Chapter One

Having a successful company is not a permanent thing that I have in this world. It’s not even mine to begin with. I am Jennifer Delver, Jenny for short; a successor of The Dell Company. But as far as I’m concerned, I don’t want to be a successor. It’s just that, I don’t want to take risk and I hate how the world of business works.

“Miss Miranda is looking for you, Jen.” I look at Tiffany, she’s one of my friends but also my assistant.

It’s been, I think five months since the day I came here in TDC to learn about business. It sucks at first, and I want to stop. But after all, I have no choice.

“Why?” I asked curiously. I know her, she won’t call me for nothing. That witch.

“Don’t know. Just go, I’ll be going for a meeting first.” She then went off. I hate to admit it but I freaking had a bad feeling about Miranda. She’s my step sister, and she’s a witchy bitchy one. And I think I know why she called me.

I went to her office. I didn’t bother to knock at her door, and just open it. Her secretary didn’t notice me at all. She was surprise at first, but I just sit on the chair in front of her. Why would she be shock if she’s the one who called me to be here, she should be expecting me. She’s really not a smarty one.

“What do you want?” I asked with a serious tone. And look at her directly then raise one of my eye brow.

“Well, well, well, how are you step sister? It’s been a while.” She smirk at me and lean forward with her hands on her chin.

“Oh, the last time I check you don’t want me to be your step sister. And the last time I check, you hated me. So you, cut the bush off and spill the beans” She clap her hands and stand. “Very well said, as what I expected for a smart girl like you.” She walk towards me and sit at a chair in front of me.

“Now tell me Miranda, what do you want from me.” I looked at her and smirked.

“I want you, to tell Grandma that you don’t want to be the successor of the company. Easy as that.” As I expected, I know she would asked me that. As I said, I really do know her. She wants the company all by herself, so badly. But she can’t. Knowing Grandma, she doesn't like the second family of my father. And that’s them.

“Miranda, your so hilarious. You know what, even if I tell Grandma about it she wont allow me. Is that all you want from me? I still have work to do, I’m such a busy person, you know.” I shrugged and smiled then went out of her office. I even hear a sound of broken things behind me. She really can’t win against me.

I decided to go back in my office. As I went inside, I sense that there is a person running towards me. And, I’m right.

“Jenny! There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you, but I can’t find you.” I face Tiffany and rolled my eyes at her. She already knew I was with Miranda. She’s really forgetful.

“Is your meeting done already?” I just asked and seat at my chair.

“Well not yet, it’s so boring out their so I went out for a bit.” This girl! I really don’t know why she become my friend.

“My goodness, what if it’s important?” I open my MacBook and search for some files.

“It’s not, you know Mister Lopez. He sucks when talking about business. I’ll just ask somebody if what’s the agenda about.” She sat at the sofa, and get some magazine.

“OMG! Is this really true? Jenny! You’ve got to see this.” She went beside me, and gave me the magazine she’s holding.

I was surprise at first, when I saw what she was referring to. It’s someone from the past, that I really hate to talk about now.

“Your boyfriend is back already.” She said that made me want to cry. But I forced myself not to let it go and I just bit my lower lip.

“Ex boyfriend.” I told her.

“But friend, you two never broke up. He’s still your boyfriend.” I face her.

“Look Tiffany, It’s been a year since he never talk or even face me. It’s been a year since he suddenly disappear and never even explain his side to me. I’ve waited for a year, but he never showed up. Now you tell me, is he still my boyfriend?” I face back in my work. I don’t know what to feel. I’ve been hurt all along.

“I’m sorry. Just be strong okay? You know, I’m always here for you.” And by what she said, I let out the tears. It flows all over my eyes. I cant help it. I’m too hurt to be strong. I let out a big sigh and wipe my tears. I closed the MacBook and stand up.

“Let’s go to the bar.” I said as I fiercely walked towards the door. I know Tiffany is following me. We pause when we reach the elevator. She was the one who pressed the button, and any minute it was opened. We get inside and waited for the ground floor to open. We then went to the parking area. I got my car keys on the pouch I was with. We got in the car, she sat at the passenger sit.

“Are you really sure about this, Jen? Going to a bar at lunch time?” I didn’t answer her and just started the engine. I drove as fast as I can and ended up hearing Tiffany’s scream. I smirked with that. We reach the Cole Bar. This bar is from one of my friends, I’m pretty lucky I have friends.

“Goodness! Are you crazy? Do you really want to die? Jennifer!” She shouted like her lungs is going to burst out. I laugh harder and get out in the car.

I enter the bar, with Tiffany following me of course. To my surprise I just saw the friend of mine.

“Cole! I missed you.” I hugged her, and she hugged me back. Tiffany and her did the same.

“I would be the one missing the both of you, silly! Anyways, what brought you here at this hour?” She looked at her wrist watch, and look at us. “It’s already lunch time.” I smiled at her.

“Would you mind accommodating us?” As what I asked, she prepared us lunch, we are at the balcony here at her bar. This area is the most favorite spot of mine. The view here is so nice and refreshing. But I have to admit, this is so much good in evening. I always come here. Because if I would be here, everything is free.

“Tiff, can you tell me what happened to her? It’s just so unusual that she’s here at lunch time?” Cole asked.

Well, the three of us is so much of close friends. Best of friends to be exact. Though we have group of friends, but for the three of us we can’t be separated.

“Boyfriend. Back.” Simple but understandable answer of Tiffany to Cole.

“Oh. That’s why our little princess here is in a bad mood.” She looked at me so I turned on the other side. Well, Little Princess. They call me that because I’m the youngest among them.

“Don’t start it Cole, you know when she’s angry.” Tiffany teased.

“Oh please, can we not talk about him. And excuse me. Ex, it is.” I said.

“Whatever.” They both say in chorus and then laugh.

“But he really dared to come back after all. Maybe he wants you back, I guess.” I rolled my eyes at Cole. And I sigh.

“Just let them serve the food. I’m hungry.” That’s all I had to say. I really don’t know, but there is a part of me that gives me hope about what Cole said a while ago.