Chapter 4

Chapter Four

Fake sneezing, I got his attention and then I smiled. He also smiled. We look like an idiot if we are seen like this. He handed me the paper bag that he was holding.

"I made lunch for you. Hope you'll like it." He looked shy and cute when he said that to me. I saw how his ears reddened.

He really is shy! I giggled. He pouted. Such a baby.

"If it's bad, I'll apologize in advance. It's my first time cooking something so it's fine if you don't like it." and then I looked at him and pretended to think about what he said.

"Hmm... what if I'll just critique it and then you'll apply it next time you cook something for me." I suggested and then he eagerly nodded then scratched the back of his head.

"I'll f-fetch you later after your class." he was trying not to be obvious at his hesitation.

"Huh? Why?"

He grinned. "You liked coffee right? There's a new café over the bridge that we both usually hang out at."

"We'll go there? You'll buy me coffee?" I asked jokingly and then he chuckled.

God, those chuckles are music to my ears.

"Yup!" he said, popping the 'p'.

"Maybe you'll say yes after I buy you your favorite coffee." I frowned at him when he said that.

"Don't joke around like that! I might say yes all of a sudden." I kidded.

He shook his head, "Okay, I'll stop now. So, where are you going?"

"I'll be going to the cafeteria now. Thea is there waiting for me." I said

"Let's go together. I'll be at the cafeteria too because my friends are waiting for me." he said and I nodded.

He walked first given that he has longer legs than mine but he instantly stopped and turned around just to see me from behind. He grabbed me gently at my waist and was straight away right beside him.

I know that move got everyone's attention. God, I hope no one saw us being like that. I don't want some issues. That's the least thing that I want right now.

We were just silently walking when he leaned on me, "Don't worry, I made sure no one saw us a while ago." he whispered and I just felt my cheeks heating up.

'Makey, this will be too obvious for them!'

"Shut up and just walk, Angelo." I said and he laughed at me. He's enjoying this!

When we nearly reached the cafeteria, I quickly halted my steps and then looked at him. "I'll be the one to go in first?" and his forehead creased when I said that but nonetheless, he gave me a half-smile and then nodded.

"See you later, Makey." I told him that before going inside the cafeteria.

I looked around because I'm finding where Thea sat. When I saw her, I wanted to flick her forehead because she's literally sitting next to Makey's friends. I know that they are his friends because the girl who's loud was known in this school. It was not in a good kind of way though.

She waved at me when she saw me looking at her. I made a face because my gut feeling told me that she did this on purpose. I sat down at the chair in front of her. I felt Makey's presence behind me so I turned around just so I could look at their table.

"What? When are you going to make everything clear?" Thea asked me immediately after she caught me looking at their table.

I shook my head and got all the things inside the paper out.

"Makey gave that to you? Wow! What a sweet man."

"Can you shut up? I want to eat quietly." I snapped so she gestured to zip her mouth and silently got her lunch.

We were quietly eating when she looked at my lunch box. "Your lunch box is so cute. Pink."

"He also cooked these." I proudly said.

"Lucky. Yato wouldn't even dare." she said and I laughed. After that, we ate quietly as usual.

When we're done eating, we spend the remaining time just having a chit chat about life. We gossiped also about the things that she knew recently. Thea has been my friend since I was in elementary. I was a transfer student here and was shy to make friends. I was bullied too and haven't had much friends because of trust issues and trauma of being bullied again.

She's the only one who persevered that's why we ended up being best friends 'till now.

"Have you done the replica?" she asked.

"What replica?"

"The one that Miss Bentillo told us to do." ah, that project! I nodded when I remembered it. That was kind of easy to do and I didn't do much last Saturday that's why I just did that project.

"Can you help me do it?"

"Sure. I'll just go to your house after class." I said and she nodded in return then we got inside the classroom.

After two minutes, the teacher went inside and then we got busy with the group work that she gave us. It was not much but it got us the whole hour to do it.

The second and third subject for the afternoon came by very fast that I didn't even know if I did well. My seat works were passed so quickly so I didn't really know if I answered it well. I just didn't feel like making it a big deal. Most of my time today, I just daydreamed of a perfect world where injustices are not present and breaking hearts isn't rampant. Where people didn't deem it as a hobby to break people's hearts for the sake of looking like a tough one.

That's what people are usually afraid of. The fear of breaking your own heart by trusting a person so much might be some people's dead end. It's painful... like drowning in an ocean where it will take you longer swimming up just to reach the surface water.

I woke up from a dream when I heard Thea's voice. "Asha! The class is already done, I'll go home now." Thea bid her goodbye and I nodded my head and then slouched my body and then someone tapped my face.

I blinked and was surprised when I saw Makey at my side. He was just looking at me, smiling like an idiot and that's where reality slapped me like an effin bitch. I didn't even know that I slept.

"Did you come here to fetch me? How many hours did I nap?" I asked those questions while I'm wiping the side of my mouth in case there's saliva that's dripping. 'I just can't afford him looking at me dreamily while there's saliva dripping down the side of my mouth.' I said to myself.

He pretended to think, teasing me again! "Hmm... it was like about an hour. You look tired." he cutely said then I pinched his cheeks.

"Ugh, you're smiling again! Let's just go... you promised to buy me coffee so fulfill that promise, Mr. Villadar!" I uttered jokingly and then he laughed quietly at my remarks.

I shook my head and then I was about to get my bag when he got it first and without even saying anything, he started to walk out from my room.

"Faster, Asha. I'm sure you're hungry." he said without even stopping. He just walked like he owned the hallway. It's weird but I really find his actions funny.

"Wait up!" and then I fastly walked so I could reach him. When I'm at his side, he grabbed my hand and enclosed our fingers so he could hold my hand firmly. I didn't say anything because I like how he holds my hand. I always dream about someone holding my hand while walking and this is like a dream come true.

When we reached the gate, he asked me to just sit down at the wooden bench while he hails a cab. It didn't take too long for him to be able to hail a cab. Along the way, we talked about random stuff like our school projects and how the first semester is coming to an end. We talked about what course we will take. He'll pursue Marine Engineering while I'll probably study philosophy or social science and become a professor.

When we reached that café, the outer immediately amazed the hell out of me. He looked at me after he got the change and smirked, "I told you. You'll be super like this place."

"You asked again your friends' for this?" I asked and his ear went red, an indication that he's shy to admit it.

I knew it. It's obvious that he wasn't really the one who personally searched this place. This cafe's aura isn't his taste. It's too elite-like.

"You're so sossy to pick a place like this." I said.

"Forget about it. Illaneia told me to pick this place." and I teased him, to which I earned a glare from him.

"We should get inside, Asha Jane." he irritatedly said and I laughed because he looked seriously irritated.

'Oh well, this is fun.' I inwardly said.

True to what I said, the cafe looks too fancy for us.