Chapter 66: Deal with Morgan and an adoption

(Einar's POV)

"Sigh* what am I even doing this…?"

I sighed and looked in the fake bright sky after constructing a divine rune for the grand spell.

"Your lover is not the only one who needs your back. Remember Goddess of thighs?" It was Elaine who said.

Unlike speaking from the book, she was in materialized form in front of me. By the way, the Goddess of thighs is Scáthach.

Since I didn't want to attract Alaya's attention, I used to make a grand spell in the special reality of Avalon in my book.

"Still… my whole reason for getting stronger has just become a pipe dream. She was the motivation that made me come this far and yet…" I sighed again.

Since practicing runes requires a calm mind all the time, I couldn't even destroy something or get drunk. Scáthach's training made me a calm and collectible person so I was not in the state of a typical rejected person.

"Einar, I don't hold emotions to understand but I think you should stop blaming her for everything. Remember Uther knows that yet he followed the script?"

I remember that both Uther and Vortigern knew about my unwanted existence. They knew what is coming for them yet they didn't change anything, no, they can't change anything.

"If not for your luck that you found Scáthach on time and get the required magic then Alaya would be coming for your head with full force. She may be still keeping an eye on you but your luck is helping you to evade her vision and Artoria's marriage just helped you to not disrupt the original timeline."

"Are you freaking serious?! You mean that just to save my ass, it is okay if she marries and gets along with another person?!"

I was outraged by Elaine. She didn't even bother to explain me. If she could have sent a distress signal and I would have come but she didn't. She cheated on me!

"Yes, and why are you so grumpy? It's not like there was any love and she didn't even marry a man. Hey, how about you make a harem with her and Guinevere? This way you will have a threesome-"

I grabbed her head and smashed it on the ground.

She went to my bottom line. It is still disgusting watching her with another person and here this slutty AI suggesting this disgusting.

"At least you should talk to her." Elaine plugged her face from the ground and said.

"Sigh* just looking at her is hard… I don't wanna think about her for now…"

Elaine was somewhat right. I just left her without any notice and when I saw Guinevere with her, I lost my mind and the will to even talk to her.

I didn't know when and how but I started to distance myself even before her marriage. Maybe we were never meant to be with each other from the beginning.

"Sigh* let's leave this matter for now but the urgent question is how the hell Mordred even born?"

I then recalled blond hair cocky brat that I met yesterday.

I had watched Fate/ Apocrypha so I knew about Mordred and her legend.

When I came back, I noticed that Morgan was missing and also on the wanted list. I didn't pay much attention but now that I saw Mordred, I knew for the fact that she is the child of two sisters, a bastard child.

"But the question is how the hell Morgan even conceives a child from another girl?"

Certainly, it was impossible in normal conditions unless-

"That fucking incubus!"

I then made my mind to torture Merlin in the cruelest way. I knew that that jerk was the main cause.

But for now, how should I deal with Mordred?

In anime, she was just 'betrayed' by Artoria who she thought would accept her as her 'son' but instead, Artoria just ignored her. That triggered her rage that Artoria hated Mordred because she was a bastard child but the truth was Mordred didn't have any ability to rule the kingdom.

"Elaine, I am going to look for Morgan."

"Don't try to disrupt the timeline until the spell is finished."

She warned me but I ignored her. I can't care less for a stupid timeline.

I then went to a different area of the city. It was an ordinary civilian residual area. I also found a house that was protected by a bounded field.

Before I left Mordred, I placed a small rune in her pocket so that I can pinpoint her location. So it was easier to find Morgan and Mordred. I can't believe Morgan chose my territory of all people.

Without disrupting the bounded field, I craft several runes and made a gate on the invisible wall.

"What should I do?! That Lord Einar has already noticed that brat! I… I have to move somewhere else…"

I started to hear mumbling and identified the person.

"You don't have to go anywhere."

I entered a room and saw Morgan biting her nails.

I flinched when I noticed her state.

Her blond hair turned silver and her glowing skin like the sun was pale. She was wearing a black revealing dress and unlike a noble lady, she looked more like a witch.

"Lord… Einar…"

When she looked at me, she still called me lord.

"Lady Morgan…"

My eyes however didn't bore any hatred for that witch. Instead, I looked at her with pity. She also had some kind of black miasma surrounding her. It was the curse of this isle.

I had noticed that curse before so I knew the state of people of this isle.

"…w-what do you want…?" She looked a bit scared.

"I will take Mordred under me. Don't even try to deny or…" I showed the spear pointing in her direction.

"N-no... You can't take away my child-"

Before she could complete her sentence, my spear swing and behead her. Although I had sympathy for her, the fact remains the same where she practically ra*ed her sister, like father like daughter.

However, she turned into smoke when I thought I finally finished her.

"Hahaha, I see. What a pity that you can't do anything to her. I have already set a curse in her heart that I could crush whenever I want."

I then heard her voice from somewhere else. I knew that I couldn't locate her for the time being but it was not impossible for me. I could easily find and kill her but I had neither the reason nor energy to go for her head.

First, she was like my friend and never harmed me in any way regardless of her intentions. Second, she conceived the child after the mischief of Merlin and Artoria. If you see through then she just took advantage of the situation in a timely manner.

"Lady Morgan, no, I should call you Morgan le Fay now. I have just come here to make a deal."

"D-deal…? What ki-kind of deal?"

"I will take her under my wing for one year or maybe two to only look after her. I don't have any reason to come in your way if you want to claim the throne."

I stated the deal.

Since I have little to no connection with the round table or the affairs of this isle, why should I save someone who just wanted to dive in the pit no matter what?

And why should I prevent something from coming in front? Why should I even stop Mordred when was not even my problem? Even if I stop her for the time being then what if she goes for another mistake?

I was fed up with acting like a kind person. I have no intention of stopping Mordred or Morgan.

"I-I see… Please- I mean… then do so. If you ever reveal anything to her then I will destroy her!"

She said and left. I sighed. This curse even turned someone like her into a monster.

I then went to another room and saw a girl covered in bruises and wiping her tears.

The reason I want her was not that I could replace her with Artoria. In anime, the reason for her rage was because she was betrayed by the only person that she looked up to and that was Artoria.

So I want to be a person that she could look up for. Even if I don't want to stop her from rebel, I could at least be the person she could rely on.

I will become her adoptive parent and give her memories to cherish.

"Yo, Mordred. Remember, me?" I called her.

"You… You! You are the reason that mother beat me like this!"

She yelled and showed her displeasure.

I calmly walked near her and started caressing her cheek while also materializing Pollen Garden around us.

"W-what are you doing…?"

She became a little flustered and rolled her eyes.

"You are a cute girl, Mordred." I smiled.

"I am not a girl! I am a boy!"

"oh dear, another one…"

I shook my head. I don't know if other legends of this universe also acted like a boy.


"Nothing, so do you know me?"

"Yeah, mother told me about you. Are you here to kill-"

I put a finger on her lips. She must be talking about claiming the throne or whatever.

"Well, no. However, I will be the person that you want the most." I smiled and hugged her.

She also smelled like Artoria that invoked some of my happy memories with her.

"Wh-what are you doing!?"

"You need an adult."


(3rd person's POV)

"Lord… Einar… forgive this insolent fay but… if I don't do this then… I will die… with this pain in my head!!!"

In a dark room, Morgan was mumbling while massaging her head.

"I will take the throne from her…" She stated before passing out on her chair with a single tear on her eye.

However she was not alone as another person with black hair and rainbow-colored eyes was also there looking at Morgan Le Fay, the puppet of none oner than the lady called Alaya.

"This person is useful for the time being but the bug code 486 named Einar Sirius shall soon be removed. If not for the bug's treasure protecting him then I would have removed him a long time ago. Setting the stage is underway and will end that bug."

After that Alaya disappeared.


As you all know that this fic is finished. I am running out of imagination so i need a little help.

vote for my idea of next fic.

1. Dxd-Fate MC was kind if reincarnated into the era before the war and main heroine will be Jeanne d arc. May or may not add harem idk. I am confidant to finish it though.

2. Anime Mix where MC is reincarnated but chosen by system to work as mercenary. Not sure about ending and may end whenever i deemed fit.

Vote now.

Don't even think about leaving without dropping Power Stones.

1.4k power stones/ 2 chapters in the end of week.

1.8k power stones/ 3 chapters in the end of week.

Is that called robing? Hell yeah!

Thank you~

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