Chapter 57: Death of demon dragon and revelation

(Einar's POV)

The final day to settle scores with the main villain of Arthurian legends was upon us.

King Arthur, after conquering Camelot, made another expedition for the small city behind mountains to locate his uncle Vortigern.

According to information we received, it was believed that Vortigern was raising another army to strike back. Moreover, the city he was in was also one of the main strongholds of Saxtons so a big army of knights was needed.

At least that was the plan to take down the former king once we reached that place until…


A big silver western dragon roared capable of shaking mountains.

"No way…"

I was at loss for words.

Vortigern who was supposed to be just a strong human with dragon essence changed into a complete dragon.

Everything turned into turmoil. What formation of knights? What magic artifacts? What mastery of sword?

The demon dragon Vortigern was like the biggest and strongest foe of the history of Britons. That was the form of someone who wanted to destroy

With one sweep, he created air vacuumed arcs from his claws that shattered knights and animals coming his way into chunks of flesh.

The roar of the demon dragon brought dark clouds that dropped thunder creating more destruction.

The malice manifesting from its neck, engulfed corpses, and near settlements into ashes.

He was turned into Britain itself. The evil in every people's heart on this island has taken the form of this demon dragon.

In this state, the little fairy deity could only see the massacre happening from above.

"It's all my fault…"

I could only accuse myself of all of this.

In the war council, I was the one who made this suggestion to take a fully equipped army rather than all the Knights of the Round Table and their personal housing knights.

It was due to facing the army behind Vortigern while knights with holy weapons will be facing Vortigern directly.

How would I know that there was no war but only a massacre waiting for me?

[Einar, I know you are going through a cliché drama state but focus on the present. Your whining could only result in more deaths!] I heard Elaine and snapped out.

"You are right."

I then conveyed my message to Tristan and Lancelot to defend knights from the rear while retreating as further as possible.


I looked around when I heard a familiar cry.

Galahad was injured who was leading a small party but unfortunately come in direct contract with the thunder.


Vortigern roared and his neck manifested again in the direction of Galahad. I knew that he won't be able to survive.

I flew like lightning but I knew that I would be late so I cast another spell.


My eyes glowed as I was swapped by Galahad.

It was magic that if someone was marked, you could swap places from him.

"Chastiefol Half True Sprit Mode: Guardian!"

I then called the stronger version of Mono, a big stuffed muscular bear about 9 meters in height who took powerful fire breath while protecting myself and knights behind me.

After the assault settled, I guided Mono who ran and punched Vortigern and then engage in direct combat.

"T-thank you… Uncle Einar…" Galahad came and looked a little apologetic but I had no time to coax him.

"Take all the knights and retreat back as further as possible! Leave Vortigern to me and Arthur! Go!"

Galahad didn't even try to argue back and helped his fellow knights to walk back.

"Shit, why the hell I only have two turns?!" I asked myself since I was supposed to use any of Chastiefol Half True Spirit Modes 4 times but now I only had two times to use other forms.

[It is because Vortigern is using unique magic called 'Destruction to all Britons'. Anyone who is Britons or on your side will get a high debuff with both attack and defense down. Look at Galatine and Excalibur.] Elaine informed me of the cause since I was also losing mana very quickly.

I then saw Artoria and Gawain on vanguard fighting Vortigern while ordering other knights for a retreat after sensing my approach. It showed that she still trusted me on my strategy even after the blunder I pulled.

However, their holy swords were in their weakest state. Galatine's brilliance was stolen while Excalibur was lit only like a weak bonfire.

I flew near the holy sword duo and asked, "Arthur, Sir Gawain, need any assistance?"

"Thanks, Einar for taking the timely decision and engaging him for close combat but we are almost finished." Artoria thanked me. She was also admiring my new half-spirit form, my right wing, and crown on my head.

"Sir Einar, your new holy weapon is very helpful to buy us time but we are still in a weak state!" Gawain informed me showing Galatine which was only a simple sword now while envying my new weapon.

[See? Your Chastiefol is still working because of your new divinity but since it was merged with the spear, its power is also a little weak.] Elaine explained to which I nodded.

"I think I got a shot," I told them after Mono was able to keep demon dragon at bay but it was also running out of time.

"Einar, I believe in you," Artoria told me while taking Gawain back.


Vortigern roared when Mono disappeared after taking its time.

I had two choices now.

Either use Sunflower or spear to strike him down.

I immediately disregard using Sunflower since it is pure firepower in Half True Spirit Mode that affects the whole area. If used then whether it will kill Vortigern or not but knights who are still in the area will be perished.

My other option includes a new bigger spar that could strike down with a similar effect with greater physical force.

I made a hand sign and called a regular spear.

"Chastiefol Half True Sprit Mode: Spear!"

When I called its name, it glowed brightly and began to grow until it reached a length of 10 meters. A golden long spar could be seen levitating and pointing its aim towards the demon dragon.

I pointed my finger at Vortigern and smirked.

"You are finished, Bang."

Just as I said, the giant spear shot towards the big dragon who didn't have time to either counter-attack or dodge until he was engulfed in a big crimson crossed-shaped arc.


The strike was so intense that made a thunderclap like a spear was hit with something equally strong.

After the dust settled, a dragon who was supposed to be silver was covered with crimson blood.

"Did you get it?" Artoria came on Dun Stallion.

"I guess… no."

I could sense that he still had his strength left while I was running out of options.

[Einar, he could only be killed by King Arthur and no one else.]

I frowned at this weird setting.

"Hey, he is getting away!" Gawain pointed at Vortigern who was silently raising its wings to flee.

"Arthur, I got one chance. You know what do." I told Artoria who nodded and take out a silver spiral-shaped lance. It was Rhongomyniad.

Merlin and I made that lance together but put some restrictions on it since it was simply the most powerful weapon that was beyond any humans' reach.

I again hand signed and my Chastiefol turned into several spiky long daggers.

It was Increase but those kunai were longer

Those daggers flew above Vortigern and then fell on him like rain nailing his limbs and wings on the ground.


Vortigern roared in agony when he saw his death near.

"To the light that reaches the last frontier…"

Artoria on other hand was ready and the lance was glowing brightly in her arms. She pointed the lance on the sky and pulled the halter of her Dun Stallion to run in the air till she reached the sky. Her lance glowed brightly clearing away dark clouds and revealing the shining sun as if announcing the strike of the ideal king.

"What it that shinning lance?!" Gawain was in awe.

I looked at him as if he was really an idiot. Didn't he just witness my shining lance that puts Vortigern on death's door?

"And so, cut the skies and bind the earth…" She stated once last time before she ran and dropped like a spiral-shaped meteor.


And here I was called chunni for calling names of my attack.


Vortigern was again engulfed in a golden dome before a big explosion cleared dark clouds and accounted for the historic victory of King Arthur.

After the dust settled, we came forward towards a weak old man lying lifelessly with a smile on his face.


Artoria stated the name of the person.

"Fools, all of you…" Vortigern spoke with a smile looking down on us.

"To defeat one tyrant, they would bring another holocaust… Oh my little brother Uther, you cannot save this country. Because…"

He was talking even after coughing blood. Even on verge of death, I couldn't sense any defeat from his voice as if-

"Haha… this friend of mine knows very well…"

He said pointing his direction towards me. His voice was not loud but could be heard by every Briton on the battlefield.

"Einar is not-"

I grasped her hand tightly when she tried to defend me. She then realized that she was playing in his hands and didn't try to talk back.

"Tell me man from the farthest future; is there any magic to your world even though concept and legend exist?"

His question made me realize the things I was neglecting for a long time. Even in Type-moon verse, magic and the age of gods exist, how come common people were not aware of it even though many people were seen practicing magic? Why was no one pointing that out? Even if Clock Tower or several other organizations exist to prevent anyone from spreading the news about all of this, they still can't control the whole world?

Alaya was not that strong. The most she could pull was that wannabe hero.

Just what is behind all of this? Even if magic is disappearing, making such an existing concept a simple legend is just absurd.

"SEE!? That's because the age of mysteries has already ended. From now on this is the time of civilization, the age of man! You all are at odds with humans who will reach starts without any need for a miracle! Ask this friend who understands me! Ask him if the man can achieve what other creatures can't even dream to see! Ask him!"

"Enough!" Artoria was about to slit his through before he could talk further but I was stopping her.

"Curse your fate, just like me you are all minions! Old Britain has fallen a long time ago! Nothing could stop and whoever tries to stop, he will be crushed by these old people of the age of mysteries!!"

He laughed capable of shaking the city and turned into dust.

When the end of the war was declared, the king was brighter than ever. Anyone who could gaze at the shining figure of the king, would certainly be left captivated by his power. A demonstration of how divine the battle was.

Knights of the Round Table were also fine except Bedivere who lost his right arm.

Almost everyone forgot everything said by Vortigern in the final moments of his life except for me. At that time I realized that I would definitely facing something that will either kill me or turn the direction of this world for destruction.

(AN: There are several points I must clear from the original source.

1. I don't know when did Bedivere lose his arm but I made a correction and made him lost it in this battle.

2. Artoria fought the dragon version of Vortigern on the same day of the battle of Camelot but I wanted to introduce the reason for bringing Rhongomyniad so I extended Vortigern's death.

3. Lancelot joined the round table after the battle of Camelot but I wanted to give him a little more screen time since he is essential for the story.

4. It was Gawain who nailed Vortigern's hand with his sword that gives Artoria time to use Rhongomyniad.

Thanks for listing by BS.)


Sorry guys for skipping an update. I forgot to put timer but now all the chapters have been set so timely updates for the month.

I am also at the completion of this story so hope you like the flow of this story.

Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1.4k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.8k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~

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