— Enough for today, Travis. I think we've acted a lot and I'm not taking it anymore.

— Great, I'm tired too. How about we have a drink at the club? Monique has already told everyone about you, so we could get you through the general inspection right away and get it over with. The club I am referring to is a meeting place for all Americans who live here.

— Do you think I really have to go?

— No, but I think it's a good idea.

Bettina thought that maybe Travis had suggested that he wanted to go to the club himself. Spending the day walking through narrow streets and dirty stores shouldn't be much fun for him.

— Okay, I'll do anything you want.

— I doubt it, but we will not, discuss it now.

The American Club did everything possible to resemble the nationality it carried in its name. The cocktail lounge had a long polished counter, leather benches against the walls, and a large television set. In the same building there was a large restaurant and a social area furnished with sofas and chairs upholstered with floral prints. It was a typical country club that could be found anywhere in the United States.

The number of patrons was large and everyone seemed to know each other, including Travis, who was greeted with handshakes from the entrance. Bettina responded to all the introductions, smiling kindly and trying to ignore the curious looks that turned in her direction.

A few minutes later, they were seated at a large table where Bettina, against her will, became the center of attention. Monique and Ted Fletcher were part of the group. She was soon bombarded with the usual questions: what was she doing in Yahren, how long did she expect to stay there, what hotel was she staying at. Travis answered the last question with the same explanation he had given the Fletchers, producing the same atmosphere disguised as disbelief.

Bettina felt her blood boil with rage. Travis knew it was going to happen and, judging from his face, he was finding it amusing! He found it difficult to hide his irritation when someone asked him:

— How did you and Travis meet? Bettina had a sudden inspiration.

— Through my fiance. — She appreciated the astonished expressions of everyone present, except for Travis, who seemed to continue enjoying himself.

— Is your fiance a writer? — asked one of the women.

— No, he is in politics. He and Travis have known each other for years. One day, when they were having lunch together, Charles learned that Travis intended to start a book set in antiquity and indicated me as the ideal person to assist him. Travis found out that I had the necessary qualifications and brought me along with him.

— I thought you did the research yourself — said a man, turning to Travis.

— Who would dismiss an assistant with Tina's appearance? — he replied, with a smile on his lips and a sly look in her direction.

Bettina wanted to hang him. After making up a perfectly convincing story, he destroyed all credibility with a single glance. Would he have done that if such a fiance really existed? Bettina considered that that could be the answer to her problems with Travis, if she could think of a way to explain why she had denied being emotionally involved with anyone.

— You must have a very understanding boyfriend — commented a man named Jeffrey. — Few men would let their girlfriends travel to a foreign country to live with Travis.

He answered seriously.

— Tina's fiancé ... Charles ... knows that I can be trusted. We've been friends for a long time. Tina is here to confirm to you that I never tried to approach her.

In a way, Travis was telling the truth, unless one took into account the seductive declaration that he would like to make love to her in a hundred different ways. For Bettina, it had been more disturbing than any physical approach, but she avoided thinking about it.

She realized that they were waiting for her confirmation of Travi's words and responded quickly.

— It is true. Our relationship is only professional. We happened to have a great deal of interest in the same subject in common.

— Tina loves the investigative tasks. I believe it will be difficult for her to leave Yahren.

— I don't want to be rude, Tina, but you must be crazy — declared Monique.

— I keep dreaming of snow, hot dogs with mustard and even the moody New York taxi drivers.

Much to Bettina's relief, the conversation took on the reminiscence of her native country, taking her out of the limelight.

After the cocktails, they all went to the restaurant, and Bettina discovered that she was enjoying herself. People were pleasant and for her it was a novelty to have the most sought-after man in the group as her companion. She was excited to taste the excellent food and participate in the conversations, without realizing that Travis' enigmatic eyes were watching her all the time. On the way back, Bettina was chatting happily with Travis and the atmosphere of detachment seemed to have subsided, until he mentioned the subject of her fiancé.

— Charles was an inspired creation — he greeted. — I think you have enough imagination to be a writer.

Bettina felt her muscles tense, but managed to keep the decision she had made.

— In fact, Travis, this is a subject that we need to talk about. I said the truth.

— About what?

— I'm really engaged. — She looked down at the bare fingers of her right hand.. — It's not official, but we intend to get married as soon as ...

— Did you forget that when I asked you if you were involved with someone?

— No, of course not! I ... we didn't want people to know for now. Charles is divorcing his ex-wife. I was already separated from her when I met him — she added quickly.

— So why the secret?

— As I said, Charles is in politics. Your personal life cannot give rise to malicious comments. If people knew that we got engaged before the divorce came out, they might think ...

— That you had been the cause of the breakup — completed Travis.

— Yes.

— And of course you haven't been — he observed, with a skepticism in his voice that irritated Bettina. But at least he seemed to have believed the story.

— Of course not! I already told you that I met you after the separation.

— Yeah, you said. What is his surname and what exactly does he do?

— His name is Charles ... Honeywell. For now, he is a simple deputy aide, but everyone says he has a bright future.

In addition to not wishing to be too specific to avoid contradictions, Bettina did not have time to construct all the details of the story. I didn't think it would be so hard to lie, but Travis had the tenacity of a police reporter. She blew out a sigh of relief as they parked in front of the house, but soon realized that her joy was rash. He was not finished yet.

— It seems strange that you haven't contacted him. Don't you think your fiance should be worried?

— No, he ... I wasn't sure when the work around here was going to end, so I didn't set a date for my return. Charles does not expect news from me so earlyo.

Travis's expression was unreadable in the dim light of the car.

— Didn't it occur to you that he could go to Architectural World when he saw time passing by without even receiving a postcard from you? Maybe you'd better call him up and let him know he's okay.

— No. — Bettina fidgeted in the folds of her skirt, nervous. — I don't want Charles to know about all this confusion.

— What?

— Because he might not understand — she replied, not quite sure what to invent.

— The fact that we are living together?

— I wish people would stop saying that! It is not so and you know very well!

— Charles also wouldn't believe that we share the same house without sharing the same room. Is that what you meant?

— You have to understand that Charles places a lot of importance on his career, Travis. I don't want him to be worried, imagining that there is something in my past that could harm him. That's why I felt compelled to tell everyone at the club about my engagement: I didn't want them to get the wrong impression about you and me.

— If they believed you, why do you think your fiancé will not believe you?

— I know I would believe it, but there is no reason for him to know.

— I begin to form the picture in my head. If I were you, I would think twice before I married this guy. He looks like a goofball.

— You have no right to say that without even knowing him — replied Bettina, already tired of that conversation.

— One thing I know: if you were mine, I would want everyone to know about it.

The atmosphere in the closed car was suddenly very intimate. Bettina moistened her lips nervously.

— Charles knows that I am faithful and that is all that matters. Shall we go in now? I'm very tired.

While getting ready to sleep, Bettina recalled the conversation with Travis. He regretted having made his fictional Charles such a weak man and dependent on the opinion of others. Since he was inventing a bridegroom, it was preferable to have created someone impetuous and daring, but things had not happened in a predictable way. The important thing, however, was that Travis had believed it. Thereafter, it was unlikely that he would visit her in the room again.

Considering the circumstances, the days that followed were strangely pleasant for Bettina. It was almost as if she were on vacation. Travis thought it would not be convenient to return to the numerous neighborhood stores they had visited, since the last thing they wanted to do was to arouse suspicion. Knowing that Bettina would be nervous if she stayed at home all the time waiting for news from Ralph, he decided to suggest activities to keep her busy.

They went to the club with Monique and Ted to watch athletics and had dinner in small and interesting restaurants. Travis was the best company she could imagine. He amused her with fascinating stories, he was attentive without being threatening. It was as if he were courting her, although he never tried to take any more daring action.

Bettina was confused about the situation. At the same time that she found Travis's company pleasant and stimulating, she felt that every moment she became more involved with him and that scared her. It would be fatal to fall in love with that man, and if he didn't leave Yahren soon, it would be difficult to prevent that from happening.

One night, while they were having a drink before going out to dinner, Bettina felt that she could no longer contain her emotions. Travis was wearing a tailored linen suit. The white shirt accentuated the tan of his chest and he looked so attractive and masculine that bettina was shocked to realize how much she wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and let him kiss her until she drowned her in passion.

— Afterwards, we could go dancing — he said, without Bettina having heard the first part of the sentence.

— Travis, we can't go on like this! We haven't gone one millimeter in search of Ralph and I don't see any prospect! When will I be able to leave Yahren?

— All we can do is wait.

Travis said thoughtfully. to be continued.