Annoying Guests & Special Guest

The wind are blowing smoothly through the opened window as Fanies was arranging the books on the bookshelves.

Prince Chervil was on the couch sitting, and in a foul mood. He has a document on his right hand while on his other hand was a parchment that had a monthly reports of their empire, as his comparing the status of each other Kingdoms of their empire.

A while ago, when he was done changing his clothes and rested for thirty minutes, he went back on his study chamber to continue what he had left behind which was the documents that he needs to sign. Hence, when he entered the room and saw that it was empty and the aid was gone, while the things that he asked to be arranged was never been touch.

He was opposed to having an aid who always following him behind and always nagging at him which he wasn't that found of; but, because of his father, the Arch-King who was so persistent and insisted that he should have one: saying, he needed one to help him with the empire's duty and to assist him whenever his second and third in command was not present.

He sigh, went to the table where the parchments and some other documents, then starting rampaging things on the table to find what he seek and after he found what documents and parchments he needs, he walked to the couch where there's another table leaving his messy table, and put down the documents.

He walked again toward the bookshelves on the room, then starting rampaging the books, and went back to the couch with the books he needed.

Thus, this was what his aid saw when he entered the room. Fanies was shocked and dumbfounded to see the books on the floor, so does the other documents and parchments. He looked at the man whose sitting on the couch while looking through the documents in his hand who doesn't bothered himself with Fanies entering, and he could sense how annoyed the Prince was.

He wondered if the third-in-command or someone said something which made the Prince in a bad mood. Fanies walked inside without a words through the messy floor with cautious not to stepped on anything which was laying there, he picked up the parchments and other stuff first; then after, he arranged and put the books again on it right shelves. It took him two hours to almost completely arranging all the mess on the room.

A light knocked was heard coming from the door, then came a woman who wore a light brown leather coat that reached her knees, a black leather boots, while her inner blouse was white.

She walked inside with the documents on her hand. "I see that you've done with your little vacation,", the woman said as she sat down on the single couch opposite to where the man who has a pensive expression signing the documents. "How was it?"

However, the Prince didn't answer her. He just continued signing up the documents like he doesn't heard a thing.

She looked at the aid who was on the other side arranging the books in order on the bookshelves. The woman raised her brow wondering why the Prince was in a bad mood. She thought of something looking at the aid's back. "Fanies,", she called and smile when the aid turned to her, "I want you to run an errands for me to the next town. Buy the things that was listed on this parchment.", said the woman and wave the little parchment in her hand.

The aid nodded, walked towards her to get the parchment that had a list. He bowed before he went out of the room with the parchment, and a small bag of coins that the woman had given him to pay for the things.

"What did he do again this time?", questioned the woman when Fanies was out of the room, while leaning back on the couch as she's curious why the Prince was upset.

"Laziness took over that man.", answered Chervil annoyed. He's looking through the documents. "So I do a little rampaging things around here for him to arrange, as it seems the things that he should be arranging wasn't enough for him.", he said nonchalantly.

After the woman heard the reason, she couldn't helped but laughed. "By little, you mean all the things that was in these room, right?", she asked chuckling and when Chervil nodded his head. "You're cruel.", she said and laughed again.

"You're quick, Céllistáh. Did you made your horse fly again?", asked Chervil then lean back. When he saw the woman nodded. He smirk amused.

Céllistáh then put and tossed the documents she had on the table as she says, "These are the reports you asked of me to do there at MacQuíd Kingdom," She then reached out on her pocket and get a red envelope with black ribbon tied around it with a Z stamped on it seal. "And this's from an old acquaintance wanted me to hand it over to you."

Chervil took the envelope, and when he saw the seal, he frowned looking at the stamp. "This is from Lord Lexviéth Zalq. It has been two decades and a half since we last met. Dion once told that Lord Zalq and his wife were gone somewhere to the east.", he said and Céllistáh nodded because that was also she knew, but they doesn't know how could they enter the east empire without any problems. "We should invite him this coming festivities.", he added and put the envelope on his pocket to read it later.

Céllistáh nodded looking around the room which she found it very weird and curiously asked , "By the way, where's Dion?"

"Why? Missed him already?", asked Chervil back. He chuckled when he saw Céllistáh rolled her eyes. "I assigned him as a babysitter for the meantime. We have a guest, and she'll be staying on the room next to yours.", he said while a knock on the door was heard.

"Come in.", said Céllistáh when Chervil never bothered himself about the knock. And when the door opened, she saw a young woman wearing a maid uniform who bowed at them as she entered and asked, "What is it, Daisy?"

The young woman bowed. "Pardon my interruption, Your Highness and Lady Céllistáh... But his Highness has guests waiting at the drawing room.", said Daisy while she stood.

Chervil looked up and raised his brows a bit annoyed. "And who was it?", he asked.

Céllistáh could tell how he dislike having some visitors when he had things to be done.

"Lady Lyah, Lady Qallzan, Lady Rosie, the earl's daughter Lady Meridetch with Duke Vower, your cousin Prince Maxxille and Sir Larzo...", said Daisy as she remembers the guests name.

Chervil nodded his head, and instructed Daisy about what to be done, "Tell them to prepare the dinning hall as I don't plan on going to the palace, and please ask the kitchen staff to prepare only the normal foods."

He could feel the gaze of the woman infront of him who has a curious expression while staring at him, but he just ignored it.

"Then, task someone to inform them at the main Palace that I'm not able to join them as I have guests here.", he said and dismissed Daisy who bowed at them and went out while closing the door behind her.

Daisy was a human in her late twenties. She was a replacement of her late mother seven years ago who has been working in the palace ground for thirty years. She has brown eyes and black hair that was tied in a bond, she was in charged of the maids and servants by the Prince himself at his own mansion. The head maid walked towards the hall and clapped her hands to get everyone's attentions as she called them on the hall, instructing the maids on what they should do, and after that she went to the kitchen where the other are busy chatting while doing their chores and when she entered they all become quiet.

"Mrs. Rophia?", called Daisy and when the woman came to her while asking what she needs, "His Highness has said that he'll be staying here with his guests, and that you should only prepare the normal foods."

Mrs. Rophia nodded and instructed the ones who were in there on what to be prepared for dinner and asked Daisy after about who's the guests.

"The higher nobles and aristocrats of the society.", said Daisy indifferently.

"Sir Dion does informed you about the child that was on the room opposite to his highness chamber right? His highness doesn't allowed any guests to use that one, except one person though.", asked Mrs. Rophia curious.

Earlier, when the third-in-command came to the kitchen, asking her to attend someone who was at the room upstairs and brought a porridge as Dion had something to do at the main time which was a shocked to her, as when she opened the door she saw a little girl at the bed, sleeping soundly.

"Is that child a vampire or...", she asked and was interrupted by Daisy.

"If we still want our life, we should make a blind eye. Besides, I've heard about the massacred that took placed week ago, so might be that child was from there... So, let's not concerned ourselves with that as we have some other things to do.", said Daisy. She turned and walk towards the entrance of the kitchen to go and went out.

* * *

Meanwhile, Chervil and Céllistáh were still on the room, he looked through the documents that Céllistáh handed to him a moment ago from MacQuíd Kingdom as he asked her on the letter, whist his second-in-command was kept ooking at him. And, it made him somewhat annoyed.

The Prince noticed Céllistáh keep staring at him with disbelief expression, and he sigh inwardly. "What?", he asked even though he knew why she had that kind of expression.

"What.", said Céllistáh and chuckled softly when she saw the prince irritated expression. "I'm just curious to know what got into your mind as you never instructed Daisy befo-"

"Because she knew what to do and doesn't need to be instructed.", said Chervil, cutting Céllistáh's words.

"Yes, I know... However, I'm more curious about the fact that a girl was staying on the room next to mine, which you never let some visitors to use it except Charlette... I would love to know why you let her stay there. That room is a privilege to sleep with.", said Céllistáh with meaningful tone. Excitement and curiosity is seen on her face and eyes.

While glancing on the opened window, he noticed the dusk color of the sky, thus Chervil said in a whispered, "Curiosity could kill a cat."

"And satisfaction brought the cat back to life.", Céllistáh said as she giggled and grin showing her white tooth and fangs when she heard what Chervil said.

Chervil heard his second-in-command, he smirked and took out his pocket watch to looked at the time and says, "Let that curiosity of yours make you restless. Go, see her. I think she's awake now and introduce yourself to her, and bring those two down with you to have dinner."

He stood up from the couch and walked toward the door leaving his work behind, as he said the last sentence in such dislike tone. "And as for me, I have some annoying guests that need to attend."

Chervil's attitudes made Céllistáh wondered what annoyed him everytime he got so many guests without occasion when it's normal on their society, and besides he is a high ranked person.

"I'll go to them later. I will just stay here for a while and have some rest.", said Céllistáh and leaned back as she closed her eyes. "Have an entertaining conversations with them, there."

"Likewise. Let's talk about other stuff in the future.", said the Prince and walked out of his study chamber, went to the drawing room to greet and see his guests.

* * * * * * * * * *

The hall was quiet with only the sound of crickets that could be heard outside the mansion through the opened windows. He walked through the hallway alone and stopped by the window, looking up outside where the moon was half full.

As the servants and maids were busy at the kitchen preparing the dishes and on the dining room arranging the things.

It has only been five decades ago since the moon begun to appeared again throughout the entire empires over the course of centuries.

Many centuries ago, the moon suddenly banished and never seen on the night sky through the entire empires, not even a shadow; hence, none was ever recorded why would it banished, even those on the past never knows why the moon disappeared. Thus, they never know why would it appeared again fifty years ago, just when they thought it was gone forever. And, for what reason behind the moon's banishing and it appearing again was still unknown.

Chervil remembered an old folklore once said, mostly on their kind; that when the moon disappeared there was something happened that involved his line-age and is to happen that made the moon to appeared again, but they never know what is it which held them responsible of the moon disappearing and it appearing again on the night sky.

"Grandfather once said, we're going for the better. The changes and chances is what you bring when you appeared again. But, what changes that my deceased grandfather was talking about... It's silly to assume.", he said in a whispered as if he was talking to someone while looking at the moon and started to walked again.

When he reached the right corridor and enter inside as the double door was already opened. He could hear the place filled with chatters and laughters from his guests as they all sat on couches there having an early evening tea, whist waiting for him.

A young lady who noticed the design on the man's cloth said, "That design was from the new known tailor, right? It realy looks very nice on you, Sir Larzo." Her red eyes scanned the man.

"Ah, Yes... Looking pretty in black and royal blue combination as well, Lady Lyah.", said Sir Larzo. Sipping his cup of coffee after complementing the young lady infront of him. He's a pure blood vampire and just like Chervil's generations whose on his late twenties appearance.

Lady Lyah smiled charmingly as she acted like a coy. "My father bought this dress from western land by a traveling merchants for me. It is so expensive but the quality of the fabrics are very nice.", she said while touching the dress fabric.

"I've heard that the western land has the most expensive fabrics that's why the prices are so high, but at the same time it is a very good quality.", says the lady who has a dark red eyes sitting beside the Duke. She glanced at the entrance and noticed a shadow of a man walking. "Lady Rosie is an expert on that since she always bought a new dresses from western empire.", she said with a smile looking at the woman infront of her.

The woman just giggled and sipped her tea. "I've got the saying, the more higher and good the quality, the more expensive it is.", said Lady Rosie after while and the others nodded their heads in agreement.

"Well... We are the higher up after all.", said Duke Vower who was a vampire and all of them nodded and laughed together.

This was what Chervil heard when he walked inside, which he could only bare the noise. His not that really fond of such noisy atmosphere while talking about rubbish society things.

When the lady saw him, she smiled and stood up followed by her companions as they also saw the prince walking inside, and bowed their head to greet him.

"Good evening, Your Highness!", says all of them in unison as they bowed.

Chervil stood there as they greeted him with a pensive expression that shows nothing but a cold expression. Then, he smiled politely like when he was talking with his siblings and friends. He then said while sitting down on a single couch crossing his legs, "Indeed... Wonderful evening to you Ladies and Gentlemens."

"Your Highness, I've heard your little vacation with Sir Dion after your investigation about the massacred with the council. Does you enjoy it?", asked Duke Vower as they all sat down.

"Yes, I really enjoyed such a peaceful environment."

Lady Rosie said taking her tea cup from the table, and was cut off by Chervil. "That's good. I thought your human friend brought you some trou-"

"He isn't just a simple human, Lady Rosie... You're talking about my third-in-command who can put a well fight on one of the commanders...", said Chervil quietly leaning back as he looked at the lady. "And he isn't trouble at all. In fact, he's more reliable than anyone else."

Looking at his guests with such stonic expression like there's another meaning behind his words. They all got reminded of him, his deceased grandfather their previous King; and which made the lady to shut up. The other laughed at the way lady Rosie was shut, and also to ease the ambiance of the room as they could sense that the Prince was annoyed about it.

Sir Larzo stopped chuckling and said to avert the conversation, "Ahh, yes. Lady Lylah and Lady Meridetch here were planning on going to Dylarianion Kingdom two months later after the Cold Lanterns Fest. Would you perhaps like to go with them to attend the Willow Festival, Your Highness? Well, since your grandmother, the former Queen was from there."

"I don't have plans for the next two months as I'm always busy with my work.", responded Chervil as he could hear a foot steps from outside coming near the drawing room.

"Can't you have some fun for a while? It's been a long time since we go out without business in our hands,", said the man at the far corner. His reading a book which he got from the bookshelves beside him. He drank his coffee-blood and looked at Chervil, then said after. "You should go with them, Crist. You always stuck with your duties as the future ruler. You can't even take care of your own needs nowadays."

Chervil chuckled darkly in amusement. He knows they all just wanted him to slack off and find out his weakness then stab him on his back, since of his birth.

'Your mother was my grandfather's child from one of his mistresses before, thus you have the right to rule this empire if it weren't of the council's laws.', thought Chervil and said to the man, "No need for you to worry about my needs, when you can't even give me those necessary needs."

He then looked at the ladies with a forced smile, "I'm sorry Merid but my hands are full and there's a matter I need to attend. "

"Oh, no. Not a problem at all, and besides I know how busy you are. We can just go together some other time elsewhere.", said Meridetch as she waved her hand.

"Maxxille here can go with you ladies as my stand instead since he wants to go...", Chervil said and looked at the man who smiled as his eyes were on the book he read. "I'll ask his Majesty to give you permission to enter Dylarianion Kingdom, attend the Willow Festival and also to get the documents about the land in two months time."

"Really?", said Maxxille while turning his head and said with an unbelievable expression. He closed the book and looked at his young cousin with disappointment, "But I want us to go there."

"Oh. So, you don't want to. I can just sent Dion then.", said Chervil looking at him as he supported his head with his right hand and a stonic face. He raised his one brow.

How did he had such a family. Annoying cousins and annoying guests, he sigh inwardly thinking about it. 'Oh, how great!', he thought annoyed.

"Alright.", said Maxxille with a forced smile.

"Sir Maxxille will going to love the Willow Tree Festival. Since this year there has to be a traveling circus preforming from western land.", said Lady Lylah with excitement visible on her voice.

"That's good then.", said Chervil in a bored way.

Hearing about it, Duke Vower was surprised to hear

and said, but he was being cut off by Sir Larzo. "Oh my... But I thought it wasn't-"

"Apparently, it's been approved by the our council. And, I've also heard that the council were planning a linkup with the western council and hold a Council Test here in our empire for the aspiring councilors this coming years."

"Why would the Southern Council do such a thing? This is unheard.", asked Duke Vower while raising his brows. He looked at Chervil, "Your Highness, can't you look into this matter? Why would we want to open up with the other lands?"

"This is just a trial only. However, it was my grandfather's proposal before when he was still alive, thus the process just proced these days.", said Chervil and looked at outside the opened windows where the moon are now illuminating the night sky.

Whist he, himself does not know the real reason behind the former Arch-King's motives and actions. For awhile now, his been thinking of it. Why would his deceased grandfather proposed something outrageous like that back then to the Western Empire and Council, which their Southern Empire's Courts has been approved and are processing it even these days? Are they going to invade the west or something? And if not, what was the purpose?

Chervil had so many questions on his mind but he couldn't seem to get the answers he wanted. Thus, he just let go of it and said, "And as for the Circus. Duke Alphonse Viéche had it first many decades ago as an attraction for the mean event on MacQuíd Kingdom which the council their King and the current Arch-King has been approved of it too."

"Well, if it's been done before then I think there's no need to worry and opposed to it now. Besides, the council knows what they are doing, and so did uncle Cedrus.", said Maxxille with a smile.

Chervil and the other ladies nodded their heads in agreement and so did Sir Larzo.

"Indeed. And it will be worth our time and effort just to go and travel there.", said Meridetch as she nodded her head and took a sipped of her tea.

"Oh. well... I suppose so...", Duke Vower said with a forced smile sipping his tea silently. It looks like he was the only one who's opposed to it.

Time passed by quickly, Chervil was just sat there with a bored expression while listening to them and just nodded his head when was asked as the conversations changed.

Then, a gentle knocked was heard coming from the opened door as all of them were busy talking to each other, and when they looked at the entrance and saw Daisy who stood there. She bowed at them.

"Pardon my disturbance but dinner is serve, Ladies and Gentlemens, Your Highnesses.", said Daisy politely.

When Maxxille saw Daisy, he stood up immediately from where he was sitting, walked towards her and then took hold of her hand while caressing it softly. "Hello, you look lovely Miss Daisy. Do you mind coming with me and assisting me for tonight with your delicate hands?", he asked seductively.

"I gladly...", Daisy thrillingly said. Taking her hand back and smiled politely, thus she continue with her words, "...Decline your request, Your Highness. And rather be eaten by wolf than be one of your victims."

Chervil smirked at his young head maid responded, 'What an obedient child she is, and even directly said she doesn't want him.', he thought.

Maxxille couldn't see his reaction as he was at the center facing the windows while the entrance was at his back, and the others too were chuckling amusingly.

"My... This is the first time I saw and even heard someone declined you, Prince Maxxille.", commented Lady Rosie mockingly after she heard the maid declined the offer on one of the Princes

He was about to slap the young head maid who just stood there like a statue for saying such a humiliation of his status as a Prince while he said, "How dear you? Your boldness will leads you to dea-"

"I believe what she said has meaning to you Maxxille since you have a fiancé, and yet, you have four concubines.", said Chervil. He then looked at the others who was infront of him and calmly stood up from the couch as he walked to go out of the drawing room after saying, "Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, let's continue our conversation at the table. Shall we?"

Thus, they all stood up and walked out, went towards the dinning room after Chervil. As he went his way first followed by Daisy who only bowed to Maxxille without fear that could be seen on her face. And Maxxille on the other hand could only glared at the young head maid.

* * * * * * * * * *

Inside the dinning room. The maids were busy serving the food at the center of a long table where the guests and the Princes were as all of them are enjoying their conversation, and whist waiting for others to arrive.

Daisy was giving instructions to the servants and maids as to where to put the dishes while helping the others as she's arranging the dishes on the long table as they're ignoring the guests conversation.

Prince Maxxille was glaring at the head maid who never looked and even bothered herself with the threatening glare as she just ignored him. Continuing on her job. Perfectly.

Chervil was listening on Sir Larzo story about the slave who's able to escaped from one of his relatives manor three days ago, which they're trying to track the whereabouts slave until yesterday afternoon when they heard a news from the council who was sent to search that the slave was dead when they found it by the alley.

"It is unfortunate since they bought the slave with high priced as the auctioneer said the young slave was well docile.", commented Sir Larzo. He shoke his head in disappointment.

"That's indeed a disappointing. In our mansion, we tied them up so they won't escape and when they mess up, we beat them... after all, we bought them high priced. They should know their place.", said Lady Rosie with a proud tone. She looked at the others who nodded in agreement of what she said because they would do the same, "You know... slave were you born, slave you were to die. They're just a group of dogs in our society."

Chervil was bored listening to the conversation when Lady Rosie butt in with a proud statement of what they would do with their slaves. 'I so wanna kill these women. This is the reason why slavery should be minimise. There's no good having an empire of slaves.', he thought annoyed.

"Ohh! Have you heard the news, Your Highness? There's a killing happened two days ago at the edge town. They said it was a slave who killed the master.", said Lady Qallzan with a terrified expression looking at Chervil.

Upon hearing it. Chervil raised his brow in curiosity. He didn't heard Dion mentioning it, when his third in command would always giving him his update of what commotion he heard outside the palace. "No. I haven't heard of that news. Well, since I'm just arrived this morning after almost two weeks as we've investigated the resent massacred."

The Earl's daughter was just sitting there silently and just listening to the conversations. She would nodded her head with a smile every now and then as a responded when she was asked whilst glancing on Chervil who was at the far end.

Prince Chervil was sitting at the far end of the table, his cousin Prince Maxxille was sat on his right side next to Lady Rosie and Sir Larzo who was talking about the recent events that took placed in their society. And on his left side was Lady Qallzan, Lady Lyah, Duke Vower and Lady Meridetch.

Duke Vower and Lady Rosie raised their brows when they noticed the dish that was being served infront of them by the maids is an ordinary food and not the special food that was usually served everytime they would to visit, and also the drinks were made of fruits and not the usual blood.

"Unusual, isn't it? The kitchen staff and the maids must have though we're humans for them to cook something very normal like their kind.", said the Duke mockingly.

The maids and servants stopped their track for a moment then continued doing their job, whist Chervil just ignored him.

A light foot steps was heard coming from the entrance, then they saw Céllistáh boarding a smile at them walking towards the other side of the table. She took a seat beside Maxxille who was startled and confused because she didn't usually sat too close, and there's usually one chair gap between whoever and whenever she sat on. This is the first time Maxxille saw her sat down without having a gap.

"Actually, Duke Vower...", said Céllistáh. After she sat down comfortably, she looked at the Duke who looked at her curiously as to why she thrilled down her words and notice how she took a glanced at the far end where the Prince sat. "It was Prince Chervil who instructed Daisy to asked the kitchen staff to cooked only the normal foods, and besides it is very delicious to eat."

She overheard the conversations that transpired as she walked in, and thought to entertain herself. Though, it wasn't a lie when she said the normal foods were delicious. It's more delicious than the ones they called special food which only the difference is that it mixed with blood.

Duke Vower was not expecting it, though. The others were nervous as they all thought it was the decision of the cook, that when they noticed a while ago that the Prince didn't react while the maids brought the food out. They would never expected that the Prince was the one who requested it.

"Céllistáh, where's Dion?", Chervil asked Céllistáh ignoring the other. Glancing at the entrance whist he was enjoying the nervousness of his guests right now. "I thouht I told you to bring them down."

Céllistáh answered him while looking at the entrance as well. "Our new babysitter? He was just following me here with our special guest, when your cute special guest stopped walking, so he asked me to just went on here without them. They should be on their way."

Chervil just nodded. He knew young Ellah is still adjusting herself over the death of her family and friends. He understood her because his grandmother was a human too... Like her. He saw how much his grandmother struggled when his grandfather died.

Death is not a scary thing, rather, it is the solitude that follows the one who you left behind.

"Who?", asked Sir Larzo looking curious.

Meridetch was curious to know who is the special guest that Céllistáh spoked about and turned to Chervil who frequently looked the opened door, "Who is it, Chervil?"

"Who's our special guest you spoken about, Lady Céllistáh?", questioned Lady Qallzan curiously.

"You'll all know once they got here.", answered Céllistáh and smile. She could see how curious their guests were. She was like them a while ago when she went to the girl's room. Curious.

"Curiosity could kill a cat, indeed.", she said while chuckling and looked at Chervil who has raised his brow hearing it from her as it was his words to her earlier. Thus, looking at the moon outside the window.