us are created not because of our choices, but out of circumstance. I think I need a wider spoke of what drives people."
"So you're finally starting to see. People are who they are and will never change." Technus grinned. Phantom already knew his origins. How he used to be an inventor who was betrayed by the woman he loved…
"No, I still don't believe that. But I do know now that not all of us get to move on from the circumstances we are put in." Phantom stated. "While we don't get to choose that, though, we do get to choose how we respond to it."
"Very astute, Phantom." Bertrand finally looked up. "So we responded to our circumstances poorly?"
"I think so. But I wonder…would you be different if your circumstances were different?" Phantom questioned.
"That, child, is something we will never know." Technus responded.
"Maybe, but it's a thought that's worth pondering." Phantom mentioned.
"Fool! I could never be different! All humans take the planet for granted!" Undergrowth roared.
"And I don't think that I would ever be in a situation where I didn't follow Spectra." Bertrand noted. "Even now, I would never escape without her. And I know that she can't leave. She'll only hurt herself if she's out of that padded cell of hers…"
"See, child? People don't change no matter how much you want them to." Technus laughed.
"No…It's not about me wanting you to change. It's about you wanting to change." Phantom retorted. "That's the difference. And If you don't want to change, then you'll never become better than what you are."
Joel blinked as finally opened his eyes after the long rest he had. The ghoul felt a soft bed underneath him. The air was clean and smooth. He was no longer tied up or chained down. This was a change. It was vastly different than how it normally was in the Ghoul Project.
No…He wasn't in the Ghoul Project anymore. He was rescued by Danny Phantom and Spirit. The ghost heroes of Amity Park. That was what he remembered. His last memory was being with them in that animal sanctuary. After that, everything was blank.
His body was stiff and sore, so Joel probably slept a long time. Thus, he was probably moved again. The question was where? They most likely took them too their home base in Amity Park. That would make the most sense.
…But sense kind of went out the window when he saw that the ceiling was made of ice…
"Ah! You're awake, young friend." Joel turned his head.
Blink. Pause. Blink.
…What was that? Was that a yeti?
"Ah, you're confused. That's understandable considering the circumstances." The yeti creature with an ice arm scratched his head. "My name is Frostbite, leader of the Land of the Far Frozen and close friend to the Great One?"
"You're friends with Ra's Al Ghul?" Joel frowned. He didn't recall the Shadows having yeti minions…
"What? No, I'm speaking about Danny Phantom, hero of the Ghost Zone." Frostbite smiled.
"Oh…" Joel calmed down a lot. "So…you're a ghost then…"
"Yes, I am, young friend." Frostbite nodded.
"…" Joel looked were several yet creatures around him. They all seemed to be moving around and doing something in the medical facility, but they were all staring at him. "So…I'm guessing that I'm in the Frozen Wonderland you spoke of, Mr. Icebit. And that this place is in the Ghost Zone."
"Er…" Frostbite blinked at the boy's poor memory on names, but still smiled. "Well, It's the Land of the Far Frozen and I'm Frostbite, but essentially yes. You are in the Ghost Zone. The halfas brought you here for medical attention. Some of my people are skilled doctors."
"I see…Well, thank you for your help, Mr. Frozenclaw." Joel bowed his head in thanks.
"It's Frostbite, young friend." Frostbite gently reminded.
"Oh, I apologize. I have a terrible memory for names…Mr. Frostbite." Joel apologized.
"It's quite alright, young friend. I've long since learned that most ghosts have their unique quarks. This is even more so true for half-ghosts like you." Frostbite laughed.
"Half-ghost? What's that?" Joel questioned.
"Oh…The Great One must not have told you…I'll let him explain it to you. I'll just say that you're a rare form of ghost." Frostbite shrugged.
"Is that why all of your friends are gaping at me like that?" Joel questioned bluntly.
"Yes!" Frostbite grinned. "There aren't many half-ghosts in existence. This is a rare sight."
"…Can I point out, that I'm the guys that's surrounded by giant yeti people and I'm still the rare sight?" Joel noted.
"Yes, but we see each other every day."
"…Fair point. Stare away."
"Come on, Miss Roth! Please!" Spirit struggled to pull Rachel's mother into the Specter Speeder.
"No! I don't want to go to the Ghost Zone!" Angela Roth pulled back.
"I assure you, Miss Roth, it will be perfectly safe. The ghost Council has assured our safety." Jason Blood smiled from the back seat.
"Not only that, once you spend time with the weirdos, it's only a matter of time before you realize that they only want peace." Harriet Chin did not look up from her phone. She seemed to be glaring at it angrily. Then, she muttered to herself. "Although, they do tend to avoid talking about an important meeting that's coming up in a few weeks...stupid boy..."
"Yeah, Mom, it's not really that big of a deal." Raven stated neutrally. "You traveled to other dimensions before."
"Not to one that's for the dead." Angela frowned. "Why can't we have Thanksgiving dinner in the human world? Mr. Masters' mansion is plenty big enough."
"Because Frostbite's people, Mom's followers, and Vision's servants are cooking a giant feast." Nyx stated from the shotgun seat. She was leaning back and had her feet up.
"Oh…I suppose my effort to bake apple pie will go unnoticed…" Jason Blood frowned at the pie in his hands.
"No it won't. Hand it here." Youngblood took the pie. "Did I mention that you're the best teacher ever?"
"Hey! Why do you get all the pie!?" Nyx glared back at Youngblood.
"Because I just licked it."
"No you didn't…" Pause. Lick. "Oh…never mind. I don't want it anymore…"
"I still don't know…" Angela frowned. "Being so close to the land of the dead…will it be save for Rachel and me?"
"Miss Roth, the Ghost Zone has even more ectoplasmic energy than Amity Park. No one will know your daughter's true nature…or mine for that matter." Jason Blood explained.
"Yeah, plus there's only a fifty percent chance one of the ghosts there will think that you're part of the dinner." Nyx grinned.
"Nyx! You're not helping!" Spirit admonished.
"I know! But this is funnier!" Nyx laughed.
"Mahahmmm…" Youngblood stated with his mouth full of apple pie.
"Swallow your food, you pig." Raven glared.
"No, I don't think that I should go…" Angela stated with a frown.
"Secret…" Greta placed a gentle hand of Angela's arm. Her wide innocent eyes looked up at the woman. "Secret secret…"
"…I have no idea what you mean, but it's still hard to argue with you…" Angela sighed. "Fine, I'll go."
Raven turned to Dani. "Did you teach her to use her cuteness to her advantage?"
"Yep. She's a natural, huh?" Spirit beamed.
"Quit corrupting the only innocent friend we have…" Raven muttered dryly.
"Secret…" Greta crossed her arms and stared at the magic use.
"I know you can make your own choices…" Raven stated.
"Secret. Seeeeeeeeecret." Greta stated firmly.
"Fine. I'll just let you be corrupted by Dani." Raven sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ungrateful girl."
"You have learned well, young padawan." Spirit placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.
"Secret!" Secret beamed.
"And Savage threatened to destroy Amity Park if I told the Justice League about him and his group." Phantom informed the people in front of him. They were all in Vision's meeting hall. He asked them here to discuss everything he learned.
"But you still waited to tell us about this." Plasmius noted.
"I didn't know how what to do. He put together an assault of the Ghost Zone before." Phantom sighed. "I just wanted time to think this through. After the Ghoul Project thing, though, I thought it would be best to tell you four."
"Thank you for your trust, my liege." Fright Knight bowed. "It is an honor to know that you hold me in such high regard."
"It wasn't a matter of trust. I trust all my friends." Phantom smiled to the knight. "It was more of that I had to process what I learned before telling anymore."
"I don't blame you." Red Huntress nodded. "To learn that every problem you've gone through for the past year was all one big conspiracy…I'd be in shock too."
"Thanks…" Phantom took her hand and gave it a squeeze. Her support meant a lot to him.
"Yes…this is a lot to take in…" Vision frowned. "I remember Vandal Savage. He did create the Reality Gauntlet. I thought he learned his lesson about meddling after that."
"Apparently not…Wait. You knew that he create the Gauntlet?" Phantom questioned.
"Yes. But I didn't think it would be important to its retrieval." Vision noted. "It still doesn't. Savage's organization won't want to use the Gauntlet after everything he told them about it. In fact, they may be looking to stop Freakshow as well."
"That's a positive at least." Plasmius sighed. "One of the few it seems. Especially considering just how far this problem reaches. Savage's group seems to have almost complete control over the criminal market. What they says goes."
"What about when the Gotham villains came for Dani?" Red Huntress questioned.
"That might be an exception. There are always rule breakers that put their own personal wants over what the leaders want." Plasmius noted. "Otherwise, I think they would have been better organized. Besides, from everything we learned, Ra's Al Ghul and Lex Luther are probably both in Savage's group, and they wanted to recruit Red X, not kill him."
"Good point. But that leads to another problem…" Fright Knight clenched his fists."This secret organization wants to control all of Lord Phantom's personas. Danny Phantom. Red X. And most likely Daniel Fenton considering his fame and skill. Plus the kidnapping thing."
"They're going to blackmail each part of you." Red Huntress mumbled in horror. "And when they do that, they might figure out that you're all the same person."
"You're right…what do we do?" Phantom questioned.
"Isn't the answer simple? You cooperate." Vision instructed.
"This group seems to be relentless in gaining what they want. The GIW War proved that much. Fighting them will only lead to problems." Vision stated. "I need you to completely cooperate with what they want for now. Buy me time to find a way to protect both Amity Park and the Ghost Zone. Until then, you'll fool them into thinking that you work for them. In the matter of keeping your identities secret, that's simple. We have Amorpho disguise himself as Fenton or Phantom and then use the Red X suit remotely…or perhaps create an AI."
"Hmm…" Plasmius stroked his chin. "Building remote controls for the suit would be simple. An AI, though…that might take time to get it to be able to fight properly. It would have to fight like a real person and not rely on superhuman abilities…"
"Woah! Why do we even need to the Red X suit?" Phantom questioned. "I retired that thing."
"That's what you said the first time, my Liege." The Fright Knight stated. "The thing is that it's too useful to just ignore. Besides…we could use it as more than a simple mercenary."
"What do you mean?" Red Huntress inquired.
"I mean that people already know that Red X and Fenton are connected. Why not use that? Make Red X Fenton's personal bodyguard." Fright Knight explained.
"That…is brilliant." Plasmius grinned. "It could give Daniel the freedom to move outside of Amity Park without fear of being kidnapped again and give the supervillains another reason to avoid Amity Park."
"Plus, Savage's group will focus on Fenton instead of Red X. That means there will be less of chance they'll find out all of Danny's secrets if more than one is called to a single location at a time." Vision nodded.
"Do I have a say in this…" Phantom muttered as he crossed his arms.
"Oh sweetheart…" Red Huntress placed a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder. "Of course you don't…"
"Are you sure you want to see the others?" Frostbite questioned the ghoul that was still in the hospital bed. "Perhaps it would be better to rest some more."
"I've been asleep for a full day. I think that's enough rest for now." Joel noted.
"Alright, but still lie down. I'll bring them in here." Frostbite nodded to one of his followers. They immediately exited the room and brought back the people Joel wanted to see.
"Grundy…" Joel nodded to the giant man.
"Small boy…" Grundy grunted as he stopped in front of Joel's bed.
"I'm glad they rescued you as well." Joel stated.
"Grundy is too. Dani came to help Grundy because she is a good sister." Grundy nodded at his own perceived wisdom.
'Dani? Who's Dani?' Joel thought.
A snort grew Joel's attention away from Grundy.
"Ah, Grundy is softy." Wulf noted as he walked next to the brute. "Need tissues to wipe tears?"
"Quiet dog, or Grundy crush you." Grundy glared.
"And I cut you open." Wulf glared right back.
"Oof!" Joel grunted as a green dog jumped onto his chest.
"Uh…You're pretty heavy for such a small thing…" Joel mentioned to the puppy version of Cujo.
"You okay?" Wulf questioned the boy.
"I should be asking you that." Joel reasoned neutrally. "You helped save me, didn't you? I owe you a debt that can't be repaid."
"No, no…" Wulf shook his head. "Know what like. Prisoner…bad. Freedom worth fighting for."
"That, I do agree with." Joel nodded in complete understanding.
"Besides…new friend always good." Wulf gave a sharp grin.
Friend? Joel never had a friend before. The closest thing he had were comrades, and even then, they weren't close to each other. They were just co-workers…people with common goals. A friend was someone so much more. Someone you cared for more than yourself.
"Friend…" Joel tasted the world.
"Yes, we friends." Wulf stated.
"Gah, this is getting sappy." Grundy noted.
"Says guy that goes on and on about sister." Wulf grunted.
"Say that again, doggy!" Grundy glared.
"Grundy have a hearing problem?" Wulf snickered.
"Wulf, I don't believe it is smart to antagonize him." Frostbite suggested.
"He deserve it!" Wulf barked. "Fought twice! Hit me and friends dozens of times!"
"Grundy apologized for that!"
"Not enough!"
Joel blinked as he watched to two squabble. "Should…we stop them?"
"I don't think so." Frostbite chuckled lightly. "They are both similar in personalities. From my experience, while they can be close friends, people with very close and strong personalities often clash. Much like Master Torch and the Great One. And Miss Nyx and Lady Spirit."
"…So Phantom and Spirit have people like that?" Joel questioned. "And they are…friends?"
"Yes. They are very close friends too." Frostbite nodded.
Joel nodded. "I see…are all friends like that?"
"No. Some get along very well." Frostbite explained. "Like all relationships, friendships are different."
"Hmm…That makes sense, I suppose." Joel reasoned.
"Bark!" Cujo curled up into a ball and went to sleep on his chest.
"…What are you doing?" Joel questioned.
He received no answer.
"Please get off."
Laughing, Frostbite stated. "I think he likes you!"
"…Yeah…" Smiling lightly, Joel reached up and petted the sleeping dog. "I think he does…Good dog…"
"Come on, let's go somewhere else…" Nyx muttered as she dragged her friends behind her.
"Secret?" Greta questioned.
"I don't know, Secret." Spirit shrugged. "What's wrong, Nyx?"
"I don't want to talk to my mom…" Nyx glared back at Pandora talking with Vision and Plasmius.
"Are you still mad at her?" Raven questioned.
"Of course I am!" Nyx huffed. "She lied to me all my life!"
"Technically, she didn't lie." Youngblood noted. "She just didn't tell you."
"Do you want to get slapped?" Nyx glared.
"No, just saying. I don't think it's that big of a deal. My mommy never talked about my dad…" Youngblood shrugged.
Everyone blinked. Youngblood never talked about his life before he died. None of them really thought to ask because they all had their own demons and secrets. His mention of it seemed so nonchalant, though…
"Wait…" Raven blinked as she realized something. Because of the fiasco with her mother earlier, she didn't think too much about it. "You're not dressed up. It's Thanksgiving. Shouldn't you be a Pilgrim or an Indian or something?"
"Naw, I'm not too big on Thanksgiving." Youngblood shrugged off the fact that he wore a simple t-shirt and sweat pants. "But I do enjoy eating. That's why I'm wearing loose clothing. Time to be a glutton. Got to enjoy eating while you can."
"Secret…" Greta frowned. She didn't like how he put that…
"Why don't you like Thanksgiving?" Spirit questioned.
"I don't know. What's there to really be thankful for? Right, Polly?" Youngblood questioned his companion on his shoulder.
"Rack! I'm staying out of it…" Polly muttered.
"Fine…" Youngblood pouted. "I guess, it's kind of frustrating, Nyx. You still have your mom, yet you're holding a grudge against her. Some of us don't have the luxury of having a mom to be angry at."
"Secret…" Greta nodded slowly. She agreed with Youngblood.
"Wow…" Raven blinked. "That's oddly wise of you, Chuck."
"It's not wisdom. It's the truth." Youngblood shrugged.
"That's what makes it wise." Polly noted. His correction this time, however, was not scarcastic or meant to be humorous. This time it seemed oddly gentle.
"Meh…I guess." Youngblood didn't seem to care though as he walked off. "Every kid would miss his mom when she's gone…"
The girls watched as he walked away. That was both strange and enlightening. They never knew Youngblood had such thoughts. It made them wonder what their friend's past was. His word's also made them stop and think what they were actually thankful for.
"I'm still mad…but I'll talk to Mom." Nyx stated.
"Yeah…I think I need to spend more time with my mom." Raven agreed.
"…I wonder what Vision and my Dad are doing."
"I managed to convince my Dad to come." Red Huntress noted as she and Phantom landed onto the icy ground of the Land of the Far Frozen. "I have to go and pick him up, though. He's kind of freaked about coming into the Ghost Zone."
"I'm surprised he even agreed." Phantom chuckled. "He doesn't seem to like the whole ghost thing."
"I think he likes the 'my boyfriend being a ghost thing' even less." Red Huntress smiled as she took his hand. "It bothers him that there is no way to threaten you father style considering that you could throw him through a wall."
"Yeah…I'm surprised he hasn't had that talk with me yet." Phantom chuckled as they walked to the village.
"He's figuring out how he could do it." Red Huntress laughed as well.
"Good luck with that." Phantom snorted. "But at least you got him to come. I couldn't get anyone from Young Justice to come. They're all doing something with their families. M'gann and Conner might have come if Megan didn't think that people would be mad at her for the simulation think."
"Well…I don't hold a grudge against her. You already forgave her, so that's enough for me. Besides, you're fixing it." Valerie responded. "The ghosts, however…They might hold a grudge."
"That they might…" Phantom paused as they reached the edge of the village.
"What is it?"
"…That…" Phantom smiled.
The village was filled to the brim with people. Everyone was rushing around to get everything ready for the dinner or more technically feast. Phantom watched them. He recognized many of the faces. It was unusual to see everyone so carefree.
"That?" Red Huntress blinked. "What's that?"
"Peace. Happiness. Friendship." Phantom took a deep satisfied breath. "I haven't seen that in a long time. Even in Amity Park, there's tension. Every day there seems to be a new problem to worry about. I can always see it on someone's face. This, however…I don't see the worry and stress."
"Oh…" Red Huntress nodded slowly. "I guess you're right…"
"A day of rest. A day to forget all our worries…" Phantom smiled contently as he gently gripped her hand. "I needed this…so much."
"I think so too…although, I don't think all our problems are gone…" Red Huntress noted as her face shield slid down.
"What do you mean?"
"Hey, Babypop."
Phantom's eyes turned to see his ex-girlfriend. "Ember…"
"Hey, how's it going?" Ember gave them an easygoing smile.
"All right. How about you?" Valerie answered cooly. She purposefully continued to hold the halfa's hand.
"Oh, the tour's been great. I wouldn't miss the Ghost Zone's Thanksgiving Feast for anything." Ember noted. She obviously saw their holding hands, but she said nothing.
"Yeah…" Phantom smiled uneasily. "I…um… I've been meaning to call…"
"Idiot…" Ember rolled her eyes. "You think I'm completely out of the loop? I knew you and Miss ghost hunter hooked up."
"I wouldn't call it that…" Valerie muttered.
"But I ain't mad." Ember shrugged. "We broke up. You moved on. It's what happens in life."
"Oh…I thought you would be angry…" Phantom noted.
"Naw…" Ember smirked. "You're a really hard person to stay mad at…"
"That he is." Valerie agreed.
"Well…okay…" Phantom nodded before he remembered something important. "Oh…I, uh, need to talk to you about something else, though. It's personal, but not about me and Val."
"Alright. Shoot." Ember nodded.
"It…might be easier without Val…" Phantom looked to his girlfriend. Despite telling everyone how Agent Z died, Phantom kept his last conversation with the ex-GIW leader a secret. Only two people deserved to know right now…
"…Okay…" Valerie nodded slowly. "I'll just-"
"HEY!" Torch yelled as he rushed in, grabbed Phantom, and began to walk off. "TORCH NEEDS TO BORROW DP! THANKS!"
The fire ghost didn't look at the girls as he dragged the halfa away. Despite the teen's protests, Torch continued on. He didn't look back as the girls called out for him to stop. In fact, he seemed to be avoiding eye contact completely.
"That…was weird." Valerie noted.
"It was…" Ember frowned.
"What's wrong?" Valerie questioned.
"That was the first time I saw Torch in person." Ember realized. "He looks…familiar."
"Oh?" Valerie blinked. "Maybe you knew him before."
"Maybe…" Ember shrugged.
"Anyway…" Valerie frowned at the girl. "Are you sure that you're cool with me and Danny?"
"I wouldn't lie about that. I'm not good at hiding my anger." Ember pointed to her blue hair. "It tends to turn into fire when I get mad."
"Yeah…That I do know." Valerie nodded. "But…you cared for Danny. You were there for him when I wasn't."
"And that's why you backed down before." Ember noted. "I'm not stupid. I knew how you felt…More than just with Danny. That's why I didn't make him stay away from a girl that obviously loved him. But when I left…I didn't leave him without someone to care for him the way he needed. I left him in your hands."
"Treat him right. He's hurt beyond what he lets anyone see." Ember stated. "He needs someone to care for him. To look past what he lets people see."
"…I know…" Valerie noted.
"Good. So take care of him, because if you hurt him…I'll kill you." Ember's hair flared.
"I know." Valerie nodded. "But I won't hurt him."
"Even if he can't give you a normal future?" Ember questioned. "He is part ghost, after all. A lot of ghosts have sex, but never have children. Ghosts need to have a bond beyond something physical to procreate. An almost spiritual bond is needed. After all, we don't have bodies based on life. We are beings of death, so creating life isn't really as easy with other races. His being a half-ghost complicates it even more. Genetics, bond, and a whole lot of luck is going to be needed for you to have children with him. Are you okay with that? With a possible future with no children of your own?"
"Yes." Valerie agreed immediately. "I already knew that going in. Mr. Masters and Vision already explained it to me. I'm fine with it."
"Yeah." Valerie chuckled. "This is the future I chose, and I won't go back on it."
"Good." Ember smiled. "Make sure that you don't."
"Hey!" Phantom shouted as Torch pulled him out of the village. "Hey, Torch! Stop pulling me, will ya!?"
"No. Not until no one is around…" Torch mumbled as he continued to pull the protesting halfa along.
"What? Why?" Phantom questioned.
"Because you and Torch need to talk." Torch answered. He reached an icy plain and stopped pulling Phantom. With that done, he turned and frowned at Phantom. "Torch heard about what happened with Agent Z. He's dead, right?"
"Yeah…Vision told you?" Phantom questioned.
"She informed all of the Council using her birds." Torch nodded. "But Torch needs to know more…What did he say to you?"
"What do you think he said?" Phantom asked.
"Torch thinks…that DP knows." Torch sighed and sat down on the ice.
"I do." Phantom nodded. "I learned that you left a lot out of your story…not that it was any of my business in the first place."
"No…it wasn't…" Torch sighed. "But Dad told you everything…"
"He did, and he gave me a message to deliver to his kids…" Phantom mentioned.
"You told him about us!?" Torch hissed.
"No. He didn't know about you and Ember. I just asked what he would say to his kids. I'm honor bound to tell both of you." Phantom answered.
"No, you're not!" Torch glared. "You act like this is some big deal. Like this is something Torch and Ellie should be mourning, but you're wrong."
"He was your father." Phantom noted.
"Yes, he was. A long time ago…He wasn't a great one, though. He was cold and too grounded in reality. He never supported our dreams…But…we did love him. He could have been worse, and he did love us." Torch sighed. "But that man died when we did."
"Why do you think that Torch never said anything during the war? Torch knew that the man that was Torch's dad had long since died and was replaced by a monster." Torch stated. "Torch knew he needed to be stopped. So Torch said nothing. Torch didn't want pity or concerns about where Torch's loyalties lied. Torch had long since decided that Agent Z was beyond redemption."
"…I see…" Phantom frowned sadly. He always believed that everyone deserved a second chance. "What about Ember?
"What about Ellie?"
"Should I tell her?"
"But…You told Dora?"
"Torch was courting Dora. She deserved to know everything." Torch explained. "Ellie, however…she doesn't need to know."
"And why's that?" Phantom questioned.
"As you know, many ghosts don't remember much from their first lives besides the events surrounding their deaths. Only the strongest ghosts remember their entire life before death. Of course, they could look into their pasts, but many don't. It might be too painful to remember everything that was lost. S-rank ghosts don't have the luxury, though. That is Torch's curse. Torch has to remember. Ellie, however, doesn't need to carry that burden because it won't make her happy." Torch noted. "Think about it. If Ellie knew that her father was Agent Z and that he died a monster…what would she feel?"
"She would feel…terrible…" Phantom realized.
"Yes. She would. Ellie would hate him for what he did and hate herself for not being able to help him." Torch reasoned. "Her motivation would be lost. She wouldn't be able to sing. She would lose her obsession and fade."
Phantom looked down. He knew that was exactly what would happen. "But…what about you?"
"What about Torch?"
"You're her brother. Don't you want to reunite with her? Don't you want to be her brother?" Phantom questioned.
"Of course Torch does!" Torch yelled.
"Then why not tell her that much?" Phantom questioned.
"Because it would not make her happy." Torch answered simply. "Torch would only hold her back from her dream. Ellie would want to be here with Torch in the Ghost Zone. She would give up being a rockstar. Torch can't have that. Torch only wants Torch's sister to be happy. So, Torch will let Ellie go, even if it hurts Torch."
"I…I never thought…" Phantom mumbled.
"Why do you think Torch asked you to take care of her? It's because Torch knew you could. You cared for her, and she cared for you. Torch knew that you would never hurt her. And Torch was right." Torch smiled at the halfa. "You let her go. You let her be happy. You have Torch's upmost respect and thanks for that."
"…I did it because I loved her…"
"Torch knows…"
"…And you let her go because you love her…"
"Yes, Torch does."
"…Okay…" Phantom nodded slowly. "I won't tell her."
"But, I'm still honor bound to tell one of his kids." Phantom reasoned. "Let me tell you what he said."
"Fine…" Torch frowned as he stood up. "What did he want Torch…Trever to know?"
"He said that he loved you, and that he's sorry for not being good enough." Phantom noted.
"Ah…" Torch turned around. "Torch sees."
"Are…you alright?" Phantom questioned.
"Of course. Torch mourned Torch's father long ago." Torch snorted.
"…Okay…" Phantom nodded. "I'll just…be going."
"Good…" Torch answered simply.
As Phantom left, he ignored the quiet sobbing that was coming from Torch. The halfa knew better than to call Torch out on his sorrow. The fire ghost deserved a chance to be alone.
"Dad…" Torch removed his shades and wiped his tears. "You fool…Torch…Trever will miss you, you damned fool…"
"What happened?" Valeire questioned as her boyfriend returned to the bustling village.
"Nothing. Torch wanted to rant to me about how hard his job is." Phantom shrugged.
"Oh…" Valerie nodded slowly.
"So, you wanted to talk, Babypop?" Ember questioned.
"Naw. I just wanted to talk to you about the 'Hero Boy' song. Now that I thought about it, though, it's kind of stupid to talk about. In fact, I'm flattered." Phantom chuckled.
"Well don't let it go to your head." Ember smirked.
"Don't worry." Phantom smiled. "I won't."
"Hey…" Spirit blinked as she saw an old friend. "Hey, Colossus!"
The giant sitting at the edge of the village turned and grinned at the girl. "Ah! Hello, young warrior!"
"Long time no see, man." Spirit grinned as she approached the red skinned giant. "What are you doing way out here with…the Spectre?"
"Hello, female half-ghost." The green cloaked Spectre greeted emotionlessly.
"Well, Frostbite didn't want me destroying anything until dinner, and the Spectre isn't good with crowds, so we're just chatting out here. Less destruction that way, and it give me the chance to catch up with this weirdo." Colossus chuckled.
"Like you're one to talk, General." The Spectre noted.
"Oh…" Spirit nodded. "Well, have you seen Vision and my Dad? I wanted to talk to them."
"Hmm…I think I saw them heading to the medical building." Colossus suggested.
"Okay, thanks! Bye!" Spirit waved as she ran off.
"What an unusual ghost…" The Spectre noted. "She's different. Not in a bad way, but in a way that makes me feel that there's still joy in the world."
"Yes, you can't help but smile when around her. Of course, I think all the half-ghosts are strange by ghost standards. But in a good way. After all, Phantom did manage to injure me, and Plasmius actually won the heart of Little Vision." Colossus agreed.
"Both seemingly impossible tasks by normal standards." Spectre mumbled.
"Hmm…They do seem to pull off the impossible, and now there's four of 'em…" Colossus raised a huge bottle of rum to his lips and chugged it.
"And that last one is even more different." The Spectre noted. "I could feel it as they moved him in. His demeanor is different. It's…calm…neutral…objective. I've never felt a ghost like that."
"How did you get all that from a few seconds of looking at an unconscious body!? That's totally creepy!" Colossus roared out in laughter.
"I always evaluate potential threats and allies." The Spectre noted.
"Oh? An you actually consider people to be threats or allies? That's knew. With your power, you always just thought of others as weaklings." Colossus grunted.
"Being connected to a human has changed some things." The Spectre stated.
"I see…So you now know that brute strength can't solve every problem…" Colossus sighed.
"What? Did you really just say that?" The Spectre's face actually showed shock.
"Fool…I always knew that battle was more about brute strength. The thing is…raw power is the most fun way to fight…but it isn't the most efficient." Colossus stated. "I've known that…for a very long time. Why do you think that I always let Vision take charge? It's because that she's the voice of reason. She sees how things are rather than how they should be. Every army needs that. Every group needs someone who can mediate ideals with facts."
"I'm surprised you think that way." Spectre mentioned.
"Of course, I'm glad that it's my job. Like I said, brute force is more fun." Colossus bellowed out a laugh. "After all, being the cold voice of reality is a hard job. It's something only the toughest of souls can do."
"Mom..." Nyx said as she slowly approached the giant blue skinned woman.
"Oh sweetheart..." Pandora looked down at her daughter. She turned away from the servant she was talking to and turned her full attention to the girl. "It's good to see you before the dinner. Have you washed up yet?"
"Oh, well please make sure that you do. We will be eating soon and..." Pandora blinked as she felt a pair of arms hug her leg. "Dear?"
"I'm sorry." Nyx stated. "I was being stupid and selfish. I know that you were only trying to help me by keeping me away from him."
"...No, I should have told you sooner." Pandora apologized as she knelt down and hugged the girl.
"I guess we both made mistakes." Nyx snorted.
"That we did. Let us move past it." Pandora smiled.
"Yeah...lets..." Nyx frowned. Despite this, Klarion's words still rang in her mind. Was she really suited to be around a being of order? She loved chaos so much. It was only a matter of time before the differences between Nyx and her mother drove them apart...according to the Witch Boy at least.
She did not want that to happen, but...what if he was right?
"Hello, child, my name is Vision." Vision looked down at the child. "And this is Plasmius."
"Hello…" Joel looked at the woman and man standing in front of him. He could see that they were close by the way the stood so close to each other. Their exact relationship, however, was unclear to him.
"We have heard about what happened to you." Plasmius stated. "I'm sorry that you weren't rescued sooner, but who would have thought that the Ghoul Project was actually in Bialya…"
"Understandable…" Joel noted. "I didn't even know until I caught sight of Queen Bee…"
"You will be happy to know that the facility has been completely destroyed." Vision mentioned. "With that done and you and Grundy rescued, the Ghoul Project is dead."
"No…" Joel shook his head. "It's not. They managed to copy one of my abilities. I think they made a machine that can do my unique power."
"Unique power…" Plasmius frowned. "It can't be that dangerous, right?"
"I can turn ectoplasm into solid matter."
"…What?" Vision questioned.
"My ability. I can turn my ectoplasm into solid matter. Usually weapons…but still matter." Joel explained.
"Is that even possible, Joel?" Plasmius questioned.
"Excuse me?"
"My ghost name. It's Dusk." White rings traveled across Joel's body and turned him into his ghost form. "And yes, it is very possible. Watch."
Dusk formed his Burst Gauntlets.
Vision examined the weapons. "This…I have never seen this. I've seen ectoplasm shaped and condensed to look like something, but this…you actually turned raw energy into matter."
"I know. They called it Matter Make." Dusk nodded. "And now, they have the power to turn ectoplasm into anything. That's why they shut down the Ghoul Project. They could make as many weapons as they want now."
"Dear God…" Plasmius whispered.
"Luckily…the weapons I create lose their stability quickly if I'm not in full contact with them." Dusk stated. "This makes it so they can't make any long lasting weapons."
"A bomb or Neckromancer would only need to last a few minutes, though." Plasmius mentioned.
"True…" Vision sighed. "This is a problem…One that I will deal with tomorrow. Today is a day of celebration and relaxation. Let us enjoy it while we can."
"Agreed." Plasmius nodded. "Goodbye, Joel…er, Dusk. I hope to see you at the feast, young man."
"Wait. I need to talk to you about something. What's going to happen to me? What's a half-ghost and how am I one of them?" Dusk questioned.
"I think that we'll leave those questions to someone else…" Vision noted as she pulled Plasmius out of the room.
They almost immediately passed Phantom as he walked to the room containing Dusk.
With his hand over his ear to signify his talking on his Fenton Phones, Phantom spoke. "Okay, so you went back to Cadmus…why?"
"Because I found out that there was another Superman clone…his name is Match." Conner's voice rang through his ear.
"What happened?" Phantom nodded to Vision and Plasmius as they walked by.
"I found him…fought him…put him back on ice…" Superboy grunted.
"I see…." Phantom walked into Dusk's room and out of Vision and Plasmius' hearing ranges.
"That seemed interesting." Plasmius noted.
"Yes. I grow worried about Young Justice. Savage seems to know too much." Vision agreed. "There has to be a mole somewhere, and I completely trust the people around us in Amity Park."
"So…either Young Justice or the League…" Plasmius frowned.
"Or someone connected to them." Vision sighed. "But like I said earlier…a problem for tomorrow."
"Right. For tonight, I think that we should focus on enjoying ourselves." Plasmius grinned. "In fact, I wanted to ask-"
"Dad! Vision!" Spirit interrupted Plasmius as she ran through the halls to them. "Glad I found you!"
"Is something wrong, Dani?" Vision questioned the halfa girl.
"Well…no, not really. I, er…I just needed to see you…" Spirit pouted. This conversation sounded so much easier in her head.
"What is it?" Plasmius questioned.
"I…Well, my friends and I talked and we realized that we didn't really know what we were thankful for." Spirit looked up at the older ghosts. "But then we realized that Rachel, Nyx, and I have parents that care for us, and I…um…needed to say thanks. Thank you…for caring so much…"
"Oh?" Plasmius chuckled. "That's odd of you to say, Danielle, but thank you. It means a lot to hear."
"Not just you…" Spirit turned to Vision. "Thank you, Vision…for everything…"
"I know that I don't show how grateful I am a lot, but…I think today's a good day for it." Spirit noted. "So…I wanted to ask…"
Vision blinked. Spirit was never this shy. "What is it?"
"Can I call you Mom?" Spirit looked away in embarrassment.
"Danielle…" Plasmius muttered.
"I know, you aren't really my Mom, but…I think you're like one. I mean, I see how Miss Roth and Pandora look at their daughters, and I think, 'Hey, that's how Vision looks at me.' And I…" Spirit stopped when she felt arms grab her and hold her close.
"Yes…" Vision hugged the child. "Call me Mom. I always wanted you to…"
"…" Spirit hugged the woman back. "Okay…Mom…A-are you crying?"
"Yes…" Vision allowed the tears to fall. "I am. I always wanted to be a mother."
"…Well, you're good one…" Spirit smiled.
"Thank you…" Vision mumbled.
Plasmius smiled at the two. "…I hate to ruin the moment, but we do need to get going to the feast soon.."
"Right…" Vision nodded. "Perhaps, we should get Danny and Joel as well. I'm sure that Danny has explained everything by now, and Joel most likely wants to get Cujo to stop sleeping on him."
"What did you just say?" Spirit's eyes widened.
"Hmm?" Vision frowned.
"Did you just say that Cujo…was using Joel as a bed?" Spirit trembled.
"That…that CHEATER!" Spirit's eyes burned with unhidden rage. "HOW DARE THAT DOG SLEEP WITH SOMEONE ELSE! UNACCEPABLE!"
"Danielle, please calm down. It's not that big of a deal." Plasmius tried to calm the girl down.
"RAW!" Spirit broke out of Vision's embrace and charged down the hall to Joel's room.
"…Well, that moment is ruined." Plasmius mentioned.
"No…" Vision rose to her feet with a smile. "It was perfect."
"Yes, I don't think this day can get any better for me…" Vision sighed happily.
"Are you making an assumption?" Plasmius snorted. "That is so out of character of you, Vision. I guess Danielle's actions shocked you even more than me. Of course, I was going to do this anyway, but Danielle's blessing makes this even better."
"What do you mean…" Vision turned and was shocked by what she saw.
Plasmius was down on one knee and was holding a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you marry me?"
"This…is a lot to take in Conner." Phantom noted as he stepped into the room. He instantly drew the attention of Joel in halfa form. "Are you okay with what happened?"
"Yeah…I just needed to talk about it. I'm heading back to the Cave. I'm sure M'gann's worried."
"Are you going to tell her?" Phantom questioned.
"No, not yet. I just…I know that you wouldn't make a big deal about this or try to tell anyone." Superboy's voice answered.
"Alright. I'll talk to you later. Happy Thanksgiving." Phantom noted.
"Yeah…Happy Thanksgiving." Superboy ended the call.
"Can you actually get good reception in the Ghost Zone?" Joel questioned.
"Oh, you'd be surprised. The Ghost Zone is basically a filter for excess energy and radio waves." Phantom chuckled. "It gets better reception than most places in the human world."
"I see…"
"Anyway, I just wanted to come by and say hi, Joel." Phantom grinned.
"Dusk…my ghost name is Dusk…" Dusk stated.
"Ah…I see…Fair enough." Phantom nodded.
"And…you're lying. You want something more than just saying hi." Dusk stated.
"Oh damn…you're one of those guys that can see through me pretty quickly…" Phantom sighed. "Well fine, there's something I wanted to talk to you about. You see, you're different from regular ghosts. You're a half-ghost."
"I heard that before. What does that mean?" Dusk questioned.
"It means that you're part human and part ghost at the same time. You defy the laws of death." Phantom explained.
"…So it's just another word for a ghoul." Dusk nodded. "Fair enough. I didn't think the ghosts would have a word for it, though."
"Most ghost just call us halfas." Phantom snorted.
"Oh…Wait…us?" Dusk blinked.
Phantom grinned. "Did you really think that you're the only complete halfa? Counting you, there's four of us now."
"You, me, Spirit, and Plasmius." Phantom answered.
"Then…" Dusk's eyes widened.
"That's right, Dusk…" Rings appeared around Phantom and changed him. "You're not the only one with two names."
"Daniel Fenton…" Dusk muttered.
"Yeah…It's a long story…You see-"
"HOW DARE THAT DOG SLEEP WITH SOMEONE ELSE! UNACCEPTABLE!" Spirit roared as she charged into the room. She flung herself at Dusk and kicked him in the head.
"Wha?" Dusk muttered as he rubbed the side of his head.
"You jerk! How dare you try to seduce my dog away from me!" Spirit glared as she grabbed Cujo and pulled him away. "You dog thief!"
'Thief?' Dusk thought.
"Dani!" Danny yelled. "Don't call him a thief!"
"Stay out of this! I ruined a perfectly good moment for this!" Spirit glared at her brother.
"How is that my fault!?" Danny shouted.
"Because you're interrupting my stupid and unpredictable moment of the day!" Spirit yelled. "I need this moment! It's like my daily cup of coffee! If I don't have it, I got through withdrawls!"
"I don't need to know about your crazy life!" Danny huffed.
"…Excuse me?" Dusk spoke up.
"What?!" the other halfas in the room yelled.
"I would just like to say that if she didn't want her dog to go sleeping with other people, then she should have taken better care of him." Dusk mentioned. "Because I literally did nothing to get his attention. One minute I'm lying here, and the next he's jumping on my chest and taking a nap. It really wasn't all that hard."
He received wide-eyed stares.
"Are…are you joking?" Spirit mumbled.
"No. I'm always serious." Dusk noted calmly. His face gave away no indication that he was joking…until he smirked.
"Oh…That is perfect! Hahahahahahahahahaha!" Danny laughed.
"You…" Spirit muttered.
"Does that count as your stupid and unpredictable moment of the day?" Dusk asked with genuine curiosity.
"…Yes it does…" Spirit smiled. "You know what? I think I like you."
Soon, all three halfas managed to get Dusk out of bed and were walking to the feast. As they walked, the more experienced ghouls were explaining everything to the newer halfa.
"I see…" Dusk noted as they walked. "I have to say. That is a rather unbelievable tale. Two people being one…It doesn't make a whole lot of sense considering that your identities have appeared at different points on the globe at the same time. I mean, there is a resemblance I guess, but your hair, eyes, and skin tone are so different…"
"We worked hard to keep this secret. We have disguise belts, reporters on our sides, and even ghost to impersonate us." Phantom, who recently changed back, explained.
"Yeah, sometimes it's a pain, but we make it work." Spirit shrugged.
"So…now what?" Dusk questioned. "What's going to happen to me and Grundy?"
"You'll stay with us of course." Spirit stated mater-of-factly.
"No, that's your choice…although, you don't really have a lot of options…" Phantom shrugged.
"You're right. I'll stay, and I'm sure Grundy will stay…" Dusk nodded.
"Good!" Spirit smiled.
"Grundy will have to stay in the Ghost Zone for now." Phantom stated. "But we can set you up in Amity Park if you want. Maybe we can even get you in school to start a normal life."
"Won't that alert the Great…Ra's Al Ghul and Queen Bee's allies?" Dusk questioned.
"Probably, but they know we have you. I doubt you showing up in regular life will surprise them…although, you'll be living at Masters Mansion and will undoubtedly draw unwanted curiosity…" Phantom sighed.
"We'll think of something." Spirit shrugged.
"But…I don't even have a last name." Dusk rationalized.
"That's fine. You can take one of ours if you want, or make own of your own." Phantom smiled.
Fenton or Masters….Dusk didn't like the Masters one too much. It seemed kind of arrogant, but Fenton…
"Joel Fenton…" Dusk nodded. "That works."
"What!? Is my last name not good enough for you?!" Spirit shouted.
"No." Dusk answered without wavering.
"Bah…ah…ack!" Spirit stuttered.
"You can actually get her to shut up…" Phantom laughed. "I'm so glad you're around now."
"Jerks…" Spirit mumbled.
"There may be other problems besides a name, though." Dusk stated. "You see…when I'm not in a fight or stressful situation, my power tends to…go a little nuts."
"What do you mean?"
"My pants keep falling down." Dusk informed them as he gripped his pants to keep them up.
"Psh…Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Phantom laughed. "Don't worry, I had the same problem. I can probably help teach you a thing or two."
"So…you'll be like my mentor?" Dusk questioned.
"Sure. Why not?" Phantom shrugged.
"...Then lead on, Mentor."
Before the feast, a few more guests arrived. Joel didn't recognize any of them, but they all seemed strange. Phantom did go out of his way to greet them, though.
The first meeting was strange…
"Beware! I am the Box Ghost!" The blue skinned ghost dressed in overalls yelled. Dusk could noticeably see that he had a hook for a hand…
"Hey, Cliff, how's it going?" Phantom chuckled.
"Wha…ack…Dude, seriously, you're ruining my mystique…" The Box Ghost's shoulders fell.
"You don't have any mystique." Phantom turned to the Box Ghost's date. "Hey, Lunch Lady."
"Hello, dear. I brought some ham." The green skinned lunch lady ghost held up the tray.
"Ham!" Spirit cried in joy.
"Gah…" Dusk frowned. "I don't like meat."
"What!" Both Spirit and Lunch Lady yelled. "How dare you!"
"What? I'm a vegan." Dusk shrugged.
The second meeting was stranger…
"Hey, punk. How's it going?" The blonde hair biker guy with his arms around the green haired lady.
"Johnny." Phanotm nodded. "Everything's fine, how about you."
"Better now that no one has been stealing my bike…." Johnny glared at Spirit.
In response, Spirit stuck her tongue out at Johnny 13.
"Give her a break, Johnny. She didn't hurt it." Kitty chastised her boyfriend.
"But it's my bike!" Johnny argued. "She stole it!"
"I'm sure that you did something to deserve it." Kitty shrugged.
"But she literally did a stunt that not even Evel Knievel would try!" Johnny argued.
"You have to admit, it was pretty funny, though." Spirit noted.
"It was hilarious." Kitty agreed.
"Ah man, I'm not even allowed to be mad now?" Johnny sulked.
"Such is the life of a man that's whipped by his girlfriend." Phantom nodded sagely.
"Danny!" Red Huntress called from far away. "Make sure to get over here soon!"
"Okay!" Phantom agreed.
Then, the strangest thing happened…
In a flash of gold light, Dr. Light appeared. Dusk blinked. He remembered reading about Dr. Fate before. Back in the day, Dr. Fate was a man. This was a change of pace.
"Nabu." Phantom waved to the lord of order. "Does this mean you accepted my request."
"Yes..." Dr. Fate nodded. "I meant to come earlier, but I had a meeting to attend."
"Oh." Phantom nodded. "Okay. What was it about?"
"I'm sorry. I cannot speak of it. Not yet at least. It is not bad news, though." Dr. Fate actually sounded pleased.
"Well, okay..." Phantom shrugged.
"Now, as agreed..." Dr. Fate removed the helmet.
"Dora!" Spirit cheered as she hugged the woman.
"Hahahaha!" Dora laughed as she returned the hug. "It is good to see you again, Danielle."
"Dora..." Phantom smiled.
Dora released Spirit and hugged Phantom as well. "It is good to see you, dear friend. Please tell me things have improved?"
"...I'm still working on it." Phantom stated as he returned the hug. "But I promise, I'll fix myself soon."
"I have no doubt..." Dora caught sight of Dusk and knelt down to the boy's height. "Oh? And who's this young man?"
"My name is Dusk...Miss Dolla..." Dusk bowed his head politely.
"It's Dora!" Spirit rolled her eyes.
"Oh...my apologies, Miss Dora."
"Oh my!" Dora giggled. "Someone with actual manners?"
"This is a new member of the family." Phantom explained.
"Oh?" Dora didn't seemed surprised. "Then I'm sure his manners will quickly disappear."
"Hey! We're not that bad!" Spirit cried.
"I beg to differ." Dora laughed. "But even without manners...you're in very good hands, young man. I'm sure you'll enjoy your place with them."
"Yeah..." Dusk gave her a small smile. "I'm sure I will."
"DANNY!" All the ghosts cried as the three halfas approached the main table.
"Hey, guys!" Phantom waved.
"..." Dusk turned to Spirit. "Is that normal?"
"Yep. Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your name…" Spirit hummed.
"Don't worry, Dusk." Phantom placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "That's our family."
"Our family?" Dusk looked at the strange people.
"Colossus, you're taking up three seats. Would you sit up right?" The Ghost Writer stated.
"But I'm eating!" Colossus argued.
"That's more than enough reason to sit up." The Fright Knight noted. "Seeing you lounge about is not what we want to see as we eat!"
"But-OW!" Colossus was zapped by Pandora.
"Sit up and act your age." Pandora instructed.
"Fine…" Colossus mumbled.
"Hey!" Wulf roared. "You stole food!"
"No, Grundy didn't!" Grundy roared.
"Liar." Raven noted. "I saw you."
"Knew it!" Wulf glared at Grundy.
"Since when did you become a tattle tale?" Nyx questioned.
"I'm not, but I think that watching them fight would be amusing." Raven noted.
"I know. I'm already taking bets." Youngblood grinned.
Polly then interjected. "Rack! My money's on the big guy."
"How could you bet against a friend?" Nyx questioned.
"Secret." Greta noted.
"You're not helping!" Nyx glared.
"Torch says pass the gravy!" Torch shouted.
"Ask normally, and I will." Red Huntress glared.
"Talk normally? Torch doesn't know what you mean…"
"You have an interesting group here." Jason Blood noted to the man sitting next to him.
"We do." Plasmius laughed as he held Vision close. They decided to save the news for after the feast.
Frostbite interjected with a grin. "It makes things interesting, though."
"That it does…" Blood smiled.
"Hey!" Spirit with Cujo in arm ran to the table. "Save some food for me!"
"Come on, Dusk. Let's eat." Phantom smiled as he walked to his family.
Dusk walked as they walked off. He observed the people at the table. They were all strange and seemed to have wild personalities. Each one was vastly different from the others. He never saw such a diverse group before…
When he imagined a family, Dusk always thought that it would be similar people coming together. This was the opposite of everything he ever thought a family would be. But…it was nice. Everyone seemed happy.
"Hey!" Spirit called over to him. "What are you waiting for?"
Smiling, Dusk stepped forward. This wasn't how he ever imagined his life would go. He never imagined that he would join some ghost family after finally escaping the Ghoul Project. This was beyond his dreams. This was better because…
Joel was home.
That was a good Thanksgiving. Despite the problems on the horizon, every one of us had a great time. Even Raven was smiling. That was a miracle in itself.
I remember so much laughter and smiles. It was perhaps the first time that we were every together in such a setting. It was a strange but pretty incredible day. One that I will never forget.
Unfortunately, while it was the first time we were all together in a time of peace, it would also be the last time we were all together at all.
After all, the road to redemption is a long and difficult, and the last trek is the most perilous part of all.
-From the personal memoirs of Danielle Masters