
Kyle's pov 

I thought they were coming? Then where are they? ..... waaaiiiitttt I think I'm missing something important here, h-huh? Ha. ha. ha. Now I know, I don't remember them. W-who are they?????  How can I recog----


I'm surprised by the loud noise that my ice cream fell on the flooor waaaaaa, m-my ice cream, my precious ice cream. Where's the justice? How can they be so rude? They can knock and open the door gently, the don't have to kick it to open the door. Are their brain loose?


Brent's POV

We went to school together with one car, we're in a hurry that's why we brought just one car beacuse of the news that Kyle is here even if we don't really feel like coming at school. Who now a days want to go to school? Its boring.

" Can't you drive faster? " - wow, he got guts to command me

" Why don't you drive? " - I sarcastically said to Evan. He thinks he's like a king or what?

" Bro, it doesn't suit to a handsome guy like me to drive for other people, if you are the driver it's okay because it suits you "- if I'm not driving? I'll punch him then open the door and kick him out.

" Ha! You? Handsome? Where? You're shameless to say a lame joke. "- I said, he's about to speak but someone with cold voice stop us from talking. Evan and I looked at each like we are saying it's his/ my fault.

" Just shut up and sit quietly "- Cike said, that made us stop from talking, earlier it's Damon now it's Cike ...heh!.... They can't make us keep our mouth shut. We whispered at each other making fun of the two.

" They are always like that, so kill joy "- Brent said and I agree, at first I thought they are just shy but they really have a nasty temper. I wonder if they will have a wife someday.

" They're always like that, we can't do anything about it"- I said, and we heard someone talk again that made us totally silent.

" If you are going to continue your whispering there better get out of the car"- Damon said without any hesitation, excuse me? This is my car. I badly want to say it but I chose to be quite beacuse they will really gonna kick out us then we'll have to walk from here to school. Dang! How I hate their temper.

As we arrived at the school's parking lot, I parked my car properly and we headed to the office to get our schedule. While we are walking Brent and I continued our talks and the other two are silent while looking at their surroundings just to make sure they will see Kyle .

When we arrived at the front of the office I didn't hesitate to open the door as if we own the place. As we stepped inside we saw a busy woman with papers in front of her, she didn't looked at us like she didn't know someone is here. Can't she feel our presence? A minute passed and she really hasn't still notice us or just pretending.

From her look, she's quite pretty but her aura is little Like something is wrong with her. I can't dig the right word but it's kind of scary that you won't even want to approach her if she happen to ask you for a direction. Well it's not like she would really asked someone because she looks like she doesn't want to talk to others like she doesn't want any contact with strangers or even physical contact with her boyfriend well I don't think she has a boyfriend.

" Ehem! I think you know why we are here, right? "- Evan said, but the woman didn't respond to what he said nor look at us.

" Miss, are you deaf? "- I said, that's when she looked at us, finally!

" Where's our schedule?"- Evan said, and why the hell are all people today I see has a nasty temper? She threw the envelopes with our schedules in it in front of us! She really has a problem with us, why would she do that?

" Are you mute too?"- I said ..... but again she ignored us, what the hell is her problem?

" Ah----"- Brent didn't get to finish his words when the woman with nasty temper spoke.

" Out"- wow, she shortly said, it's like we just got our spirit out of the Earth, oh, no. Just us Brent because I saw Damon and Cike getting their schedule on the floor and getting ready to go outside of the office. I don't know why she has a bad temper but is it normal?

" You're not deaf right? "- huh? I hurriedly get my schedule and walk into the door, I'm ready to open when she spoke again.

" Kyle lost his memories "- she coldly said, that took fully of our attention. The four of us.

" What are you talking about?"- I asked her, she knows Kyle? The same Kyle we know? How did she know Kyle?

" He's your friend right?"- she asked while looking at us before she stop what she was doing earlier with the papers. What's her connection with Kyle? Is it personal?

" Kyle Xenon (shenon) Theron "- She added, yeah. It's the same person we know. So she knew Kyle personally, it's weird if she didn't because she got some information and I'm pretty sure she doesn't know all of the students here.

" How did you know him "- I can hear the irritability in Evan's voice but she just smirked at us.

"Tell everything to us "- I said to her. I'm starting to get annoyed with her.

" It's for you to find out"- she said and get back to what she was doing earlier. Why not just tell to us what she know, it would be easier like that. Looks like she won't tell us so we step out of the office and head to find our classroom since we have the same section.