Chapter 2

You can see a teenager sitting on top of a giant sharp rock(imagine naruto sage training) balancing while having his eyes covered. Suddenly wood shaped shuriken and sharp points came at frightening speeds for a normal person to see. The teenager proved it to be wrong as just dodged it with minimal movement with his eyes covered. If anyone from earth saw this, they would call him a freak or monster but here it is normal. You might be wondering who this teenager is so let me introduce him. This is Arvin D Wolf and he is 17 years old boy. He has midnight black hair and striking gold eyes.

Wolf: "It's been 10 years since I came into this world and have almost died multiple times on this island if not for the extremely sturdy body and regenerative ability."

He had awakened on this island at the age of 7 with the basic understanding of his devil fruit. Literally 5 mins, a giant centipede came and tried to kill him. He fought the centipede and barely lived to tell the tale. The centipede had large pincers that could crush a car and it's bite was extremely poisonous. It almost killed but due to the fact I could a use a set of wood spike which pierced it. The only reason Wolf was alive was because of elementalization and regenerative powers his fruit gave him. Turns out that the island has giant animals and some of them possess haki. Wolf shows a bright feral grin at the challenge this island possess. This certainly the one of the best gift he can get.

Back to Present Time

System: Final Stats before system leaves

Host : Arvin D Wolf

Age: 17

Observational haki A+

Arnament Haki: A+

Conqueror's Haki: A+

Moku Moku no mi: S

Swordsmanship: A+

Fishman Karate: A+

System: Have a nice life host and we shall see each other never.

Wolf: Bye System, tell thank you to GOD.

System simply disappears into pixels without giving another answer.

Wolf spreads his Observational Haki to left of the island when he senses something wrong. Part of the forest is on fire and can also hear cannon fire with someone shooting. Wolf just grumbles about pirates just invading his personal training and hunting grounds. He moves closer to find and is surprised to find marines fighting them. He was even surprised to find Black Arm Zephyr giving out orders but not fighting them. Looks like he was either training them or instructing them. Wolf could also see smoker fighting but he looked like he was a recruit. It looked like the pirates were wining the fight but only because Black Arm Zephyr was not fighting and so was Rear-admiral Trane.

Wolf: "You are annoying me pirates and marines."

The fighting stops as Wolf slowly walks out the forests.

Pirate:" Get out of here kid before we kill you."

Pirate:" Yeah!!, we are the Devil Pirates and our captain has a 130 million bounty on his head."

Wolf:" I don't know you neither do I care."

Wolf: "Advent of a World of Flowering Trees"

Wolf creates a dense forest of flowering trees. During the forest's formation, he uses branches to restrain the pirates and stop them from using their devil fruits. The pollen produced by these flowers is then released into the atmosphere and inhaled by the devil pirates, renders them unconscious. Wolf controls where the pollen spreads so it does not affect the marines.

The marines are speechless at the strength of this kid. Z and Trane are surprised at this kid's strength. Z snaps to reality when Wolf coughs and orders the marines to grab the unconscious pirates so they can throw them in the cell.

Marine: "Instructor Z"

Z:" What is it."

Marine:" The ships need repair since part of the ship need is damaged badly. The prison cells are also destroyed so we can not keep them there."

Z:" Dammit, What the hell. I completely forgot about that."

Wolf slowly walks up to the pirates. The marines are raising their weapons as kid walks to them.

Wolf:" What are doing here."

Z replies in a gruff tone: " Can't go back to base kid, need to fix our ship but most of the damage s need a actual shipwright to fix since none of us can do it."

Wolf:" Lead me to your ship and I will see if I can fix it."

Z thinks about it for a few mins weighing the pros and cons.

Z: " Alright kid show us."

Marine:" Excuse me sir, but what do we do with the prisoners."

Wolf:" Take them near the ship and get the rations out ship since you are not living in ship while I am fixing it."

The Marine looks toward Z and goes back to inform the others when Z nods.

Timeskip to when they reach the ship

Wolf looks to see a bunch of marines pointing their gun towards now awake, struggling, pirates.

Pirate:" Hey you kid bastard, untie us so we can kill you and these marines scum."

Wolf just looks at him with distaste and mutters something under his breath.

Wolf:" Wood spear manipulation." and then just stabs the pirate, killing him.

Wolf:" Anyone got anything to say."

The rest of their crew is filled with as their first mate is killed with seconds of badmouthing the kid.

Marine:" Instructor Z, where do we put the prisoners."

Wolf:" Here let me, Four-Pillar Prison Technique ."

Wolf creates a prison big enough to fit the prisoners. The Marines are shocked at this kid's power and Z looks at this kid with a smile.

Z:" Hey kid, what kind of devil fruit did you eat."

Wolf:" Why would I tell you that, you are a stranger to me. I don't know who you are and you might become my enemy later on. Beside your ship has been fixed enough for you sail. I knowledgeable to fix your entire ship."

Wolf tries to walk away but get's his path blocked by Z.

Wolf:" What do you want."

Z:" I want you to join the Marines."

Wolf stops after hearing his request. Wolf mulls over his decision and agrees in his head. Learning rokushiki will helpful in increasing his strength and Marine's resources in finding better teachers to teach him. Well looks like I am joining the marines but why not see how the previous admiral Z is.

Wolf:" Very well if you are able to defeat me in battle, then I shall join the Marines."

Z:" Alright, where do you want to fight me."

Wolf:" Follow me and you can bring your Marines."

Z and the Marines follow him to his training grounds.

Wolf:" This is my personal training grounds where I train. We shall fight here."

Wolf and Z both get into their respective stances as Wolf rushes at him with his sword covered by Arnament haki and slashes at Z. Z has to cover his arm with arnament before blocking the sword slash with little difficulty. Wolf then increases his speed with every slash causing Z to dodge with Observational haki but has to occasionally block due to Wolf's Haki. This goes on for at least 10 mins just exchanging blows but Wolf breaks this pattern with his Wood Spear Manipulation. Z just destroys it with his hand and punches into the ground. Z frowns as his target turns into a wooden clone and tries to find him with observational haki. Wolf suddenly burst out nowhere and mutters.

Wolf:" Great Forest Technique."

Wolf just jumps as his hand turns into big trees. The wood lengthen at high speed and fork into many branches. One of the ends into sharp stakes, then the rest of them also turn into countless, sharp, spear-like piercing weapons. Z keeps smashing the wood and after 5 mins of technique and finally lands a arnament powered haki punch on cheek of Wolf making him go flying into multiple trees before he was able to stabilize himself. Wolf looks at Z then charges at him covering his fish with arnament haki and Thousand Brick Fist combination making Z look at wolf in shock. After all, you cannot simply learn fishman karate without a fishman teacher.( Haha, you shall never know). Z counters with a full-powered arnament punch causing a stalemate to happen between them for a few seconds before Z broke through. He punched Wolf in the gut causing his to eyes to widen making him spit a bit of blood and lose his consciousness. He almost got sent into the ocean but Z was able to grab before that happened. Z looks at his fist which is smoking from the clash and eyes widen when he saw his fist is bleeding a bit.

The Marines were unable to mutter any sounds as one of the previous admiral was damaged albeit with a few wounds but still none of them was even able to put a scratch on him. This kid at this age is a monster with that much strength.

Timeskip to Wolf when he wakes up.

Wolf wakes up with a pounding headache as he tries to remember what happened to him. His eyes widens as he remembers the fight between the previous admiral Zephyr. He gulps at his strength which supposed weaker than the current admirals, Garp and Sengoku. He was too overconfident thinking with his strength, he would be strong eventually reach admiral in a year or 2. At that moment, Wolf knew he would be weak anymore and would show the world of one piece his might. Wolf is interrupted from his thoughts as Z walks over and nudges him.

Z" Are you ready to leave for marine headquarters."

Wolf looks at the island one last time and says one word that will mark his journey to become the strongest.

"Let's go" as he slowly walks away to the ship.