Chapter 55: Stressful moment after the victory

(Einar's POV)

"What the hell is wrong with these people…?" I was contemplating the situation of this isle in the toilet since it was the only place where you could relax while releasing pent-up tension.

It had been a month since we conquered Camelot. The round table was brought here in the castle since it was now the main capital. Construction of the capital was also going well but there was only one problem, the rumors about me.

Vortigern called me his friend before fleeing and all knights clearly heard his statement on the battlefield.

Now they were calling me a hidden traitor of the Britons who has been secretly working for Vortigern.

Artoria who was crowned as the King after the coronation ceremony also didn't help much. Instead, we got into a quarrel.

The good thing was that I was able to get to the location of place where I could achieve divinity.


"Arthur, do you really think that just punishing commoners for spreading rumors will do any good?" I asked Artoria in the presence of round table knights. I didn't refer to her as King Arthur since I was close to her just like Merlin.

Marlin, Gawain, Brother Kay, Bedivere were also present. In addition to them, there was another knight who was present in the meeting was Agravain, the jerk and the cause of all this mess.

"What's more, you appointed Agravain of all people! This jerk almost executed a child for calling traitor and throwing a pebble at me!"

I stated what happened. It was a normal day when I was patrolling with Agravain and Galahad to make some security measures when a child came and threw a pebble and called me a traitor. His parents were Saxons and died in the Camelot war so he was blaming me for their death.

But the situation got worse when Agravain took the action to behead the child in the broad daylight. Since he was Saxon, no one was willing to help the child. However I stopped him in time and when I asked the reason he stated that King Arthur banned anyone from spreading these rumors and if anyone found out to be guilty, they were to be punished according to law.

Every knight of the round table has the authority to execute anyone unless someone is noble or Briton but if you are Saxon then you are at the mercy of God.

I could do nothing in this case since if I stood for Saxons then I will heat those rumors more but I can't simply see a child being killed.

"I was just abiding by the orders of my king." It was Agravain who spoke.

"You shut your goddamn mouth! I just didn't chop you into pieces since you are part of the round table but don't test my patience!" I glared at him. Not only him but all the knights shuddered with fear from my intense killing intent.

I hold the greatest authority where I could pass a judgment and execute or eliminate any knight below the rank 5th. I held myself from killing this emotionless jerk since he was an excellent officer with information gathering and also the son of Lady Morgan.

"Einar, calm down." Merlin came and patted my shoulders.

I sighed and calmed down. I began to get annoyed easily because of all those rumors.

I shrugged Merlin's hand and spoke to Artoria. "Just lift the order and leave those rumors to me and ban Sir Agravain from executing anyone without any evidence."

"Einar is right, if we take this kind of action again, it will only heat more rumors before people start rebelling," Merlin stated in my favor.

"I would also vote for Sir Einar." It was Percival. He was another young knight similar age to Galahad and could be considered a perfect knight. He was not the strongest but wisest strategist.

"I also think Uncle Einar's point is valid. I witnessed the incident so I can explain how severe the situation could have got." Galahad also stood for me. One by one all the knights stood up for me so Artoria had to take back her order.

"Then from now on, all Knights of the Round Table are prohibited from taking any action against these kinds of rumors except for Sir Einar. Additionally, Sir Agravain is banned from taking any executing measures against anyone over the year and is advised to reflect on the actions in the meantime." Artoria then announced her decision.

After that, we talked about the distribution of the authority of territories that come under her rule. Previously only Merlin and I rejected to take any territory since we are mages and mages hardly have time to consider this kind of job but I asked her to take an area near the northwestern part besides a river and near the sea. Also, I asked to take responsibility to run the church to look after children and widows victims of war.

After the meeting, Merlin wanted to talk in private.

"You okay, Einar?"

"Sigh* yeah, I am good but most importantly, Merlin, I want to be the one to go there to retrieve the sacred weapon."

We both knew that defeating Vortigern would be tough so he was searching for a way to make a weapon that holds far greater power than any weapon with human reach.

"Yeah, I was just about to go but if you want some unyielding power boost then you can take my place." Merlin smiled as he didn't care if I become so strong that I could even take down Artoria.

"Be honest with me. What are the odds of me being killed?"


He only smiled awkwardly but I can't let this chance slip.

"Give me the key and I will be going."

He nodded and gave me a crystalized shard. According to him, it can grant me the path that leads to the Reverse Side of the World.

I neither have the intention nor power to go Reverse Side of the World where gods and other phantasmal species reside. My main aim was that path that anchors two sides of the universe.

The anchor's name is Rhongomyniad. It was the place where I will also be getting my divinity.

(Flashback Ends)

"Sigh* I hope I could survive that…"

I was a little afraid to go there since not a single human could survive there. Merlin is a cheat since he could use any magic according to the situation but I am not Merlin.

Although I have far more magic reserve, I still lacked the talent to make any spell according to the situation in no time.

[I am here so why you are so worried?] It was Elaine who used to talk with me even when I was taking a dump.

"I am worried about Artoria. I don't know but we seemed to have distanced ourselves…"

It was not the first time, almost whenever it comes to take some tough decisions where resources were limited and have to neglect some poor in need. I understand that a king's decision shall be for the people but what she was doing is save 70 people and letting the other 30 die. It is a feeble method but it will eventually backfire once a sword starts hanging on those 70 people saved when another divide rule comes.

[I can't comment on your love life since I don't have a physical body to offer you a vagina to suck.]

I just ignored this horny fairy and sighed.

"You are right; I should stop taking everyone's worry…"

I was not a saint but I at least want to protect children and women who were dying.

"Guess it is time to go." I put my pants up and took steps to get another power boost.

[By the way, you forgot to wipe your ass.]

"What the hell?!"


(Artoria's POV)

"Where did I go wrong…?"

After I claimed Camelot, some terrible rumors surrounded the capital.

My beloved Einar is a traitor?

That shouldn't be possible.

'It was all Vortigern's fault!'

I blamed my uncle but I knew deep down in my heart that I was also responsible for it.

I wanted to do something for Einar as a king but things went south. I just wanted to make this country prosper and be a king that he would be proud of but now…

"I should work hard…"

It was at that time that my colorful dream of living with him started turning gray.


Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1.4k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.8k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~

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