Unusual Cottage & The Girls In The Kitchen

When Chervil saw the cat turn its head on their direction, he quickly grabbed Fanies shoulder and vanish from there and appearate in the small living area downstairs.

"Your Highness, that man shouldn't be trusted!", Fanies whispered with orgency in his voice as he could not believe what he saw and heard. Did he just heard the cat talked?

"Could you shut your mouth, Fanies. For once.", said Chervil with a serious expression he sat on the couch near the fireplace. 'My grandparents knew Dion's family while grandmother description of the place is similar to this one. Just what they know?... And that cat, none I've seen before. Did it just speak or...', he thoughts thus looking at the burning woods on the fireplace that was now turning to ashes.

Fanies could only clenched his fist at the response of his Prince while he stood on the side.

They saw the door open, and the two girls coming in then bowed at both of them without a words, and went to the kitchen.

Chervil stood from the couch and walked towards the stairway while Fanies was about to follow when he turned and stop his aid from following then went up, and the room where the girl was being opened and saw Dion coming out.

Dion sighs. "That one was really crazy. To think he used that form while wondering around and even called me an idiot.", he said and shook his head and was about to go to another room when he saw the Prince standing there looking at him seriously. "Chervil, I'm so sorry. I just need something to grab for the girl to wear."

Chervil walked towards Dion. "What with the unusual self, Dion.", he said and pat Dion's shoulder with a smile.

"I'll just grab her something to wear.", responded Dion and went on the middle room while the Prince was following behind.

"Is it okay if I come with you?"

"Yeah, I guess.", he open the door and entered the room, hence the room the girl was put are on the right side where the stairs were.

When Chervil entered and saw the room he didn't know why but he felt nostalgic all of the sudden. "Is this your sister's room?", he asked looking around and saw some paintings, one was on the floor while the two was hanging on the wall. "You know... This place has a similarity of what my grandma's stories were, as she would love telling me and my siblings of her life experiences when she was still in her homeland.", said Chervil while looking at Dion who's busy trying to find things for the girl to use.

He heard Dion chuckled and saw him open one of the cabinet and says, "Chervil, that aid of yours was suspicious of me for a while now, and his trying to get you to be suspicious of me as well. Ain't this suspicious to you, then?", he then get one pair of shoes from the lower cupboard while replying, "And No. My sister's room was the one that girl's currently using now. This room belongs to someone who's important to our family."

Chervil nodded, 'So, this one was owned by someone. And I wonder why does it feels so melancholy in here.', he thought while watching Dion closing the cabinet. "Somehow, I am but not this time...I mean, your words sometimes is, and how you said something that isn't makes sense.", he said walking towards window and sway the curtain to looked at the night scenery outside.

"Well, I don't denied my words were sometimes isn't that reasonable enough and so did my actions but that's for the best.", Dion replied opening the other cupboard where the other things are being kept. "Sometimes you need to take the path that others don't for you to take them on the right track even if that's mean they'll going to turn their back at you."

He saw Dion opened the next cabinet that surprised him to see so many dresses inside, and the quality of the dresses were high and the design of each isn't the same. Chervil walked forward to look at it more closely, and Dion was trying to choose from more than twenty inside with different designs that were quite unique, nevertheless, what confused him was that in every dresses there is a symbol of rose design embroidered lining on it.

Thus, in the meantime at the small living area, Fanies was left there as he was being stopped and asked not to follow, he could only clenched his fist while standing there like a statue.

'What did that Dion done to His Highness to trust him... that inhuman?', Fanies thought angrily he looked around and walk towards the kitchen. 'It's obvious that this place wasn't ordinary.'

He then saw the girls who were making meals, and he could not believe of what he saw: the two girls are cooking like they were really good at it, they didn't even talk to each other and just having an eye contact like they're talking through their eyes. As he observed them, as one was placing the plate on the table with foods on it, Fanies mouth watered at the sight of the dishes that were for vampires while most of it is a human food which was convenient knowing what Dion's line-age.

However, what astound him was that how will they could cook and prepared the vampire food with their age, and it's more like they're experts of the night creatures.

'The place and this cottage are so different...", Fanies thought while watching continuesly at the girls as they cooked, like bloodrace, blood soups and more but most of the foods were made for human.

The door opened and a young man who went out awhile ago entered the cottage with an elderly man following him behind who wore a black suit and a hat with a bag on his hand.

Fanies thought that the man was a human but when he looked closer he saw the men's eyes were faded red that he concluded that the man was a vampire of the tenth generations.

"Where's the patient, Sir?"

Fanies heard the man asked and assumed the man was a doctor, 'But, why would he brought a vampire doctor to check the human girl?', he questioned his own mind while looking at the man.

While the young man didn't spoke a word and just lead the way to where the girl was while the doctor is following him behind.

As the two man went upstairs, Fanies followed them with his gaze whist he looked again at the two girls who were busy preparing dinner, and it seems they aren't bothered about their surroundings while he stood at the kitchen entrance, continued observing the girls then he heard them conversing on each other.

"Aren't you done slicing the fruits, yet?", asked the one whose preparing the food at the table. "Want my help? I'm almost done here."

"Yes, that would be great.", said the other girl while slicing the fruits and after she finished a small smile appeared on her lips. She wore a black off shoulder dress and a white apron was on her waist. "If you're done with that, can you takeover these and slice a bunny shape? And please stir the heated blood on the vessel while I gather some herbs cause it seems Master Dion would needs some for the girl."

Fanies frown because of the way they sounded while talking as if they were chanting a song in his ears, thus he lean himself against the entrance wall and continue listening.

The girl whose preparing the dishes at the table, who wore a pink off shoulder dress and a white apron smiled when she saw him, "Sir, would you like to have some while waiting? As it looks like they're still attending on the girl. We're almost done the preparation."

He heard the girl spoke to him while she walk around the table double checking the food, and went to the vessel on the fireplace to stir the blood, whist talking to him.

"And I just need to stir this heated blood then continue on slicing the fruits, and we're all set."

While other girl whose slicing the fruits earlier went to the sink and wash her hands. "I'm going out now to gather herbs. I'll back when I'm done.", she said bowing at them and went outside the cottage through the backdoor.

The girl giggled and shook her head while looking at the backdoor where the other girl used as she exit leaving her.

Fanies raise his brow upon hearing the girl giggled, and pull himself to stand went to the table where the variety of foods are, then look at the girl again while still attending the vessel, continues stiring the blood in the fireplace.

"How did the two of you learned how to cook this kind of foods?,", asked Fanies while looking at the girl being suspicious. He narrowed his eyes while observing her expressions., "With your age... The way I saw it, the two of you cooked while just making an eye contact isn't a normal person nor a human can do."

Nevertheless, the girl just keep stiring the blood on the vessel like she never heard anything and her expressions never changed, then she hang the paddle on the side and went to the other table where the other girl earlier was slicing the fruits, and she took hold the knife, started cutting the apples and form it into a bunny shapes.

Without getting any response from the girl, the aid walked to where she is and keep on watching her slicing an apples to a bunny form, observing her when he heard the girl say in a boring way.

"Everyone can learn if they wanted to, did they not, Sir?", questioned the girl without looking at him and just continued on slicing the fruits, then she turn her head to look at the aid who was on her side, "And stop staring at me while observing my actions with your calculative gaze. Don't you think its rude, Sir? The girl with me went out because of that."

He was shocked by the girl's words and look away immediately, he tried opening his mouth to revoke but he couldn't form a words then he looked back at her which made him speechless as he saw her bored expression mix with annoyance. And seeing her expressions Fanies couldn't help but laugh out loud. 'How can a human be so fearless? This girls are quite interesting... And to think that this one could face me like I'm one of her kind.', he thought trying to control his laughter.

The girl didn't bothered herself with the man shocked expression and laughed, she just looked down and continued with her work and when she's done she place it on a plate like the others, then carried it to the dinning table which was just winside the kitchen.

"Just how old are you to not fear the vampires, my kind?", Fanies asked sarcastically whist he try suppressing himself. "You know about the food chain, right? If not then I'll be glad to tell you.", he said and smirked.


After the girl place the plates on the table and heard Fanies asked her, she looked at him with an unreadable expressions while answering him.

"I know about the food ladder,Sir. You think your kind were at the top while humans was at the lowest, but still slaves was at the very lowest of the ranks, Sir.", she said untying the apron strings on her body and hang it in the wall.

"Yes, Humans and slaves are below your kind but still... the appearance cannot be trusted.", said the girl trillingly as she stopped walking and turn around to face Fanies with a smile on her lips while tilting her head that could give a chill when one sees her, then turned to went the entrance, "Don't be so proud of yourself, Sir. You might go rolling on the ground and not be able to make a stand ever again."

After saying those words, the girl went out of the kitchen and go to the living area, she put logs on the fireplace to hit up the place and went to sit down on a single couch near the fireplace and grab a book from the nightstand to read silently while waiting.

Fanies looked at her back in disbelief due to what she said as it sounds like a threat, and the way she smiled gave him the sense of danger that he couldn't shook the feeling of the same as their kind that made him pissed off because of the girl's words who's just a mere human.