
Evan's POV

When we found our classroom I didn't hesitate to kick it even if I knew that there's a teacher inside. I don't care.

"What a miracle"- The Teacher said. Everyone knows who we are, who wouldn't be? When we always do this to them but can't give us any consequences. 

"Just shut up"- Brent said. He's too meddlesome. 

We look around the classroom to check if Kyle is here and I found someone who's attention is on the floor with an ice cream? Why? He look shock and about to cry? Okay he looks lifeless.

" Wait, is that Kyle?"- Brent asked, I'm still confuse on why he is still looking at the ice cream like its the most important thing right now?

" Errr, I think so "- evan said. What is he doing? Why is he looking at the melted ice cream?

" Psh"- I heard Cike. We walked towards that man to confirm if he is really Kyle or just someone who looks like Kyle. It's really impossible that to be Kyle, he wouldn't do that. I swear.

" Woah it's him"- Brent happily said. I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy by what I'm seeing right this moment. It's unbelievable.

"We're seeing what you're seeing "- I said. Why the hell is he still looking that the melted ice cream? He won't even look at us.

"But why he is looking at the ice cream?"- Brent said? That's what I want to know too.

" Idiot "- damon said, who?  

" Huh? Who? Kyle?"- Brent asked.

" Of course not "- Damon said. I'm still confuse of what happening, somebody tell me.

" Then who?"- Brent asked again. He's the idiot one.

" It's you psh"- Brent pouted. I agree with that. He's really dumb to asked Damon that.

We all looked at Kyle to ask him something but he also look at us and started crying. Okay, somebody tell me why he is crying? Wow this is totally new to us. Why would he cry? We never saw him cry before.

"Huhuhuhu "- He's still  crying while calling someone with his phone, what is his problem?

" Hello wifey huhuhuhu my ice cream fell huhuhuhu"- he said .. ehhhh? Is he really Kyle?  

" N-no it's hidden so that the teacher won't scold me "- he pouted. He never did this before. I'm sure of that. 

" Wifeeyyyy"- he sounded like a child who didn't get the permission to eat a candy. Who is he talking to? Wifey?

" Yehey, thank you hihihi I love you muahhh "- He smiled widely and looked at us that's when his smile vanished. What the hell? Does he have grudge on us?

" Kyl--------" Brent didn't finished his words when Kyle spoke that leaves us speechless.

" It's all your fault why my ice cream fell "- Why is he accusing us?

"How come it's our fault?"- Brent asked Kyle? I would like to know too.

" You should have knocked instead of kicking the door, my ice cream won't fell if you didn't surprised me. "- Kyle pouted, wow his main problem here his ice cream?

" Are you Kyle Xenon Theron?"- Cike asked. I'm glad he's here.

" Yes, why? Are you going to steal my name ?"- W-what? Hahaha this is way too funny, what the hell? I stop myself from laughing but I heard Brent laugh silently, enough for us two to hear.

" Can you move out of the way? I'm waiting for someone, you're being rude "- While waving his hand like we are some chicken he can just shoo.  

" Huh? You can't recognize us?"- Brent asked Kyle. Is it true that he lost his memories? That woman is not joking?

" No, who are you??"- He looks confuse, so he can't really remember us.

" You really can't remember us?"- Brent asked again. If I were him I wouldn't do that, fortunately I'm not him because he is dumb.

" Again and again? I told you no, who are you ?"- Back then, Kyle really doesn't like repeating his words.  

" Where did your brain went?"- I asked Brent but instead Kyle answered it. Is he dumb too?  

" Huh? Where would my brain go? Can brain go outside of my head?"- Why does he look dumb? Is he seriously asking that? Can I slam his head onto the wall?

" No, its flying"- I sarcastically said.  

" Really? " He look above him to confirm if its really flying. Is he actually dumb? Should I slam it now?

" Liar, its not flying "- God! He's crazy. Why would he think that I'm serious about that? What the heck happened to him while we're gone?  

" It's us, whose you're waiting for "- Damon said,

" You? Really?"- He don't believe us, why is he even waiting when he doesn't know our faces?  

" Here "- Damon handed him his phone with our picture in it. Looked at it and his eyes widened and smiled widely. Odd.

" Waaaa, it's me right?"- he's excited, unlike before that it's normal for him to meet us. Doesn't he have any friends while we're gone?

" Yeah  "- Damon said. He's always quiet.

" Waaaa, I'll tell this to wifey "- he said, who is this wifey. He looks happy to talk with that person.

" Your girlfriend?"- Cike asked. I want to know too

" No "- Kyle said but still smiling that's really odd, he never smiled like this before.

" Your wife ?"- Damon asked that made him smile widely. For real?

" Yup ..."- He proudly said, he's happy.

" Oh, your wife, wait what? Wife?"- Why is he surprised?  

" Hehehe yeah, why?"- Kyle asked like it's normal for him. We didn't know about this. How come?

" Nothing.... you have a wife.... we didn't know about that "- Cike said. Why didn't we know about that? Who's the wife?

" Yup "- he looks happy, can I assume that this woman is great? A match with Kyle?

" Later, I'll introduce her to you..... she's really kind and beautiful "- he said and he started telling us about the things he like to do and eat. We didn't bother to listen to the teacher but instead to Kyle. He talked a lot not like before, he found talking tiring. He said a lot but he didn't told us a detailed information about how he lost his memories. Seriously, what happened to him?