Chapter 94: True Epilogue Part 2 (End)

(Einar's POV)

"And that's how I met your mother," I say completing the story of my life.

"That's unfair, father. You replaced the names of a story you have previously written!"

"Yeah, it doesn't have any action. Add a stand, Za warado!"

These are the comments of my twin, Jojo, and Dio. They are from Scáthach and as you expect from core Jojo fan she named them after the culture itself.

"Humph, at least it is better than Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs." He is my son, Max.

"Hehe, that was funny too. It would be better for Snow White to enter Papa's harem." This brat is my daughter and twin older sister of Max, Melanie.

Both of them are also twins and children from Mordred. They are brats like Mordred and like to tease me to make many mommies.

"Fufu~ it can't be helped, our father is just perfect and charming." It was the statement of a blond hair girl and green eyes sitting on my lap, my eldest daughter with Artoria, Aria. She is also my most beloved since she is my first child with Artoria.

"Dream on, only I could be father's wife, Big sister Aria." She is my second daughter with Artoria, Ariel. She is the youngest among my all children.

(AN: Yeah I also have bad memory with this name *cough* Mushouko Tensei *cough*)

"Hehe, dream on girls since Papa already have three beautiful wives!" I chuckle and kiss my children one by one.

It has been 6 years since I have married three beautiful women, Artoria, Scáthach, and Mordred living in Leona. They returned after five years after the battle of Camlann. They also used Rhongomyniad's power since its divinity could enhance grown of a person.

Then I married them and produce this horde of children in just six years.

Though they were happy at the beginning but soon find it hard to deal with my sex drive. They even introduced me to some maids but I am a stubborn fairy and refused to make love beside them.

Speaking of other candidates, I even encountered three fairies, Vivian, Elaine, and Morgan occasionally seducing me but they are not near my strength to even force me to bed them.

Anyway, my first child is Aria who was born with Artoria, second is Scáthach's two brats, the third is another pair of twins by Mordred then Artoria gave birth to another girl shortly after the firstborn.

As such, I have to become a househusband to raise these children carefully. I have skills so it is not a problem for me but for them.

So here I am telling them stories before they sleep.

I was telling some jokes to them when the door opened and a beautiful woman entered. She has beautiful long blond hair and green emerald eyes wearing a white shirt and black pants with a sword hanging on her belt.

The person looks like Evangeline A.K. McDowell aka Yukihime is actually a former Knight of Treachery, Mordred.

However, she changed her name and acquired a new identity, now she is called Morrigan. She was named after the Celtic Goddess of war.

"Hop, hop, brats, it's time to sleep!" Morrigan says and with her one call, all of them shudder and went to their beds.

I smile and then walk towards her.

"I will rock you tonight," I say and lick her cheek.

She blushes when I did that.

"Yahoo! We are going to have another sibling!"

"Yeah, Papa will make his own soccer team."

"Then which mother are you going to bet?"

"I say all."

And then these pipsqueaks start gossiping under the covers.

Morrigan become beat red and yelled, "Sleep!"

I chuckle and after slapping her butt, I left the room.

She is now the chief of knights of the city and is responsible to train them so she was one of my wives supporting the family.

She is still a novice in household work and prefers outdoor work.


I clenched my fist as today is a Sunday and I will be having a foursome.

We have already made a schedule where they would sleep with me for two days in the week respectively then we would have a foursome on Sundays

I then enter another chamber and see a woman with purple hair surrounded by papers.

"Ara, disciple. Are you here to help your Shishou?" Scáthach smiles and says.

I smile and quietly walk behind her and start massaging her shoulders.

"Now my dear Shishou, who said that a person with the ruling class is born to rule?" I smirk as my hands reach downward, under her bra, stopping on her breasts.

Just like Mordred, she is now the queen of Leona under a new name, Shavon, since most of them couldn't pronounce her name properly.

In the beginning, we were planning to be low keys but she and Mordred insisted on making a royalty class in the territory.

"Ahn~ then Shishou won't accompany disciple for the night activity ah~" She also smirks while enjoying breast massage.

"Are you threatening me?" I ask while my hand slips further down to her neither region.

"Ann~ you bet~" She smiles being in heat.

I then let her go and walk towards the door. I snap my finger and a big stuffed bear appears.

"Wear Bunny Girl. This dirty disciple will beat Shishou in bed again." I say.

"Humph, we will see." Scáthach stands from the seat, kisses my cheek, and ran towards the bedroom.

Though she always challenges me in bed, she is always being the first one to lose even from Mordred.

I then walk upstairs to the rooftop to find my first wife.

There I see the most beautiful woman of my life.

Under the radiating moonlight was sitting a woman drinking tea elegantly. She has long blond bangs while her back was tied in a braid. She was wearing a full sleeves sweater and long skirt but it didn't hide the robust curves of her body.

She is Artoria Pendragon, my first and most beloved wife. Call me a SIMP but I just love her more than anything in the world.

"Ah my beloved Lord Husband!" She stands up and greets me when her sight falls on me.

"Who would have thought that one day a simple country girl and an airhead will become the most beautiful person in this world?" I smile just looking at her eyes. She has become so charming that I can't take my eyes from her whole body.

She has even greater curves than Scahatch now that she has fully matured.

She also smiles then walks towards me but then kneels.

"Einar, my beloved husband, I thank you wholeheartedly for giving me this life. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me a chance. I could have never achieved this happiness without you. Please accept the humblest gratitude from this ever-loving wife."

My eyes become teary when she confesses again to me.

She also turns her head and looks into my eyes with joyful tears in her eyes and a beaming smile on her face.

I gently hold her hands and then take her in my embrace.

She is nearly as tall as me since I still look like a 19 years old teen and she looks like my big sister than my wife.

"I should be the one thanking you Artoria. I was also running on the wrong path even after being reincarnated with a mature mentality. Thank you for everything too, Artoria, my beloved wife."

I also confessed.

After shedding some tears of happiness, we look at each other and chuckle.

Then I stared into her eyes and stroked her bang behind her hair while getting closer to her face.

"Artoria, I love you."

"I love you too, Einar."

Then closing the distance, both of our lips met.

In real life, what matters most is a gentle heart, hard work and kind people.

If you want to save your beloveds then fight with their fates, not fight.

And so we live.

(AN: I am sorry but I forgot to add how he entered throne of heroes.

So basically he and his wives didn't die but entered Avalon. The spirits that entered of Artoria, Mordred and Scáthach are only the scripted characters of their original shapes and since they didn't have anything to do, they decided to work for Chaldea.)


I thank you al the readers who were sticking to my book from the start. I was not confidant at the start as I was suffering from job and heatstroke and then the criticism for the drama but thanks to your support, I was motivated enough to complete this piece.

When I was creating the main character whose role to to just be bystander and show the proceedings of the round table, I had little qualms as to how I should justify his actions. Since there was not much threat except demon dragon Vortigern, I have to make new villains.

Artoria's character was also very hard to write since if you compare Zero with Stray knight then you could see some obvious difference. I may not have been true to her character but I tried my best to portray her naivety, narrow mindedness and mistakes when she was ruling the country.

To be honest, I was a little pissed from her character when I was reading Garden of Avalon where even after knowing her doom, she choose to draw the sword but then she saw the fall of her country she entered Throne of Heroes for search of holy grail to redo her mistakes. So I have to improve her character too and which I did... at least as far as I know since she is best waifu.

Mordred was also same. There were some changes in timeline but I tried to portray pretty much same as what happened at that time. The only difference is that she revealed her real identity to Artoria before the affair of Lancelot came to surface.

Scáthach's character was unwanted but she is my waifu and I got to add her. Plus as far as I know, although little screen time, her character was best among all the heroines I have written. Isn't that right?

I had to make Merlin a little better. Believe me he is just worst in real? He is Dumbledore or 3rd Hokage of Nasuverse and would not have helped Artoria. Thats why I joined his nature to the bear that MC told. I didn't have any clearance on his relationship with Morgan since there was only one line mentioned.

I know I was unfair with Morgan, even I know this, but I had little to no knowledge of her character and I was tired waiting for Lostbelt 6. Even in Garden of Avalon, her character was major but they never paid much attention.

Galahad is one character that I didn't want to involve at first but after looking at his legends, I altered the ending a little bit.

Lancelot's and Guinevere's character was also hard to write, especially Guinevere. There is next to nothing mentioned. You could even say that she is basically an OC that I created based on Lancelot's description.

Kay's character was also hard to write as he was someone with foul mouth but matured mind who never entered Throne of heroes.

I also didn't intend to make Vortigern or Uther any especial but when connecting dots I got to make them involve.

As for Alaya, no matter how I think Alaya was the only entity came to my mind to tackle MC and conclude the story. I know Alaya is a meme in Nasuverse but I just buffed her more with the inclusion of Primate Murder aka Fou.

I also didn't have any concluded info about Fou or his abilities so I made a beast according to what I see best.

Now for negative part of the story, I know my grammar is not best neither do my narration to explain things but as I said earlier I am a working man plus a student and I usually had 2 hours to write and then edit. It also included the research. Even if you are native English speaking, you would surely make some mistakes.

I also admit that I created a little more drama then I usually indented but to create a hype and made a well joint story, I had to make that way.

Now about MC's personality. Many readers were saying that MC is a simp or too emotional but that's how how I created him according to a person who spent his time on bed. Plus I have to make him like a person who would commit mistakes then resolve them and amend for them. It is called character development, you dickheads wanted an upright person. There are thousands of those MCs on Webnovel, go and lick their ass.

All in all, I am satisfied with my work. I really put my heart and soul to this story.

What do you think? Please comment your feed back.


Your author,

J Titan