Chapter VI

Travis was so keen that Bettina bought a wedding dress that he decided to accompany her and help her choose.

— It is not necessary — she protested. — You already bought me so many clothes! I can wear one of the dresses I have.

— There is nothing suitable in the parts I bought. I did not know, at the time, that our relationship would blossom so quickly.

Bettina felt terrible. In addition to his own situation, there was the fact that Travis was being forced into a marriage he had not chosen and had no way of avoiding it. If they tried to cancel the ceremony, Captain Hasheed would fall on them like a hungry tiger.

— I don't need anything special — she murmured. — After all, this is not going to be a real wedding.

— Since this may be the only wedding I will be attending, I would like to do everything right.

Bettina looked down and pretended to examine her nails.

— You will definitely remarry someday.

— It depends a lot on you.

— What do you mean by that?

— If I like the rehearsal, I might want to co-star in another film.

— This theater that we are going to perform will not give you any idea of ​​married life — she protested indignantly.

— Because? We will be living together, going out as a couple. Perhaps I will domesticate myself.

Bettina did not imagine that this could happen. Travis was like a wild tiger, proud of his freedom. He didn't seem willing to change his way of life.

— You won't be married long enough, "she replied.

— Never know. — The dark eyes looked at her enigmatically, making her look at him uncertainly.

— Do you mean to say that you do not believe that we will find Ralph?

— No way. We already found it, remember?

— And what good did it do us? I have doubts as to whether this marriage is worth carrying out. If the police catch me sooner or later, everything will have been useless.

— You are just having a natural premarital anxiety.

— And you are the one who is provoking this in me! — Travis' insistence on treating it like a real marriage was driving her crazy!

— Are you afraid that I will demand my rights as a husband?

— You have no right! You will not be my real husband and we have already agreed on this point!

— You are wrong, my dear bride. Next Saturday at this time I will be legally your spouse.

— Only on paper.

— You look like a frightened virgin, but I imagine that is not the case. Of course, you and old Charles became ... very close ... since you were engaged before he divorced.

Bettina thanked the heavens for having invented that Charles.

— It is good to know that you remember him.

— Let's see if you will also remember — he murmured, holding her by the arm before she could react. — We'd better start shopping, my dear. We are in the nick of time.

— I wish you were more reasonable, Travis. No one will see me, except you and the priest.

— Don't forget Captain Hasheed.

— How could I? Anyway, I don't think he's expecting bridesmaids and an organist playing the wedding march.

Travis snapped his fingers.

— I had forgotten about the music! It's one more thing to put on the list.

— You can not be serious! Are you going to set up the whole ritual just for one man? There is no need for so many devices just to convince you.

— You don't want the guests to say that our wedding was sloppy, do you?

— What guests?

— The Fletchers, of course, in addition to Jeff and Marge, and everyone else you've ever met, plus a few others that I made friends with in my last stay here.

Bettina could feel her stomach muscles tighten.

— Are you going to tell everyone that we're getting married?

— It will be very difficult to keep secret after we ask for a marriage license. By the way, it is better to deal with this bureaucratic part right away.

Bettina had not anticipated all the complications that awaited her. It was obvious that people would find out about the wedding. The web of lies tightened around her.

— I don't think you should make things worse by inviting everyone.

— I don't see why.

— A few days ago I told them that I was engaged to another boy. What will they think if we suddenly prepare a big ceremony?

He arranged a shiny lock of hair behind Bettina's ear, before touching her neck and looking at her with a look that made her shiver.

— They will think that, after spending each day and night together, we fall in love. It was not planned at all, it just happened.

With all her senses on alert due to Travis's disturbing proximity, she found it difficult to focus on the immediate problem.

— I ... how could I have forgotten my fiancé so quickly? — he asked in a low voice.

Travis's long fingers moved over Bettina's sensitive skin.

— Maybe you didn't really love him.

— It doesn't make me an honest person.

— I do not agree — he murmured.

Bettina gathered all her willpower to resist seduction. He had already seen situations in which Travis was a great actor and knew that he could pretend to be in love to get what he wanted after they were married. She was not so foolish, however, as to fall for that trick.

She turned away from him and continued the conversation in a nonchalant tone of voice.

— So, for all intents and purposes, we fell in love. Still, don't you think it is unnecessary for us to arrange a big wedding?

— I think that, if not, it can raise suspicions. After all, this is the first time we've been married and we hope this great passion will last forever, isn't it?

— This brings two more problems — said Bettina, without responding to the provocation.

— Which are?

— The most important thing is the way we are going to act together. People will expect us ... well, everyone will be watching ...

Travis smiled broadly.

— It won't be a problem for me. I am a very affectionate man. What disturbs you the most?

— You are having so much fun with the situation that you have not yet thought about the consequences. When we find Ralph, I will be a free woman. What are you going to say to your friends when I'm gone?

— No explanation is needed, because I am going with you. When I manage to get you out of the country, there will be no more reason for me to stay here. I need to go home and work. For all intents and purposes, we will be returning to the United States together. Then, when I see them again ... Well, how many marriages are lasting today?

— You have an answer for everything, don't you? Judging by your idea of ​​marriage, I'm glad that ours isn't real. to be continued