Chapter 65: Galahad's plead and another shock

(Einar's POV)

Just like that, everything was over just when I was just thinking about having a fulfilling life with Artoria.

A person just took a leave for a mere year and she went to marry another person.

My dream, my passion, my goal, and my reason to get stronger shattered into pieces like glass.

If not for Scáthach's training to maintain my calm, I would have gone berserk and destroyed the capital in instant.

Everything was just ruined for me.

What should I even do at that point? I didn't know.

I went away to for training for what? For our sake and yet she paid me by displaying her betrayal.

"Sigh* what should I do?"

I was in a total mess. I spent a couple of days wandering in the forest to somehow heal my heart. The capital where I pour so much effort to make a better place was turned just like a hell in illusion.

I was left alone with no place to go.

Artoria? Don't even joke. The fact that I didn't kill her and Guinevere was because I am a rational person. Even though I was so disgusted by her, my heart didn't allow me to kill or even raise my hand on her.

Brother Kay was also at fault but he tried to stop me many times when he tried to take me to a brothel but I never went there.

Ector and his wife had already died.

Vivian, how should I face her? 'Look mother, I was betrayed by the only person I loved'. I would die from shame.

Scáthach is the same. I knew that both Scáthach and Vivian have abilities like foresight and probably had seen this coming. I won't be able to face them like this.

Speaking of foresight, I knew that in this shitshow Merlin had the biggest hand. My every cell was just fuming to kill him in the cruelest way. I am pretty sure that 99.99% of the mess was created by him. If I killed him in the beginning then I won't have to face this day.

It's just that he was a respected mage and a kind person. However, in the end, he has incubus blood and doesn't have a human heart. He is similar to me but doesn't understand a human heart or don't even know how to emphasize with them.

In short, he didn't know what he had done wrong. But Uther was right; he was a slave of Alaya.

He would bend reality according to his clairvoyance.

"Artoria… Why do I have this troublesome stubborn heart…?"

Although I was disgusted and ashamed by her and even become sick whenever her face came to mind, I still couldn't truly able to bring myself to hate her and reject my feelings for her.

I was so pathetic myself.

I was packing my stuff and about to leave when a person came running towards me. He had silver hair and tan skin with bangs hiding his left eye.


He was my nephew Galahad. When I looked at him, he didn't say another word, fell on his knees, and smashed his head on the dirt.

"Uncle Einar, please forgive us for raising our weapons before!!"

He apologized like typical Japanese beta males.

"Please Uncle Einar, you can punish me however you want but please don't leave the round table!! I would do anything you wish!"

Yup, he was Lancelot's son, pure M. I wonder if he would become next Captain America with the high defensive stats he had built from my harsh training.

"Anything even if you have to betray your king?" I raised my brow.

"No Uncle Einar, you are the one who taught me to never betray the person you have vowed. However, I will seek another way just like you taught me!" Galahad raised his bleeding head and recalled what have I taught him.

I smiled a little after realizing that there will always be people who would still follow you even if your direction is hell.

There is this King Arthur or Artoria, a girl who after spending 5 years and loving her, married another person, and on other hand, there is this boy who is seeking my forgiveness even though he had done nothing wrong. What an irony.

I am pretty sure that if he was a girl, he would be the clingy type heroine who isekai protagonist saves in the first episode, and then she offers herself as repayment.

"Get up and leave. You guys are more than enough to stand beside the king." In the end, I was just tired. I had enough of playing knight.

However, against my expectation for him to give up, he unsheathed his sword and put it on his neck.

"Uncle Einar, I know you are upset by King Arthur and us but I won't be able to move forward until you forgive your nephew!!"

I sighed and pat his head while also healing him.

"Okay enough with this drama. I forgive you and don't worry; the round table wasn't formed by Arthur's daddy."

"Technically, King Leodegrance is King Arthur's father-in-law."

"The point is, as a founding member of the round table, no one can remove me that easily. I am not a pushover as to let them do whatever they want."

I gave him an assuring smile.

"Thank you… Uncle Einar…" Galahad smiled and passed out. I then saw dark circles in his eyes and realized that he was also a little skinny.

Seriously what the hell is wrong with this boy?

If he was a girl, he would definitely have confessed to me but I had enough with gay shit.

I took him in a princess carry and teleported to my own territory called Leona. It is not very big but had a lake and sea to maintain the livelihood. However, it was by no means a commercial place for trading.

It was a place for only victims of war. Most of the people were Britons while some were Saxons who migrated from other places after seeking refuge.

After looking for my house in this place, I first placed Galahad to rest then went to check out the situation of my territory.

As expected from brainwashed nobles, they work more effectively. Behead anyone if found committing a crime like a rebel or murder. Except for the money problem, there was no major issue.

I then went to church in the city. It was also functioning fine. I still believe in God but after achieving divinity, my only prayer is to do something for children and widows who don't have anyone to give shelter.

"Look, look! Lord Einar has come!"

"I can't believe that Lord Einar is here!"

Children of all ages soon surrounded me. My heart gets healed whenever I see their smiles. Smiles are so pure but so painful that they don't have parents.

I have spent time in this place for a year and founded this church.

Best of all, these children understand that I am not a child.

"Aww, Lord Einar is so cute!"

"I have a dream to marry Lord Einar~"

Okay, girls are still a problem.

I smiled and then distributed cream buns to children. They smiled and happily ate them while praising me. They also heard that I cursed this land and left for good making me like some kind of devil.

I don't know who was spreading such rumors but it was only a rumor and no one believed it here.

While I was chatting with the kids, I noticed another kid peeking from outside the church.

"What the…?"

I opened my eyes wide when I only saw the glimpse of the child. For an instant, I thought the person was Artoria.

The child peeped again and noticed my gaze but quickly hide behind the wall.

I knew that whoever child was, it was not an easy person.

I replaced myself with Mono using illusion magic like a shadow clone and appeared behind the person peeping at me.

"Done peeping?" I spoke scaring the shit out of that child.

The child was a girl from her long hair but when my sight fell on her face, it sent a shiver down to my spine.

Blond hair and green eyes, around 15 years old and slightly shorter than me, I was stunned for a second.


"Art-what?! Hey, don't scare me like that and how the hell can you be in two places!?" She asked. From her tone, she was a little like me.

However, I didn't answer and just stand there comprehending what the hell was happening. She was just like Artoria but a little cocky nature was visible on her face.

It was like she was just another clone of hers.

Seeing my calm yet cold stare, she became a little scared and was about to escape when I grabbed her from her collar and slammed her on a wall.

"Tell me your name!?"

I asked with rage in my eyes. The wound in my heart was still fresh and the child appeared with her face, it invoked my anger that I was suppressing.


She told me her name.

I widened my eyes wide.

Mordred, The Knight of Treachery, is the bastard son of King Arthur however in this universe since King is female then her son is also female and the person in front of me was the heroine of another fate series, Fate/ Apocrypha.

My brain didn't take long to process this information and identifying the person in front of me. I was about to go a little harsher when I saw tears in her eyes.

"Sniff* Please… don't kill… me…" Mordred pleaded with tears in her eyes. I realized that I was increasing my force the more she was struggling to get rid of me. I was choking her to death.

I then quickly released her as I was about to commit filicide. Even if I was fuming from anger, I can't just murder an innocent child who had done nothing wrong.

She fell on her knees and start coughing. I patted her back while healing her.

Tears were still coming out even when she was wiping continuously.

My heart melted a little when I saw what I was about to do in rage.

"I am sorry, Mordred. Here take this and eat it." I smiled and offered her the cream bun.

She rolled her eyes while wiping her nose and eyes.

I first wiped her face with a handkerchief and then make her turn her face to look into my eyes.

"I said take this and eat."

I offered her again with a 'smile'.

As if sensing a demon behind me, she immediately took the bun and ate it.

"How is it?"

"G-good! Very delicious!" She fearfully nodded with a smile. I saw Artoria in her when I used to make new dishes and watching her bright and adorable smile.

"Sigh* she is not Artoria…"

I reminded myself.


She looked at me with curious eyes.

I shook my head and patted her head.

"I am glad that you like it. I will prepare more in the future. For now, take rest and eat well." I then gave her 3 more buns and she reluctantly accepted.

She bowed with respect and then left.

"What is the hell is going on…?"

I asked looking at the sky. I was truly tired.


To be honest, I was not planning on investing in Galahad before but after reading his role in fate franchise and discarding the second route, I made his character a little more valuable.

I have already completed the story and all the chapters has already been uploaded on Pat.reon. If anyone wants to read in bulk and read advance chapters then check that out.

I also have plans to write new fanfics. Give me some ideas so that I could broad my mind.

Again thanks for the support.

Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1.4k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.8k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~

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