Travis approached her, slowly.

— Is my company so unbearable?

— You know you don't. It turns out that we seem to be getting nowhere. I cannot ask you to stay here indefinitely. It's your life?

He lifted Bettina's chin and looked at her tenderly.

— Why are you so worried about it if I'm not?

— Because you don't realize that it is useless. — Her eyes shone with tears that she couldn't contain.

Travis hugged her and made her rest her head on his shoulder.

— Bettina, are you still not convinced that I will take care of you?

He kissed her on the forehead, murmuring words of comfort as he stroked her back. Bettina made a slight attempt to move away and soon gave up. He smelled the masculine scent of Travis's skin and let his body conform to his. He noticed the embrace tightening and one hand stroking her soft hair while the other moved sensuously down her back in a slow caress. He sensed every hard muscle against his hot skin and his pulse quickened uncontrollably.

After a long moment, he pulled back a little to face her.

— Are you sure you want to marry that boy? — he murmured.

If she told the truth, Travis wouldn't stop until he took her to bed. The passion reflected in his face enveloped her and, for an instant, she faltered. Her body's needs drove her in one direction, but common sense still managed to warn her of danger. If I gave in at that moment, I would be hopelessly lost.

Seeing that she hesitated, Travis dropped his arms.

— I just ruined my reputation, didn't I? — He tried to smile. — There is no denying that this was an onslaught.

— It was not quite like that. You were just trying to cheer me up.

— Don't believe it. Your fiancé's luck is that I pride myself on never taking advantage of someone who can't defend himself. Now I think we had better go out to dinner.

The next day, they were on their way to the club to play tennis when Bettina saw Ralph in a crowd. — Pare o carro! — she screamed.

Luckily, they were on the right-hand lane and Travis pulled up quickly. Bettina got out of the Mercedes and ran after her ex-colleague, drifting through a group of tourists and almost falling into a baby carriage. It was noon and there were a lot of people on the street. When she straightened up and looked straight ahead, Ralph was nowhere to be seen. He ran in the direction he had taken, but it was no use.

When Travis caught up with her, she caught her arm excitedly. — I saw him! It was Ralph! He was here a minute ago, but I lost him. We have to go after him!

Travis looked around at the intense movement of people and realized that the chances of finding him were very small. In order not to upset her, however, he said nothing.

They walked through the blocks, entering alleys and researching the interior of the stores. Bettina led the way and Travis followed without complaint. Finally, she also realized that the search was useless.

— Are you sure it was Ralph? — asked Travis as they returned to the car.

— Have. His beard was a little longer and his clothes were rumpled, but it was him. Ah, Travis, can't we do anything? It is incredible to think that Ralph was right here within reach. Where else can we look?

— I do not know. He could be anywhere now: in one of the department stores, or on another street. It was a stroke of luck that we found him in the center of the city. There are so many tourists here that it is difficult for anyone to stand out.

— Ralph looked more like a beggar than a tourist. There was a girl with him, didn't you see?

— A foreigner?

— No, I think she was from here.

— That may have been how he lost us for so long. If you met a city girl, she may be hiding Ralph. Well, the important thing is that he showed up. We should have some news soon.

— Oh, Travis, that would be wonderful!

— Yeah, it would be fantastic — he said, looking at Bettina's excited face.

As Travis had predicted, that night they received a call from one of the informants. Ralph had been seen in a neighborhood near downtown. Their exact location was unknown, but they were working on it.

— Can we go over there and look for him? — asked Bettina, as soon as Travis passed the information to her.

— It would be silly. My men will locate him, if he is there. We would achieve nothing, and besides, I don't want to see you in that neighborhood at night.

None of Bettina's arguments worked and she was forced to give up, even though she knew she would spend the night without sleep, such was her nervousness.

Her first reaction to learning that Ralph could soon be located was one of joy, thinking that the long search was almost over. Then, when freedom already seemed imminent, he realized that living with Travis was also coming to an end. It was useless to tell herself that this was the best thing that could happen to her. The idea of ​​never seeing him again was hard to accept. Bettina was so shaken that she didn't even notice that he looked sad, too.

They decided to have dinner at home that night. At the table, Travis raised his wine glass towards Bettina.

— How about we make a toast to Charles? It looks like you'll soon be with him again.

— I prefer to make a toast to you. For everything you've done for me.

He lowered the cup, knocking it on the table.

— I don't want your gratitude!

Bettina looked at him, startled. I did not understand the reason for the sudden change.

— I did not have the intention...

— Excuse me. I think this whole period of inactivity is disturbing me. I am used to taking care of my problems, instead of letting others solve them for me.

Bettina looked down. The moment she had dreaded so much had come: Travis was bored. If it weren't for her, he would be actively participating in the pursuit of Ralph, inspecting dangerous places and drinking with people who could provide information. Instead, he was under an obligation to accompany her everywhere, doing things he might detest.

— Well, with any luck, you will soon be rid of me. — She did not look up and therefore did not notice the sad expression on his face.

— It was no sacrifice, Bettina.

— Not for me either. I will always remember you, Travis. — When she noticed that those words sounded very revealing, she forced a smile. — And I'm going to buy all of your books.

— It's always good to get another fan. What do you think about going to the movies?

Glad to have managed to lighten the atmosphere, Bettina accepted the invitation. I just needed to maintain self-control for a little while longer and everything would be fine.

Bettina was getting dressed the next morning when she heard the doorbell. Heart pounding, she finished putting on the blue cotton dress with a wide belt that accentuated her slim waist. "Maybe it was someone with news of Ralph," she thought anxiously.

The previous night with Travis had not repeated the pleasant moments they always spent together. He looked distant and cold. The relationship between the two started to deteriorate and it was time to end it soon, while they were still friends. He needed to go home and reorganize his life, which had been out of control since the day she arrived in Yahren.

She heard voices in the room and hurried on, curious to know what was going on. A man in a beige uniform sat at the table in front of Travis. They both got up when she entered.

Bettina went pale when Travis made the introductions.

— I would like you to meet Captain Hasheed. He works for the federal police.

— I didn't want to disturb — she said, trying to control the tremor in her voice. — I'm ... I'm going to finish what I was doing.

— Don't go, miss. Dale. — The policeman stopped her. — I came here to see you.

— To see me? Because?

— Mr. Hunter is one of our distinguished visitors. When I heard that he was hosting a charming girl in his home, I was sure it would be someone I should know.

— It's very kind of you, captain — she murmured.

— We are very interested in anyone related to mr. Hunter. He has been involved in several ... feats ... some on his own.

Travis laughed.

— No hard feelings, I hope. Nothing was taken during that raid on the ministry's office and the event even helped to strengthen security.

— Also, you have never been prosecuted.

— Because it would be absurd to assume that I was going to do something with illegal intentions. — Travis's face was a portrait of innocence.

— Opinions differ, sir. Hunter. For example, some people might not consider it a crime to shelter a young woman wanted for questioning, as long as she was very beautiful ...

— Well, at least I can't be accused of anything like that. Once Tina and I got engaged, I am no longer allowed to look at other women, am I, dear?

— Well, congratulations! — The policeman's eyes turned to Bettina, watching her stiff posture. - I suppose this is a very recent fact.

Travis put his arm around Bettina's waist.

— No, we have known each other for almost a year.

— Oh yes? So I imagine they intend to get married soon. Or is it that Miss. Is Dale planning to go home in a few days? — The captain looked like a cat waiting, attentive, next to a mousetrap.

— Would you let such a charming woman out of your sight? — asked Travis. — In fact, we're getting married this week.

Bettina looked at him with a shocked expression.

— Travis, we can't ...

He kissed her, interrupting the startled words. After making sure she was silent, he turned to Hasheed with an indulgent smile on his lips.

— Women always think they won't be ready in time.

— When is the wedding? — asked Hasheed impassively.

— On Saturday. I'm sure you will excuse us now. Tina has a million things to do.

The captain stood up.

— I understand. One more thing before I leave. It's just a formality, of course, but since I'm here, I could see Miss. Dale?

Bettina went cold, but Travis remained calm.

— Our passports are in a safe at the Bank of Yahren. Since we didn't plan to leave your beautiful country, we thought it was the safest place to keep them. — Travis looked at his watch. — It is a pity, but the bank has not yet opened.

— Maybe I can join you there later.

— Certainly, if you are not bothered by the uncomfortable notoriety that the fact can assume.

The policeman suddenly seemed to be cautious.

— I don't think I understand.

— The newspapers may come to the erroneous conclusion that Tina and I are suspicious of something. You must admit that it is unusual for an officer in your position to perform passport checks.

— It is unlikely that the press will take notice of the fact.

— You may not know it, but reporters seem to have a sixth sense for such events.

— I understand. — The officer pursed his lips, looking embarrassed.

— I knew you would understand. — Travis smiled, polite. The two men faced each other like poker players at a high stakes table, each assessing the strength of the other.

— It is unfortunate how often small newspapers run fantastic stories without any evidence to support them. — observed Travis, smiling again. — They are quite capable of increasing this small fact to great proportions. I can already see the headlines: "Well-known writer and his bride threatened with arrest in Yahren". Of course, there is always a positive side. Such advertising could sell another hundred thousand copies of my books and draw some attention to Yahren as well.

The frustration of a hunter watching his prey escape from the trap shone briefly in the captain's eyes. If Travis was bluffing, he would not carry on the veiled threat to call the press, but Hasheed could not take the risk.

— Yeah, maybe you're right — said the policeman, hiding his disappointment. — Since the subject is not really important, we better forget it.

— As you wish, captain.

Bettina's nails were already making deep marks on her damp palms when Hasheed walked to the door. She was beginning to breathe a sigh of relief, but the policeman still stopped in the lobby and turned to them shrewdly.

— One more thing. I know I am taking an unforgivable freedom, but I would love to attend the wedding ceremony.

Travis remained unperturbed.

— We will be pleased to receive you.

The captain said goodbye with a smile and left. Travis closed the door and looked at Bettina, prepared to hear her reaction. She looked furious.

— How could you do that? Invite you to our wedding!

— He was the one who invited himself.

— You could have declined the invitation! But what am I saying? You should never have invented this story!

— Calm down, dear, and analyze the facts. Hasheed suspects you and, even more, me. If I told you that you were just my guest for a few days, he wouldn't leave you alone until he subjected you to a rigorous interrogation ... and I don't believe you could endure such a situation. As my fiancee, you have a certain immunity. I am well known and he cannot risk questioning you unless he has some evidence against you.

— Okay, I understand why I told him that we are engaged. But why did you have to say that we're getting married?

— Hasheed is not a fool. He knows that anyone can claim an engagement, just as it is easy to say that we have a wedding scheduled even if this is not true. That's why I wanted to be invited to the ceremony. Yeah, the captain was smarter than me this time.

— This is not a game, Travis! Do you see the confusion you got us into? What will we do now?

— Let's get married — he replied, calmly.

— You must be crazy! We can not do that!

— Why not?

— Why, because we don't ... we don't even know each other well!

— I would say that we have known each other a lot this past week. We seem to share everything except a bed.

— I hope you are not imagining that this will change!

— Only if you want.

Bettina felt her heart sink when she realized that she had just agreed to the wedding. The thought made her shudder, but what other way could she have? Travis was right about the cop. Captain Hasheed needed proof that they had known each other for a long time, and what proof would be better than a wedding ceremony? But why would Travis be submitting to that? Just to get a point on the old opponent?

— We'd better go out and buy your wedding dress — warned Travis.

— Is there no other way?

— I am open to suggestions.

— Oh, it's fine. At least we will have no problem getting an annulment.

— I'm shaken! — he complained, pretending to be upset. — We haven't even had our honeymoon yet and you're already talking about leaving me.

Bettina was hurt. Travis seemed to be taking this serious matter as a joke!

— I'm sorry that I can't face things as carefree as you do, but this is not the wedding I've always dreamed of.

— Then you can marry Charles. When that happens, at least you will already have some experience.

Bettina looked at him startled, noticing the malicious smile on her lips. In the midst of the confusion he was in, he had the distinct feeling that he had fallen into a trap.