
"Louis wait." He ripped his wrist out of Harry's strong grip and headed through the small hall that was filled up with people. Liam stumbled up to him "Louis? What are you doing here? I thought you were watching your sisters?" Louis just shook his head and jogged downstairs. He couldn't believe Harry told Zayn about him and Luke's make out.

On the way through the living room, he snapped a bottle of whisky from the counter, taking it with him. He heard Harry call him but he pretended not to hear. It hurt, it really did. Harry was the first person that he had started opening up to. Even when it was just a small bit. He didn't even want it, it just happened every time he was around.

Louis could play strong around everyone else but it was a lot harder with Harry. Fuck. "Louis!" Harry's voice was so loud Louis flinched a little. He abruptly stopped and took a deep breath of the cold air. "What?"

"Let me explain."

Louis' heart dropped as he turned around catching those green eyes staring down at him. "No, Harry. You promised not to tell anyone!" He snapped and opened the whisky bottle.

"If or how I come out is up to me and not to you!"

"I can't believe I trusted you." He added almost silent, taking a sip of the whisky. The liquor slid down his throat leaving warmth behind it. Something from the red list. No drinking when I'm around. But he didn't care about the list at this moment, all he could focus on was his anger. "He was with me that day, I didn't tell anyone Louis, I swear." His voice was soft.

"Whatever." Louis shrugged.

Through all, all he wanted was to feel Harry's lips on his again, but he knew he couldn't. If he would let his guard down for Harry he would be vulnerable. He just couldn't let that happen. A sharp pain rushed through his chest, but he needed to say what he was about to say. He needed to stay strong. And that was only possible when Harry would stop looking at him the way he did lately.

"I don't care, and so do I about you." He took a few steps closer. "Don't think that I like you or something just because we kissed." He was babbling slightly already. "I just did you a favour." The was tension electric when his index finger touched Harry's chest.

"Please stop drinking, the bottle is almost empty." Actually, he didn't even want to drink, but it was the only thing that hopefully made Harry so angry that he would leave. So he raised the bottle looking Harry dead into the eyes and choked down the whole rest. Ugh, disgusting. "Good." Harry's jaw shifted, getting sharp. "Have fun walking home." Then he left, he slammed the car door shut loudly.

They were sharing a look when he drove past him out of the parking lot, disappearing in the dark.

It was relieving for a few seconds to know Harry really left. Louis exhaled the breath he was holding in. Then he looked down at the empty bottle in his hand. Fuck. He slowly got dizzy. Hopefully, it wouldn't affect him too badly. After John had called earlier, Louis was trying to figure out what to do. He needed his car, maybe Mark was back by now. He borrowed it because he left his at a friend's house.

Well,l he didn't need the car itself, what he needed was the black bag which he always carried in the trunk, in case John had kicked him out again. Or if they have fought and he couldn't stand it anymore.

After a long walk through dark, empty streets Louis finally made it to his house just staying in front of it making sure all lights are switched off before he unlocked the door. His car wasn't in the driveway. Louis sneaked upstairs on his tiptoes so the old wood wouldn't make too loud noises. If John knew he was there was one thing but then he was also drunk.

It would get worse as soon as the alcohol reached his blood, so he hurried. Rushing through his room he was packing the most needed stuff like new clothes, toothbrushes and toiletries, including Harry's jacket which he had kept safe in his closet since the curly boy had forgotten it. Before he went downstairs again he quietly opened the door to his sisters' room. They were sleeping peacefully, he gave them a slight kiss on the forehead and whispered a "Good night."

There was a  light burning downstairs. Fuck. Louis froze halfway downstairs, his heart stopped beating. Jay and Mark were on a small vacation which meant it was only him and Dan. Horrible combination. Usually,y when somebody else was home with them,  they just fought with words but it sometimes escalated so much they ended up actual fighting. The last time Jay tried to solve it, tripped and fell downstairs. Since that night Louis had slept in the car. With a few exceptions when Mark was there.

He didn't want him to worry so he came home those days, but now his car wasn't there. "I know you're here Louis. Come here." A harsh voice sounded in his head like a headache. Shit. Louis did as told, he really wasn't in the mood for a fight. He was trying to act as sober as possible. "I was just getting some stuff I will leave now."

"I see." His look was strong, it intimidated Louis but he didn't show it and just stared straight back. "I told you on the phone not to come back until Jay and Mark come back too." John took a few steps closer. Louis tried so hard to avoid the alcohol rushing through his veins but it got harder and harder every minute. "And you drank again." He shook his head. "You know I don't like it when you don't listen to what I tell you."

Louis flinched as the old man put his arm around his shoulder. As an answer, he nodded quickly. "You remember what happens when you don't listen to me?" Louis just nodded quickly.

"Y-yes I do."He babbled. It always went the same, as soon as John's fist met Louis jaw he didn't stop until he ran out of energy or Louis defended himself and both ended up crouching on the floor or even in the hospital once. Most of the time Louis just ran away, well drove more like. "Good, Louis, because I'm really not in the mood to teach you how to behave." Thank god. Louis took slow quiet breaths as John grabbed his face roughly with his hand roughly. "You better leave quickly before I change my mind", the man spat pushing him away.

Louis looked to his sisters' room one last time before he opened the door and ran. He ran so long his breath lasted. The night was cold and he knew he had to go somewhere. But where? Usually, he went to Liam but there was still the party and he couldn't take any more alcohol. Speaking of, it started hitting. There was only one place he had left. It was the last place he wanted to be.

At least that was what he tried to convince himself.