Chapter Four

I search for another pot. Luckily I had seen one. I put it again in the electric cooker and turn it on. “Babe, don’t leave me hanging.” I laugh when Kent said those words. I go to him and pinch his right cheek.

“Silly, we need to eat first.” He pouted his lips but I didn’t mind him and go back to cook our dinner.

Not that long, I finished cooking. We eat and I also prepared some red wine. When we’re about to finish, he said something to me.

“It’s like we're living together.” He said. “Yeah, it looks like it.” I said and smiled at him. He stood up and kneel in front of me, and show me a box, he opened it and I saw a ring with a small diamond in the center. I don’t know, but I want to cry. I just cover my mouth with my hands.

“Jennifer Delver, babe, the only one I love the most. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?” I didn’t help it, I just felt my tears flowing.

“Yes Kent. Yes!” After I said that he put the ring on my finger. He stand up and hug me.

“I love you.” He said. “I love you too, so much.” I replied.

And in that night, I gave my everything to him. And I know, I wont regret everything that happened.


I woke up feeling tired but happy at the same time. I smiled when I saw a handsome face right next to me. My hands stroke down in his eyes, to his nose and ended up in his lips. He suddenly open his eyes.

“Good morning, babe.” He said with his morning voice. “Good morning.” I answered.

“I’ll prepare breakfast for us.” I said, as I get his white polo on the ground and went to the restroom and change to his upper cloth, of course I’m wearing my underwear.

I went downstairs and to the kitchen. I cook bacon, egg and fried rice. It’s enough for our breakfast.

“Babe, breakfast is ready.” I shouted and then put the utensils on the table. I saw him enter the dinning area, and he smile at me.

“Any time by now, we will live together.” He said. “Were already doing that.” I said and seat on the chair. He also did the same.

After eating, since it’s Saturday and we don’t have a work, we stayed here in my house.

“Babe, let’s go to our house later. I’ll tell my parents about us.” I stop eating and look at him. “I’m nervous.” I told him.

“Don’t be. They understand our situation.” He then held my hand and caressed it. I nodded as an answer and we then continue eating.

All we did was just watch movies, he ordered pizza and drinks and that's what we just eat for lunch. It’s almost quarter to seven and we prepared ourselves to go in Kent’s house. I’m still nervous but I can calm myself up because of Kent.

I’m now wearing a three-fourths off-white dress and a two inches high heels so I can level Kent’s height. He’s taller than me, about three inches. But I don’t mind, we don’t mind at all.

When he called me by our endearment and told me that we will go any minute. So I composed myself. Look at the mirror for the last time, get my pouch and went outside. I saw Kent, he’s wearing a white shirt and jeans. We get in to the car and he started driving. His parents house is not that far from mine. It’s about ten minutes time when using a car.

“Everything is going to be fine, babe. Don’t overthink what will happen.” He said. “I know, it’s just that it's been a year since I last saw them. And I don’t know what they will feel when they saw me.”

“They still love you like their own daughter, as what they feel before.” He said assuredly. “Okay, I’ll be fine. But don’t ever leave my side okay?”

“I won’t.” By that, I was calm. I didn’t overthink stuff and waited for us to arrive.

The moment he park his car on the garage, we went out. He escorted me as we get inside their house. It’s like nothing happen to this house. It’s just like what is it a year ago. Nothing changed.

As he open the door, we directly went to the dinning area. Where I saw his dad sitting on the chair, and his mom putting down utensils for our dinner.

“Good evening.” I said and kiss the both of them in the cheeks. And Kent did the same thing too.

“Darling, we’ve missed you. It’s been a year.” His mother said.

“Yes, it’s been a year Auntie.” I said to her and she smiled.

“You both sit down, I’ll go get the foods.” I told her that I will help, but she insisted me to sit. So I just do what she said. The position is this: Kent is in the corner, I was at his left. In front of us is is where Uncle sit, and Auntie might sit next to Uncle.

“How are you Jenny?” I look at Uncle who just asked me.

“I’m fine, Uncle.” I then smiled at him.

“Here comes the food. Let’s eat?” She asked after putting the dishes in the table. We just nodded at her. Then we started eating.

“So, why is the two of you here anyway? I think you have something to tell us?” I looked at Kent and he held my left hand, then show it to his parents.

“We’re getting married.” He said, I was nervous but Auntie just stand up and hugged the both of us. Then she goes back to her sit.

“I’m really happy for the both of you.” She said.

“Congratulations. So, this calls for a celebration right?” Uncle added. We just laugh.

While eating, we talked about random stuffs. We also talked about the wedding, but we haven’t decided the details yet so we ended up changing topics. It was fun being with them again. We were just like before. A happy family. It’s just another good start for us. I hope my family allows this too.

“Thank you for the dinner. It was really fun being with you, again.” I said and kissed them on the cheeks. We then bid our goodbyes and head home.

When we arrived, we went inside the house. He closed the door, and I went close to him then cupped his face. I caressed his cheeks using my thumb.

“I’m really happy today, knowing they still want us together, after all that happened. I’m really lucky to have you in my life Kent.” He wrapped his hands around my waist and pull me closer to him.

“I’m more than happy, and lucky to have you in my life." Then he kissed my forehead.