It's been two weeks since the incident, Harry didn't tell anyone. He avoided any contact with Louis which was harder than he thought because the boy didn't stop trying to reach out to him. And he was acting nice again. Emphasis on acting. He had been at every single lesson and he even came up to Harry a couple of times to show him his accomplishments. Not gonna lie it confused Harry but as long as he did his stuff everything was fine.

"Hey lads," Niall gave both Liam and Louis a fistbump as they joined Zayn him and Harry at the lunch table. "So? Are you in for the party?" Liam asked. He was throwing one, just because the last one had been 'so much fun.' Well, the only fun part was Niall's voice messages the next morning.

"Totally," Zayn answered excitedly. Niall agreed as well. "What about you, Harry?" He looked up from his journal, his eyes switching from Liam to Louis who literally stared at him. He shook his head. "No, I don't feel like going out today." Especially not when Louis was there too. "Come on." Niall tried to persuade him. Declined. No chance. He was happy about every second without Louis. He almost wished the time back where he skipped half of the week.

Harry was happy that he had his usual routine back, which was parted in three steps, 1. School, obviously just focusing on the lessons, no distractions like leaving during breaks to drive around or bringing Louis the stuff he asked for. 2. Studying (doing his homework assignment and some extra tasks in subjects he wasn't as good in as in others). 3. When everything was done he could relax and maybe read or watch a movie. Get some time off.


"Are you sure you want to stay home?"

"Yes, Niall I need to study."

"Is it just about that or maybe about Louis?" He asked slipping into his shoes. "No, why would Louis have something to do with it? I mean we barely talk."

"Yeah, I know but, you know, I'm not blind. Whatever this is between you two, he feels the same way about it that you do."

"Oh, and how do I feel Mr Therapist?" Harry joked opening the door for him. "What I mean is that he changed a lot since you started ignoring him, for what reason ever." Niall left for his car. "Think about it." He shouted before shutting the car door. "Never," Harry whispered to himself.

The study line was a lie, well more an excuse. Harry had always gotten better on alone. He decided to cook something, he hadn't cooked in a long time and forgot how much he actually enjoyed it. Time passed quickly, what felt like 10 mins turned out to be a couple of hours. It was already dark outside when Harry closed the oven. A satisfied smile on his lips.

While waiting for the meal to be ready he switched through the channels searching for anything interesting. Nothing exciting, just some documentaries about Wales and some media shop. Time for a DVD. Harry was just looking through the shelf when the bell rang. Probably Niall, who forgot something or maybe Anne? Hopefully, she hadn't been home in a long time. It would make him so happy to spend the evening with her.

But it was neither of them, it was Louis. In a jumper and joggers. He pushed past Harry walking further into the hall.

Heading up the stairs. "What the hell? Louis?!" The boy turned around halfway upstairs while Harry slammed the door shut. "You're home alone right? So where is the problem?" With that said he jogged up the last few steps. Harry rushing past him. Well, where should he begin? "It's you."

"Is that your room?" No time to answer he already went in looking around a few seconds before he kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the bed letting out a deep groan as he landed on his back. "Comfy."

"Oh, I'm glad that you like my bed. The emphasis on mine." Harry couldn't believe his eyes, who was Louis thinking he is?! "Mhm." He just nodded eyes closed not moving an inch. "What are you doing here?!" His voice loud and sharp. A mixture of anger and frustration came up in Harry. He knew he wouldn't get rid of Louis before he got what he wanted. God knows what it was.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not. See, I talk to you."

"You know what I mean, Haz."

"Yes, and you know my answer."

"I apologised." He raised his hands as if it would bother him that Harry was mad. "That doesn't fix-" He stopped thinking what to say without giving Louis a reason to make fun of.

"What?" He lifted his head to look at Harry, a deep crease between his eyebrows.

"Doesn't matter."

"No, tell me." It almost seemed like he was worried. Almost. Well, he was not, he was just acting. Louis scrunched his nose "What is this smell?"

"Fuck." The oven. Harry ran downstairs into the kitchen and turned it off. A cloud of smoke filled the room as he opened it. Great. Messed up. "Well, looks like someone has to buy dinner today." Louis who had followed him smiled, leaning against the doorframe. He wasn't a help at all. "Oh, and by the way, I'm gonna stay the night." Harry almost dropped the casserole shape.

This was a joke right. "No, you won't." Harry settled the casserole onto a metal board as the heat reached through the towel and almost burned his fingers. "How many times do you want me to apologize. It won't happen again, I swear." He almost begged. What was happening? Since when did Louis talk to him like that? Like they had been longtime friends or atleast something like that?

"You can stay here until Niall comes home. But you definitely won't stay overnight." Louis just nodded quickly. Okay? Harry expected some sort of contradiction. "Go get your shoes we will leave and order some take-out." Harry sighed annoyed. He didn't even know why he was letting Louis stay, something in him kind of... wanted it?

He watched Louis jog upstairs while he slipped into his own shoes, the Chelsea boots this time. "Where did you park your car??" Harry asked falling into the driver's seat of his car. There was no other car nearby. "I didn't drive here." He answered quietly, looking down at his hands. It takes about 40 minutes walking to get from Louis house to him. Why would he do that??

Harry didn't want to know to be honest so he just shook the thought out of his head and started the car. It was dark only traffic lights and stars shining brightly from above and the slowed version of Ed Sheeran's give me love made it even cosier. Harry loved it. He stole a glance to his right, Louis had his hood up looking out the window, his hands hidden in his sleeves. His whole appearance was so different. He looked small and fragile.

Harry turned back to the street, he was wondering why he was acting so much different than usual. It was the whole opposite. He drove onto the parking space of the Chinese restaurant Niall, Anne and him went to quite often when she had a day off. They were open all the time and offered take out so, perfect.

Harry took two menus and handed one over to Louis who was standing next to him. "I don't need one, I didn't take any money."

"It's alright."

"No, I'm not hungry anyway, but thanks." That definitely wasn't him speaking. He always took every food that someone offered him. "I've heard your belly growl the whole ride, and now take the god damn card before I change my mind."

After what felt like hours a lady appeared behind the counter and gave Harry the bag. (Not Natalie this time. She probably went to the party too.) Speaking of, wouldn't it be a paradise for Louis? Getting drunk for free. Harry paid and got back to the car Louis not leaving his side. Until they were back in their seats. "Thank you," Louis said taking out his box and chopsticks. "Uhm, you're welcome." Harry had no idea how to act, he didn't know him like that.

Back home Louis' first box was empty. They were sitting on the couch watching Friends on Louis' Netflix account. Drinking a can of coke and eating the rest of the order. A little too much, Harry had to admit but it tasted damn good. At every kissing scene, the pictures of him and Louis in the car flashed through his mind. He still wasn't over it, but he tried.

It was just one thing he never expected himself to do. And especially not with Louis. He wasn't like this. "Fire isn't even a part of rock, paper, scissors." Louis chuckled.

"It's beneficial." Harry laughed at the thought of how often he used fire and won against Niall. And his face when he lost.

"Oh shut up, don't tell me you are one of those people." Louis took a sip of his coke. "I could never." Louis laughed a little. Harry's heart jumped slightly at the sound. Such an adorable laugh.

A loud shrill sound ripped him out of his thoughts. It was Louis phone, he eyed it a few seconds before he got up and left the toom thinking Harry wouldn't hear him anymore but he did.

A lot of yelling from the other side of the line Louis hissing something back until his voice suddenly went quiet. Through the door gap, Harry could see him clench his jaw, eyes closed hissing one last thing before he hung up. After a while of silence, he came back. "Let's go to the party."

"What? Now?"

"Yes, Liam just called asking if I'd come back." He explained, but something at the way he said it seemed off. "Great, bye." Harry (who was still sitting on the couch) pushed the play button again. Atleast he could be alone again. "You will come with me."

"Who says that?"

"The deal."

"Nice try, but parties are on the red list." Harry didn't look away from the screen.

"The one thing I cancelled." Louis smiled.

Stupid deal. Harry clenched his jaw and got up.  As he first came up with the idea he thought it was a good way to make Louis do what Mr Johnson wanted him to do, but he wasn't that sure anymore. Which made it even worse was the weird feeling he felt when Louis was around, he couldn't feel like this. No.


It was loud. That was all Harry thought when he made his way through the hall of Liam's house. Some people were leaning

against the walls next to him, making out and others just stumbling around enjoying their alcohol frenzy. "Hey Louis," A lad from the team babbled, holding himself up at Louis's shoulder he was barely able to stand on his feet. That's how drunk he was.

"Luke is looking for you." The lad's expression changed. Quickly, then he covered his mouth with his hand and stumbled through the crowd. Uh, gross. Harry watched Louis making a face and laughed about it. "He's always drunk so quickly." Harry would rather be anywhere else but here. Parties were not his thing, he realised once again last time. It took some time but they finally found at least Zayn, in the kitchen.

"Harrold, I thought you would stay at home?" He smelled extremely like alcohol and so did Niall who joined them. "I need a bucket." He leaned against the counter. "Not for me, it's for Liam." He laughed. "What the hell, how much did you all drink?" Harry frowned. "Just one, or maybe two shots," Zayn answered, eyes half-lidded. He looked about to fall asleep. "If you put a zero behind it."

"Okay, let us bring you home."

"No! I wanna stay." Stan (the lad from the footie team) called out a round of truth and dare. Zayn dragged Harry behind him over to the couch section. Louis followed shrugging. "Harry is joining the game."

"I- what? No."

"Don't be boring Harry." He didn't want to play. He really didn't but he wanted to show Louis that he wasn't a boring person. Why ever he felt the need to prove him wrong. "Just when Louis plays as well." He smiled sassily secretly hoping Louis would deny. He didn't. He just let himself fall onto one it the other couches smiling wide. "Who is gonna start spinning?"

Unbelievable. It went on for a few rounds, luckily Harry did end up being the one having to choose between those two questions yet. It actually started to getting fun to be honest. Well until Louis spun the bottle and it stopped pointing right at Harry. A smirk grew on his face "Truth or dare, Haz?"

Harry looked over to Zayn as if he expected him to answer for him. Niall gave him a little push from the side. "Harry choose."

"Truth." He said after a while.

"Okay, let's start off easy," Louis moved as if he was thinking then he bit his lip, smirking. "Who was your first time?" Harry froze, okay it was a huge mistake to come to this party. He didn't even want to play this stupid game. "Someone in this room?" Stan asked after Harry hadn't answered in a while. He shook his head- no. What was he supposed to say? That he was still a virgin? Probably not a good idea. "It, uhm-"

Should he lie? He hadn't to. There was yelling going coming out of another room and a couple of teens ran over saying something about a fight. Also, everyone around Harry got up and left. He looked up from his hands meeting Louis wondering eyes. He got pulled away from one of the others, not taking his eyes off of Harry's until he got dragged around a corner.

Harry shook his head also getting up, but not to watch the fight, he went outside. Getting some fresh air. The bass got less and less as further, he walked. It was dark and the air cold.

There was a small park across the street where Harry took place at a bench just breathing deeply, eyes closed. It was relaxing. And his thoughts for once didn't go back to Louis kissing Luke or him. There was just so much going on at the moment. Harry was happy about every second he got thinking about nothing.

That second didn't last long when Louis sat down next to him. "Who was it?"

"What?" Harry asked eyes still closed.

"You didn't want to answer the question in front of everyone, now I'm even more curious." That wasn't right. He didn't care about the others. Harry didn't want to answer the question in front of Louis. "Come on, was it a boy or a girl?" Harry just gave him an explaining look. "Or... neither?" His voice quiet as he realised.

Harry didn't answer. Grate now Louis knew. "Go on laugh and tell me how pathetic it is."

"I wouldn't do that. Do you think I would judge you?"

"Well, that's what you do all the time."

Louis expression looked confused. "You don't even notice it do you?"

"Is that why you ignored me?"

"Too, yes." But the main thing was the kiss. Harry clenched his jaw at the thought. "Not the kiss?"

"Yes, the kiss Louis. How do you expect me to react?" He was looking down at his hands and shrugged. "I don't know. But it was just a kiss, nothing worse." Harry chuckled unbelievingly. "Yes, but my first and I wasn't ready for it, you just took that from me, okay?" It busts out, he didn't even meet his eyes to tell Louis.

The boy lifted his head, eyebrows raised "First?" Harry just stuttered around. "That was your first kiss?"

Harry shrugged and nodded. "Let me fix that, please." He whispered.


Louis got up offering Harry his hand and pulling him up on his feet. "Because you deserve so much better." His face getting closer to Harry's, eyes asking if he was fine with it, Harry (for some reason) just nodded. Louis took his hand while just staying like this and looking deep into Harry's eyes, unlocking something in Harry.

Something he had never felt so far and to be honest he didn't want it to be like that with Louis but his lips were just so close to his, he could feel Louis warm breath. Then he closed the gap and kissed him gently and slowly. Sending a tingle down his back and awaking the butterflies in his belly. It was just so different from the one in the car.

So much more passion and something else, Harry wasn't sure. He couldn't think. Just loving the way Louis twisted his tongue and let his hands brush through his curls. Then he pulled away, leaving Harry breathless. He was thirsty for more though. Louis just kept looking deep into his green eyes. He looked like he was waiting for Harry to show him that he enjoyed it just as much as he did.

Harry swallowed, not believing what he was about to do next when he leaned down grabbing Louis face and pulling him closer. Those lips just felt right on his own. It fitted perfectly like they were made for each other. Besides the firework inside him. Fuck, he fell hard.

He realised when he pulled away again. They both seemed to be overwhelmed with the situation. Just standing there looking into each other's eyes when Zayn came by, stumbling, putting his arm around Harry's neck. He luckily didn't saw them. "Lads." He started, eyes half-lidded.

"I think I-I, ugh, never mind. I forgot. I need another shot." Louis took Zayn's other arm and put it around his shoulder. "Let's bring him upstairs." The two did and it was harder than expected because Zayn fell asleep when they were only halfway upstairs. It was so exhausting.

He was finally in his bed, looking as peaceful as a baby. He was drooling though. Louis laughed which made Harry laugh too. They shared an intense look, Harry felt his smile slowly disappear as he got almost lost in Louis's eyes.

"Louis-" Zayn breathed pulling them out of the situation. Louis turned "I just wanted to tell you," He opened his eyes slightly, "that I won't judge you for being gay, but you could have at least told me. I thought we were friends." Louis' eyebrows rose as he turned back to Harry. "You told him?"