Chapter 93: True Epilogue Part 1

(3rd person's POV)

Kay looked from his window for afar and smiled after looking at the bright gleaming sky. The knight had sold all his weapons and armors and was now living quietly in a desolate village with his family.


"Yahoo! Einar, my son! You have done it! Now I am free to lure milfs with big breasts whose husbands are away!" It was the voice of Uther Pendragon who was now free from his role of a defeated king.

He also managed to stay alive but-

"Hurray Ach!" He jumped with joy but forgot his old age, broke his spine, and dying on the spot.


A cry of an infant could be heard in a house in France.

"It's a boy. What should we name him?" It was Lancelot who asked his wife Guinevere holding a baby in her arms.

"Isn't that obvious? He will be called Einar, Einar Sirius, our savior who gave us a second life." Guinevere smiled looking at her adorable child.


"Why don't I remember anything? Was my name really Gawain Brando?" Gawain was confused scratching his head since he didn't quite remember anything.

"Big Brother, hurry up! We should get going or the boat will leave us!"

"Yeah hurry up!"

It was the call of his two siblings, Gaheris and Gareth. They were on a coast waiting to cross the sea and find employment in Europe.


Tristan was also mesmerizing at the sun setting behind waters with his beloved wife, Iseult in her arms.

"Time will leave. Thank you, Sir Einar." Tristan smiled and thanked his savior to grant him this life.


Percival and Galahad, two young knights of the round table also looking at the scenery of their land for the final time.

"I have a dream to find a girl who is as kind as amazing as Uncle Einar and marry her," Galahad confessed with firmed determination.

"You are so gay." Percival shook his head at the antics of his friend.


"We heard that you are looking for fairies~?"

They turned behind and saw two fairies waving their hands standing on a lake.

"Hey Galahad, do you remember what Sir Einar used to say?"

"Yeah, if you ever see a fairy seducing you, Press the F button and run like a bitch!"

Then both of them ran away from two fairies. Even though their mentor was also a fairy but they understand that Einar was exceptional as fairies, in general, are perverts especially females, they will suck you dry.


"You have created a lot of problems for my son, huh you wannabe fairy?"

Before Vivian was standing a woman with silver hair and pale skin wearing a short maid dress.

"Hai, Lady Vivian!" Morgan le Fay saluted.

"Call me, Master!" Vivian yelled and whipped Morgan's ass

"Hai, Master!!"

"And help me seduce my son!"

"Ha- wait, wha…?!"

Morgan was at the mercy of this sadist son-con fairy and could only pray to be saved by someone.


Garden of Avalon


Merlin was taking a nap when a wild fluffy creature kicked his face.

"Fou! Fouuu! (You mothafaka I hate you)" The created howled cutely.

"How many times I have to say that I don't need to eat so I don't have food khua!" Merlin was speaking when Fou kicked his face again.

"Fou! (Fuck you!)"

And so Merlin cursed his fate for end up being trapped with this fluffy creature who was taking revenge for someone's instead.


(Einar's POV)

King Arthur was the figure that was like his own religion embedded in everyone's hearts. He rose from scratch and moved like a storm.

People of Britons were losing hope day by day but then that Ideal King rose in the sky like a dragon and spreads his wings, they saw a new light.

Soon the King Arthur defeated Demon Dragon Vortigern taking revenge for his father and rebuilt the holy cathedral Camelot.

He then welcomed Queen Guinevere in the capital married her but was unable to produce an heir to the throne.

However, King Arthur's sister Morgan le fay became a witch as her plots responsible for the destruction of Caliburn were reveal but as a magus, no one was able to catch her.

Who would have thought that she was bearing a child from sperms taken from her brother Arthur?

Anyway, the story continues and the king remained unmatched completely disregarding human emotions making him further away from people.

He was a perfect king but not a human anymore.

Curse land refused to bore more crops to feed the Britons but people still believed in the king. As long as the king's path is unhindered, nothing can stop him.

But his nature made a knight leave the round table saying that, "The king doesn't understand the heard of people."

It was the starting point of the destruction of the round table.

Dry lands and harsh weather were still there that made it impossible for people of this land to survive.

As such a miracle was needed. Search for the holy grail began and soon ended in failure.

After the expedition, another bad news was revealed. The affair between knight of the lake, Lancelot and Queen Guinevere was revealed by Agravain.

Queen Guinevere was executed was committing the horrendous crime of adultery while Lancelot was able to flee after failing to save his lover, Guinevere. However, he killed many knights in his madness of pursuit including Gawain's two little siblings.

Before such Mordred, a knight under King Arthur also revealed his identity as the son of Arthur but King Arthur refused to acknowledge him.

Then was the final phase of King Arthur that was the 12thand final battle of King Arthur.

He killed Mordred the leader of the rebels but the cost was bigger. He lost people and was also injured by the cursed sword of Mordred since he had already lost Avalon.

Bedivere, a knight with one hand, soon found out the dying body of King Arthur.

"Take this sword and returned it to the lady of the lake." King Arthur entrusted the legendary sword to Bedivere and asked him to return the sword to its owner.

Bedivere prayed for King Arthur to find happiness not as a king but as a person and after hesitating for a second time, Bedivere threw the sword in the lake.

However, before King Arthur's death, a force appeared in front of him and offered him to enter a place called Throne of heroes if he wants to search for the Holy Grail and correct his mistakes.

King Arthur agrees as his body disappeared.

And such the story ended.

Where is our main character Einar Sirius du lac?

He never existed in the first place. Even if his feats were remembered, there was not a single soul alive to tell the tales.

That's the end of the story.

"Thanks, Einar, if not for you then my life would be so miserable," Artoria said holding my hand. However, somehow it gets blurred for some reason.

We were watching a carbon copy of Artoria being absorbed by Counterforce, a false reality that I created with my second noble phantasm.

I rewrite the memories of old Britons to Saxons by stating that old Britons died in the war.

Although I was already in a clear zone, I knew that Artoria and other people that I saved from those fates will soon be chased.

As such the age of men will come.

Although I won't be remembered by people, it was okay for me. I just want to spend my life quietly.

Artoria, I, and Mordred were ready to leave Camlann to my small territory called Leona.

We have already decided to live quietly from now on.

"Hey Tea-Dear, how come I am your third wife? Who is second?" Mordred asked.

She was supposed to be second but I have told them there was another candidate among them.

"Her." I pointed at a woman on a horse wearing a cloak.

When she removed her cloak, a beautiful woman was revealed with purple hair and crimson red eyes.

"Yo disciple."

"Shishou… Well, I think I should call you Scáthach from now on." I smiled.

"Sca- what?" Both Artoria and Mordred looked at each other confusedly. Another two Britons failed to pronounce her name.

"You two, hurry up. You are coming with me." Scáthach called Artoria and Mordred.

"What do you mean?" All three of us were confused.

"You two girls are not matured enough." Scáthach told this to Artoria and Mordred and then looked at me, "Wait for few years and make a castle for us in the meantime. And don't let me down, you hear disciple?" Scáthach said and then dragged both the 'father-son duo with her.

Mordred was reluctant but Artoria agreed since both of their bodies were not matured enough and considering my sex drive, even I was unsure about their health.

They have also taken Rhangomaniad with them to progress their growth faster.

"No my waifus…" I cried but there was nothing I could do.

I have to wait a little more.

"Hehe, my new life is waiting." I chuckled and began my journey to set the stage to welcome my wives.

And so it was the end of my story but I think I am missing something important.


(3rd person's POV)

At distant future

"Magnificent! Just brilliant! How wise the writer of this book would be? All thanks to him!" A man was praising the author of the book he was holding.

He was William Shakespeare, a servant summoned for the Holy Grail war. However, he was summoned with an unparalleled book, a noble phantasm that he was not supposed to possess.

From that noble phantasm, he created so strong characters who make weird poses but had unparalleled strength.

Can stop time, can change themselves according to the situation, can even control life, some of them could control sun-like powers while some were ancient vampires.

As such he easily won Holy Grail with these jacked men of culture.

"All Hail to Einar Sirius!" Shakespeare raised the book in the sky.

The book's name was Jojo References Volume X

(AN: Last part is like Omake by the way.)


Another chapter is incoming.

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