Chapter Two

Any moment, the food was served. We eat, and no one dared to talk. It’s not that we had a quarrel but we are always like this when eating. No one should disturb us, no one should talk. We’re serious when it comes to food. Food is life, ya know.

When we finished eating, we went to the front bar and I ordered one bottle of vodka.

“Seriously Jen? Vodka, already?” Tiffany said, but I didn’t mind her. I pour some on a small glass and take it on one shot. I can feel that the liquor is burning my throat, so I get some lemon and eat it. I know this wont take away what I feel today, but at least it can help ease the pain for just a little while.

“Jen, stop it already. You still have to drive yourself home.” Cole said that made me stop. I forgot. I look at my wrist watch. It’s already six thirty in the evening. I should be home already. Time flies really fast, huh.

“Yeah, I guess I’ll be heading home now.” I said as I stand up and get my pouch.

“Can you go? You can sleep here instead.” Cole asked.

“I still can manage. Don’t worry.” I went out, and went to the parking area where my car is. They really care. I know, but I don’t want to burden them with my own feelings. I’m selfish, but it’s for their sake. And as for Tiffany, she’s staying with Cole. She also got drunk. She really cant take that much alcohol, even if she only drink two small glass, she always get drunk easily.

I drive until I stop at one corner. I’m still far from the subdivision I’m staying, I just cant help it but to stop and stare at the house nearby. I saw someone went out, and I was surprise when I saw who it was.

“He’s really back.” I whisper.

I was dumbfounded when his gaze turn into my car. No! He might recognize it. Or no? He just walk towards the near convenient store. He really didn’t remember my car. Is it really just the car, Jen?

I continue driving, until I reach Grandma’s House. I don’t want to go in Dad’s house and my house. As you can see, I have five houses. The first is where my father and second family leaves. Including the witch of course. The second is Grandma’s house, she really wants me to be with her. Third, is my house, which is five blocks away from Grandma’s. Fourth is at Cole and Fifth is at Tiffany. I can go over and sleep, wherever I want. I’m such a free person.

“Good evening Miss Jennifer.” The maid said, as I enter the house.

“Where’s Grandma?” I asked her.

“She’s in her room.” She politely answered.

I didn’t waste time and go to Grandma’s room. She’s sleeping peacefully, I guessed. She might be tired for today. I didn’t disturb her and went to my room here. I lay down in the bed, as tears came rushing down my eyes. I thought, I’ve already get over him. But it still hurts like it just happened yesterday.

“Why did I love you, that it hurts me so badly right now?” I sobbed and turn around then reach one of my pillow.

“Kent.” That was the last thing I said before I fell asleep.


I woke up with my eyes aching. I didn’t know I cried really that hard last night. I stand and immediately take a hot shower. I get dressed and went to the dining area. I saw Grandma eating her breakfast already.

“Good morning Grandma. I missed you.” I kissed her cheeks and hug her for a bit.

“Good morning, sweetheart. I didn’t wake you up, I know you're tired from work.” I smiled and sit at the chair near her.

“Thank you for understanding Grandma. Anyway, I just visit you here. I’ll be sleeping at my house tonight.” She look at me, like she doesn’t want the idea.

“Already? Why don’t you say for a bit longer. Didn’t you miss Grandma?”

“I’ll pay a visit, okay Grandma? I just have so many works to do.” I just said, but it was true. I didn’t work yesterday, so I expected that there will be some loaded works to catch up.

“Okay. Just don’t forget to pay a visit to Grandma.” I smiled.

“I won’t.” I said sincerely.

After we were done eating, I told Grandma I will go to work. I get in my car and went first to my house. When I was about to open it, I was surprise that it wasn’t lock. I remember I locked it, but why is it open? I step back. I wasn’t sure if I’m going to go inside, but my foot just kept on walking. I open the door and walk inside. From here, I saw someone sitting at the sofa. Why is he here?

“Kent.” I said as he walk towards me and hugged me tight as if there is no tomorrow.

“How did you get in?” I push him, but he still didn’t let me go.

“Spare key, under the mat.” I cant say a word. He remembered? But last night, he didn’t remember my car right? I bit my lower lip because of that.

“I saw your car last night. But I didn’t have the courage to face you yet. But now, I’m ready. And I want to tell you something.” He really did remember! He never forgets.

“If you want to tell me anything, can you let me go first? I cant breath.” I told him. He let go from the hug. But he hold my hands.

“What is it now?” I asked him.

“I want to explain to you what happen a year ago. I know, it’s too late for my explanation, but I hope you can still forgive me after this.” He guide me to the garden, still holding my left hand. We sit in the swing.

“I went to California because your step mother said so. She threat me, that if I wont stay away from you she will destroy our company and will try to kill my parents. You know how important they are to me. At first, I don’t like the idea of leaving you for no reason, but she insisted that I should not tell you. I have no choice but to do what she wanted. I’m too scared that I don’t know what to do at that time. She booked me a flight to California, and I know she hired someone to look after me.” I feel bad about this.

Why did the second family of my father made things more difficult. I really cant believe what happen to him. He should be the one who’s angry with me, because of what my step mother did to them.

“I continue my studies there, I manage the company branch without her knowing. I begun to make myself stronger so I can face her. And now I’m back, trying to make things right. I’m not afraid of her anymore. I know she wont do such things to my family now. Our company is much more successful and she wont dare to touch any of this. And I’m telling you this, because I want us to be together again. I love you, and it will never change.”

“But, you’ll be in danger. I wont allow that to happen again. You suffered so much because of me.” I started to cry. But he hugged me and patted my back.

“It’s not your fault. It was my decision. You have nothing to do with that. So please, come back to me. After all, we never broke up. We're still together. I just want us to be happy again, and no more secrets.”

“Are you sure about this?” I asked him after we pulled away.

“I’m pretty sure, babe.”

“Okay, let’s make things right.” He then kissed my forehead and hugged me tight again.