Chapter 54: First meeting with Einar; Lancelot's punishment

(3rd person's POV)

"I guess it is my turn now. My meeting with my little brother and then followed by King Arthur was not very harmonious either. The fact that a knight appeared outside of this island and then wishes to serve the king who was uniting this island and fighting against foreigners raised many questions. It started with me hearing about King Arthur…." Lancelot stated and explained his part of the story.


(Lancelot's POV)

I was originally born as a prince in France but due to a tragedy, I lost my parents from a young age. And then I was adopted by a fairy called Nimue or better known as the lady of the lake.

I was nurtured by her till I was 15 years old and then left after becoming strong enough to use a holy sword called Arondight.

Though I was strong enough to gather an army and take back the place that my parents ruled I didn't have any wish to rule a country and spill useless bloodshed.

I was famous with women so I didn't trigger any problem finding a beautiful silver-haired woman and marry her at a young age. It was then my son Galahad was born.

However, due to constant skirmishes in France, it was hard for me to find a good house to serve as a knight or form a mercenary group.

I was away when my wife fell ill and died in my absence. My son who considered me his ideal blamed me for her death and began hating me.

It was then I heard rumors of the King of Britain. I believed the King of Knights in Britain was pure nonsense. I began to compare myself with the King of Knights until I decided to travel to Britain to see the legendary king with my own eyes.

I met the King as soon as I landed in Britain in the midst of battle. It carved a deep impression of the King in my heart when I saw the sight of a young boy riding on his horse, gallantly swinging his sword in a horde of invaders. It proved how wrong I was, the requirement to battle day and night was not physical attributes but it was one who holds unwavering convictions.

I also witnessed another person beside him. He was a short blond-haired boy with angelic looks and was acting like a mage and fighter at the same time. I was awed until I heard his full name, Einar Sirius du lac, same last name as me.

His holy spear was unlike any weapon I have ever seen. A single spear yet so many forms and so powerful that Arondight doesn't even hold a candle against that spear.

I was still reluctant to acknowledge him as my brother since we were both carrying the same last name our foster mother given to us.

And so just like other knights who underestimated Einar at first sight I also challenged him in a fight one day.

It was my meeting with Einar after dealing with invaders.

"So you are also a child of fairy of the lake? It means that you and my friend Einar are brothers." I was walking with King Arthur who was smiling brightly when he was talking about his friend.

"Ah yes, I also heard. I am not sure about how do I feel since it has been a while since I met the mother." I smiled awkwardly.

When I landed on this island, my mother sent me a letter and boasted a lot about this child called Einar. He was young but very strong. His strength was said to be on par if not stronger than King Arthur.

I was a little jealous of him since he was already at that level at such a young stage while I didn't have any feat on my name.

"Father, it is rude to talk like this way." Galahad scoffed out. Einar was his new ideal and it was also another reason. As soon as he heard that Sir Einar was recruiting young knights, he was the first one to submit the request.

The reason he was with me also the same. I had to introduce my son to Einar and ask to take Galahad under his wings.

However, my pride was still reluctant to acknowledge him as a brother. I have to show my skills in front of my son that I was still a knight with greater strength than Einar.

"It's okay. My friend is easygoing as long as you don't comment on his height. Please refrain from mocking his height." King Arthur requested. Even he seemed afraid of Einar when it comes to height.

"Naturally, my king," Galahad answered in my instead and looked at me coldly to nod my head. I had no choice but to abide by him.

"Aaaa!" When we entered the training camp, we heard a scream and saw a child beating a black-haired knight with a long wooden halberd that he called a baseball bat with spikes on it. "Ahh oh god, I cant feel my l-legs…! Please show us mercy!"

The knight pleaded by Einar didn't listen and continued to beat him.

"Ahh phew, why Lady Morgan's eldest children are always acting like assholes..?" Einar then looked at the sun with a bright smile and wiped the blood from his face.

The scene looked beautiful yet so horrified that Galahad hid behind me.

"Einar, what are you doing to Sir Agravain?!" King Arthur questioned Einar after examining the said person was alive or not.

"Ah don't worry Arthur, it is called character development. I am beating the shit out of him to make him strong. I guarantee that his bones will be that of steel when he will recover."

"What am I gonna do with you…? Anyway, Einar, meet Sir Lancelot and his son Galahad." King Arthur introduced us.

We both greeted Einar respectfully despite trembling from witnessing previous horror and Einar did the same.

He talked with us and immediately befriended us. He had a little dirty tongue for a child of his age and very casual even talking with King Arthur but he was still respectful and didn't try to test our strength when King Arthur suggested me enter Knights of the Round Table after acknowledging my achievements and strength. We also agreed to call each other brother since our foster mother is the same and if the mother sensed the air that we are still acting like strangers then we both knew the consequences.

Einar also became best friend with Galahad and took him as his apprentice.

I never expected to do things so smoothly but I still wanted to challenge him and prove my strength.

"Brother, I wish to challenge you so that you can acknowledge my strength." I requested with a bow.

"Eh? It's fine. I know mother has raised a strong child so don't worry-"

"I still want a match. Please consider my selfish request!" I was still persistent.

"Hey, is your father a masochist?" Einar asked to Galahad.

"I think so. I once saw a whip in their room and also used to hear his screams at night. That's why I don't like him. He also-"

I immediately covered Galahad's mouth before he could reveal more and destroy my reputation as a strong knight and big brother if not as a father.

"Well, you got your match. Just hurry up." In the end, he agreed.

We then prepared and entered the area for the spar. Using manga-based attack was banned since it could destroy the settlement so we both agreed.

It was then he took out that shiny spear from his book that he called Book of Chastiefol. I also grasped my sword firmly ready to face who is the strongest father and big brother.

Just as the match started, I took my first step when he cast a single spell [Slip] when my face slammed the earth.

"Argg!" I didn't know what happened before I saw him pointer his spear at my neck.

"You lose, brother."

And just like that, I lost in seconds. I was still shocked when I saw him walking away.

"Wait, what happened with fighting like a knight, the pride and its honor?"

"Dude, it doesn't matter in the actual fight. Stop living in the 5th century."

He didn't listen to me.

"Then what about punishment the winner gives to a loser?"


"Yes, punishment. Didn't mother teach you to get punished if you lose a bet?"

"No mother only taught me how to torture- I mean punish someone who I consider annoying. And now stop pestering me!"

"But it is unfair…"

"Fuck off you horny face masochist!"

He didn't hear anything more and ran away with my son.


(3rd person's POV)

"And that's how my meeting ended. I still feel a little sad that I didn't receive the required punishment that I was supposed to receive." Knight of the lake shook his head.


All other knights were lost on words. Seriously what is wrong with children raised by the lady of the lake? One is a demon sadist and the other is a generous masochist.

"Oh hey guys, are you talking about my beloved disciple?" Then all of them heard a voice and saw Merlin on a near tree.

"Merlin, what are you doing here?"

"Just watching some poor souls talking ill about my disciple in his presence."

In his presence?

Trembling and sweating shitless, they turned around and saw Einar also catching fishes with them at a certain distance and wearing a cold and evil smile.

"Hi~. Take the fishes you caught and come with me." Einar didn't say much and ordered them to follow.

They naturally had to do it but they didn't know where they were going.

"But where are we going?"

"I will tell you where we are not. Safe~"

And so Knights of the Round Table faced a hellish day after a relaxing day.


Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1.4k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.8k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~

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