Chapter 5

Chapter Five

The interior design is nice and there's a spot where you can take pictures for cute or aesthetic pictures. It is really a place for people who love to take pictures that are instagram-ish and those who love coffees also.

"What do you want?" he asked and I looked up so I could see the drinks and sweets.

"I'll just have plain nutella then a red velvet cheesecake." I said and then moved to the side so I could wait for him. He noticed how I was uncomfortable with just standing at his side so he looked around first and then looked at me.

"You can just sit there, Asha. You'll get tired of standing." he said and then shifted his gaze from me to the cashier.

"Are you sure that it's fine?" I asked.

"Yep. It's fine. Go there before someone gets that table." he said and pointed at a vacant two-seat table at the left corner of the cafe.

"Okay." I said. I am also tired from standing so I really don't want to argue with that.

Few minutes have passed, umupo siya sa front ko at saka tumitig sa akin. His stares was nothing but a loving stare. I know because that is how my father looks at my mom. Even though I find it so mushy still I love it when he's mushy.

"Asha, thank you." He suddenly said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Hmm... nothing." he said like he's totally shy about saying the words that he's about to say to me.

"What? Spill it. Don't be shy."

"Fine... thank you because you gave me a chance to prove myself to you again."

I smiled, "It's really not a big deal. I also thought about what I said to you and realized that I am being unfair."

He was about to say something when our order arrived. I gladly ate the cake and drank the nutella milk tea. It was superb! The cafe didn't only live up to its design but also their drinks and desserts were all delicious! I might go back here frequently. It's super worth it!

"So, how was it?" he asked when he saw how I easily finished the red velvet cheesecake.

"It's too delicious! I love it here!" I happily said that made him smile.

"I'm glad that you love it here. We'll be usually having our dates here from now on." he said and I happily agreed on it.

"Here, eat more..." he added, then handed me his cake that I gladly took.

After that, we just talked about our future plans and the things that I like to do before we both decided to go home.

He hailed a cab and brought me home. When we arrived, he went out too but the taxi was still waiting for him so I assumed that he's just going to see me going inside our house. I faced him, "Thank you for this day, Makey. I am truly overwhelmed by your sudden invite but I am happy." I said and looked at him who's also looking straight at mesabi ko at

"Thank you also, Asha. Good night." he said.

"Good night, Makey. Be careful going home" I said and I think he doesn't want to turn around and get inside the taxi that's why the driver impatiently honked.

"Go now. The driver's probably pissed off now." I jokingly said.

He shook his head before turning away. I smiled as the taxi went far away from my vision. This day was beyond good. It is silently and slowly convincing me to let him fully be part of my life. The next morning was by far the nicest morning I ever had. I woke up too early from my usual waking hours. I also moved so early too that's why when I finished preparing for school, the sun hadn't shown up yet.

I still had the time to make myself pretty or more presentable before going down to eat breakfast. And for the first time of this year, I had my breakfast before going to school.

'This is certainly not the last for this year.' That is what I mentally told myself.

I happily went down to the kitchen where I saw mama cooking while papa was staring at her while holding a newspaper. I really love my parents. I always look up to their kind of love because for me, it is so true and genuine. I certainly couldn't think of a love that is genuine as their love.

"Good morning, Ma! Good morning, Pa!" I cheerily greeted them and they turned into me, surprised by my entrance.

"Wow! You're too early huh." My father teased me because it was too unusual for them that I woke up early.

I usually wake up five minutes before my school. That's why I don't have the time to eat or talk with my parents early in the morning because I would be too busy changing and chasing the time. It was okay for them though and they understand that maybe the reason why I am always late at waking up is because of school.

In this household, I never had that kind of scolding where I was hurt badly by what my parents had said. It isn't a brag but

I am an only child that's why I am the center of their attention. For some it might be suffocating but for me it wasn't because they weren't suffocating me. They aren't doing anything to cage me. They let me decide on what I do and if I fail or did a mistake while making that decision. they are just there to guide and talk to me about my problems and disappointments.

My parents are not strangling me with my life choices. They always ask and consider my opinions about issues concerning my well-being or the wholeness of our family. They are not pressuring me. They always remind me that they are there in whatever I want to do as long as I am not harming myself or anyone along the process.

"Asha, I didn't see you going home last night. Where did you go?" I shifted my gaze to my mother who's cooking my favorite fried rice.

My father stood up and got me some plates and a mug for my milk. After that, they looked at me like a criminal who's up for questioning.

I smiled at them. I can trust my parents on this. There's nothing to hide also.

"I went on a date, ma and pa." when I said that, they both froze. They exchanged looks and then looked at me again.

"Wow, Asha my daughter! That's good... tell me more about it." Papa said and is obviously the first one who took what I said lightly.

"Ralph, can you hand me the bowl?" mama asked then papa got it for her and I waited for the both of them to settle down first because I know we're going to talk about this over breakfast. When mama is done with all of it, she sits down beside papa who's casually waiting for her to be done.

"So, can you tell us more about your date?" Mama asked and while scooping a spoonful of fried rice.

I nodded and gladly told them the story. All the time I am telling them, they are attentively listening, that's why it made me feel secure and comfortable about telling them the things that teenagers like me find so hard to tell to their parents. I am thankful because not once did they interrupt me.

When I am done telling them what happened, my father smiled sweetly at me, "Just always remember, Asha that you don't always have to use your heart. Use your brain too. Balance it. I am supporting you, okay?" he said that made me smile.

"Whatever makes you happy, Asha. I'm in it. You're my only daughter that's why I want you to be happy always and if in the process, pain needs to be encountered, we are always here to guide you." Mama said.

"Thank you, Mama and Papa. I always love you both!" I said and stood up from my seat to give them both a hug and a kiss.

"We trust you, Asha Jane." Mama said while hugging me also while my father just nodded.

It took us a while before we removed each other from the hug. "You should finish eating, Asha. You'll be late." Papa said and I laughed then went back to my seat to finish eating.

When I finished, I bid goodbye to mama and went outside. Papa's going to drive me to school. When we're almost at the gate, I saw Makey who's waiting at the gate. He looked like he's waiting for someone.

'Maybe, he's waiting for his friends.' I said to myself and shrugged it off.

Papa parked the car at the side. "Bye pa, thank you. I'll be home early today." I said but before I could even go out from the car, someone stood at the side of the door where I'm about to go out.

Papa's eyes immediately flew to the man who's politely smiling at us. I was surprised when I saw Makey standing at the side.

'What is he doing here?!' I literally am panicking inside my mind.

"Papa—I can..." and my heart started to beat frantically when he shrank his eyes. He's checking him out and judging him!

"Good morning, Sir. I'm Mc Angelo and I am courting your daughter." my jaw dropped when I heard say that to my father. He's so unpredictable!