Chapter 58: Beginning of gray days

(Einar's POV)

Another month had passed since the death of Vortigern.

King Arthur held a grand banquet for the celebration of ending gray days and to welcome the bright life that people were expecting from the ideal king.

The rumor of me being a traitor was still running across the streets of the capital but they were calmed as the attention was greatly focused on King Arthur and his glory.

However, it didn't calm the calamity we faced due to losing many men across the plane. Many knights lost their lives and their family didn't even receive the bodies of their loved ones.

The weather was calm and the year also welcomed bountiful harvest of the year.

Vortigern's threats were heard by everyone but none of them were taking that seriously anymore. They were more focused on praising the king.

Knights of the Round Table also received some setbacks. Bedivere, one of the most senior knights, lost his right arm. I would have healed his arm but the problem was the curse that he was inflected upon where as long as he is on this island under King Arthur, his arm cannot be healed.

So I made a prosthetic arm made with advanced magic circuits so the problem was not severe like before.

Everything was deemed fine on the surface but this island was still suffering from all kinds of problems. These problems were a challenge for the king but the king was bright to solve those issues with any major cost.

The reason was that I provided some useful tactics to face those shortages like building dams to face drought and a progressive tax system.

The king had a very good asset in form of me that the king could use for great advantage but everything turned into turmoil when the king called a meeting of great nobles in presence of Knights of the Round Table.

"I object!" I stood in presence of a crowd of people.

"Are you telling me to turn every Saxons into slaves? Are you guys out of your mind?!"

I couldn't believe how their mind was working. These nobles were asking Artoria to sell every Saxon in the capital and the other parts of this island as a slave!

Technically, in this age where slavery was common and considering how low was the population of Saxons, it was an ideal strategy to increase the workforce without any intention of paying them.

Every knight also considered though cruel but effective method there was no way that I would let any innocent be treated like garbage just because of their race.

"Then are you suggesting to let those damn invaders go?!" A duke finally raised his voice. He was Duke Luke, a person who supported Artoria most with labor and resources as well as the person managing the greatest territory near the capital.

"I lost almost all of my family and men in the war against those freaking invaders! Are you saying that we should simply sit and let those scums run freely in my watch?!"

Though he was a duke but also a noble one. None of the nobles liked me since my approaches always clashed with their interest but there is no way I could let anyone have their way in this tough time.

"Yeah, we are going by your approach since our glorious king trust Lord Einar doesn't mean we simply sit silently for whatever you are gonna do!"

"Don't forget that we agreed to Progressive Tax Scheme when even we are short on money!"

Following Duke Luke, other nobles also got the leeway to make arguments while making Duke Luke a shield. These were all greedy nobles who only care about money.

"Everyone lost their loved ones one way or another. If you go around and making an enemy of the whole race just because you lost a family member, is just racial genocide! As for all others, don't make me reveal what dirty secrets you guys are hiding. Just because I am not saying doesn't mean that I don't know what is happening behind the curtains!"

I answered Duke Luke while warning other nobles. They all shuddered when I released killing intent and didn't try to say something back.

I was about to force my way when I felt stares of fellow knights, Merlin and Artoria, and realized that I crossed the line. In the end, I was a knight and not a king.

Artoria then stood up and announced her decision. "My friend Sir Einar is right. These people spent 25 years of their lives and it is an almost second generation living here. Making them slaves just because of their race is against the laws of God. So I hereby stand against this agenda. If anyone has a problem then please stand."

Artoria declared and blinked at me but I didn't respond and scoffed off.

'She should have stand before making me their target,' was my thought.

"Then I also declare all my assets and my title as Duke Luke to my most honorable king. Forgive me your majesty but my hatred for these people will never let me look on the graves of my loved ones." Duke Luke stand also declared.

Everyone start gossiping since he was a respectful noble and he was leaving because of me.

Even Artoria and other knights flinched since his leave would have a huge impact on the aristocracy.

"This is presumptuous!"

"I don't know who is king anymore."

"Lord Einar should just take charge instead of his majesty King Arthur."

Their target was me. Artoria or any other knights didn't have words to retort. Even I was stunned by these greedy people who have instantly formed a group to retaliate against me.

Although I was calmed on the surface, I was boiling from anger. My mana was visible as an aura but it was in crimson. I was having a hard time keeping myself from killing all of them.

"Humph. Lord Einar should be the king. Well, I don't know if it is possible considering a Vortigern's friend he is."

That was the last sentence spoken by Duke Luke who mocked me like a traitor.

"You nasty fuckers!!!"

I lost my mind. I went half spirit mode, changed my spear to Increase, and shot all the daggers towards those nobles.


All nobles screamed when they witnessed the intense killing intent of something more horrifying than a demon dragon. They could see death in front of their eyes in form of small daggers but death never came. All kunai stopped just before their eyes.

Some nobles fainted while some shit in their pants. Duke Luke also passed out.

I was also stunned not from seeing the action of these nobles but my fellow knights.

"You guys…"

I widened my eyes when I saw knights with their unsheathed weapons and their target was me.

I knew that I lost my mind so it was reasonable action but I felt pain in my heart when I saw Artoria with her Excalibur. Her target was also me.


My eyes shuddered before I calmed down and dismissed Chastiefol. Without saying a single word, I vanished from the conference room.


Artoria tried to stop me but I didn't listen.

Late but in righteous time I realized that Vortigern was somewhat right, it is impossible to save these people.


(Artoria's POV)

"All of you dismissed!"

After ending the conference, I came to my room without showing any kind of emotion.

However, my legs gave up as soon as I set foot in my room.

"Why…. Why is everything turning like this…?"

Even if I try, I couldn't stop my tears falling for betraying the only person I loved, I could only mourn for my own uselessness.

I had set my dream that I would never make my love sad yet I did.

The thing I feared happened. Einar left me.

My gray days began.


(Merlin's POV)

I could see my two disciples distancing from each other.

Both of them are at fault.

Einar, for losing his temper, and Artoria, for not taking any timely action but both of them are adults. I didn't meddle in their relationship since it was their problem to solve but the main reason for my negligence was because I could see the 'right' future.

Artoria must be thinking that Einar left her due to her betrayal but I knew that Einar only went for training.

However, it was a good time to stable the capital's affair.

All for the glory of the ideal king.


Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1.4k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.8k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

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