Disclaimer: I own nothing
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." Theodore Roosevelt
Chapter 24: "Decisions"
(Saturday-December 4, 2010)
"Hello?" Phantom questioned as he stepped into the Cave. He had just been called in with saying the League had something to discuss with him. He was sure that it had something to do with either the Ghoul Project or the Black Ring users. Very few of the members of the League were happy about either of those things.
From the people in Cave, Phantom thought it would the later one this time. That was good. He didn't want to go over what happened in the Ghoul Project for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"Phantom." One of the Green Lanterns greeted. He was a Caucasian man with brown hair and was wearing a mask.
"Green Lantern…" Phantom turned to the other one. He was an African-American man that looked incredibly strict. "Green Lantern…Did you two call me here?"
"Naw, we were just using this as a chance to talk about the Black Lantern Corps." The Caucasian Green Lantern shrugged.
"I figured…Look, there's not a whole lot I know, and you've already talked with Vision. There's literally nothing more I can tell you." Phantom stated.
"That we know, it's just that the Guardians are worried. They've never seen those black rings before, and their energy levels are off the charts. In the hands of ghosts, they're beyond dangerous." The dark skinned Green Lantern noted. "We just thought that since they are your enemies that you would know more."
"Well, I never met the mummy guy and I haven't even seen the Black Power Rings in action…" Phantom sighed.
"So they're avoiding you?"
"Yeah. It seems that way." Phantom frowned. "I have no idea why, though. They've had plenty of chances to attack me, and we all know they have the means and the motives…"
"So, they're planning something?" The dark skinned Green Lantern questioned.
"It seems that way. I know they're destroying threats but…It seems to be more than that." Phantom sighed. "I mean, it's not like anyone could use that sword that Harm was using. So why destroy it after Harm was defeated? It's strange."
"That it is." The white Green Lantern nodded. "I suppose we'll have to investigate more."
"We may even have to recruit Guy." The other Green Lantern noted.
"Oh, hell no. I hate dealing with that guy. The arrogance comes off him in waves…" The masked Green Lantern sighed.
"That I do know, but he's still a Green Lantern." With that, they began to walk off.
"…Hey, if you didn't call me here, who did?!" Phantom called out to them.
"I did." Superman's voice sounded behind Phantom.
"Superman? What are you doing here?" Phantom questioned.
"The League thought it would be best if I was the one that talked to you." Superman smiled.
"Oh…" Phantom looked around. "And you called me here? You haven't been here since the Reds attacked. I figured it was because of Superboy."
"I, uh, heard that he was out. And I thought it would be better to talk to you here…" Superman rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
Phantom frowned. Conner did say he was going to take Megan on a date. So, the older Kryptonian was using that to his advantage of avoiding the clone. "Yeah…still avoiding your clone, huh?"
"Can we not talk about that? I don't want to argue." Superman sighed.
"Fine." Phantom rolled his eyes. "What did you want? Is Batman still mad about the Grundy thing?"
"No, as long as that guy stays in the Ghost Zone it's fine." Superman shook his head. "It's about a meeting the League had earlier…during Thanksgiving."
"Oh?" Phantom didn't know where this is going. "Are you kicking me off the Team?"
"No…Well, kind of, in a way." Superman smiled. "You see, it's been decided that we would like you to join our ranks."
"…What?" Phantom blinked.
"If you want, you can join the Justice League."
"I don't get it…" Joel muttered.
"What's not to get?" Dani glanced at the newest person that lived in her house. They were currently in the living room. "You push buttons, move your cart, and try to win the race."
"But isn't this kind of pointless?" Joel questioned as he continued to play Mario Kart.
"Thank you…" Rachel noted as she continued to read.
"Don't start sounding like Miss Doom and Gloom." Nyx rolled her eyes. "We don't need two cynics here."
"I'm just saying that this isn't really productive." Joel muttered.
"It isn't supposed to be productive, dude." Victor looked over to his new…friend? He wasn't too sure yet. The kid was hard to get a read on. "It's supposed to be fun."
"Can't something be productive and fun?" Joel questioned.
"Wow, you're a real stuff…" Youngblood noted.
"Rack! It's stiff, not stuff." Polly corrected from Youngblood's shoulder.
"Oh, I was wondering why it sounded so weird."
"Shouldn't we be training?" Joel questioned.
"That's what you keep saying. Isn't there anything else you think about?" Rachel questioned.
"Well, in the Ghoul Project I thought about survival…so, I usually think about survival and training." Joel noted. "Besides that, I never really had time for anything else."
"Then why did you just win without even paying attention?" Victor questioned.
"Eh!?" Dani blinked at the screen. It was true. Joel won the race. "How did you do that?!"
"I don't know, it was easy…" The ten year old shrugged.
"You were only using one hand on the controller…" Nyx noted.
"So?" Joel blinked.
"Gah! I want a rematch!" Dani demanded.
"No thanks, this is really boring." Joel handed the controller to Youngblood.
"What? You won't give me a rematch…and you stole my dog again!" Dani pointed to Cujo who was sleeping on Joel's lap.
"Sorry." Joel handed the dog to the girl. "I think I'll go…do something…"
After Joel had left the room, Nyx muttered. "Geeze, what's his problem?"
"Secret…" Greta frowned at the girl and began to walk after Joel.
"It may be hard for us to understand what he's feeling." Rachel looked up from her book. "He was with that assassin group for most of his life, then he was basically tortured in the Ghoul Project. It must be weird for him to be here doing normal things."
"I still can't believe all that. Are there really kids with that big of problems?" Victor frowned. "He must feel so out of place. This makes me appreciate my life a whole lot more…"
"I know…" Dani frowned down at Cujo. "Even Cujo can feel it. That's why he keeps going to Joel. Animals can sense pain, and Joel has a lot of it. I tried to get him to play with us and make a big deal about Cujo to make him feel better, but I don't think it's helping."
"I think he apprece….apprecioa….app…" Youngblood stuttered.
"Rack! Appreciates it." Polly stated.
"Yeah, that." Youngblood nodded.
"Probably, but it isn't helping too much." Dani frowned. "Maybe we should try and help him find something that he can do that will take his mind off everything."
"That sounds like a good idea." Rachel nodded.
"But we'll have to do it tomorrow…" Nyx noted. "He doesn't look like he's in the mood for anything right now."
"Okay. That sounds like a plan." Victor agreed.
"Er…actually, I'm going to be busy tomorrow…." Youngblood shrugged. "Sorry."
"Why? What's happening tomorrow?" Dani questioned.
"I have…things I need to do." Youngblood stated.
"That's pretty vague." Nyx stated.
"Yeah, well…It's personal." Youngblood mentioned.
"Hmm…" Rachel eyed him for a moment before returning to her book. "Whatever."
"Personal, riiiiiight…" Victor chuckled. "Like the time you decided to try and build a mountain of cheese? That took forever to clean up…"
"It was the best lunch I ever had, though. Make sure to do something like that again." Nyx grinned.
"Yeah…Okay…Or something like that…" Youngblood shared a look with Polly.
Dani noticed this look. It was strange. The look seemed oddly personal, like they were sharing information. She had never seen Youngblood look like that before…
Her curiosity spiked. What were they up to?
"Joel." Vlad smiled as he saw the boy walk into the kitchen. "How are you, my boy?"
"Fine." Joel answered as he grabbed an apple.
"Oh?" Vlad nodded. "And how are you adjusting?"
"Ah! Good evening, Miss Greta." Vlad smiled at the blond ghost.
"Secret." Greta nodded to the man that opened his home to her. She then walked to Joel and stared at him.
"Can I help you?" Joel blinked.
"You know. I bet that gets annoying really fast." Joel mentioned.
"It's something you get used to." Vlad mentioned as he looked over his papers.
"Where's Vision?" Joel questioned.
"She has her duties in the Ghost Zone." Vlad stated. "As I have my duties here."
"Oh. Sorry for bothering you." Joel apologized and bowed his head. "I'll leave."
"No, it's fine." Vlad smiled sadly from his seat at the counter. "There's a reason I'm doing my work down here. I enjoy the noise. It's nice after spending so many years alone."
"…Yeah…" Joel nodded. "I know what you mean. It's just…a lot to get used to."
"That I do know. Hahahahahaha!" Vlad laughed. "I had time to slowly get used to it as more people moved in. You just jumped right in the deep end, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did." Joel sighed.
"Secret." Greta poked Joel. "Secret secret."
"Yes, what is…it?"
Blink. Pause. Blink.
"Secret." Greta hugged Joel.
"Um…" Joel didn't know what to do.
Then, as quickly as the hug was initiated, Greta pulled away and smiled. "Secret!"
With that, she walked away.
"What…was that?" Joel questioned.
"Greta has a unique gift. She can see a person's true nature by just a looking at them." Vlad explained. "She has a great understanding of people just by looking at them. That is why she was originally drawn to Danielle's cheerful and optimistic self. On the other hand, she gets wearier around more selfish people such as me or some of Danielle's friends."
"You?" Joel raised an eyebrow.
"She's given me a chance, but I can be rather conniving and manipulative for my own selfish goals." Vlad noted. "It used to be a lot worse, though. Being around you youngsters has changed me a bit, however."
"…You sound old when you talk like that." Joel stated neutrally.
"Brat, I'm not that old."
"I never said you were old. I said you sound old."
"Ha! Fair enough, my boy." Vlad smiled. "Anyway, Greta is a pure soul. One that is as white as snow. Thus, many of the darker things in life scare her. I don't think she understands grey areas too well."
"…So that's how she sees people? As snow." Joel reasoned. "And in snow, you can see even the smallest bit of dirt and grime."
"Yes. That's very astute." Vlad nodded. "It's not that she sees someone's feelings or thoughts, but merely how 'dirty' their soul is. With you, I think she sees pure snow that has resisted all the grime and dirt thrown at it. Even more than the completely pure Danielle, Greta sympathizes with you as a soul that has resisted contamination. That hug very well could be her way of saying you're not alone."
"Huh…" Joel looked down.
"Nevertheless, everyone can see it, my boy." Vlad noted. "You haven't found where you belong yet in this family. It bothers you, makes you feel alone. I'm sure Greta has similar feelings."
"I suppose. I guess I just don't know what to do with myself." Joel slumped into a chair.
"Then find a passion." Vlad laughed. "Daniel has inventing. Danielle has art. I have my business affairs. You just need to finds what makes you happy."
"But I don't know what makes me happy."
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find something soon enough."
"What do I do?" Danny sat in his room and questioned his two most trusted advisers on personal matter.
"Joining the Justice League…" Valerie whistled as she leaned back in her chair. "That must be a dream come true for you."
"Yeah. Tucker and I fantasized about it all the time…" Danny looked down in pain at the memory. "But…I don't think it would work out all that well."
"And the League trusts you enough for this?" The Fright Knight questioned. "They did suspect you to be a mole."
"That's just Batman and Red Arrow. Plus, there's no proof, so Batman wouldn't say anything to the League about it." Danny shrugged. "I think I created a lot of good will with everything I've done for justice and the greater good."
"Yeah," Valerie placed her hand over his. "You do a lot of good."
"But you are also a member of the Council." The Fright Knight noted as he leaned against the wall. "It could either be a disaster or the connection that we need to ease tensions."
"I think I could do some good as a Leaguer, though. That might be part of the plan for them too. They don't want to fight, they're just scared about what we can do." Danny reasoned. "But imagine it. The first ghost Leaguer. I could help bring long lasting peace between our worlds."
"But if you do it, you'll have to give up a lot. You'll be a full time member of the Leauge and the Council. You'll be gone from Amity Park a lot and when you're home, you'll probably be in meetings." Valerie pointed out. "Not only that…What about that Team of yours? You can't be on both Young Justice and the Justice League."
"I thought of that." Danny sighed. "It won't be easy to give up spending a lot of my time with my friends, but I'll still see them. Plus, I know now that they can take care of themselves. They've needed me less and less to get missions done right. I'm not worried about their safety anymore."
"Then I suppose it will come down to what you want, my Liege." The Fright Knight stated.
"What I want…" Danny mumbled.
"Of course, Danny. You think too much about others." Valerie smiled. "I love you for it, but sometimes everyone needs to be selfish. What you want matters too."
"Yeah…but what do I want?" Danny questioned.
"That is something only you can answer, Lord Phantom." The Fright Knight looked out the window. "But remember this. You only get to be young once."
(Sunday-December 5, 2010)
"Why do this?" Wulf questioned as he, Spirit, and Cujo flew through the air.
"Why are we doing what?" Spirit questioned.
"Following Youngblood." Wulf rolled his eyes. What else would he be referring to?
"Because we need to…" Spirit glared as the sky in front of them. She had no idea where they were going. In fact, she could not even see Youngblood. The halfa girl couldn't risk her friend seeing her, so she was having Wulf and Cujo lead her by tracking Youngblood's scent.
"Need to? Or want to?" Wulf grunted.
"Both." Spirit glared.
"Woof!" Cujo barked in argument.
"No! I'm not being snoopy and suspicious!" Spirit shouted to her puppy. "Plus, you don't get to say anything you unfaithful cheating dog! In fact, I shouldn't even be talking to you! You would be locked up in a dog house if we had one..."
"Don't change subject." Wulf snorted nonetheless. "Cujo right, you like Vision."
"What?" Spirit blinked. "How am I like Vision?"
"She need know all about everyone." Wulf shrugged.
"Er…" Spirit rubbed the back of her head. Her adopted mother did have the tendency to learn everything about everyone. Knowledge was power after all, and very few had the amount of knowledge on what was happening than Vision. "She is like that, but I'm not."
"Really? What this then?" Wulf questioned.
"This is just my making sure that Youngblood is okay." Spirit pouted. "I'm not meddling or anything."
"Yeah…" Wulf sighed. "Not meddling…"
"…Shut up…" Spirit grumbled.
"Why are we here?" Dusk asked the other children.
Currently, the group of children minus Dani and Youngblood were all in the Ghost Zone. Dani's friends dragged the youngest halfa out of the mansion and to a random rock in the middle of the Ghost Zone. Despite his apprehension, Dusk allowed them to lead him. He just hoped this wasn't something stupid.
"Isn't it obvious?" Nyx questioned. "We're going to help you find a hobby."
His hopes were brutally crushed in an instant.
"I'm leaving." Dusk stated as her turned away.
"No." Black tendrils of magic reached out and grabbed the boy. Raven glared as she drawled out. "I went to the trouble of coming out here. My time shall not be wasted."
"That's her way of saying she cares." Nyx mentioned.
"No it isn't. It's my way of saying that either he does this, or he suffers." Rachel glared.
"You're bluffing-Ah!" Joel jumped as the tendrils shocked him.
"We are doing this." Rachel grumbled.
"What's got you so mad?" Dusk questioned.
"I think she's mad that I woke her up by pouring a cold bucket of water on her head." Nyx smirked.
"And I will have my revenge." Raven stated without emotion. "But right now, I have to make sure that suffering wasn't in vain."
"Oh, don't act like you don't care!" Nyx grabbed Raven and gave her a noogie
"I hate you."
"Love you too…"
"This is dumb? Why should I even cooperate?" Dusk questioned.
"You know what, I'm starting to think that you're purposefully waiting to use that as a joke." Dusk deadpanned.
"Secret." Greta stared at the halfa. "Secret. Secret."
Dusk frowned. While this wasn't the way he would go about it, he did want to find something that he could enjoy. It was better than lazying around the house all day, after all. "Fine. I mean, how badly could this go?"
(First attempt: Nyx)
"I like pulling pranks." Nyx explained. "That's why I put a paint bomb in your pants when you weren't looking."
"Is that what you were doing? I thought you were trying to kill me, so I put the bomb back in your pocket." Dusk blinked.
"WHAT!?" Nyx screamed.
"Ah…" Nyx looked down at her now green colored behind, legs, and armor.
"So…I did good right? I pulled a prank on you?" Dusk questioned. "Because I really don't get why you would do it to other people. It seems mean…"
"Okay, you suck…" Nyx grumbled.
(Second attempt: Raven)
"Reading." Raven stated simply as she and Dusk sat in the Ghost Writer's library.
"Reading? That's it? That's what you do for fun?" Dusk questioned.
"Yes. Now shush." Raven stuck her nose in the old tomb.
"…" Dusk looked at the book in his hand. "And what's the point about reading Shakesperian plays?"
"It's about passion, my young friend!" Scribe notes as he was caring a pile of books. "People who lived centuries ago are able to speak to you like they are in the room. It's beautiful! Writing defeats the hands of time. With it, you can preserve your thoughts, loves, and desires forever. It is truly the most beautiful art form in existence!"
"Done." Dusk placed the book down.
"What?! That's impossible!"
"The Shadows showed me how to skim my readings to learn only the important facts." Dusk explained. "I did that. Got to say, though. It's kind of weird that this Romeo and Juliet are barely in their teenage years. How they even understand something as complicated as love?"
"Ah…er…" Scribe stuttered.
"Plus, I still don't see the point. I already know that love makes people do stupid things." Dusk mentioned. "I didn't learn anything and am bored. Is that the point of reading for fun?"
"Get out." Raven pointed to the door.
"GET. OUT." Raven glared. "You don't dare get to mock the beauty of good literature."
"Whatever." Dusk shrugged. "It still seems pointless unless it teaches you how to do something."
(Third attempt: Victor)
"Let's throw around the old pigskin." Victor tossed the American football in the air and caught it.
"I don't know…" Dusk mentioned. "Even if I turned back into my human self, I'll still be a lot stronger than you."
"I'm sure it will be fine." Victor shrugged. He threw the ball to Dusk, and Dusk threw it back. It hit him square in the stomach.
"OOF!" Victor fell to the ground.
"Are you okay?" Dusk questioned. "I threw it a lightly as I could."
"Gah…I'm fine…I just need some friends without superpowers…"
(Fourth attempt: Greta)
"So what's your hobby?" Dusk questioned.
"So your hobby is comedy?"
"Do you know a word other than secret?"
"…I think we're done here…"
"So…" Phantom frowned at the archer. "You're joining the Team, huh?"
"Yep." Red Arrow glared. "Got a problem with that?"
"No, but I have to question you motives." Phantom shrugged. "Why do you want to join 'the kiddie team' now? Seems like…very convenient timing."
"And why would that be?" Red Arrow questioned.
"You know why." Phantom stated.
"…So they invited you too…" Red Arrow was not pleased.
"They did." Phantom answered.
Red Arrow frowned. "Whatever…"
"Yeah…" Phantom frowned back at him. "Whatever."
A squad of Phantom, Kid Flash, Artemis, Aqualad, and Red Arrow were currently on the Bioship. They were on a shadowing mission to tail Sportsmaster. Unfortunately, Young Justice as a whole wasn't on this mission because Robin was busy with Batman, and it was decided that a squad of eight would be overkill for such a mission that involved not being noticed.
Originally, Green Arrow, who was left in charge while Batman was away, only wanted the ex-sidekicks to go. Both Artemis and Phantom insisted that they come. Phantom argued that his powers made tailing easy, while Artemis argued that she was the most skilled person after M'gann and Conner on piloting the Bioship.
Phantom didn't know Artemis' true intentions for wanting to be on the mission, but she seemed mad about something. He wouldn't question her about it, though. The halfa trusted her. No, the teen vigilante's true reason for being on the mission was simple. He thought best while doing things. Sitting and contemplating rarely helped him unless it was getting advice from others. After all, one talk with the Fright Knight helped him more in his decision with Ember than a week of thinking ever did. But with that done...perhaps a little action would help him decide what to do.
Of course, it would help if Red Arrow didn't act like such an asshole sometimes. A well-meaning asshole admittedly, but still an asshole. In fact, Phantom didn't want the archer on the Team. He was completely disrespectful to his, yes his, friends and comrades about the existence of Young Justice during the earlier days. Plus, Phantom could tell he was just going to stir the pot and cause more tension.
Yeah, like he needed more tension…
"I'm going to the front." Phantom grunted and walked away.
"Do whatever you want." Red Arrow grunted back.
Aqualad approached the halfa as the Atlantian entered the back of the Biohip. It was clear that the Atlantian saw their interaction, but the halfa knew that Kaldur was far too respectful to eavesdrop on a friend's conversation.
"I wish you would give Red a chance." Kaldur sighed. "He is a good person at heart."
"Yeah, deep down maybe, but the on the surface? Not so much." Phantom rolled his eyes.
"You both picture yourselves as strong individuals. Alpha males if you will. It is probable that you would clash." Kaldur suggested.
"You're comparing me to him?" Phantom raised an eyebrow. "Because I think that I'm a lot nicer and more patient than him."
"Not until you grow close to someone. Until then, you hold them at a distance." Kaldur stated. "And in that aspect, you are both completely the same."
"Yeah, whatever…." Phantom sighed and began to walk to the cockpit of the Bioship. "Whatever you say, leader."
"And that…" Kaldur frowned at the ghost. "Why did you give me the position of squad leader?"
"You can handle it. I trust you completely." Phantom smiled at his friend. "Besides, Red Asshole is more likely to follow your lead than mine."
"I know. I know." Phantom waved him off as he walked away. "Give him a chance…"
The half would try at least. Hopefully, there wouldn't be too much headbutting…
"You have nothing to prove…" Kid Flash's voice sounded from the cockpit as Phantom approached. "Not to me."
"Okay…" Artemi's voice sounded satisfied and content. "And Wally? It sounded fine out loud."
Phantom paused as he was about to enter the cockpit. Perhaps…He would give them a few more minutes. The halfa wouldn't want to embarrass them after what seemed to be such a heartfelt moment.
No, he would save that for when they actually started dating…
"What is happening!?" Wulf yelled.
"I don't know!" Spirit shouted back.
"Yes, I know they're shooting at us! That much is obvious!" Spirit snapped. "But why?"
"RACK! Hold fire!"
The bullets and blasts of ectoplasm stopped. This gave the group of three a chance to look up at the massive ship floating in the sky. The ghostly pirate ship had a green glow and was filled with green skeletons. All the skeletons froze at the voice.
Youngblood's skeleton parrot landed on the railing of the ship. "Spirt. Wulf. Cujo. State your business."
"Polly! You jerk! Why were you shooting at us!?" Spirit yelled and ranted at the parrot ghost.
"AH!" Spirit dodged the ectoplasmic cannon ball. "What was that?!"
"Answer the question." Polly demanded.
"Hmm…" Wulf stared at the ship. While confused, he wasn't angry. Those shots that were sent at them were not meant to even hit them. Plus, the eyes…empty sockets…of the skeletons were not ones that intended harm. "Answer."
"What?" Spirit questioned.
"Please, tell him." Wulf requested. He wasn't good with long explanations.
"…We're here to check on Youngblood!" Spirit answered. "We were worried!"
"We?" Wulf questioned.
"Woof!" Cujo in attack mode seemed to agree.
"Fine…It was just me! I dragged them along!" Spirit yelled with rolling eyes.
"Rack! Well, he's fine." Polly stated. "So, go home."
"No!" Spirit denied the request. "Not until I see him."
"No. You can see him tomorrow." Polly glared.
"…Why? What's happening?" Spirit questioned.
"That is none of your concern-"
"Yes it is!" Spirit exclaimed. "Chuck's my friend. If he's in trouble, then I have to see him."
"I see…So you won't leave?" Polly questioned.
"Then…I suppose there is no other choice. You can't see Youngblood until the day is up, but you insist that you must see him…" The bird sighed. "And here I thought that I had the day off from babysitting. I guess I must entertain you until midnight."
"What do you-"
"Ah!" Spirit was forced to dodge dozens of cannon balls and ectoplasmic blasts. "What are you doing?!"
"Stalling." Polly answered. "We don't need to hurt you. All we need to do is stop you from getting past us until midnight. And that, we can do."
"Hello, Grundy." Dusk stated as he sat down. The giant of a man had been sitting in the middle of Vision's garden in the Ghost Zone. Grundy was allowed to stay there because the compound had long since been reinforced to withstand Colossus's random bouts of destruction. Compared to that, Grundy's accidents were nothing.
"Small boy…" Grundy grunted.
"My name is Dusk, Grundy." Dusk stated simply.
"Grundy sees. Dusk boy…" Grundy stated.
"I suppose that's as good as I'll get." Dusk sighed. "Why are you sitting out here?"
"It is peaceful. Grundy likes it. It let Grundy forgets the anger for a while." Solomon Grundy noted.
"Anger, huh?" Dusk nodded to himself. That made a lot of sense. He couldn't remember a time when Grundy wasn't angry. "And what makes you so angry?"
"Almost everything." Grundy grunted. "Grundy can't help it. Grundy is always angry because Grundy is anger."
The brute was, indeed, anger personified. Dusk heard the stories from the war. He knew about Phantom's death, return, and fight with Agent Z. When he forgave the now deceased man, Phantom let go of the anger that he had held onto for so long. That anger was released with the energy the halfa used in the war.
Then, Ra's Al Ghul's group collected the energy and used it in the Ghoul Project. That was why so many of them seemed to share the same tendencies as the old Phantom. Even Joel had been forced to fight off the anger at first. After he adapted and developed his own unique powers, the anger wasn't a problem, though.
For Grundy, however, the anger wouldn't go away. His body was simply a corpse killed and resurrected again and again by the Lazarus Pit. This corpse filled with magical energy was filled with the anger that Phantom had released. As such, even more than the other ghouls, he was an imperfect clone of Phantom. He was a reminder of emotions that Phantom had long since discarded.
"Anger is your nature, huh? And can you change that?" Dusk questioned with honest curiosity.
"Grundy tries, but Grundy usually fails." Grundy frowned. "Lose temper at everything. Feel like punching you right now."
"But you care for Dani." Dusk pointed out.
"Yet Grundy hurts Dani." Grundy seemed saddened by this. "No matter what, Grundy causes pain. That won't change."
"You don't think people can change?" Dusk questioned.
"Grundy never said that." Grundy scratched the top of his head.
"…No, you didn't." Dusk sighed. "But I sometimes think that. People don't really change. You won't stop being angry. Agent Z wouldn't stop his path to self-destruction. And I can't be a fun loving kid that everyone thinks I should be."
"Then what is the Dusk boy?" Grundy questioned.
"I don't know." Dusk stated. "Someone that doesn't really belong with such loud and happy people."
"Not that I don't appreciate their efforts to make me feel welcome, but all this…Everything…It's not me. It's not what I'm used to." Dusk frowned. "And I don't think that I ever will be. In fact, I had to run away from those girls because they won't leave me be."
"Run? Grundy thinks that stupid. Just crush the little girls." Grundy blinked as he turned where the ghoul just was. "Huh? Where he go?"
"GRUNDY!" Nyx yelled as she ran up to Grundy. "Have you seen Joel?"
"Secret." Greta stated.
"Now's not the time for that." Nyx rolled her eyes.
"The boy with the scar." Raven floated calmly by her friends.
"Oh…Dusk boy." Grundy grunted. "Grundy don't know. He was just here. Disappeared."
"Damn! It happened again…" Nyx groaned.
"He did have ninja training." Raven mentioned.
"That's no excuse for us." Nyx decided. "We should be able to find him. If only Cujo or Wulf were here. Where are they anyway? I haven't seen them all day."
"Who knows?" Raven shrugged. "Let's just keep looking. Joel needs to try gardening next."
"But where is he?" Nyx questioned.
"You're not helping Greta!"
Phantom was beginning to think that none of his missions with the Team would ever go as planned. It was supposed to be simple. They would tail Sportsmaster and have him lead them to his destination. Artemis and Phantom would be in the air. Aqualad would follow under water. Red Arrow would use a boat to follow Sportsmaster through the New Orleans swamp, while Kid Flash would be traveling by bike.
As long as they kept their distance, it should have been easy. Too bad that's not how it went. It turned out that Sportsmaster wasn't alone. He had backup in the form of Chesire and Jinx. Needless to say, that complicated things, especially when Red Arrow was about to be attacked by the female assassins.
Both Artemis and Phantom leapt into action to save the newest member of Young Justice. They would have tried to contact Red Arrow using their headsets, but there was a big possibility that the message might be intercepted, jammed, or hacked. Thus, they had to physically stop the duo of female assassins.
Red Arrow wasn't pleased by this development, but they knew that if they hadn't done that, then he might have been killed. Cheshire did seem to be attracted to the male archer, but Phantom knew that despite her flirting, Cheshire was very professional in her work. Plus, Jinx wouldn't even blink at the thought of killing someone like Red Arrow.
Phantom, however…
"Why are you here?" Jinx whispered in a hiss as she and the halfa traded blows.
"Mission." Phantom whispered back as he kicked at her head. "Didn't know you'd be here."
Jinx ducked under the kick and tried to sweep his legs. Unfortunately for her, that didn't work because he could fly. "If a mission of yours involves the Shadows you should tell me."
"But I can't-WHAT THE HELL!" Phantom froze as he saw Cheshire tackle Red Arrow and began to kiss him.
Jinx used the distraction as a chance to blast Phantom away and out of sight of the others. Hidden in the woods, Jinx tackled Phantom like Cheshire did. Unlike the other assassin, though, there was no kiss.
"You need to be more careful." She whispered.
"Wha-" His vision faded in a flash of pink.
The next thing Phantom knew, he was being shaken.
"Bro! You okay?" Kid Flash dressed in black and yellow bikers outfit questioned. He helped pull the ghost to his feet.
"Yeah…I think I'll live…kind of. Thanks." Phantom groaned. "Should not let myself get distracted…But wow, that was a freaky sight."
"Yeah…" Artemis approached the boys. "No kidding."
"What happened?" Kid Flash took off his helmet.
"I should be asking you that." Phantom rolled his shoulders. He received a satisfying pop for his efforts. "What happened to the assassins?"
"They got away." Red Arrow frowned as he and Kaldur walked away from the river and towards. "We tried to put a tracer on Sportsmaster and follow him, but he found us out."
"Jinx ran away with Cheshire, but I managed to get a tracer on them." Artemis stated.
"Good job." Phantom nodded to her.
"And what happened with you?" Red Arrow glared at him. "They might not have gotten away if you didn't let Jinx get the better of you."
"Sorry, I was distracted with the sight of you swapping spit with Cheshire." Phantom noted.
"You what?" Wally's jaw dropped.
"She kissed me!" Red Arrow flushed.
"That does not matter." Aqualad stated. "We need to continue on the mission."
"Yeah…" Artemis did not look pleased right now. Phantom thought it might because her sister was kissing the other archer a few minutes ago, but he wasn't sure. The blonde girl did not seem to be in a good mood at all today… "Chesire's heading north."
"Sportsmaster was heading south. Kind of like this mission." Red Arrow mentioned with his arms crossed.
"Maybe he'll double back. Maybe she will." Artemis suggested.
"Either way, they'll rondevu, and we'll find them." Wally nodded.
"We had better." Kaldur stated. "Sportsmaster acquired an attaché brief case. We need to learn what it contained. If you both stayed in the air..."
"We made a call." Phantom argued for them. "Two assassins were approaching Red Arrow, and we were afraid that they might intercept the message. It isn't like we have M'gann to help. Besides…Jinx was just about to kill him. If I hadn't flown down to stop her, you'd be dead, Red."
"Yeah…You had to stop Jinx…" Red Arrow frowned.
"And it is true. We have begun to rely on M'gann's telepathy over our radios." Kaldur sighed.
"Then let's stop placing blame and go find them." Wally stepped forward.
"Fine." Artemis threw the tracker to Red Arrow. "Because obviously, I can't be trusted, you track her."
Wally immediately grabbed the tracking device and tried to hand it back to the archer. "Artemis…"
"It's fine." Artemis sighed and began to walk away. "I'll…follow in the Bioship."
With that, she was gone.
"Go Kid, Phantom." Kaldur stated after a few seconds. "Arrow and I will return to the river, and we will all follow as originally planned."
Phantom began to fly off. When he was out of normal eyesight range, he reached into his pocket. When he woke up, he felt the new weight in his coat. Jinx must have placed it there before she knocked him out. It was a piece of paper and a tracking device.
The note said, "Come find me. We need to talk."
So, Phantom followed the tracking device. He had a feeling it would lead him to Cheshire and Sportsmaster too.
Spirit hadn't been in a lot of fights where the goal of her enemy was to stall. Usually, they went for the kill. Thus, this was a new experience.
Youngblood's pirate crew's only intention right now was to distract the three other ghosts. Their canon shots and ectoplasmic blasts were merely meant to keep Spirit, Cujo, and Wulf at bay for as long as possible. Obviously, they hoped to keep them at a distance. That meant that they had to get in close.
Of course, it was not as easy as that. They were basically having to move around a minefield of fireworks in the sky. Even Spirit, with her Premonition and dodging ability, had a hard time dodging the constant barrage of blasts in the sky. She could only imagine what Wulf and Cujo were going through.
Growling, Spirit tried to think of what to do. She might be able to get close, but she would have to leave Wulf and Cujo behind. The halfa girl didn't like her chances of taking an entire pirate crew without any backup. She would need their help, but she didn't know how to get it without an accidental injury.
Oh wait…Wulf could rip holes in dimensions.
"Wulf!" Spirit cried. "I'll distract them! You take Cujo and head through the Ghost Zone!"
"Got it!" Wulf nodded.
"Woof!" Cujo growled.
"Alright then!" In a burst of speed, Spirit lunged forward. She got closer to the pirate ship and continued to fly around it. With all the different intentions, she really couldn't get a read on what they would do next. All she really knew was that with the almost literal wall of explosions they were using to keep her back, she would never be able to get close.
Thus, she was forced to dance and move around the explosions without moving a centimeter closer to the ship. That was okay, though. Their attention was completely on her, and that's what she wanted. They would never see Wulf and Cujo coming.
"WHA?! How did they get here?!"
"Rack! You fools! He can practically teleport!"
Grinning, Spirit noticed as the blasts stopped. She now had the chance to get closer. Using all the speed she could, Spirit launched herself to the ship. Some of the pirate crew saw her coming and tried to react. Their attacks were nothing compared to the wall of attacks from before, though. The halfa girl dodged those blasts with ease.
"Hey! How's it going!?" Spirit shouted as she landed on two of the skeleton's skulls and crashed them into the deck of the ship. Her feet continued to hold them down even though it was clear that that they were unconscious.
Reacting quickly, the ghost pirates reached for their swords.
"RACK! YOU FOOLS! DON'T HURT THEM!" Polly screamed.
This caused the skeletons to pause. Most of them relied on their swordsmanship to fight. It was what gave them their edge. They had to think of what to do if they could not use their blades. This, however, took time, and it was all that time Spirit, Cujo, and Wulf needed. They quickly took advantage.
In the blink of the eye, the three ghosts were tearing through the skeletons. Their surprise and hesitance to use force was their undoing. While they weren't allowed to use force, their three opponents were able and willing.
…Plus, it helped that two of the ghosts were canines that had a craving for bones…
It took a few minutes, but the skeletons were taken down. Once that was done, only Polly was left. The skeleton parrot was still on the railing of the ship. He seemed rather upset.
"Well…that sucked." Polly sighed.
"Yeah! We totally kicked their bony asses!" Spirit raised her hands in victory.
"Yes…Now I suppose you will go after Youngblood." Polly grunted.
"…Huh?" Spirit tilted her head.
"Youngblood. The reason we came." Wulf reminded her.
"Oh! Right!...I forgot…" Spirit rubbed her head in embarrassment. "I was just so into the fight and the plan…"
"Woof…" Cujo shook his head at his master. It always was like this when she was focused on something. Everything else faded away.
"Well, we did manage to distract you." Polly noted. "That was the plan. We just didn't do it long enough."
"Yeah, and now you have to take us to Chuck…" Spirit paused for a second. "Wait a minute! I just realized this! Youngblood had a pirate crew under his command this whole time I've known him!?"
"Yep." Polly nodded.
"Why didn't he tell me?! We could have used them!" Spirit remembered all the fights and troubles they had over the last few months.
"It's complicated." Polly stated. "The Council would get suspicious if Youngblood could command an entire crew of ghosts like it was nothing. The first time, back when he first fought Phantom, could be written off as dumb luck. Doing it multiple time, though, would bring suspicion."
"What? I don't get what you're saying. Why would people be suspicious of Youngblood?" Spirit questioned.
"Tell me, have you ever wondered the why's around Youngblood? Why hasn't he aged when most ghosts age to their prime and only age internally from there? Why does he keep forgetting knowledge that would be common knowledge for someone that should be mentally twenty-two? Why would I stick with him for so long?" Polly questioned.
"Er…" Spirit blinked. "I never thought about it really. I just thought it was a thing."
"And so does everyone else." Polly noted. "…I…I can't let you talk to Youngblood. At least not yet, but I will let you see him."
"Really?" Spirit asked.
"Yes, and then I will explain to you the best hidden secret of the Ghost Zone."
"Oh?" The Fright Knight stated as he walked into the training room of Masters Mansion. "I didn't know someone was already here."
"Sorry." Joel apologized. He liked to stay in human form when he could, so right now he forwent his ghoul…er, halfa form. "I was just practicing a bit of kata."
"I can see that." The Fright Knight chuckled. "Very impressive for a child. It is rare to see children these days so dedicated to the martial arts."
"It's a force of habit." Joel admitted. "I was forced to practice constantly in the Shadows, and I really had nothing better to do while in the Ghoul Project."
"Indeed." The Fright Knight sat down on the floor and watched as Joel continued to move through the form of moves that was hundreds of years old. "So you are doing this out of boredom?"
"Well, I came in here to hide from Dani's friends. They are really persistent. But I think I finally lost them, but I want to wait and be sure." Joel shrugged. "Then I got bored, and the rest is history."
The Fright Knight laughed. "And why were the other children pursuing you?"
"They want to help find me a hobby or something." Joel mentioned. "But I got sick of it and decided to run away."
"I can imagine. You don't seem the type to take part in such idle play." The Fright Knight noted.
"And what type do I seem to be?" Joel questioned.
"An old soul born anew. An ancient warrior who only knows war, but is forced to live in a time of peace. A man who despises the battle, but knows nothing else." The Fright Knight mentioned.
"…I suppose you're right." Joel sighed and sat down as well. "I hate having to fight and hurt people, but I don't know how to do anything else."
"I can understand how you feel somewhat." The Fright Knight noted. "I more than anyone else, know not what to do in times of peace. Even Colossus enjoys celebrations, drinking, and battles among rivals. I, on the other hand, have only been focused war and serving my master. Many times, I find myself confounded with free time."
"Then…what do you do?" Joel questioned. "What do people who only know war do during a time of peace?"
"We prepare for the next war."
"But…I don't like war, fighting, or hurting people." The pacifist argued. "Why would I prepare for it?"
"Because you know it is coming." The Fright Knight stated. "From my experience, war is always on the horizon. Even when you can't see it…"
"I see…" Joel frowned in sadness. "So no matter what, I can't enjoy peace…"
"That's not what I mean." The Fright Knight sighed. "People like us can enjoy peace. It's just awkward at first. In fact, my time here in Amity Park has probably been the happiest time of my life. There is a balance between war and peace here, and I am surrounded by people that I care for. That's what matters most."
"I see…" Joel seemed calmed by this.
"I know that you might think that some of the things that the family does are pointless or boring, but give it time. Eventually, you will come to enjoy such peaceful activities. If not for the peace themselves, then for at least the company that they give." The Fright Knight explained.
"…Thank you." Joel smiled. "That helps."
"Until then, though. I think we should just ease you in." The Fright Knight stood. "You mentioned that you don't enjoy hurting others, but what about some simple training. Do you know how to use a sword?"
"Yes." Joel nodded and stood as well.
"Then let us do some practicing." The Fright Knight chuckled. "But first…I think you need a haircut, my young friend. That look does not suit you."
Joel moved the hair out of his eyes. His hair was incredibly long and shaggy. Because of the Ghoul Project, he did not really have the resources to get a good haircut until now. By now, he had become used to it, but the Fright Knight was right. He definitely needed a haircut.
"Yes. Will you cut it for me?" Joel questioned.
"As long as you don't move." The Fright Knight unsheathed his blade. "I do not wish to cut off your ear after all."
"Hey." Phantom landed down by the pink haired girl.
"Hey." Jinx looked up from her spot on a log. They were in the forest that surrounded a warehouse. The girl with horn shaped hair had been looking at building.
"Is that where Cheshire and Sportsmaster are?" Phantom questioned as he pointed to the warehouse.
"Yep." Jinx nodded. "And your friends should be there soon."
"Huh…" Phantom frowned. He didn't want to tell Jinx this, but he didn't know if they would be. Artemis said the tracker was heading north not south. This had confused him as he traveled. Perhaps Cheshire had ditched the tracker…
"Anyway, I'm glad that we ran into each other." Jinx noted. "We have some problems."
"You mean like your dad?" Phantom questioned.
Jinx sighed. "Yes, that's one. He found out. I should have known that he would…"
"Yeah, I bet Savage is good at finding out what he wants to know." Phantom grunted. "The jerk…"
"Don't insult him!" Jinx snapped. "He's still my dadd-father…"
"Sorry…sorry…" Phantom sighed. "I know you wouldn't be so loyal to him if he didn't have any good qualities, but you do know that he's blackmailing me…"
"Yeah, but he's a good Dad. And he didn't have to be." Jinx hugged her knees to her chest.
"Okay. I won't argue against that, but what do I about his blackmailing?"
"There's nothing you can do." Jinx shrugged. "Dad always gets what he wants, and he wants you to be a soldier under his command."
"Why?" Phantom asked.
"Because you have the most potential he has ever seen." Jinx noted. "You unleashed ascended ectoplasm with only a few thousand power sources at first. Then, it was a few hundred at the Ghoul Project. That's a big deal. It took billions of power sources for Nocturne to obtain that power. The amount you need is so low in comparison, and he thinks it's shrinking. That means, eventually, you might be able to use ascended ectoplasm without an outside source."
"I don't want to use that power." Phantom frowned. "It's not a power that should be wielded by a mortal being. It's too powerful."
"Exactly!" Jinx jumped to her feet. "That's why he needs to control you, and why he wants…er…"
"Wants what?"
"…Dad is big on genetics." Jinx blushed. "That's why he approves of our relationship. He knows that we will make incredibly strong babies."
"Oh, come on! We're not even dating!" Phantom sputtered out.
"He thinks long term, and you're the first boy I showed any kind real interest in…Sorry." Jinx shrugged.
"Whatever, I-"
Phantom's head snapped to the warehouse. The door to the building just blew off its hinges.
"What the hell…" Phantom muttered.
"Arrow to Aqualad and Phantom. I found Cheshire and Sportsmaster. Rondevu at my coordinates." Red Arrow's voice rang in Phantom's Fenton Phone.
"It looks like things are going down." Jinx noted.
"Damn! I have to help them!" Phantom was about to rush to their aid, but was stopped as a wall of pink energy appeared in front of him.
"No. You can use me as an excuse. Say that I attacked you and stopped you from helping." Jinx ordered. "We are officially on a time limit before I have to leave."
"But my friends…"
"They won't be killed." Jinx noted. "They're too valuable right now to kill."
"You mean because of Artemis's relations to them." Phantom glared.
"Yes, but forget about that." Jinx stated. "There's something I need to tell you. There's some noise going on in the underground. It's concerning you."
"Look, I'll deal with your dad later."
"It's not about him! You need to listen to me! This is about Danny Fenton, not Phantom!" Jinx snapped.
"What do you mean?"
"There's a contract out for you." Jinx noted. "It's not from the Shadows, but…It's a lot. Like, buy a goddamn island a lot."
"What? Why would someone want to kill Fenton?" Phantom questioned.
"I don't know, but I do know that only the best would take this job." Jinx frowned. "We call Amity Park the Hornet's Nest for a reason. It's suicide to attack Amity Park now. There's an army of ghosts to stop you, and even if you can get to your target…If it's anyone related to Masters, then the attackers are doomed to suffer. Just look at the Gotham villains, Penguine's bankrupt, Croc's had his teeth ripped out, and the Scarecrow's too afraid to leave Arkham now…"
"It's not stopping your dad from threatening my city…"
"Shush! The saying is 'don't poke the hornet's nest,' not 'don't blow it up with dynamite'." Jinx glared. "But no one else has the connections Dad does. That means that the only people that would accept this contract are the best of the best, desperate, or suicidal…or all of them."
"Please." Phantom scoffed. "Why should I even worry about this? Like you said, it would be stupid to attack Fenton in Amity Park…Oh, crap, the conference."
"Yeah, the energy conference you're having with Wayne Tech in New York." Jinx sighed. "That is when they'll strike."
"Damn…and the ghosts won't be able to help me because of the location." Phantom growled. "After the GIW War, I doubt even I would get a free pass of fighting it out in New York. At least as long as…"
At least as long as he wasn't part of the Justice League. If he was part of the Justice League, Phantom might be able to help. A combination of the Council and the League working for a common goal might help...or he would be too wrapped up in politics to do anything. Yet another gamble he would have to deal with.
Damn. He just had to choose New York for the meeting. Danny wanted to announce the new renewable energy project they were doing in a neutral city. Gotham was too…Gotham, and Amity Park had too much controversy. New York sounded good until now…
"Damn it! What do I do?" Phantom growled.
"Call off the conference. It's not safe for you out there." Jinx stated.
"I can't do that." Phantom frowned down at the ground. "Like it or not, Fenton's a public figure. One that's been acting pretty jerky to Amity Park. If I cancel another thing, people are going to start poking into my human life, and I can't let people do that."
"Then you'll have to be prepared for anything." Jinx noted. "Because I can tell you that all hell is going to break loose when you leave Amity Park."
"I know…" Phantom sighed.
"Don't worry too much, though. Because I know for a fact that-"
"…Huh?" Phantom tilted his head as Jinx turned into solid sculpture of ice. She lasted all of a few seconds before she eventually shattered into millions of piece.
"That's…magic." Phantom realized. "That means that someone else was around here, but who?"
Youngblood was at a small graveyard. He was sitting in front of a simple stone. Spirit couldn't see it very well from her spot in the shadows. It was pretty worn and the writing was small. Obviously the person who it was for was not considered all that important.
…Or at least that was what she would say if it wasn't from the fortress of flowers that surrounded it.
"What is that?" Spirit quietly questioned the parrot on her shoulder.
"That, young lady, is a child mourning his mother." Polly whispered.
"What?" Spirit asked.
"This is why Youngblood wanted to spend the day alone, and why I had to fight you off." Polly explained. "Today is the anniversary of the day his mother died."
"Why…why didn't he just say that?" Spirit questioned.
"Hmm…" Wulf frowned. "Not want to discuss?"
"Yes. Please come with me, I don't want him to be disturbed." Polly silently flew off in the opposite direction.
As they traveled away from Youngblood, Polly began to speak again. "You see, Youngblood did not want to be pitied or to have his secrets known. At the same time, though, he needed to come and see his mother's grave."
"She good?" Wulf questioned.
"The best." Polly gained a sad look.
"Then why did he want to keep this a secret? I wouldn't have treated him differently." Spirit noted as she petted the puppy version of Cujo in his arms. "In fact, I would have respected him more."
"It's…" Polly sighed. "It's complicated. You see, Youngblood's past is complicated and it all revolves around his mother."
"Que?" Wulf questioned.
"It is a long story…" Polly sighed. "You see, Youngblood…Charles was born to a loving mother and a loving father. Also, his parents were young when he was conceived. They were mere children themselves in fact. They were impulsive and took risks. His father wanted to be there for him, but..."
"What…" Spirit clutched Cujo close to her chest.
"He died in a car accident, so the mother was forced to raise Charles herself." Polly sighed. "But she was never resentful. She took good care of Charles and worked hard to support him. Despite everything, though, Charles still felt and saw his mother's suffering. He worked as hard as he could to ease her pain, and he gave up most of his childhood in an attempt to help her. But it was all for naught. His mother soon overexerted herself and grew ill. And…You can imagine what happened…"
Memory sequence begin
"Charlie…" The woman who laid sickly in the hospital bed muttered. "Come here…"
"Mommy?" The young boy questioned as he approached the bed.
"I…I am so sorry." The woman muttered. Her green eyes showed unshed tears. "I wanted to give you a good childhood, but I couldn't. I wasn't good enough."
"No! You were the best!" Charles argued. "If only I helped you enough…"
"No, Charlie." The woman shook her head sadly. Her red hair was like a veil around her. "It is not the job of the child to take care of the mother. You shouldn't have had to worry about me at all. And now look at you, you spend all day by my bedside."
"That's because I love you." Charles answered simply.
"Oh, my beautiful child…" The woman cried. "So pure…Don't you understand? All I ever wanted was for you be able to act like a child…Charlie, I want to promise me something."
"Enjoy your youth. Be a child. Have fun and play games." The mother pleaded. "Please, Charlie, I don't want you to worry about me anymore. Please…"
"But Mommy…"
"Promise me!"
"Okay. I promise. I'll enjoy being a kid for as long as I can…"
Memory sequence begin
"She passed away shortly after that." Polly continued to explain. "Charles would have been sent to an orphanage, but he ran away. Unfortunately…He did not make it on his own, and he became what you see today."
"That's so sad…" Spirit muttered.
"That explains obsession." Wulf grunted.
"Yes. This is why Youngblood is obsessed with staying young and having fun." Polly explained. "It is because it's what his mother asked him to do. So, he has held onto his youth by any means necessary."
"That's why…" Spirit mumbled.
"Yes." Polly stated. "But that's not all. He has given up a lot to stay young."
"What mean?" Wulf questioned.
"…Only the strongest ghosts can remember every detail of the life immediately. Most ghosts never know anything about their past lives except the events surrounding their deaths." Polly noted. "They could research what their lives were like before, but it usually doesn't end well. Look at Technus and Spectra for example. They looked into their past lives and it did not end well. Looking at your past life from the outside looking in…It's the first step to madness for many souls."
"But…Youngblood told you about his past life, and he's not nearly powerful enough…" Spirit muttered.
"Isn't he? Think on this, Youngblood has been the same age for over a decade. He can order around an entire pirate crew. He needs me to remind him constantly of things he already knows…" Polly noted. "Like I said, he's sacrificed a lot. Power, maturity, knowledge…all for the sake of staying young."
"…That means…"
"Yes, he's an S-ranked ghost."
Joel looked into the mirror. His long shaggy hair was now gone. The cut hair laid on the floor. His hair was now short and trimmed. Only half an inch of hair remained.
"I…like this look better." Joel noted as he traced his scar from his right eyebrow into his hairline.
"The militaristic look suits you more." The Fright Knight nodded.
"Yes…" Joel nodded. "It does."
"Good, then how a spar now?" The Fright Knight questioned as he brandished his sword.
"Yeah…" Joel smirked. White rings traveled across his body and transformed him into Dusk. A simple katana formed into his hands. "Let's spar."
"What?!" Spirit snapped. "That…That can't be. Why didn't he tell me?"
"Because he didn't want to tell anyone." Polly explained. "If people found out, they would constantly hassle him about it. They would want him to release the seals holding in his powers and join the Council. That's why he didn't fight in the GIW War. He refused to lose the childhood he promised to his mother."
"But…" Spirit frowned. "That's so selfish."
"Damn…" Phantom hissed. Things had not gone well with the mission report. It turned out that Artemis intentionally tried to misdirect them and complete the mission on her own. She apparently wanted to prove herself when Red Arrow arrived as another archer on the Team.
It was a stupid thing to do, and Phantom agreed with Wally when he reprimanded Artemis for her actions. At the same time, though, he understood where Artemis was coming from. It had to feel terrible to feel replaced.
"Bro, let her go." Wally placed a hand on his shoulder. "She's wrong on this one."
"I know, but still…"
"Being insecure doesn't give anyone the right to do something stupid. Trust me, I learned that lesson hundreds of times already." Wally noted.
"Yeah…" Phantom sighed as Artemis left through the Zeta Tube in the Cave. "You're right."
"She needs time to stew this over. After that, we can start moving past this." Wally smiled.
"Wow…When did you get so smart?"
"Bro! I've always been a genius!" Wally glared. "I just don't show it that often."
"Amen to that." Kaldur smirked.
"Dude!" Wally frowned.
"Okay. I'll talk to her later." Phantom frowned. "But I still want to know more about what she saw in the warehouse. Klarion, the Brain, and Ivo…Why were they all there?"
"Please!" Red Arrow snapped. "That story is ridiculous. Ivo's been in prison the whole time, and why would Klarion work with the Brain?"
"I don't know…" Phantom mumbled. "But I'm going to find out."
"Youngblood is being selfish. He keeps his powers locked in his skeleton crew and his knowledge in me. That way, he can be a child as long as he wants." Polly explained. "But that's the decision he's made, and I'm going to respect it, because I'm a part of him."
"I see…" Wulf nodded.
"But…" Spirit remembered Raven's words on Youngblood. How she thought that deep down he was a selfish brat.
"I'm sorry if you're hurt by this information, but it's the truth. Youngblood hid everything to keep his lifestyle in tact. That's who he is." Polly noted.
"I can't believe it." Spirit frowned. "But…I guess I can understand. I don't like it, though."
"You don't have too." Polly mentioned. "All I ask is that you respect his decision."
"I will…But how did it get to that?" Spirit questioned. "How did it get to the point where you decide to sacrifice so much to stay young?"
"That…is an excellent question." Youngblood's voice sounded behind them.
"Youngblood?" Polly questioned.
"It's midnight. I can leave." Youngblood approached the group.
"Chuck…" Spirit mumbled to her friend. "I…I'm sorry for your loss."
"It's fine. Let's go home." Youngblood began to leave.
"It's strange." Polly mentioned from his spot on Wulf's shoulder. "We always think that it's the big decisions that define us, but it's actually the small ones."
"What mean?" Wulf questioned.
"Think about it. Youngblood's decision to remain young forever only happened because of a bunch of other decisions. The decision to conceive him, the decision of his father taking a risk that cost him his life, the decision of his mother to give him that last request, the decision for him to run away…They all lead up to Youngblood forsaking the ability to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually."
"Yeah…I guess it did."
"And the sad part is…most of those decisions were not Youngblood's." Polly noted. "Youngblood did not have a say in a lot that happened to him. Even when he did have the choice, though, it was the past decisions of others. That's why we are shaped by the small decisions and the ones that we can't control, and why when we finally have the chance to choose we should be careful in who we chose to be."
"Is this where he's been?" Nyx questioned as she peaked into the training room.
"Apparently." Raven noted monotonously.
"Man...That's intense." Victor noted
"Secret." Greta nodded.
Dusk and the Fright Knight were exchanging blows with their swords. Sparks were flying. Ringing sounds spread throughout the room. Both the sparers were moving quickly to keep up with the other.
"Gack!" Dusk grunted as he was sent sprawling to the ground. His katana was broken into two pieces.
"Nice movements. You have a lot of talent, but I have skill." The Fright Knight extended his hand and helped Dusk up to his feet.
"Then I guess I'm just going to have to catch up to you." Dusk smirked as he formed another sword.
"I like your attitude." The Fright Knight laughed, and with that they continued.
"Psh!" Nyx looked away. "He didn't even need our help to find his place."
"Yeah…" Raven nodded slowly. "I'll think he'll be fine."
"Secret." Greta smiled. It appeared the boy was on his way to becoming a knight.
"Yeah…I guess you're right." Spirit nodded. "And…I shouldn't have pried so much. That's not the kind of person I want to be."
"Rack! It's fine." Polly began to fly off. "It shows you care. Now come, you can catch a ride on our ship."
"Sound good." Wulf smirked. He was sick of flying.
"Yeah…" Spirit nodded. "It does."
Without another word, the group of ghosts left. The group of three that followed Youngblood did not look back. They already snooped enough today. They did not need to know any more about Youngblood. If they did look at the grave, though, they would have seen through all the thorn covered roses that surrounded that surrounded the grave was a few simple words.
Rhosyn Forrest: A loving mother
"Phantom?" Superman blinked. They were currently flying high above Metropolis. "Why are you here?"
"I've come up with my answer." Phantom noted.
"Oh? And why not just tell Batman?" Superman questioned. "It would have been easier."
"You offered it, so you get the answer." Phantom stated.
"And?" Superman asked.
Throughout the mission, Phantom saw just how much the Team had grown. They no longer needed him, and had grown into their own. Hell, just look at Kid Flash. He was at a completely different level than back during Independence Day. And even if Artemis was a bit insecure right now, she was still on her way. She didn't need him to help her anymore.
Plus, a spot on the League could give Phantom the power he would need to make real change. As a Leaguer, he could bring peace between both groups and protect the world from the real threats. That was what mattered.
But…He was a flawed individual. Phantom had wants and needs of his own. He had sacrificed and lost so much already. Right now, he needed the stability that Team and his time in Amity Park gave him. He could not give that up now, though. So…
"I decline."
He made his decision.
Bonus Scenes
1. Dani's Birthday
(Sunday-November 14, 2010)
"…Happy Birthday to you!" The birthday guests finished singing.
"Alright!" Dani grinned. "Wish time!"
She blew out the candles and everyone clapped.
"What did you wish for?" Nyx questioned.
"Secret." Greta stepped forward.
"Thank you!" Dani smiled at her friend. "If I tell people my wish, then it won't come true."
"That's true." Rachel nodded.
"Ah, man…Can't you give us a hint?" Youngblood questioned.
"Okay." Dani smiled.
"Wait, I don't think-" Victor was cut off when Dani smashed a piece of the cake into Nyx's face.
"Food Fight!"
Needless to say, Dani's birthday wish came true.
2: Garfield Logan
(Tuesday-November 23, 2010)
"Oh. My. Gosh." The red haired freckled boy stared at the teen in front of him. "You're Danny Phantom!"
"Yeah…" Phantom rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "I am."
"I am like your biggest fan!" Garfield Logan shouted. "It is so amazing to see you! Best! Day! EVER!"
"Gar, you got shot at and almost killed." Marie Logan sighed.
"Yeah, but come on! I got to meet Danny Phantom! That's so cool!" Garfield grinned.
"What am I, chopped liver?" Spirit mumbled.
"Wow!" The eight year old boy's jaw dropped. "Y-you're super pretty…"
"And there we go. I feel better now." Spirit puffed up in pride.
"Can I have your autographs?" Garfield questioned. "I have this shirt with your logo on it."
"Sure Garfield." Phantom smiled. "We would love to."
Later, when Robin's group returned from their successful mission of saving Qurac, they found an overjoyed Garfield gushing over his signed T-shirt and how cool it was to meet real heroes.
You can imagine their bruised egos after this occurred.
3. Dusk's Hobbies
(Sunday-December 5, 2014)
(Secret attempt 1: Pandora)
"I like to garden." Pandora smiled to the child. "Do you wish to try?"
"Sure." Dusk shrugged and picked up a pair of sheers. He turned to a bush that was trimmed to look like a minotaur.
Click! Snap!
"…Uh oh…"
"Did you just say uh oh while holding a giant pair of scissors?" Pandora turned. The head of the minotaur was cut off.
"It's fine." Pandora sighed. "Nyx does this every other day…"
(Secret attempt 2: Colossus)
"I like to fight!" Colossus roared in laugher.
"Oh? Why?"
"Because it's fun, and full of honor!"
"Ah…I see."
"And what do you think of honorable combat?"
"I'm a pacifist."
"Wanna play checkers?" Colossus questioned.
(Secret attempt 3: Frostbite)
"Here you go!" Frostbite handed the boy a snow cone.
"…This is yellow…"
"Don't worry, it's lemon." Frostbite laughed.
"Ah…" Dusk took a bite.
"So, what do you think of my hobby?" Frostbite took a bite out of his snow cone.
"This one, I like, but next time, can I get a flavor that doesn't look like pee?"
"Okay, fair enough."