Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen

From: Makey

Asha, I did not see you today. Did you skip school? Are you okay?

That is what he texted me and I know that for some, this only a simple gesture but for me, it goes a long way of asking me if I'm okay or not. At least, I still feel that he's concern with me. I am smiling like an idiot even if the throbbing in my head is getting worse every second.

To: Makey

I have fever but I'm okay!

I hit the send button then walked at the side of the street so I can get into the intersection where tricycles usually stop to get passengers like me. A few minutes of standing there, waiting for a tricycle to stop, my vision started to spin. I held on to the light post beside me because I might collapse if I don't get to hold on to something. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened it, there was a jeepney that stopped near me so I walked a few steps so I could get inside.