The Young Girl's Health & Foods For Sun And Moon

On the room where Dion and Chervil were still looking at the dresses for the girl to wear.

Chervil was stunned looking at the dresses on the cabinet as Dion was trying to find some much simple so that the girl could have, he walk forward and look closely while touching the dresses fabric, then he heard a light knock on the door.

"Sir Dion, the doctor is here as you asked.", said the young men and bowed at them as he stood by the entrance.

Chervil then let go of the dress and turn his head on the side to looked at the young men and heard his human friend reply. "Okay. We'll be there in five minutes."

Prince Chervil looked at Dion who still searching, "Let the doctor check the girl's condition first, and ask him if there's something we need for the girl to recover faster."

He then saw the young men bowed slightly without a word and turned to where the patient is, and the doctor was already waiting.

Chervil remains silent and just watching his friend who was closing one cabinet and opening the other whist there's total of two cabinet and a cupboard drawer while thinking about the place their in now, and as his thoughts were running he heard a loud laugh coming from below which he guessed it was Fanies; thus, he wondered what's going on downstairs with his aid to laughed like that.

"Looks like the real idiot were having fun down there.", commented Dion when he heard the laughed and look at his hand that's holding three dresses that was much simpler than the rest in there, and finally close the cabinets went out of the room while he murmurs worriedly, "I just hope he didn't annoyed or provoke those girls down there, it would be a heck of headache if he did."

Chervil heard his friend murmured while they went out of the room and followed him to the other room where the girl are being treated.

He smile and ask,"Worried about my aid who you sent flying this afternoon?", he chuckled and glanced at the portraits on the wall as they passed then pat Dion's shoulder to assured his friend. "Don't worry about those girls, Fanies won't harm them."

Dion sigh out loud. "That isn't what I'm worrying about, it's the other way around.", he said and sigh again. 'When was the last time he saw those girls like they were going to destroy these whole Kingdom.', he thought and shivered as he remembered those past years.

He hold the handle of the door and open it wide enough to enter the room, and the doctor were checking the girl's condition while he pass the dresses he chosen for the girl to use and wear to an elderly woman who stood at the side.

"Did you take her clothes off?", asked Dion glancing at the girl under the quilt.

"Just what do you think of me, stupid?", questioned the elderly woman while she looked at Dion who turn his attention suddenly on her with confused expression. "Of course, I took her dress off. It would be worsen her condition if she keeps wearing those."

Dion just smiled at the elderly woman while on his mind, 'This old punk! Did she forget her position! And besides I was just asking, I never thought of her as stupid!', then turned his head to the doctor who still checking the girl while he murmured, "Well, sometimes I did. Like these ones."

Chervil whose following Dion entering the room while watching and hearing the elderly woman responded infront of them, he couldn't help himself but smirked and he wondered what is she here and to Dion.

"The patient isn't in critical condition now.", the doctor spoke suddenly while turning his attention to them and looked at Dion with his faded red eyes. "Since Mrs. Alze already treated her wounds, I just need to check her pulse and her breathing which is in good shape. And about her pale complexion, it because she stayed wet without changing that caused a discoloration and also she haven't eating for the pass three days or so.", the doctor said while arranging his things and put it inside his bag.

He stood straight and looked at the people who were in the room, "She just need to eat properly when she woke up and hope she'll be back to her old condition. I will give the medicine needed tomorrow. For the time being you can just give her fruits to restore her health."

"Thank you for checking on her condition. And for coming here over a short noticed.", Dion said and raised his right hand as he shook with the doctor, and then glanced at the young man on the side who nod, "Eilwe will be escorting you back to your home."

A few moments after, Dion and Prince Chervil followed went the elderly woman pushed them out of the room saying she needed to tend the girl, and so they just decided to went down and grab something to eat as Dion could no longer hold his hunger.

As they went down the stairs they saw the girl at the living room reading a book as she sat on a single couch near the fireplace.

"Thashie, where's that man with us earlier?", Dion asked and peeked on the book the girl named Thashie was reading. "The one who laughed like a lunatic awhile ago."

Thashie was concentrating on the book she's reading, that she's startled when she heard Dion's voice and tilted her head to looked up with wide eyes then stood up and bowed slightly, "I must apologize Sir, for not responding quickly. However, the man you been seeking just went out fifteen minutes ago."

Dion raised his brow and just nodded while he ask again, "Are you the one who's cooking?", as he touched his gut.

"Where's Navet? I'm famish because of some two man dragging me without informing, I vomited all the food I have ate from the house this morning.", said Dion then went to the kitchen to check what does the girls was cooking while complaining in which Chervil just shook his head and followed his human friend with the girl following behind them.

"Navet and I cooked it, Sir.", Thashie answered following them to the kitchen, "But since you didn't give names as to what do we need to cook. We just cooked the popular food for both kind."

She went to the fireplace where there's a vessel and started to stir it using a paddle. "She went out to gather herbs for the girl."

'You didn't asked!', thought Dion and just nodded as he sat down in a chair at the dinning table where there are varieties of foods while he gestured Chervil to join him as he started placing some food on his plate from the dishs infront of him.

Dion and the Prince sat opposite to each other whist Dion didn't bothered himself about his table manners and the foods infront of him, and just continued placing food he likes into his plate.

Chervil looking at him and the foods infront of them. 'Is he really this hungry?! For him not to notice the differences of the foods that's served.', he thought while having a complicated expression on his face as he continue watching his friend.

He turn at the girl named Thashie whose serving him a glass of blood, and his wondering if the girl and her companion could really cooked as he knew what kind of foods that was in the table.

A vampires special food is a combination of Sun and Moon, it's served as a classic food for elites on special occasion, though it isn't necessary to combine their food everytime because they could just eat both without combining unlike humans who could only eat one side. Nonetheless, there were still some vampires who loves the taste of the combination food of both blood and foods for human. And which they call it comfort foods.

He couldn't help but wondered, how could they prepared it so easily as it's very hard to prepare for those who doesn't have the skills and even if you're from the moon line-age, and especially for humans who belong to the sun line-age to even know the preparation and how to cook the vampires special comestible is unheard because it isn't their way of living.

"Sir Chervil, is there something you would like to have other than what's being prepared?"

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the girl asked while standing there and holding a jar of water, then he saw her poured the glass and put it on Dion's side for the third time while having a relaxed expression on her young face. He looked at her who also glanced at him after placing the glass on the table, and that's when he realised his been staring at her for sometimes while lost in his thoughts.

Thus he wondered how she knew his name as he remembered he just met her awhile ago, and they didn't even talk to them as they took the horses from them. And he doesn't even have any recollection of meeting her neither the other girl at any parties and balls that he attended.

'They didn't seems like servants or maids.', he thought looking at Thashie.

"No, I'm fine. This is enough but...", he said and point his index finger infront of him as he turn his head to Dion, "Does he know the foods were two different kinds?"

Thashie nodded her head. "Yes. He does know about the food having two kinds.", she answered while looking at him. "That's why he didn't bothered himself to pick on the ones that has gold lining at the edge."

After he heard Thashie's answered he look down at the foods and scan the plates edge with his dark red eyes, in which he saw and notice two plates with different edge styles and colors.

The plates that had food for vampires has gold lining at the edge and a zigzag pattern, while the other plates has a black lining at the edge without a zigzag pattern.

Chervil looking around the kitchen with his keen dark red eyes as he took the glass that was served for him at the table, and took a sip from the glass after wiggling it with his right hand.

"Were you and your companion the ones who cooked these?", he asked and saw the girl responded to him with a small nod, and with his voice turned cold he ask again, "Where did the two of you learned how to prepared these kind of foods that belongs to my kind? Because I knew it's not easy to prepare especially for humans."

"Anyone can cook if they wanted to, Sir.", said Thashie looking at him and smiled sweetly. "You just need to have patience and dedication to succeed all you wants. Learning isn't meant to be easy. It meant to be hard and harsh, so that we can learn and know our limits, and once we know our limits, all we need to do is to surpass it while overcoming the challenges."

Though Dion was busy eating his food he heard his friend asking the girl, he slightly took a peeked on his friend and the girl whose standing at the side and when he heard Thashie's answers, his lips slightly curve up listening to them while he continued eating his foods.

"You didn't answer me correctly.", Chervil said narrowing his eyes whist he didn't noticed Dion's reaction as his focused was on the girl, "And how come you know me when I don'teven know you? I didn't saw you at any regale though. Just how old are you?"

"I'm thirteen, Sir.", she said, "And I've known you because your the next in line..." She slightly curtsy and added, "Your Highness, Prince Chervil de La Crista de Questillia. Son of Cedrus and Ashter, current ruler of the Southern Empire and Questillia Kingdom. First grandchild of the former Queen Docellia and fifth grandchild of the late Arch-King, third and legitimate sons."

Chervil was taken a back by the girl's answer, he never thought and couldn't believe that she was just only thirteen years old. He open his mouth to say something but no words comes out.

'She knows how to cook and prepared things like these at her age!', he thought staring at the girl, and he doesn't bothered about how did she have known him as he's the Prince and next in line. He just thought maybe they told them.

Then a moment on, they heard a loud sound of something like it's being smashed coming from outside and the ground were slightly shaking.

All of them went out to see what happen leaving girl inside, and what they saw when they went out was Fanies being thrown at the tea table near the fountain while five meters away from where the aid are was a figure of a girl holding a knife as she walked slowly towards Fanies whose in so much pain due to being sent flying and crashed on the metal table.