Interesting Location

After Chervil left both Dion and the girl at the entrance, he directly went to his study chamber for some documents that he needed to be sign, and thus, found his aid arranging some parchments on his table.

"Your here, Sire!", said the aid startled when the door opened and saw the Prince entered. He bowed while Chervil went to one of the bookshelves, get some documents and walked towards the table where Fanies were arranging the parchments, and sat down on his chair.

"Would you like me to ask someone to bring you some coffee-blood, Your Highness?", asked Fanies after being ignored.

"Yes.", answered Chervil looking and turning the pages of the documents. He just reviewed something before signing the contract related to MacQuíd industrial estate which Dion gave to him awhile back, but he couldn't find it at the table where he left it.

"Did you see a parchment that has a stamp of two Middlemist Red flower on it seal?", asked Chervil when the aid was about to go out.

"No, Sir. I don't.", said Fanies as he bowed and the Prince dismissed him.

Chervil continued to look for it, then after minutes of searching he let down the documents as the door was being knocked, and came a man in a butler uniform with a tray on his hand.

The man bowed, put the tray on the table which has a cup filled with hot coffee-blood, and left the room without a word.

Chervil just didn't bothered himself to look up, as he already knew who it was and just do his business, and other things that's filing up infront of him because of his absence.

He took the cup and drank while looking through the parchments in his other hand.

'These are from the nobles and aristocrats invitations for tea party and birthday this month, they really love boosting their status.', he thought and put down the parchments as he lean back on the chair. "Just a hassle in my part."

Whist, he continued drinking his coffee-blood. He also signed the documents that needed to be sign by him since it's already been arranged by his aid while he was away; therefore, signing it isn't that hard.

After hours of signing the documents, Chervil got up from his chair, took his pocket watch on his side and looked at the time which was pass one o'clock in the afternoon, and thus he decided to go to his chamber to change.

While on his way, he saw Fanies walking toward the direction of his study. "Arrange the documents that's already had my signature, and turn the nobility documents that's already have my signature to father while leave the rest on the table.", commanded Chervil and walked pass the aid who bowed.

He walked up the stairs. He then remembered Ellah, wondering if the girl had done eating her lunch as he instructed Dion to attend the girl. Chervil walked through the corridor and went to check on little Ellah, he knocked and when no one answered he then open the door, and saw the girl who was laying on the bed without cover, he also noticed how she turned into a ball due to the wind that's coming from the open window.

And, he wondered where did Dion gone to when he instructed him not to leave the girl's side.

"Children are really troublesome.", said Chervil in a whisper as he walked to the bed and cover the little one with blanket. "And where's that man right now?"

"My... Quite a surprised."

Chervil heard from behind him. And when he turned to the opened door he saw Dion there leaning on the door-pane while having a look of curiosity in his eyes.

"I didn't sees you tending someone before even to your sister when it comes to a stuff like this.", stated Dion.

Ignoring his friend statement. Chervil walked pass him to go out and stopped as he heard a light chuckled coming from Dion while closing the door behind them.

"Like you're always with me to see it.", Chervil said irritated.

"Not because I acted ignorance doesn't mean I haven't noticed anything.", said Dion putting his other hand on his pocket and lean back on the door. "Indeed. You care about your younger siblings in a different level but I've never seen you do such thing to them. But then again, you have your own way of showcasing it." He then grinned after.

"Like how you keep ignoring my questions.", said Chervil walking to his room that was at the other side. He then turn and looked at Dion who nodded and grinned at him. 'Just like an idiot, I see.', he thought looking at him and sigh before asking, "Did you gave her, her afternoon meal already?"

"Well... When I came back as I asked Mrs. Rophia to tend on her while I go checking something. Thus, when she got here to deliver the food, little Ellah was already falling asleep, though.", answered Dion. He took something from his pocket which was a green envelope and handed it over to Chervil, "I bit you've been searching for this at your study. I found it on an interesting location though, which shouldn't be there on the first place."

Chervil looked down at the green envelope, and he frown. Taking it from Dion to have a closer look, thus he recognize the color, in which he asked, "I've been looking for this on the study but didn't found it. Where did you found this?"

It is the parchment his been looking for, the one that has a stamp of Middlemist Red flower on it seal from MacQuíd Kingdom which he remember Dion put it on his study chamber table. Two days off the time before he received the letter brought by Falcon which was an ordered from his father, and thus they left, went to see the village where the massacre took placed.

Chervil wondered where was that interesting location because he did asked his aid, unfortunately Fanies said he didn't saw it there. So, he's curious about where did Dion found the envelope.

"Like I said, on the interesting location.", answered Dion turned to go to his chamber which was on the other side of the corridor to change into a much comfortable clothes.

Therefore, Chervil just let go of their conversations, hence, before he enter into his room and change. He says and commanded Dion, "Ask someone to arrange the things she needed while she's here."

"Yes, I will...", replied Dion and went to his chamber.