
Wolf was just an ordinary kid who had a bad hand dealt to him. He was a bastard child after all. When he was born, his mother was died during childbirth. He was given to the orphanage because his father was cheating on his mother during their marriage with another woman so he disowned him. Wolf as he grew up was often bullied for how he looked and his name. Even though he was bullied for how long he can imagine, he still persisted and worked hard but due to other's jealously he was often beaten or blamed for other's problems. After who would believe a poor orphan over a rich kid. Wolf only escape from his cruel world was anime. His favorite anime was One Piece and Naruto. He liked wood style since it was powerful and could suppress someone's chakra.

Anyway as Wolf was walking to the supermarket to get some groceries. He looked to see a small puppy and little girl running onto a street with a truck speeding towards them. Wolf suddenly moved as he went towards the little girl and puppy and pushed them away. The truck came and hit the wolf killings him. Though on Wolf's face was a smile as he finally did something good in his life, maybe this would take him to heaven not hell. Wolf woke up to see an old man sitting in a chair sipping something which then leads him to this talk.

Wolf: "So let me get this straight, you are GOD, the strongest and omnipotent being am I correct."

GOD: "Yes, I am GOD. I manage the entire universe with the help of the the lower deities who serve me."

Wolf: "And you want to be reincarnate me into any fantasy world since I was not supposed to die."

GOD: "Yes, you may reincarnate into any world with 4 wishes that correspond with that certain world ."

Wolf: Very well, may I have a few mins think about it if you do not mid."

GOD: " No problem, take as much you need."

After 30 mins

GOD:" Have you chosen yet."

Wolf:" I have so I would like the following:

I would like to go to the World of One Piece

1) I would like logia wood style fruit which also allows me to suppress other devil fruit powers.

2) I would like a temporary system that teaches me get all the kinds of haki, swordsmanship and fishman karate.

3) I would like to be 2 years older than luffy.

4) I would like you to send me to island similar to the Raleigh took Luffy to teach him.

GOD:" All that can be accepted but you will have A+ haki, swordsmanship and hasshoken so you will need a teacher to get better at it."

Wolf" Hmm that is actually not too bad."

GOD:" Very well, have a nice life child."

Wolf did not have any time to respond as a portal appeared and he fell into it. Wolf's vision black as he started convulsing in pain. Even when he died, he did not feel this much pain. Did GOD screw him over and put him on the path to hell. After all hell was supposed to inflict unimaginable amounts of pain and torture.

GOD:" I look forward towards your future, child with the will of D."